On 12/02/2016 12:28 PM, Helen Chiang wrote:
> I have a similar situation. We're customizing AOSP (Marshmallow and
> Nougat) and developing a device diagnostic service that runs as "system"
> user and installed as a privileged app. The use cases of this app is to
> read /proc/<PID>/stat periodically for overall OS process information.

Generally I would expect such functionality to go into the
system_server, as part of the AMS, or another system service.  An app
could certainly present the UI for viewing that information, but
wouldn't directly need to access the /proc/pid files.

> In principal, this app should be able to access everything that a
> system_app would, in addition to /proc/<PID>/stat. It also creates and
> access shared memory and unix sockets. Your previous answer implied that
> it would be insecure to make "system_app" a mlstrustedsubject. So, I
> want to create a new domain that has all the access as system_app and
> priv_app + mlstrustedsubject. Is there a way to do this without copying
> and pasting the rules directly from system_app and priv_app te files?
> Also, what allow rules are needed for shared memory and  socket r/w ?

No, you'd have to copy and modify the rules at present (if this became
common, then one would perhaps move the rules to a macro in te_macros or
elsewhere, and then call the macro from both files).  However, you have
to be careful because there may be neverallow rules on system_app or
priv_app that will prevent compiling your policy if you copy certain
rules to your new domain that are supposed to be restricted to only
system_app or priv_app, and CTS also checks those neverallows.

If by shared memory you mean System V shared memory (i.e. shmget(2)),
that is not supported in Android and prohibited in policy for all
domains.  If you just mean tmpfs/ashmem access, then that will get
picked up automatically via app_domain().  Creation and use of Unix
sockets is allowed to all domains in domain.te; you just need to
authorize the appropriate connections by labeling the Unix socket file
and adding unix_socket_connect() calls as appropriate.  Plenty of
examples in other .te files.

> For DAC, I'm able to add AID_READPROC group to the app via a new
> permission in platform.xml.

Not sure that is recommended; again, you wouldn't need to do so if you
put the logic in system_server/AMS or another system service rather than
in an app.

> For access to /proc/<PID>/stat, I created a new domain as follows:
> 1. mac_permissions.xml
> <signer signature="@PLATFORM" >
> <package name="com.mydiag.app">
> <seinfo value="mydiag" />
> </package>
> </signer>
> 2. seapp_contexts
> user=system seinfo=mydiag domain=trusted_diag type=app_data_file
> levelFrom=user

Why levelFrom=user?  Does your app run per-user?  If so, then it would
already run with the same category set as the user's apps and therefore
wouldn't need mlstrustedsubject.

> 3. trusted_diag.te
> type trusted_diag, domain, domain_deprecated;
> # Include all appdomain rules
> app_domain(trusted_diag)
> # Access the network.
> net_domain(trusted_diag)
> # Access bluetooth.
> bluetooth_domain(trusted_diag)
> # Access /proc/<PID>/stat files for metrics
> typeattribute trusted_diag mlstrustedsubject;
> r_dir_file(trusted_diag, system_app)
> r_dir_file(trusted_diag, platform_app)
> r_dir_file(trusted_diag, priv_app)
> r_dir_file(trusted_diag, untrusted_app)
> r_dir_file(trusted_diag, radio)
> [+ COPY LINES FROM system_app.te]

Only copy the lines you need, and make sure your policy compiles with
all AOSP neverallows present, or you'll fail CTS.

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