i've been folling SDRE since the beginning.  to be honest i was very worried 
about the possible over-productino of the new album (or which i have yet to 
purchase).  but my girlfriend has the album and i've heard it a bit and took 
some peaks on Napster.  i flew down this last weekend to see them at Slims 
and it was the best show i've ever seen from them.  i've always been deeply 
effected by Mr. Enigk live ... what a passionate person.

but to be honest, i think the new album is wonderful.  in some cases, it's a 
shame that the fans hold the band from developing ... i don't even want to 
count the times i've heard "play seven!" at a show ... myself as a musician, 
writing is a constantly changing happening.  SDRE was who they were during 
LP2 and Diary and even looking back at the unreleased recordings.  but 
they've matured and are continuing to do so.  sure there is heavey 
production in RT, but can we all say there was no production in Lp2, HIFTBSO 
or Diary?  of course there was ... Sup Pop is sup pop.

i'm just glad to hear that they are experimenting with new sounds and being 
very successful.  i was in tears half of the show, rivers flowed during "The 
Tearing of My Heart".  i'm not talking tears of excitment, but of pure joy 
and somber pangs -- the music touches me in a way i can not explain ... and 
i feel blessed that SDRE shares it all and that Mr. Enigk conveys such 
passion and Mr. Hoener such joy when they play.  i would pay 100 bux to see 
that same show again without any doubt.

i even lifted my hand up ... it was almost worshipful the way that they 
played and knowing Mr. Enigk's faith backround.  i think it's great that he 
stays true the Lord and reaches many people in such a moving form.

just a note from an emo

adam jenkins
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