[AMRadio] CQ CQ OK?

2007-01-04 Thread RoadKing
Gary your TEST failed as it  only awoke W5JO... who can fall asleep 
in a Roundtable then pick up the conversation months after the QSO.. Smiling

Hi Jim, ;-)

 From The Gulf Coast,

Amradio mailing list
List Home: http://w5ami.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio_w5ami.net
Partner Website: http://www.amfone.net
Post: mailto:Amradio@w5ami.net

[AMRadio] Items for Sale

2006-07-11 Thread RoadKing

I have a few items for sale.

Broadcast Console (Stereo) $300.00

Collins- R388 No cabinet  $500.00

NC-300 $275.00

NC-303 Dial Chord broken.$350.00

Johnson Challenger –$110.00

Globe Chief Deluxe (CW rig)   $50.00

#1Globe King 500c  .  $850.00

RME- 6900  $350.00

#2Globe King 500c­1500.00

Globe King 400b-- $900.00

NC-50T-1 w/4 coils $300.00

SX-28a $600.00

Collins 75a4 $1500.00

Contact me off the list if interested in any of the rigs.
 All items FOB Boling, TX

Tony M Cypert  W5OD
Boling, TX

[AMRadio] Transformers of Any kind

2006-06-19 Thread RoadKing
These folks are absolutely the best in the country when it comes to 
Customer Service and satisfaction.

Alton is the owner and he has a couple of folks that are top notch in 
the engineering department.  They can rewind or make you any kind of 
transformer you need. Very very helpful folks

As Ronnie mentioned very reasonable as well.


This will take you to their website.

River House Radio

Re: [AMRadio] antenna tuners

2006-04-20 Thread RoadKing

Had it not been for Couplers over the last 25 yrs, I would have 
been limited to operating possibly no more than 2 frequencies.  I 
built a Center Fed Zepp as my first antenna, because a very wise OLD 
ham told me to build it and use it with a Coupler and I have been 
using that antenna all over the USA and twice in Canada! Same 
Antenna!  Today I have a 160m Loop up 75' in the air also fed with 
440 ohm ladder line and that has to be the very best antenna I have 
had the pleasure to use,  It is Matched with a Palstar 5K coupler and 
it has worked well anywhere from 160m to 10m and all in between.  I 
have simply had great success and been able to work multiple bands 
using Matching networks, Couplers,  Tuners if you will.  I honestly 
would NOT be without one in my shack.

River House Radio

At 04:45 AM 4/20/2006, you wrote:

I don't believe in them.

If you can't resonate your antenna, then what are you doing?

If you use a tuner, you are creating a voltage divider effect that 
creates a reactive load in your shack, to ground that makes your 
antenna feed line + radiating elements.

Over the years, the importance of having at least a 2:1 match with 
at least 1.5:1 some where in the the antenna design.

Proper antenna design for your favorite frequencies is the best choice.

I currently use a multi-element dipole to cover 80,40,20,15 and 10 meters.

I just use a VSWR bridge and back off the power when the SWR rises 
close to 2:1.

I am not saying my answer is the best, I am only stating my opinion.

Just like microphones in the sound work I help out with at church. 
If they are not singing into the mic, I cannot fix it without 
creating a gain structure that is sucking up to feed back

You need to fix your problems at the source.

I our cases, it is resonance of your antenna, by some means.

Even my hamstick on my jeep does great due to attention to resonance.

AMRadio mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/amradio
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.html
Post: mailto:AMRadio@mailman.qth.net
AMfone Website: http://www.amfone.net
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb

[AMRadio] Japanese Export of gear

2006-02-23 Thread RoadKing
I received this from a friend, in California today. curious if any on 
the reflector know or were aware of this. Collins gear may get very 
reasonable quickly!

