Re: [DNG] Chimaera CPU stuck

2022-09-14 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 9/14/22 14:54, Luciano Mannucci wrote:

On Wed, 14 Sep 2022 12:37:41 -0500
Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng  wrote:

kernel:[ 7336.007287] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! 

if I write to the disk via dd nothing wrong happens...


Check which scheduler you are using, for virtual machine loads you might
want to use "deadline", assuming your disk is sda, the first command
checks your scheduler, the second changes to deadline.

cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

echo "deadline" >/sys/block/sda/queue/schedule

Well, the disk seems to be "vda".
Issueing root@bobby:~# cat /sys/block/vda/queue/scheduler gives:

[mq-deadline] none

Is it wrong?

It's as it should be.  Did you check this on the hypervisor?  The use of 
vda suggests this was checked on a VM, please check the physical host, 
which is the one doing the I/O for your VM.  The physical host is also 
the one that needs to have a few dedicated processors to perform I/O for 
the VMs.


Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Chimaera CPU stuck

2022-09-14 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 9/14/22 10:02, Luciano Mannucci wrote:

On Wed, 14 Sep 2022 12:49:19 +0200
Luciano Mannucci  wrote:


Maybe this additional information is helpful:

Hope that helps,

Yes, it does!
Works like a charm!

I've been to quick...
Now only if the data comes from the local LAN (not drossing routers or
firewalls) I still get

   kernel:[ 7336.007287] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! 

if I write to the disk via dd nothing wrong happens...


Check which scheduler you are using, for virtual machine loads you might 
want to use "deadline", assuming your disk is sda, the first command 
checks your scheduler, the second changes to deadline.

cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

echo "deadline" >/sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] OpenVPN 2.5.1-3+devuan1 packaging vs best practices

2022-07-26 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 7/26/22 10:00, Ken Dibble wrote:

On 7/25/22 09:29, Ken Dibble wrote:

This is the first time I have seen this with any package.

I have no idea whether it has happened with packages not installed on 
my systems.

It is my understanding that best practice is noexec on /tmp and that 
this is a Debian recommendation.

Here is the relevant line from /etc/fstab.

tmpfs   /tmp    tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777,nosuid,noexec,nodev  
0  0

Here is the error message.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade



Preconfiguring packages ...
Can't exec "/tmp/openvpn.config.NDxHMl": Permission denied at 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base/IPC/ line 178.
open2: exec of /tmp/openvpn.config.NDxHMl configure 2.5.1-3+devuan1 
failed: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ 
line 59.



The (apparent) recommendation from bug report 129289 in 2002 is to set

in apt.conf to some directory which is mounted with exec

As of version 0.5.8, apt supports TMPDIR for determining where
apt-extracttemplates puts its temporary files. If you have a noexec
/tmp, use this or other documented means to make apt-extracttemplates
use a directory that does accept executables

As of 2018 Bug #887099, merged with sundry other bug reports of the same type
Control: reassign -1 debconf 1.5.61
Control: forcemerge 566247 -1
This appears to be a generic issue in debconf, so I'm reassigning it to
debconf and merging it with the existing bugs tracking the same issue.

There doesn't seem to be any activity after that.

Is there a best practice for the method of selecting and setting this 



Replying to my own message:

It appears that this problem with debconf has been around for 2 
decades and

the maintainers are at odds with the debian position about "/tmp" and 

That being said I am going with

echo "APT::ExtractTemplates::TempDir \"/var/tmp\";" 

unless someone has a better idea or a reason not to.

I am aware that Debian does not by default clean up /var/tmp and it 
will be my responsibility to

check it for things left around.

This would just make /var/tmp the target for attacks instead of /tmp  if 
you protect /tmp with noexec, you should do the same with /var/tmp.

I think you could use any root writable dir, I don't see why it would 
need to be writable by all users, if apt* is running as root.

If you think it's simpler, you can create a file, say 
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-remounttmp.conf  with this:

DPkg {
    // Auto re-mounting of a exec-only /tmp
    Pre-Invoke { "mount -o remount,exec /tmp"; };
    Post-Invoke { "test ${NO_APT_REMOUNT:-no} = yes || mount -o 
remount,noexec /tmp || true"; };


I don't remember where I found this, but have used it for a while.



