hiftbso should be put into its proper place beside the other 2 albums.  each 
has its own style and flavor and should be looked at separately.  however, 
they all have unmistakable things in common as well, and people who love 
sunny day will realize that hiftbso is just the next step in sunny day's 
musical evolution.  who knows what the next album will sound like?  i hope 
everyone will listen to it with an open mind without coloration or 
expectations from the other 3 records.  a lot of people on this list had a 
hard time with hiftbso at first because they had the record already written 
in their minds, in their mold of sdre.  i hope sdre breaks that mold once 
again.  so, keep an open mind. i know thats hard to do.  good luck.


  np.  new american football.  this album is a true masterpiece.  complete 
from top to bottom.  extremely clean sound that touches the soul.  thought 
provoking and draining.  god, when i listen to this i know that fall is 
coming.   i can hear it walking.  get it, get it now.

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