
if they haven't put up the site by now, given the vast amount of time they
have had to do it, chances are it won't be up anytime soon. and you can bet
your asses a bunch of harrassing e-mail from a bunch of kids is not going to
make them "see the light" and put up the page.

i doubt that artist direct's inaction is somehow causing the band to starve
to death or go without clothing and shelter; i'm sure timebomb and the
residuals from subpop are taking care of their needs (what else has gotten
them by the past 2 years? i doubt it's been the t-shirt and sicker

hopefully, rather than pester and piss off the fine folks at artist direct
(for whom i'm sure sdre is near the bottom of their list of concerns),
you'll find something more productive and constructive to do.


this message was brought to you by:

jason s.
web: http://www.nwmissouri.edu/~s214560 

>as much fun as that sounds, i think the only thing that'll 
>come out of that 
>is them being really annoyed.  i don't know how much that's 
>going to work but 
>maybe find a more subtle and professional way of handling it.  
>i do'nt know 
>what in the past people have done in order to try to get them 
>to put the site 
>up but i'm sure there's a better way other than pestering them.
>maybe i'm alone on this one, i don't know...but those are just 
>my two cents.

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