This may be interesting for anyone who collects old gear. could see
a lot of it showing up for export in the near future,

This may have an affect on the Japanese out of buying up the used
Collins gear like they have been doing for the past several years

Engadget is reporting that after April 1st (no this is not an April 
fools joke) the sale of old electronics in Japan could become much 
harder. From the article: It seems that Japan's government revised 
its Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law back in April 
2001, and added a stipulation that items authorized under the 
country's old law (the Electrical Appliance and Material Control 
Law) couldn't be sold anymore, but granted those products a 
five-year grace period. Well, if you check your convenient wall 
calendar, you'll see that the five-year period is about to end, which 
means that as of April 1, pretty much any electronic gear sold before 
April 1, 2001 can't be legally resold in Japan. The article also 
mentions that sellers can continue to sell old gear providing they 
get certification that the items conform to modern safety standards.


[AMRadio] Matching the PA

2005-01-04 Thread RoadKing

Re: [AMRadio] Chassis Wanted

2004-04-06 Thread RoadKing

Actually, I need a
17{quot} L x 11{quot} W black wrinkle painted steel or aluminum chassis
for a project. 


You might check with Frank Kritz/K5SVC in Natchez,MS I was at Franks
place not long ago and he had some Chassis (aluminum) which were BUD and
all you would need to do would be to Paint it Black Wrinkle..  These
were still wrapped in the Brown paper, untouched by human 



River House Radio

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RE: [AMRadio] Need Variac

2004-02-26 Thread RoadKing
At 06:34 AM 2/26/2004 -0600, you wrote:


A variac
like what you are asking for is large, somewhat lossy, and usually

expensive. Variacs tend to be a little lossy as the voltage in/out



Wonderful Idea Jim!

Thanks so much for the very astute, and experienced suggestion. 
Much, better, less expense and certainly simple way to control and
prevent another {quot}Wreck of the Old 97{quot}  I can simply look
long and hard down the track and open 'her' up!nbsp; 

Man, there is truly such a {quot}GREAT{quot} bunch of AM ops who are so
willing to keep those of us still climbing the learning curve on the
straight and narrow.nbsp; 

After assuming the worst Jim, I discovered with a great deal of joy, that
it was a mechanical problem.  The {quot}Disk{quot} holding the
brushes, had slipped backward on the shaft, away from the Windings
therefore, the Variac was fine it was just not able to Pass 'juice'..
BOSEG  Now, the {quot}Total Output Performer{quot} is back up and
Rolling out the RF at its usual rate.

Should I ever need to replace, it, your note is now a permanent part of
the 304tl folder! !nbsp; Tnx



River House Radio


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RE: [AMRadio] Need Variac

2004-02-26 Thread RoadKing
At 07:38 PM 2/26/2004 -0500, you wrote:

Now, if you want to change
voltages, there is

another way besides the variac setup.


Thanks for yet another 'better' mousetrap! It really is a shame that all
this wealth of knowledge and experience which are the {quot}AM{quot}
community, can't somehow, have their specialities made available other
than those of us that run into a problem and then discover, there was a
better way in the beginning.

Certainly that seems to be a very clean way to have a variable power
level from the transmitter.

Tnx.. again...



River House Radio


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[AMRadio] Need Variac

2004-02-25 Thread RoadKing
Looking for a Variac  120v input, 25 amp or greater rated.  if you have 
something that you are not using, would love to talk with you about it.

River House Radio

[AMRadio] Globe King Tank Coil

2004-02-23 Thread RoadKing
wondering if anyone else has ever seen a GK 500 tank
coil on a ceramic form?

Jim, I have as you know a 1959 model GK-500c which belonged to Ella
Koons from El Campo.  I'm assuming,since I don't know, when they
quit making the GK's but I figure this is a fairly late model, it has the
same kind of Tank Coil Form as your's does the phenolic based coil form.
So I've never seen a Ceramic. coil form.  I'm a bit green with envy
over you finding that one..lt;BOGgt;

BTW-Have you arrived in Sunny (Tropical)nbsp; OK yet ?



River House Radio


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[AMRadio] Globe King and Champion Tank Coils

2004-02-23 Thread RoadKing
I have a Globe Champion 300 but I never paid any attention to the tank 
coils.  I'll have a look and report back of course there's probably 
somebody out there in  AM land that knows the answer to the question.

