<<  So I guess what I'm getting at is, since I heard Diary and Rising Tide 
for the first time, around the same point in time, that I would probably not 
buy another SDRE album if Diary was all I had listened to.  They have come so 
far as musicians, especially Will's drumming and Jeremy's voice. >>

wow.  comparing just diary and the rising tide (not considering the other two 
albums), i think the vocals and the drums are far far superior on diary.  not 
to say that william has run out of ideas, but just that he seems to prefer a 
much more reserved style on the rising tide.  of course, the songs dictate 
this in a lot of cases.  i like it when he goes crazy (most songs on diary 
and lp2), or just when he does something REALLY original or 
different-sounding (ALL songs on how it feels and a few on lp2).  
unfortunately on the rising tide he does neither.  oh well, the drumming is 
satisfactory and better-than-average on killed by an angel, one, and snibe.  
getting to jeremy's voice, i like it better on diary than on the rising tide. 
 i like it best of all on how it feels, citing two examples of the best 
jeremy's vocals have ever sounded: the verses of "pillars" and the bit on on 
"the prophet" where he says "will you carry me across the sea?  will you 
carry me?" for the second time.  wow, those are great some great vocals.

anyway, i made it sound like i dont like rising tide, but i do.  it just 
happens to be the weakest sdre has done yet.  


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