<< OK.  Dude:
 I found myself in New York this weekend (and lucky me, the Pot Fest was
 held this weekend as well, hehe).  I strolled down to a record store in
 search of Sunny Day, tracked them down, and flipped thru a pretty
 extensive collection.  The images on them were relatively crappy, and
 there was no mention of SubPop anywhere on many of them, so I presumed
 that several kids had put together compilations or live recordings or
 whatever, and somehow the store bought them.  There were three odd CD
 covers on the rack that were simple brown paper with minimal writing.  I
 grabbed the perfect one, noted the handwriting looked like Jer-yummy's,
 but immediately dismissed it, flipped it over to find a heart w/
 "Jeremy" written in it, and thought, "How gay.  Why the hell would
 someone do such a corny thing as pulling the lead singer's name in a
 heart?  Duh."
 As I was making my purchase, I asked the guy behind the counter if the
 CDs where made by the public, and he half-scoffingly replied, "We get
 stuff through the record companies.  Sunny Day's a small enough band
 that they'll make a thousand copies of a recording and distribute it."
 So idiot girl here, slowly starts to piece all the glaring evidence
 together, after being blinded by cynicism.  The three brown covers must
 have been a product of Jeremy, and whoever else, spending hours upon
 hours in a studio next to a stack of live recordings, copying them onto
 CDs, armed with paper bags, scissors, glue, a couple different color
 pens, and cutesy little stamps, intending to identify and engineer
 little pockets for those CDs.  Um, dude, that seriously KICKS-ASS!  That
 is so EXTRAORDINARILY thoughtful, he wins many a_little_red_star for
 such an endeavor.
 Does anyone know anything about these?  Anyone seen them?  Any idea how
 many exist?  Am I completely off-base on them being handmade by the
 demi-god himself?
 I intended to scan the cover, and I will if anyone wants to see it, but
 I can't do it right now... >>

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