> And on a final note, I think people listen to mainstream bands and groups because
> (with most of them, anyway) it takes nothing on their part.  They can sit there
> and easily absorb it without any thought, and it shouldn't be that way.  It takes
> thought and understanding to like a band such as SDRE.  It is the same deal with
> paintings and art.  Most people would want to look at something like a simple
> landscape, painted with perfection. They can look at this painting and say "Wow,
> this is really good, it's a painting of a house and a barn and a field, there's a
> horse, and look at those clouds."  And that's OK, i guess, that painter has
> talent to paint something lifelike, but a painting by Salvador Dali or Marc
> Chagall takes thought, and people just don't like that.  Dali and Chagall have

They don't like to think?  Why do you say that?  Prove that they don't
like to thing.  Prove that Brittney Spears doesn't make them think.  Or
are SDRE throughts inherently superior to BS (how apropos!) thoughts?
Where's the golden standard to compare levels of people's thinking?  Who
says that most people like to look at simple landscapes?  Who says that
THINKING is better than just absorbing anyways?  Who says that still lifes
aren't better than Dali?  Why do ou say that to listen to SDRE makes
youthink?  Don't fan exists who just like to listen to the music without

If youc an answer all of htese questions definitivly, then I'll believe
that SDRE are Gods in Disguise, otherwise, they're a kick-ass band and
that's it.

Don't get me wrong.  I think tha tSDRE are great too and they DO make me
think and I find them infinitly better than any other band.  But I don't
htink that just because I think this, that it is so.  

This was my point in the beginning - it's too ego-mastubatory to believe
something like that without evidence, proof,a nd standards.

If everyone's so big on thinking, start thinking about alternatives -
other reasons or possibilities or explanations.  DOn't accept one
explanation and explore others.  Espescially avoid ones that are too 'fit'
- that compliment you as well as the band.  There's usually a simpler
explanation for everything that doesn't play to our fantasies of being
greater than, even though of course it's natural to want to be.

That's it and that's my call - to question your own beliefs because once
you believe something, it's doubly likely to be untrue and it's extremely
likely that you will close your mind to other explanations.

But enough of this.  Too off-topic.  Brian, where's the SDRE news you said
would be up soon?  I'm dying out here. :)

                        * "The coast is clear!
Lance Ferris            *  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    *  (Tides rush in, 
Psychology              *   pull us farther undertow)
McMaster University     *     - Cursive

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