Oddly, As a fan of SDRE, I like the rising tide, sure it's not my fave (Lp2
is mine, partly because of when I heard it, and also due to the fact the
lyrics are obscure..  whatever, Friday is on that lp 'nuff said)
But I have to laugh at some of the stuff that's been going down on the list
with you guys.

Okay, you don't the rising tide, cool. I hear you and I'm sure everyone
understands that. What I find funny about this is you could just change the
subject on any of this stuff to (insert name here) band sold out, and the
arguements sound the same.

Band ZYX sold out when they made 'the crap lp' 'cuz it's not like the other
styles they did..

It's taste people, and beyond that it's music. JUST MUSIC. I *love* music. I
like lots of styles and bands, and one thing that is important to remember,
all bands change, some for the better, some for the worse. Having worked in
an 'indie' store for 5 years I can tell you, after a while you get sick of
the whole thing quick. In fact, when it comes right down to it, I cant'
think of a band whose sound changed that *didn't* alienate some fans along
the way.. (U2, Metallica, the Beatles.. and every one else who isn't AC/DC)

 I can't imagine that SDRE made huge concessions in 'their' sound to anyone
either.. You need to remember these people are in a different headspace now
then they used to be, and bar that, this lp was written as a 3 piece.. which
effects the sound a lot. I played in band that went from 3 piece to 4 and
back to 3, the change is *interesting* (and has good and bad points) to say
the least. You notice many different things soundwise and that changes the
way things go.

Now, don't get me wrong I'm glad you ALL  like SDRE in the first place,
after all they got back together because the SDRE buzz didn't go away. And
many of us from the old list are to partly blame i'm sure.. After all,
SDRE touched us all with the music they made, and for some it continues to
move us.  I remember when they were busted up, and it was like "anyone got
the bsides? or live stuff" all the time. I'm sure it's not the last time
this whole thing will come up, some one used to run an archive of the list
messages, and it was like rewinding a video tape and watching it again when
this sort of thread rears it's ugly head.

>Radiohead change their CD, and make
> CDs for themselves. They also just so happen to be amazing and
> groundbreaking, not dull.

That's nice, and it's also your *opinion*. Too many fans on the Radiohead
boards and lists, Kid A = sucky. Hell, most of 'em thought  OK Computer was
*great* but not better then the Bends. At least those I read. I happen'd to
like Kid A, but I don't like it as much as I did their previous efforts.

>I hope they have a
> grand time listening to it, cause they keep making that crap, they will
> always be making CD for themselves, with no label.

I guess that's up the label, and somehow I don't think you really have a
say, unless you didn't buy a CD. After all as Tool would say "I sold my soul
to make a record, dipshit, then you BOUGHT one."   If you choose to not buy
their next one -  c'est la vie.

Oh, and BTW, I like 'Television' sure it's kinda different, but it shows
they can have a sense of humor, and the fact is there is a lot of braindead
television watching folks in the world.

".. And your music sucks too"

np - Clutch "Pure Rock Fury"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: [sdre-l]: TRT wasnt for me, I guess

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