I just thought you guys (and gals) might appreciate a different view, since I get the picture that most people on the list were snagged when they first heard Diary.  I bought LP2 when it came out cause Rolling Stone gave it a good review, I had never heard of SDRE before.  Of course, it swept me off my feet, and I was there the day HIFTBSO, Live, and Rising Tide came out, but until last night, had never heard Diary.  I remember the zillions of posts thrashing The Rising Tide when it came out.  So I guess what I'm getting at is, since I heard Diary and Rising Tide for the first time, around the same point in time, that I would probably not buy another SDRE album if Diary was all I had listened to.  They have come so far as musicians, especially Will's drumming and Jeremy's voice.  Maybe you just shouldn't listen to Diary for the first time after you take Rising Tide out of your player. 
Oh yeah - my girlfriend says Jeremy sounds like "that bald guy, you know, smashing pumpkins".  This could be a short relationship.
One more thing - After Dan got done telling us how much he loved playing Boston - NO BOSTON TOUR DATE!!!!  What's up with that? 
Death and Taxes.  The rest is all you.
Rule #34:  Drunk chicks with biting fetishes do not make good hook-ups.

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