If I remember correctly, this is a recording made by Will's sister when she
was somewhere in Europe.  I think she was in Italy.  We talked about this on
this list when TRT first came out, but that was a while back.

I was wondering if anyone was even still on this list, it's been really
quiet for a while now...

M Land

"Bitch set me up." - Marion Barry

On 6/12/02 12:08 PM, "joe B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been thinking about the sample before "Tearing
> in my heart" on the rising tide record. The sample
> begins with footsteps or horse trot? and then a female
> voice goes"Here's some kids. You wanna hear some kids.
> Listen" and then you hear kids voices in what sounds
> like an asian language. I am curious as to what
> everyone thinks this sample, especialy since this is
> the only time SDRE usued a sample. Thanks!
> =====
> "i fell for the promise of a life with a purpose but i know thats impossible
> now and so i drink to stay warm and to kill selected memories, cause i cant
> think anymore about that or about her tonight"-bright eyes
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