In a message dated 8/23/99 9:11:07 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< perform,  I literally found myself awestruck, staring at Jeremy and the 
way he
 handles, plays, and just makes amazing rhythms and chords and sounds with his
 guitar.  It would really bring tears to my eyes.  And the thought still does.
 Anyone else who has seen them live has probably had the same experience.  I 
 there is so much feeling there.  You can feel Jeremy's pain, and you want to
 help. You can see Dan is actually have a good time.  That is what sets them 
 from any other band in the world, feeling. >>

Not to be ignorant in what you said but I have a question? Anyone might help 
me--why is Jeremy in so much pain?  I mean a tear to your eye--I see Sunny 
Day live and im just like hot damn they just get up their and rock.  But why 
waste your experince seeing them to cry about it--seems ummm just well just 
seems like not the thing to do--(sorry not sure how to put it cause im not 
here to offend anyone)--I mean yeah the lyrics and the music is wonderful but 
some of the points the guy made that you were responding to were true--it 
seems as though if sunny day ended up being that way that it would scare you 
because you wouldnt be able to cry about seeing like Limp Bizkit--cause then 
people would be like what the hell--well unless you were 12 watching the 
BackStreet boys cause you needed to cry cause you thought they were so fine 
or whatever---anyways Im reading what I wrote and it didnt make much sense 
but if anyone would like to disect it and give me some input on it that would 
be great--but oh yeah I just watch Dan the whole time cause hes into it--why 
be depressed right?

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