Awesome! A few things. A new cpan distro is going to appear. Moreover we have a roadmap plan now and on of the things on it are a parrot parser so that users will not have to compile sdl bindings and our work will carry over into perl6.
If you can mention this that would be great!
P.S. One of my personal goal is to have a game library better than pygame. So contact me when you start work

Kartik Thakore

On 5-Aug-09, at 2:00 PM, Thomas Klausner <> wrote:


I've been dabbling with SDL for a few months, and as I
think that the lack of an easy way to code cool games is one of the
reasons we don't get much fresh Perl blood, I've set out to write a
small game during YAPC.
Reading about Kartiks efforts to make SDL installable also motivated me.

Anyways, I've coded up a small and still rather stupid Space Invaders
game, which you can for now only get via github:

I guess I did a lot of stupid beginners mistakes, especially regarding
the event handling. Patches (and RTFMs!) welcome :-)

I'll eventually make the game a bit more interesting and also put it on
CPAN, after I've added some missing dist stuff (LICENSE etc) and
actually make the assets (for now in 'stuff/' installable (which I know
how to do, just haven't cared about yet))

My long-term goal is to work on some gaming labrary that should make it
easy to write new games (cf 'pygames'), but I'll definitly have no
'round tuits' in the next few months (big deadline..)

Anyway, thanks for SDL!

for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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