there are several versions
most bootlegs out there of the winter shuddertothink tour had em...
you opened my eyes
while/when i was sleeping

the eneding i remember hearing more than once...
along the lines of:

you are the light of my life
thank you so much

At 01:01 AM 3/17/99 -0500, Brian (Ansigod) McCall wrote:
>I don't have any boots of the 1998/1999 tours (yet), but...
>> also, that part on in circles.....where he says something like "you
>> opened my eyes....and so on"....
>> does anyone know those extra bonus lyrics????
>...I think these go something like:
>You opened my eyes / when I was sleeping / You came to my side / thank you
>so much (or "thank you jesus" or "thank you someone")
>These are almost always improvised lines so the shows I've heard my be
>quite different than the ones others have.  It's just a guess.  briansi
>          :; `:.  .:'  :;     .;'  :' |
>:.        :;   `:.:'    ::  .;'   :'  | 
>:::;:.    :;     `       ;.''    :'   | 
> `:. ``;:.:;  ..:::''''''::..   :'   .| Ansigod
>   `:.   `` .;''           ``;. :.::``| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     `:    ::                 :: `   .|
> ..::`    ::          :;  :;   ::  .;'| .../~bpmccal/sdre.html
>;''       ::   .:'    ::  ::`:.:: :'  | .../~bpmccal/moam.html
>...       ::     `:         ;' :: `::.| .../~bpmccal/hum/
> ``:::...  ::      `::....::  ::     `| .../~bpmccal/hollow.html
>      ```:  `;...     ```` ..;'  ::'''|
>SDRE    :`    ```::,,,,,,::''     `:  |
blake t.                    "Band of the Week:  Cursive"
Aol IM Screen name:  zentropa7 
ICQ:  2062810                        

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