sdre is an awesome fucking band...back in 94 my friend and i used to drive 
around in his car listening to "diary" on our way to skate spots...sdre never 
got popular because sub plop dropped the they always do...they 
can only get a band so far...nirvana even said this...i think the sad truth 
is that their is a fundamental difference between people who actually love 
music and people (the masses) who use it as a soundtrack to drink, smoke , 
fuck,etc...just because a band is a popular underground band doesn't mean 
that will translate to the masses...example sebadoh...their major label debut 
really didnt do anything and the only people who bought it (myself included) 
are people who had been listening all along...but back to sdre...i believe 
they are very catchy not catchy to point of corniess but catchy enough to be 
noticed...97X (a radio station in my area) played "one" and "killed by an 
angel" constantly but then again they are an independent radio station...i 
also heard "one" on the musak at my work...i think they broke up because they 
didnt want to ruin thier legacy and maybe sdre had run its course(to the 
band)...the record industry is a's basically all an "meeting people is easy" and thom yorke even says 
this...they get you used to a certain lifestyle and then they have you...and 
why would you want to compromise this? i think if sunny day had gotten big 
they wouldn't be the same band...sorry for rambling...late

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