Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-04-02 Thread Rick Brashear
I agree, Phil.  I don't think the Amateur bands are the place for any 
type of "broadcasting".  Whether the ARRL is for the benefit of the 
Amateur Radio operator or not it is still a commercial entity.  However, 
where K1MAN crossed WAY over the line in my estimation is when he had a 
"call in" radio show on 20  and 75 meters then played it back time after 
time after time!  I don't think such a privilege is provided for in any 
Amateur Radio license.


The difference between the W1AW broadcasts and the K1MAN broadcasts is that
W1AW does not openly promote any merchandise sold by the League. For that
reason, W1AW  was not the subject of any FCC enforcement action. W1AW is not
doing anything illegal under the current rules. Several years ago, a
Petition for Rulemaking was filed with the FCC. This petition would have
eliminated ALL broadcasting activity on the congested HF phone bands. The
FCC never put it up for public comment.

Broadcasting, whether by K1MAN, W1AW, or anyone else, does not belong on the
amateur bands. If someone wants to play "broadcaster", let him or her buy
time on the numerous commercial shortwave stations that operate in this
country. The rates on most of them are quite reasonable and those stations
run a minimum of 50 kW transmitter power (not including antenna gain).

Phil G.


[AMRadio] W1AW vs. K1MAN

2006-04-02 Thread Phil Galasso

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

> I don't have
> a rule book in front of  me but I thought that one-way transmissions, in
> of their self was prohibited by the FCC until this issue came up.

There is an exception which permits one-way transmissions for the purpose of
code practice and for the dissemination of "information bulletins" of
interest to the amateur radio community. This is the loophole that W1AW has
used for decades.

Phil G.

Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-04-02 Thread Phil Galasso

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

> Also I would think ARRL in Newington should be VERY
> careful before they fire up their W1AW Broadcasts now.
> This precedent could easily be applied to them, if someone
> wanted to entrap them.

The difference between the W1AW broadcasts and the K1MAN broadcasts is that
W1AW does not openly promote any merchandise sold by the League. For that
reason, W1AW  was not the subject of any FCC enforcement action. W1AW is not
doing anything illegal under the current rules. Several years ago, a
Petition for Rulemaking was filed with the FCC. This petition would have
eliminated ALL broadcasting activity on the congested HF phone bands. The
FCC never put it up for public comment.

Broadcasting, whether by K1MAN, W1AW, or anyone else, does not belong on the
amateur bands. If someone wants to play "broadcaster", let him or her buy
time on the numerous commercial shortwave stations that operate in this
country. The rates on most of them are quite reasonable and those stations
run a minimum of 50 kW transmitter power (not including antenna gain).

Phil G.

Re: [AMRadio] Free kilowatt BC transmitter - Long Island NY

2006-04-02 Thread Phil Galasso

- Original Message -
> Otherwise, strip it down, buy a few sheetmetal blades
> for your skillsaw, and cut the cabinet into small enough pieces to get out
> the door, and use the goodies to build up a nice homebrew rig.  By
> cutting up the cabinet, the metal panels could be preserved for building
> something a little more compact for ham use.

That's SACRILEGE! It's a little like stripping down a vintage Packard or a
Rolls-Royce and using the parts to build a lawn mower! Where there's a will,
there's a way. Several within our group have successfully moved Collins
21E's and other huge rigs.

Phil G.

Re: [AMRadio] 20V-2 For Sale

2006-04-02 Thread Phil Galasso

- Original Message -

> God I can see it now on E-BAY Call sign auctions
> Wonder how much I could get for mine???

The sale of callsigns is not unknown in the broadcast industry. In 1948, the
CBS flagship station on 880 kHz in New York City had the callsign WABC. By
then, the old Blue Radio Network (detached from NBC in 1943 and sold to
Edward Noble) had changed its name to the American Broadcasting Company
(ABC), which had WJZ as its New York flagship station on 770 kHz. If a
listener wrote "ABC" in a ratings diary, was he/she listening to the ABC
network (WJZ) or to WABC (CBS)? CBS then made an offer to one of its
affiliates, WCBS in Illinois, to buy the WCBS call letters for $1 million.
The deal went through, the original WABC became WCBS, and the WCBS in
Illinois became WCVS (no connection with the pharmacy chain). In 1953, ABC
snapped up the WABC call letters, retiring WJZ.

The WJZ call letters live on as WJZ-TV in Baltimore...ironically, now owned
by CBS!

Phil G.

Re: [AMRadio] my apologies

2006-04-02 Thread ronnie.hull
I want to thank each and every one of you for all the well wishes. There IS 
light at the end of the tunnel right now, I just can't run fast enought to 
catch it, but I will.