River House Radio

Re: [AMRadio] W.A.S Certificate

2004-01-27 Thread RoadKing
At 01:24 PM 01/27/04 -0500, you wrote:

AM contacts must be made on or
after Jan 1, 1995.

Tnx.. Mark,

I hadn't looked them UP I was just basing my statement on What Dave/QCU
had been saying on the air.  Thanks for the Heads UP..  Dave
will be pleased to hear that and most likely will have completed his
entire List of States. except MONTANA.. lt;BOGgt;



River House Radio


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[AMRadio] W.A.S Certificate

2004-01-26 Thread RoadKing

Electric Radio is now Awarding a W.A.S.   BUttt all contacts must have 
been made after Jan. 1st 2001.   Dave/QCU, Ronnie/SUM and me/W5OD have many 
cards from as far back as 99 so they are far Naught Except, when I started 
this quest it was just to see if I could do it on 75m AM.  My list is very 
short now...  Delaware, the illusive Montana, Idaho, Alaska and Nevada!


[AMRadio] CW Listening

2004-01-22 Thread RoadKing
Thanks John, I'm guilty as charged.. I have mainly been a
{quot}3'Bander... 80,40 and 15. I've never failed to make a contact on
any of the {quot}higher{quot} bands...ie: 30,20,15,10. The main two bands
I was referencing were 80 and 40 because they seem to have the most PHONE
band activity at least in my Hearing capability and you can roll down in
that portion of the band and not only call CQ, but listen up and down the
bands and hear very very little activity, I have even tried calling a
Station when they finished a qso with another station and NOT gotten a
taker.. {quot}perhaps{quot} my straight key fist is needing
repair...lt;smilinggt; Tnx.. for the heads up John.. 



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[AMRadio] Meter Repair

2004-01-12 Thread RoadKing
Does anybody on the Reflector know where a meter could be repaired! I'm 
sure there are still folks in that business who can repair movements etc.. 
I'm on a project and would like to get the meter repaired.

Any help would be much appreciated.

River House Radio

[AMRadio] Swampland in Arizona

2003-12-20 Thread RoadKing

Hey Jim!

As the Owner of some of the most exquisite Swampland in Arizona, I was 
very happy to see that you TOO have the deed/ownership to some property in 
what is certain to become some of the most sought after Retirement 
hideaways in the entire state.  My property was acquired one tract at a 
time from some Dream Seekers also offering up similar products.

I find the Conduction cooled Heat sink approach to cooling the shack a much 
preferred avenue rather than  total Hot Air Expulsion.  I at present am 
seeking a patent on a very unique (H.A.E.) Valve. It was designed here at 
the 'River House' and has been going thru R  D with what is considered by 
many to be totally successful. Jim, I hate to  offer up a suggestion but 
perhaps thru some '3rd' party we can combine our collective properties and 
build a true mecca for developing future new ideas worthy of acceptance by 
those perhaps less astute in the complicated world of new design.  I've 
come up with a simple formula for working with some fairly complicated 
mathematics involved in tracing the first frequency of Audio through all 
the many, tubes,capacitors, resistors that comprise an  AM emission.


This simple Formula works for me and many others that I hear out there on 
the bands.   Thanks Jim for reminding me of this simple formula.

River House Radio
Boling, TX

[AMRadio] Review

2003-12-05 Thread RoadKing

Testing for thru 'PUT'

Re: [AMRadio] Johnson Desk

2003-12-04 Thread RoadKing

I'm curious how long you've had the 30k-1.  HE was supposed to sell
a 30k-1 to a friend of Howard Mills back in West Virginia.  Suddenly
the 30k-1 Disappeared and so did the fellow your talking about.. He quit
answering Howards Email and also quit answering the phone concerning the
30k-1..   Maybe this is Different 30k-1...  I sure Hope


At 06:15 PM 12/04/03 -0500, you wrote:

I bought a 30K-1 represented as a 1
owner transmitter

He delivered it to my house in Los Angeles (from Texas)

It is in excellent condition and works like a charm.

