ah...a bootleg put out by some "super SDRE fan" in search of a few bucks.
They are limited to 100 but the funny thing is, I've seen well over a
hundred of those damn things(i've even seen number 25/100 fpr sale
elsewhere and the crazy thing is that I own #25/100!!!)... Don't be
fooled...they aren't limited to 100, and even if they were, who cares
anyway. Oh wow they are **RARE**.. yeah but seriously....make anything,
give it an edition of 100, and in this world it will be considered "rare".
It's a bunch of bullshit... let's do some math..
1) CD-R cd (around 3 bucks when bought at bulk)
2) one piece of paper bag ...1/2 cent
3) two inches of yarn... 1/4 cent
4) red marker...1.50
5) paper for insert...1/2 cent

YOU PAY: 10-17 dollars
YOU LOOSE: 4.48 to 11.48 per bootleg bought.
SDRE MAKES: 0% profit.
SOME LOSER BOOTLEGGER MAKES 75-90% profit per cd bought.

Bottom line:  Fuck bootleging unless it is for yourself or for no profit
what-so-ever.  Bootleging is for talentless idiots who need a better
hobby..get a job.

so pass up the next bootleg you see.

have a nice day :)

> Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: Lil' Red Hearts
> Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 9:02 PM
> Hello-
> So tell us...what was on these cd's?
> *Agnes*
> >>OK.  Dude:
> I found myself in New York this weekend (and lucky me, the Pot Fest was
> held this weekend as well, hehe).  I strolled down to a record store in
> search of Sunny Day, tracked them down, and flipped thru a pretty
> extensive collection.  The images on them were relatively crappy, and
> there was no mention of SubPop anywhere on many of them, so I presumed
> that several kids had put together compilations or live recordings or
> whatever, and somehow the store bought them.  There were three odd CD
> covers on the rack that were simple brown paper with minimal writing.  I
> grabbed the perfect one, noted the handwriting looked like Jer-yummy's,
> but immediately dismissed it, flipped it over to find a heart w/
> "Jeremy" written in it, and thought, "How gay.  Why the hell would
> someone do such a corny thing as pulling the lead singer's name in a
> heart?  Duh."
> As I was making my purchase, I asked the guy behind the counter if the
> CDs where made by the public, and he half-scoffingly replied, "We get
> stuff through the record companies.  Sunny Day's a small enough band
> that they'll make a thousand copies of a recording and distribute it."
> So idiot girl here, slowly starts to piece all the glaring evidence
> together, after being blinded by cynicism.  The three brown covers must
> have been a product of Jeremy, and whoever else, spending hours upon
> hours in a studio next to a stack of live recordings, copying them onto
> CDs, armed with paper bags, scissors, glue, a couple different color
> pens, and cutesy little stamps, intending to identify and engineer
> little pockets for those CDs.  Um, dude, that seriously KICKS-ASS!  That
> is so EXTRAORDINARILY thoughtful, he wins many a_little_red_star for
> such an endeavor.
> Does anyone know anything about these?  Anyone seen them?  Any idea how
> many exist?  Am I completely off-base on them being handmade by the
> demi-god himself?
> I intended to scan the cover, and I will if anyone wants to see it, but
> I can't do it right now...<<

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