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Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] moving to a new system

2022-06-24 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 6/24/22 10:56, o1bigtenor via Dng wrote:

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 10:19 AM Dr. Nikolaus Klepp via Dng

Anno domini 2022 Fri, 24 Jun 09:05:39 -0500
  o1bigtenor via Dng scripsit:


Hoping that I'm not asking too many questions.

(moving from debian testing to devuan testing (daedalus)
the old system is under 5.17.xx and the new one is on 5.18
if that makes for differences)

(I've learnt the hard way that just winging things means a LOT more
work and even a greater chance for issues.)

My existing system has been a work in progress for over 10 years. So
I've gotten things
set up quite the way that I like them so things change slowly but in
that there are also
less 'terror' moments when everything has gone 'goofy'.

Is there any way to move over things like settings (and all the other
pamphernania) for browsers and libreoffice and the like?

I was thinking of doing things by using scp from the old system to the new one.

Dunno if that would create issues or not.

Any better ideas - - - - well I'm all ears!!!

Move your home directory to the new system ... and use rsync, not scp.

That seems simple - - - - except I've never used rsync yet.

Suggestions for a good recipe to follow- - - please?

from the new system (this will overwrite /home files if you have them):

rsync -avxKSH root@oldsystem:/home/ /home/

means make a backup, show what you do, don't change filesystems, keep 
dirlinks, use sparse files, and keep hard links, from 
root@oldsystem:/home/ to your local /home/

Just don't do this for the root filesystem, unless it is to put it 
somewhere else

This will use ssh for authentication, either use a key for 
authenticating, (man ssh-keygen) or change the user to what it needs to be.

man rsync explains the options in detail.  You can interrupt this 
command and run it again, it will continue where it left.

Dng mailing list

Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] trouble with rdiff-backup

2022-04-25 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 4/24/22 12:17, Hendrik Boom wrote:

Suddenly it cannot write on a file system.  Presumably the backup drive?  The 
one it has already filled with 215831712 iK blocks and has abother 1608278664 

Then more complaints about banned unicode characters, and then another similar 
backtrace ending with

OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system

Is anyone else having problems like these?  Is rdiff-backup busted?  Or is my 
new backup drive or my USB interface busted?

This might mean your system detected a format problem with your backup disk, 
have you tried to remount it?  Check your kernel log,
if there is such a problem it would remount the disk read only.  You can verify 
with the mount command and no arguments.
If that is the case, you should umount the disk, and run fsck on it before 
trying to mount the disk again.

Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] PHP 8.1 depends on systemd?

2022-01-29 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng
I has had that dependency for a while, you should try the php packages 
from tdrnetworks:

deb chimaera main

On 1/29/22 05:47, Mathieu ROY via Dng wrote:


Trying to upgrade to PHP 8.1, I found out it now depends on systemd or 
systemd-tmpfiles (no package available).

Is it a choice made on Debian side or is PHP now really depending on 


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Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] kernel-update: initramfs fails to find swap

2022-01-21 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 1/21/22 11:03, Florian Zieboll via Dng wrote:

On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 10:34:28 -0500
tempforever  wrote:

Something to check/verify:
If swap is listed in /etc/fstab, then make sure it is listed by UUID
rather than block-id.
I mention this, since I have a (commented out) swap line in /etc/fstab

Yes, in the fstab, the swap partition is active and defined by (the
correct) UUID.
You should try the kernel in backports, 5.10.x failed to find my root 
partition, removing -quiet made it work sometimes, and changing to 5.15 
fixed it.

Dng mailing list

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Refracta have a static IP

2021-07-13 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 7/13/21 3:41 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to make my new Chimera based Refracta have a static IP
address at, in order that every other computer on the subnet can easily access it, and so I can put it on my

So I made my /etc/network/interfaces look like the following, which
follows the guidelines of "man interfaces":

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Unfortunately, instead of the IP address being, it's a
DHCP supplied . What additional steps must I take to get
my desired
Steve, this happens when you still have a dhcp client running, Check if 
you have something like isc-dhcp-client running and stop it, then you 
can configure the interface on your own.