I've heard other people have had problems, but he's done right by 



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[AMRadio] Midnight Modulation Party

2003-11-19 Thread RoadKing

Hello to All Stations on the Reflector:

Ronnie/W5SUM and ME/W5OD have started the preliminary notification on a 
couple of other AM list to Invite any and all  AM operators to a 'Midnite 
Modulation Party'  on Thanksgiving Night.  There are several of us that for 
our own satisfaction and enjoyment started a few years ago to try and 
attain a W.A.S. on 75m AM. Due to Static, the inability to work 'AM' 24 
hours a day it has become and still is a challenge. However, that  makes it 
fun.  So Ronnie wrote me yesterday with this idea to fire the old Rigs up 
at Midnight on Thanksgiving Night and play AM hoping to awaken some of 
the stations across these United states that have been waiting on the 
Winter Conditions to arrive so that they could talk to friends from Hawaii 
to Alaska! We have a theory that with enough RF into the ionosphere, 
electrons coagulate, homogenize, stratify and with True Electromotive force 
direct themselves to the farthest points of reception.

I personally am very Excited about the possibilities, because of the 
expected large turn out, we are open to suggestions from some of the 
Older more experience Operators as to the proper way to handle 
it.   Frequency's will be 3.880 and 3.885 and possibly 3..890.   I had a 
thought this morning as it might be necessary to divide the various 
sections of the country into the 3 frequency's  To make it easier to Find 
that particular State you've been looking for, there will obviously be 
cross overs and If you aren't so inclined to try and participate you would 
simply park on your frequency and listen and if you happened to be the only 
OPERATOR in your state then, You would become that RARE DX station for 
those of us wanting the WHOLE enchilada.

I think it would be great to get All States out there on the air at the 
SAME time.. Man, can you imagine being able to roll up and down the band a 
bit and hear nothing but AM Like it used to be..  Just puts chills on me 
thinking about it!

As I said we are in the Planning Stages and are open too all suggestions 
and Ideas as to how to make it work for a relaxed 'Early' morning of 
playing Radio when the Band is quiet,  We may need to have it like a NET 
where a station on  each of the frequency's  would accept check in's find 
out the States needed for his Section and then put two stations together 
for a simply exchange.  They could move to almost anywhere in the phone 
portion of band should they want to continue with a QSO.

Please feel free to contact me directly if the members of the Reflector 
don't think this is the place to  string out suggestions for this Midnite 
Modulation Party. I would humbly ask the Administrator, permission to use 
the Reflector so that All who do offer suggestions can get comments from a 
wider range of Operators.  Thanks for your Time.

I look forward to the response...

River House Radio
Boling, TX

[AMRadio] T-368 SALE

2003-05-24 Thread RoadKing

Bill  how long did it last...  until  10:26 PM 5/23 ?  or did it sell Sooner?

Boling, TX

Re: [AMRadio] Globe King

2002-09-18 Thread RoadKing
At 12:26 PM 09/18/02 -0400, you wrote:

The time has come to revive my
Globe King 500A, 

If you will contact Paul/N5DUP he did a piece on his website about
replacing the couplettes, but he has since discontinued the sight as he
lost his server. But if you look him up on QRZ.COM  I know he will
be happy to help you out.



River House Radio

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[AMRadio] 500.00 Rangers

2002-08-28 Thread RoadKing
Fellows,  are we promoting our hobby or our EGOS...  Man,  I hope when I 
Pass on the torch of 'AM' to those young hams coming up, I don't bankrupt 
them to enjoy this phase of the hobby.

Leo Meyerson and E. F. Johnson I don't think had this kind of Attitude when 
they started their businesses.

They were offering as good a quality piece of gear as they could at a price 
that at least the average guy could hope to afford.  We've taken their 
engineering, shined it up, ** POSSIBILY** improved it and under the guise 
of Showroom quality are holding an appetizing piece of gear out for 
prices that only the very well off can afford.

Guess as I get on the Back side of 55,  I have a bit different attitude 
about this hobby and those that will be here when I'm long gone.

Just food for thought from The River House

Boling, Texas