alright i have to speak my mind about this whole deal with "emo becoming the 
next in thing"
as we all know, emo has done alot for some people. especially sunny day real 
estate. Emo means too much to the kids that are really involved in it to 
become the next "in thing" emo , like hard core, gives them a sense of 
confinment. We all take it seriously and with this talk about having it 
become the "in thing" it would all be ruined if it is let to become the next 
mtv craze. 
when i started to read that i dunno ironicly i was listening to sunny day and 
my heart dropped. i just felt in a way i had lost something. it was this 
feeling of sadness that you dont get from many things. its not 
describable....just like the feeling that emo music gives you. i want nothing 
more then to be able to share those same feelings with all that want to have 
them...but having emo become another in thing isnt the way to do it. it will 
get taken for granted....missused....and make me rather upset.
alright i'm sure that all sounded dumb but thats how i really feel about all 
love. crystal

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