It does seem kind of odd that DMB would be Time Bomb's
choice to branch SDRE out.  I mean, I can't say I
don't like Dave Matthews (go ahead, hurl your indie
insults), but they don't seem like the type of
arena-rock band that SDRE is a good match for.  What
about U2 (I think they have an album in the works), or
even Pearl Jam?  The crowds are just as big, but the
music seems much more suited.  That might be better to
bridge the gap between arena-rock-show-goers and the
SDRE crowd.  The members have, as far as I know,
expressed a lot of interest in gaining a much wider
audience than they currently have, and I don't see
anything wrong with that. 

But we're all just blowing wind anyway, since Time
Bomb is going to do what they're going to do and SDRE
is going to do what they think is best for them.  Good
luck to them.  I hope some people in the frat-rock set
are moved the same way we all were when we heard SDRE
for the first time.  That would be a good sign.


--- ". e" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that review was great - hilarious.
> here's my $.02:
> can't stand dave's band, however, his shows always
> sell out and are like $40 
> bucks a pop.  it would be incredible to have sdre
> branch out and gain a 
> wider audience but i don't think it would happen by
> them open for dmb.  if 
> it came down to it, i probably would pay $40 to see
> sdre, if they were the 
> ones that were headlining and playing for around two
> hours.  regardless how 
> much i love them, i wouldn't go to see them open for
> dmb though as i went to 
> see them twice on this past tour for under $30 and
> got to see two good bands 
> and not just sdre.
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