I haven't put any RF in the air in two weeks. Maybe I"ll feel up to that in 
another week or so.

again, thanks and God bless all of y'all


Ronnie - W5SUM

Re: [AMRadio] my apologies

2006-04-02 Thread ronnie.hull
I want to thank each and every one of you for all the well wishes. There IS 
light at the end of the tunnel right now, I just can't run fast enought to 
catch it, but I will.

I haven't put any RF in the air in two weeks. Maybe I"ll feel up to that in 
another week or so.

again, thanks and God bless all of y'all


Ronnie - W5SUM

Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-04-02 Thread Peter Markavage
No Mike, I would not expect you to visit the ARRL site for any

"One way information bulletins are not illegal on the Amateur Bands"
In a 24 hour period, the W1AW  bulletin transmissions generally last 10
to 15 minutes or less. There are 3 Code Bulletins, 2 RTTY Bulletins, and
1 Phone Bulletin on the major HF bands. The rest of the W1AW
transmissions are generally designated for Code Practice.

This is in contrast to the K1MAN transmissions, which generally lasted 90
minutes or more, depending upon the accuracy of his Radio Shack timer.
W1AW and K1MAN are not in the same league of information bulletin

Pete, wa2cwa

On Sat, 1 Apr 2006 23:29:51 -0500 "Mike Sawyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No kidding Pete?! Is it my responsibility to check the ARRgghhL web 
> site for 
> their transmissions? Some may visit it more than others but I do not 
> (nor do 
> I care). In reference to the broadcasting, this is what I said: "I 
> don't 
> have a rule book in front of  me but I thought that one-way 
> transmissions, 
> in and of their self was prohibited by the FCC until this issue came 
> up." 
> Clue: read the last part of my statement carefully.
> Personally, I think that the ARRgghhL should cease and desist with 
> their 
> one-way transmissions since they never check the frequency to see if 
> it is 
> in use. I hold them in the same low esteem as K1(wo)MAN. To me that 
> is 
> intentional QRM and is subject to the same set of rules that you 
> cite. Their 
> best bet would be to get permission or licensing to broadcast just 
> outside 
> of the ham bands and not cause any problems to anyone.
> Mod-U-Lator,
> Mike(y)
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 10:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined
> Slk said, " As a non-member of the ARRgghhL, I do not get their 
> reports
> or broadcasting (since it is a single transmission to the masses)
> schedule."
> Any of this information is available off the ARRL Web Site whether
> you're a member or not. The complete W1AW bulletin schedule and
> frequencies are
> available off the their web site.
> One way information bulletins are not illegal on the Amateur Bands.
> See 97.111 (b)(6)
>  97.111 Authorized transmissions.
>  (b)  In addition to one-way transmissions specifically authorized
> elsewhere in this Part, an amateur  station may transmit the 
> following
> types of one-way communications:
> (1) Brief transmissions necessary to make adjustments to the 
> station;
>  (2) Brief transmissions necessary to establishing two-way
> communications with  other stations;
>  (3) Telecommand;
>  (4) Transmissions necessary to providing emergency communications;
>  (5) Transmissions necessary to assisting persons learning, or  
> improving
> proficiency  in, the international Morse code;
>  (6) Transmissions necessary to disseminate information bulletins;
>  (7) Transmissions of telemetry.
> AND See 97.113 (b)
>  97.113 Prohibited transmissions.
>  (a) No amateur station shall transmit:
> (1) Communications specifically prohibited elsewhere in this Part;
> (2) Communications for hire or for material compensation, direct or
> indirect, paid  or promised, except as otherwise provided in these 
> rules;
> (3) Communications in which the station licensee or control operator 
>  has
> a  pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an
> employer.
>  Amateur operators may, however, notify other amateur operators of 
> the
> availability for sale or trade of   apparatus normally used in an 
> amateur
> station, provided that such activity is not conducted on a regular 
> basis;
> (4) Music using a phone emission except as specifically provided
> elsewhere in this  Section; communications intended to facilitate a
> criminal act; messages in codes  or ciphers intended to obscure the
> meaning thereof, except as  otherwise  provided herein; obscene or
> indecent words or language; or false or deceptive  messages, signals 
> or
> identification;
> (5) Communications, on a regular basis, which could reasonably be
> furnished  alternatively through other radio services.
> (b) An amateur station shall not engage in any form of broadcasting, 
>  nor
> may an  amateur station transmit one-way communications except as
> specifically provided in  these rules; nor shall an amateur station
> engage in any activity  related to program  production or news 
> gathering
> for broadcasting purposes, except that communications  directly 
> related
> to the immediate safety of human life or the  protection of property 
>  may
> be provided by amateur stations to broadcasters for  dissemination 
> to the
> public  where no other means of communication is reasonably 
> available
> before
>  or at the  time of the event.
> Pete, wa2cwa