Well, as you may have guessed from various little postings that have been
on this list and the website, this is going to be a very special album.
Like you mentioned, the name is "The Rising Tide" and we've heard Dan
mention that it's going to be both a concept album and that it is
'haunting'.  I wasa bit curious about all of this and had some ideas of my
own, so I went behind the scenes and phoned Dan and got the following
information out of him!

So far, everything's been put out there for you to figure it out, but
they've also put out a bit of misinformation - for example, The Ocean is
not going to be on the album - as you may be able to tell, it is neither
haunting nor much of a concept (other than oceans and tides).  The sick,
twisted truth of it all is that they have completely, admittedly, sold out
- the title is a bit of a jab at that, because what rises with tides?
Sales, of course (as in, the sails on sail boats rise as the water
level rises - sales, sails, get it?).  This is thier last ditch attempt at
mainstream popularity, and if it fails they will go back to doing music
like Diary so as to at least sell to thier fan base.  

"What do you mean, a sell out album?" I asked Dan.

Dan - "Well, that's the concept.  Sorta.  We said it was a concept album
but everyone thought it would be christian or earthy or something but in
reality, it's an album of cover songs."

Me - "Cover songs???"

Dan - "Yup.  But not just any cover songs. Not of obscure indie bands -
no, if you want to play with the big boys you have to cover some of thier

Me - "So you're covering mainstream hits?"

Dan - "Yup.  We started out with N'Sync's new one, 'Bye Bye Bye', because
Will, Jeremy and I can all have a line there where we each say Bye in
succession.  We've got some wicked harmonics going on.  Jeremy tried
screaming it for a while but the record company suits explained a few
things to him and he's a regular Ricky Martin now."

Me - "Ricky Martin???"

Dan - "Actually, that's another one of the concepts.  What with Santana,
Christine Aguileria, and Ricky Martin being so huge lately, we're changing
our names so we seem more Latino.  More ethnic.  It's all good.  We havn't
decided on the names yet but we're at least practicing up our dance

Me - "You guys are going to be dancing while playing instruments?"

Dan - "No!  No way!  That's just crazy, man.  We're going to do lip sync
from now on so we aren't bogged down by our instruments.  Truth be told,
Joe Bass got cut because, and I swear, all that guy can do is the 'pogo'
dance you see in mosh pits where kids jump up and down.  Can you believe
it?  He just isn't hip."

Me - "So, uh, what else in on the album?  What other songs are covered?"

Dan - "We've got this wicked one of Jeremy singing a duet with Brittney
Spears.  She's pretty cool once you get to know her.  She took us shopping
at the Gap and we look a lot better now.  Other than that, a few of the
other ones include a cover of that LFO "Summer Girls" tune, except we're
indie, y'know?  So we couldn't have Abercrombie and Fitch in it, so we
were stuck for a while as to what to put in it.  Then, one day we were
just sitting around, trying to figure out what would be a real
'alternative' store to put in as a reference to all of our old fans, and
Will came up with it right out of the blue - American Eagle.  Great, huh?
Our fans shop there now, don't they?  Well, after they hear this cover
tune they sure will!  What else... there is of course the standard
Backstreet Boys cover.  We tried to go on tour as openers for them but
they dissed us.  That hurt.  Jeremy cried for a while, but we said in a
few years, they'd be BEGGING us to open for them.  Our main goal is to at
least crack the Top 40 charts.  No more of that college radio shit.  If
nothing else, we have one song that's just going to rock the crap out of
you.  It's a cover of Foo Fighter's "Big Me" song. We had to BEG Dave to
let us use it, and he finally agreed.  He's such a cool guy.  Sometimes I
wonder what would have happened if I had gone to Foo instead of Nate and
Will.  (medium-length pensive pause)  Damn."

Me - "So there's no new songs on the album?  At all?"

Dan - "Well, sorta.  We've redone one of our old songs, Grendel.  People
were always mad that we couldn't play it at the shows because it was just
too studio.  So we did a little tweaking, and it's ready to play now!  The
title of it is going to be "DJ Jazzy Jeff Grendel Remix feat. Will Smith",
it's a dance tune, we're trying to diversify."

Me - "Sounds, uh, interesting."

Dan - "Damn straight.  Anyways, look, I have to get going - we're trying
to negotiate our way onto the Rosie O'Donnell show, and it looks like they
want to see a few of my dance moves.  I'll catch you later, Lance."

Me - "Later Dan.  Good luck with the audition.  Tell Rosie I watch her
show all the time."

Dan - "Will do.  Later."

Me - "See ya."

So there you have it folks.  While not a complete track listing we know
that there's among other, Brittney, Backstreet, LFO, probably a latin tune
or two, and a Foo Fighters song.  Now that I think about it I shoudl have
asked if they were going to cover a Celine Dion.  Sorry, che.  

I dont' know about you guys but I'm marking June 20th as the day I finally
get accepted into the cool circle at my school, and I have Jeremy, Will,
Dan, and especially Ricky Martin to thank for it.  

Just 68 more days!!!!!

> i just wanted to ask if anyone knows the names of all the songs that are 
> going to be on "the rising tide" (isnt that the name?). if so email me please.
> brian
> np: the rocket summer "so far away" (you guys should check this band out, 
> they are really rad) www.therocketsummer.com

                        * "The coast is clear!
Lance Ferris            *  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    *  (Tides rush in, 
Psychology              *   pull us farther undertow)
McMaster University     *     - Cursive

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