hey kids,
    first off, id like to mention that i am not currently on this list.  
however, i saw SDRE in Lincoln, NE last thursday and i thought id share the 
info with you.  sorry if some of the information might not be new to you, but 
it is to me...besides, the sunnydayrealestate.com doesnt have shit for news 
and i cant find and recently updated websites with good info about SDRE.  
ansigod, where are you?  anyway, on to my notes...

pheurto skuerto
killed by an angel
the ocean
song about an angel
100 million
faces in disguise
in circles
the prophet
the rising tide

- unlike at past concerts, where crowd response was huge for older songs and 
just mediocre for the new songs, the Lincoln crowd responded very nice and 
LOUD to all the material.  
- the loudest cheers came from after "Pheurto Skuerto", during their break, 
when they came back out, and when they left the stage the second time.  other 
crowd favorites would be "48" and "seven", seroiusly deafening applause and 
- at one point in between songs, Dan said "I can see that we are going to 
have to back to Lincoln sometime soon".  again, huge response from the crowd.
- before playing "Seven" Dan asked the crowd, "Do you guys want to hear 
'Seven'?"  Of course we did...
- a few people were yelling a few things, like "thank you so much" and "we 
are so grateful" and a few other things i couldnt hear.  they made dan smile 
(of coarse, does he ever stop?...gotta love the man though) and jeremy smiled 
a little and looked like he laughed before tucking his head down all shy-like.
- my favorite quotes from people in the crowd near me are: "that was fucking 
awesome (after "the ocean")," "best $17 i even spent," "that was 
in-fucking-sane (immediately after the band left the stage).
- i was shocked to see a 5th member.  i havent heard about it, though i have 
been out of the loop and unsubbed from mailing lists.  
- tickets were $17
- "pheurto skuerto" was amazing.  during the 3rd verse they all rocked out 
until the chorus, then it went back to the normal way for the 4th verse (like 
the first 2 verses).  it was an amazing song live.
- "in circles", "the ocean", "48", and "song about an angel" damn near had me 
in tears.
- im sorry to say, but i feel like "100 million" and "faces in disguise" were 
the low points in the set.  i guess ESTYA too, since it was stuck between the 
two.  but the rest of the set was extremely powerful.
- this was the third time i have seen SDRE live...and it was the best no 
doubt.  a pretty good mix of new songs and old ones.
- the band left the stage with a bunch of noise still humming in the air (the 
end of "the rising tide").  kinda reminded me off another seattle band...not 
a bad thing, just reminded me.
- the new guy, played keys on 3 or 4 songs, played guitar on everything else, 
except "in circles" he got off stage.  also, he did some backing vox. weird.
- dan did backing vox on "in circles" (as well as the new guy), and dan did 
some in "song about an angel" (you're married to the pain).
- dan's wife wasnt selling merchandise.  some other pretty girl was.
- there were signs that said "NO SMOKING during the Sunny Day Real Estate 
concert".  though, not a lot of people bothered to pay attention to them, nor 
did anyone enforce this rule.  besides, the signs were just pieces of paper 
stuck the wall and were hard to read in the dark.  
- lot of drunk people.
- lot of tall people.  annoying when the are in front of you.  
- the place was pretty packed, and wasnt much room to move.  hot too.  
- the first time SDRE went off stage, everyone was clapping and shouting.  
very loud.  the band disappeared outside, and probably into their bus.  the 
whole time everyone kept cheering.  people began stomping on the wooden floor 
too, sounded like thunder.  who knows, it might be a husker thing. 
- the show was advertised as an earlier show, with SDRE taking the stage at 9 
or so and would be done no later than 11.  reason being was that they had to 
catch a flight in chicago the next morning.  i remember hearing the flight 
was at 9 AM, but i could be wrong.  i guess they were flying home to seatle, 
and it was probably cheapest out of chicago (though kansas city is closer and 
usually cheaper than omaha).  anyway, SDRE took stage around ten (really not 
sure).  but they took their break a little after 11.  i was wondering if they 
were gonna come back or not, but i was standing next to the sound booth and 
their engineer didnt move (he was smoking though, shame shame).  after SDRE 
came back out, they played until about 11:30.  
- speaking of the sound booth, i caught the engineer at work.  i noticed that 
when jeremy hits the long high notes that he turned the reverb knob up and 
rit before the note ended he turned it back down.  he did this a lot on one 
song, cant remember which one.  
- the overall sound was good.  couldnt always hear each of the 3 guitars, but 
im guessing that the new guy wasnt as loud as jeremy and dans.  just a guess 
- there were two Nader stickers on the tour bus. 
- they had a U-Haul trailer attached to the bus. 

- who is the bassist?
- who is the new guitarist/keyboardist?
- who was the merch girl?
- what is SDRE doing now?  
- are there any good websites for SDRE that are currently updated.

again, im not on this list, so email me privately if you can help me out with 
any of the questions.

if any of you have questions, email me and ill post to the list again.


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