I agree, Phil. I don't think the Amateur bands are the place for any type of "broadcasting". Whether the ARRL is for the benefit of the Amateur Radio operator or not it is still a commercial entity. However, where K1MAN crossed WAY over the line in my estimation is when he had a "call in" radio show on 20 and 75 meters then played it back time after time after time! I don't think such a privilege is provided for in any Amateur Radio license.


The difference between the W1AW broadcasts and the K1MAN broadcasts is that
W1AW does not openly promote any merchandise sold by the League. For that
reason, W1AW  was not the subject of any FCC enforcement action. W1AW is not
doing anything illegal under the current rules. Several years ago, a
Petition for Rulemaking was filed with the FCC. This petition would have
eliminated ALL broadcasting activity on the congested HF phone bands. The
FCC never put it up for public comment.

Broadcasting, whether by K1MAN, W1AW, or anyone else, does not belong on the
amateur bands. If someone wants to play "broadcaster", let him or her buy
time on the numerous commercial shortwave stations that operate in this
country. The rates on most of them are quite reasonable and those stations
run a minimum of 50 kW transmitter power (not including antenna gain).

Phil G.

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