They're playing in the HUB ballroom.  The reason only UW students can buy
the tickets normally (this isn't for sure yet) is that the ASUW (Associated
Students) helps pay for the band and booking and all that to make the
tickets cheap.
    As for why Sunny Day would play at UW, there's plenty of reasons, and
most of them reflect on the Seattle music venues.  There are two types of
shows in Seattle:  all ages (aka a lot of high schoolers and younger people)
and 21 and over (aka bars).  This kind of leaves most college people
somewhere in between.  Plus shows are normally expensive, so this is a way
for Sunny Day to play for a bunch of potential fans who may go just because
they've heard good things and the concert's cheap.  plus, there's 35k people
at uw, so i'm sure they can sell out a show no problem here.


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