<<<I never understood the vinyl thing, except for the collectible  >>> 
<<<aspect. If I have a high quality CD, why would I want to listen >>>
<<<to vinyl?                                                       >>>

I don't know about the rest of you people, but here's my two cents.
I've always found with bands that have little to no 
sampling/keyboards/electronics, it sounds purer and better on a vinyl 
record rather than a CD. I can't really explain it, but it just does. 
I've never had the oppourtunity to hear SDRE on vinyl, but the three 
bands I've heard, Dead Kennedys, Sublime, and (dare I say it) Foo 
Fighters, all sounded a lot better on a vinyl LP than on a CD. I guess 
it's jsut one of those mysteries of life ...

On a different topic, in the same lane of thought as that guy who left 
his J. Enigk CD all over the place and got his family hooked, I recently 
came back to visit my family in Arizona from California. WHile I was 
gone, I sent an MP3s of Pillars, ESTYA, Days Were Golden, J'nuh, Red 
Elephant, Friday, Song About an Angel, In Circles, and Sometimes to each 
member of my family down here: father, grandmother, two uncles. My 
grandmother ordered HIFTBSO and Diary on vinyl, father and one uncle own 
all three SDRE CDs, and the other uncle owns LP2. Pretty good progress 
                                         Thanks, and have a Sunny Day.
                                         Charlie... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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