Re: amanda 2.4.3 RESULTS MISSING

2003-01-15 Thread Sergio G. Reus
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:09:38 -0500 Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mmm, one question:
> Have you more than one installed version of amanda?
> The reason I ask is that the normal amanda ./configuration will put 
> stuff in /usr/local, but the rpm install like from redhat, puts it 
> in /usr.

No, I configure it with --prefix=/opt/amanda, so there is no posibility of 
file shuffling.

> Get the latest version of amanda from Jean-Louis's site at 
> umontreal, link near the bottom of the web page, and 
> check the ChangeLog, you might find something related there.
> Since thats the Jan 4th issue when I last looked last night, and 
> I've been running that one since the 5th with no problems, you 
> might even build and install it.

I've tried with 2.4.2p2, 2.4.3 stable, 2.4.3-20030104 and 2.5.0-20030104.
All produce the same amreport results.
Searching through the code of reporter.c I don't see any function
more complex than strcmp(), so what is different in my system? (I don't 
think strcmp can be somehow corrupt).

And what is funnier: I forgot changing the tape yesterday, so I have had to
run amflush, and the report DID get the results:

Subject: AMFLUSH MAIL REPORT FOR January 15, 2003
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 12:04:55 +0100

The dumps were flushed to tape PRMD-002.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:00
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:01
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- -- 
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- -- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped 2  0  2   (1:2)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)22.0--22.0

  taper: tape PRMD-002 kb 160 fm 2 [OK]

-- - 
prmb /etc1 260 96  36.9   N/A   N/A0:05  18.3
prmb -ias/enfrio 1  10 64 640.0   N/A   N/A0:02  31.2

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3)

Why amreport invoked by amdump fails to collect the stats and 
invoked by amflush does not?


Re: amanda 2.4.3 RESULTS MISSING

2003-01-14 Thread Sergio G. Reus
> If the log file looks ok, does
>   amreport  -l  -f 
> generate a more reasonable report in , or is it the
> same report that was mailed to you after the amdump.  If the
> latter, then probably something is wrong with your amreport.
> Send me a note with your log file attached and I'll see if
> the amreport's I have here (both 2.42 and 2.4.3) produce the
> same or different results as your amreport.  Also attach your
> config file.
> jon

You are right, amreport is not reading the logs properly. When I

amreport PRMCompleta -l log -f /tmp/rep.txt

I get the same report than in the mail, and the following errors in the
standard output:

line 8 of log is bogus
line 9 of log is bogus
line 10 of log is bogus
line 11 of log is bogus

Just the "SUCCESS" lines. But the log file is correct. Judge yourself:

START driver date 20030114
START planner date 20030114
INFO planner Adding new disk prmb:/etc.
INFO planner Adding new disk prmb:/u04/copias/enfrio.
FINISH planner date 20030114
STATS driver startup time 0.557
START taper datestamp 20030114 label PRMD-000 tape 0
SUCCESS dumper prmb /etc 20030114 0 [sec 0.695 kb 448 kps 644.1 orig-kb 2590]
SUCCESS taper prmb /etc 20030114 0 [sec 1.183 kb 480 kps 405.7 {wr: writers 15 rdwait 
0.000 wrwait 0.023 filemark 1.159}]
SUCCESS dumper prmb /u04/copias/enfrio 20030114 0 [sec 95.896 kb 153312 kps 1598.7 
orig-kb 1438450]
SUCCESS taper prmb /u04/copias/enfrio 20030114 0 [sec 14.429 kb 153344 kps 10627.2 
{wr: writers 4792 rdwait 1.103 wrwait 12.515 filemark 0.760}]
INFO taper tape PRMD-000 kb 153824 fm 2 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20030114 time 150.796

I also attatch the config file. Now I'm browsing the reporter.c source code,
although I hope someone can give an easier solution. 
Thanks in advance,


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