Additional note: When I used, which I KNOW is not in my
leased DHCP range, the result was the same. What must I do to get a
static IP at ?



Steve Litt
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
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Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] routing tables.

2021-05-17 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 5/17/21 1:35 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I have found several authoritative-looking web pages on instructions to
display and edit the routing tables.

But none of them explains what the routing tabe entries *mean*.

The routing table entries show the way your host can find other 
networks, local or remote.  Each entry describes how to reach every 
connected network, and what it considers to be local to your 
connection.  A special route, the default route, shows how to reach 
networks outside of your local scope.

Other routing table entries may show how to reach other networks.

When you configure your interface ethv0, a route to its local network 
will be shown, for example:

with "ip route": dev ethv0 proto kernel scope link src

with "netstat -rn" :

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
Iface   U 0 0  0 

They both describe the same route, to network, with a 24 bit 
netmask (meaning you have 8 bits left for hosts in your network, from to, with being used to reference 
the network itself, and as the broadcast address, where 
you would send data meant for every host in your network).

If you want to reach say network which is reacheable via 
host, you could add a route like this:

ip route add via

A special route to network is the default route, which is used 
to reach any network of which your host has no knowledge. With ip show 
it looks like this:

default via dev ethv0 onlink

with netstat -rn it looks like this:

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
Iface UG    0 0  0 ethv0

With route it can be added as:

route add -net default gw

once you have your interface configured.

Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fwd: Distribution upgrade issue

2021-02-22 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 2/22/21 3:30 PM, Antony Stone wrote:

On Monday 22 February 2021 at 22:26:17, Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng wrote:

I've seen your original problem frequently, mysql and mariadb both are
turned off during upgrades, and then apt-get goes on to install other
packages, which might require a database to be running and have no
control over this.  A workaround is, whenever you have mysql (or
mariadb) present, update it first and alone, like this:

apt-get update
apt-get install default-mysql-server  # this command depends on your
version, just reinstall mysql's server first.
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

This way mysql gets updated first, and will be running for the rest of
your system.

I like that - it sounds like an excellent tip (hard to see how it might be
included in an automated update process, but that would of course be even

Have you ever mentioned this to the Debian project, to see whether they
consider this either to be a bug in the upgrade process, or at least a
workaround worth documenting for people doing the upgrade?
I had only seen this with external packages, so, no, I've never 
mentioned it.  I think if packages depend on a database of any kind to 
be updated, they should wait for it to be done before they run their 
scripts, but then again, the database might not even be configured to 
run in the same system.


Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fwd: Distribution upgrade issue

2021-02-22 Thread Hector Gonzalez Jaime via Dng

On 2/22/21 1:59 PM, Curtis Maurand via Dng wrote:

On 2/22/21 4:26 AM, Pontus Goffe via Dng wrote:

Putting this back on list.

I still think you are doing it wrong, after changing your 
sources.list(s) you should, at least

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Ah. you have an extra step.  The following is from the website doc.

Update the package lists from the Beowulf repository.

|root@devuan:~# apt-get update|

Devuan Jessie users should now upgrade the Devuan repository keyring, 
and update the package lists again so packages can be authenticated.

|root@devuan:~# apt-get install devuan-keyring|
|root@devuan:~# apt-get update|

If xscreensaver is running you should kill it now as it needs to be 
stopped before it can be upgraded.

|root@devuan:~# killall xscreensaver|

Now you can perform the upgrade.

|root@devuan:~# apt-get dist-upgrade|

I've seen your original problem frequently, mysql and mariadb both are 
turned off during upgrades, and then apt-get goes on to install other 
packages, which might require a database to be running and have no 
control over this.  A workaround is, whenever you have mysql (or 
mariadb) present, update it first and alone, like this:

apt-get update
apt-get install default-mysql-server  # this command depends on your 
version, just reinstall mysql's server first.

apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

This way mysql gets updated first, and will be running for the rest of 
your system.

Hector Gonzalez

Dng mailing list