i know that i am going to come off completely closed-minded and elitist 
here, but its fun to play the role of the antagonist...and it's not sooooo 
bad if i own up to it first, right...?

my thoughts on radio and popular music in general go as such... i think that 
the MAJORITY of the crap *ahem* i mean the music that is popular out there 
is popular because it is easy. it is mindless. you don't have to think about 
it...just a catchy little ditty that gets stuck in your head. i think a good 
deal of the radio-listening population of this world is in denial. and i am 
not trying to say that nobody but us really deals with their problems, but 
it is easier for people like us to connect with bands like sunny day because 
we know how it feels. we've shared some of the pain. we understand it. i've 
heard people comment on emotive music in disgust, wondering why everyone was 
so f-ing depressed and couldn't just suck it up. maybe i'm getting too 
ethereal here but the reason we (--and pardon for my overgeneraling for 
everyone) cannot be moved by most popular music is because it is not deep 
enough for us and maybe in the back of our minds we know it is just 
"assembly-line" --mass produced to keep the throngs of citizens content and 
in denial while the rest of us have set out on a mission (maybe not 
intentionally at first) to seek out music that inspires us, strikes a chord 
within ourselves, expresses for us what we cannot express... or not. or 
maybe it just sounds good. and i completely rambled about absolutely 
nothing. all i know is that when i first heard sunny day 5 years ago, my 
life was changed. at least my view of music. and i will forever consider 
sdre the most amazing band i have ever heard. and i will continue to cry 
every time i see them. and i will get off my soap box and stop divulging 
more information than anybody wants to know.


>Subject: [sdre-l]: gods?
>Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 12:48:44 EDT
>hey all
>     i've been reading the stuff about sdre being gods and so forth and
>then i read someone's comment on that (sorry i forgot the name...you
>deserve recognition) and i totally agree with them. everyone likes
>different music and to them their music is just as important as sdre is to
>us. hearing ricky martin i'm tempted to use words like fake and all, but
>how do i know what he's really feeling? someone else could listen to him
>and go "yeah, i totally agree with him. it's so moving."
>...but at the same time, i think a lot of people just like to turn on the
>radio and listen to it and maybe they genuienly like what they hear. that's
>why i think it's only the catchiest and popiest music that makes it because
>if a song is not immediately catchy and you hear once or twice, it's no big
>deal right? so maybe mainstream fans should give sdre some thought to, eh?
>if you've had enough of me rambling, you can stop reading here. hehe.
>p.s. i just really got into "guitar and video games" all of the sudden. i 
>listening to it and all the sudden it just hit me...it reminds me of my ex
>(awww?) thank you sunny day.

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