[amsat-bb] Best Preamp for ATV 439.25 MHz

2014-06-05 Thread Farrell Winder
Has anyone done research and found the best in shack preamp for Amateur 
Television on 439.250 MHz? 
Any performance  data and source of supply  would be appreciated. Thanks,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] Fw: Fwd: AMSAT folks in Baltimore Philadelphia and NYC area?

2013-10-06 Thread Farrell Winder
Attn: AMSAT Balloon followers! 

  Bill Brown, WB8ELK who is a recognized pioneer in  balloon carrying Amateur 
Radio equipment has launched a unique mylar balloon which is predicted to have 
a multiday flight parked at around 20,000 ft  As of this AM. Oct 6, 2013 it is 
anticipated to be as Bill advises below:   ( dl-FLdigi software is suggested 
for receiving and viewing data. It may be downloaded at 
Bill's message:

  Can you alert the AMSAT folks to listen for the balloon anywhere between 
Washington DC and Boston just after sunrise? 

  433.880 MHz AM DominoEx16 should be the best frequency.

  - Bill WB8ELK

  Submitted by Farrell Winder, W8ZCF for Bill Brown.

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[amsat-bb] Fw: Fwd: Hi Hank can you post something on AMSAT group

2013-09-16 Thread Farrell Winder

From: w4htb-twc 
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:26 PM
To: Farrell Winder ; wb8...@aol.com 
Subject: Fwd: Hi Hank can you post something on AMSAT group

Begin forwarded message:

  From: wb8...@aol.com
  Date: September 16, 2013, 12:37:06 PM CDT
  To: w4...@twc.com
  Subject: Hi Hank can you post something on AMSAT group

  Hi Hank, 

Can you post something on the AMSAT list about listening for my balloon 
over GA today. It was heard NE of Atlanta at 9:15 am today but his custom RTTY 
setting kept crashing his program.

WB8ELK on 433.888 MHz AM (plus or minus for temperature drift). Can also 
hear it via FM and WFM but will be weaker than using AM mode.

110 baud ASCII RTTY (8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit)  Use Custom RTTY mode 
in FLdigi. Transmits every 15 seconds with a 5-second gap between transmissions.

Last heard over Northeast Atlanta.  Possibly heading to the Southeast of 
Altanta but could also be heading out to SC.

This is a solar-powered floater balloon that could stay up several days.

  - Bill WB8ELK

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[amsat-bb] J Beam for Saatellite Work

2012-09-22 Thread Farrell Winder
I again wish to inquire if there are any current or  past satellite station 
users with experience using the J Beam, Model MBM88/70cm. It was manufactured  
by Jaybeam Ltd, Northampton England.  Specifically, what SWR figures were noted 
and are there any procedures for optimizing  SWR?  Any information appreciated, 
please reply off line.  Thanks.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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[amsat-bb] Fw: Appreciate Assistance in Tuning MBM88/70cmAntenna

2012-08-02 Thread Farrell Winder
I forgot to mention that the MBM88 was also referenced as a Jaybeam. It was 
manufactured by Jaybeam Limited, ,Northampton, England and was recognized for 
its excellent performance.

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:23 AM
Subject: Appreciate Assistance in Tuning MBM88/70cmAntenna

I have an MBM88/70cm antenna that was very popular several years ago.  Is 
anyone currently using it on satellite reception?  I want to tune it for 439.25 
MHz.  Does anyone have a procedure for tuning to reduce SWR ?  Specifically can 
the wing nuts on the reflector and director be loosened to slightly move the 
element  position to optimize SWR?  Anyone with experience of coax length that 
might effect SWR?  Any references or suggestions would be most appreciated. 
Pleases reply off line.  Thanks,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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[amsat-bb] Appreciate Assistance in Tuning MBM88/70cmAntenna

2012-08-02 Thread Farrell Winder
I have an MBM88/70cm antenna that was very popular several years ago.  Is 
anyone currently using it on satellite reception?  I want to tune it for 439.25 
MHz.  Does anyone have a procedure for tuning to reduce SWR ?  Specifically can 
the wing nuts on the reflector and director be loosened to slightly move the 
element  position to optimize SWR?  Anyone with experience of coax length that 
might effect SWR?  Any references or suggestions would be most appreciated. 
Pleases reply off line.  Thanks,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: Future Possibilities For Automated Transfer VehicleTechnologies

2012-06-22 Thread Farrell Winder

Great idea, how about putting AO-40 1st on the list?  Thanks,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF Cincinnati, Ohio

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 3:35 AM
To: ; 
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Future Possibilities For Automated Transfer 

Hi all & thanks Bernard,
If you follow up the report in view of the costs and other  factors.  One
of the options for an ATV future was for a use of  recovery of  debris and
Whilst the cost may be considerably high for such a development, I thought
that it would be very interesting
and a positive step forward for study of failure and ageing factors of  on
board equipment etc. (Batteries ??)
Also of course the objective of  clearing up and reducing hazards of
possible impact or pollution.
Wonder on your thoughts on viewing this aspect as a effective application
of use of " Space Budgets"
Ken Eaton
Amsat -UK
Amsat NA
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[amsat-bb] AMSAT/ATVers

2012-06-21 Thread Farrell Winder
Hello AMSAT,
I wish to make an inquiry to those  AMSAT members that might also be active on 
ATV.  There is a group of us who each morning get on the air starting around 
7:30 to exchange "live"
 ATV on 439.25 MHz.  Our contacts are coordinated on 3930 KHz.  For several 
mornings this week we've had some very strong openings getting P5 pictures 
consistently over distances up to about 180 miles.  Some of the stations 
involved are  WB8LGA, Marengo. OH, W8URI, Mt Gilead,OH, KA8MFD Edison, OH, 
W8RVH, Springfield. OH, KB8GUE Leesburg, OH, WA9EEI Taylorsville, IN, and  
W4HTB, Bowling Green, KY.  
By checking the local  Nexrad Radars we note extensive ground clutter with 
extended  reflections beyond,  which we believe relates to a propagation 
mechanism contributed by very hot days and cool nights. .  This morning there 
were similar patterns on Pittsburg, Pa, State College, Pa and Buffalo, NY 
Nexrads.  We wish to appeal to ATV stations especially  in these locations and 
even further East and to the West to be on the lookout for ATV DX to the West.. 
 Please give us a call on 3930. Thanks.
 Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio

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[amsat-bb] Hamvention Balloon Launch with SSTV

2012-06-04 Thread Farrell Winder
 During this years Hamvention, Bill Brown, WB8ELK launched a balloon carrying 
data packages of APRS on 144.39,  other data on 144.34 and SSTV , Scottie S2 on 
147.56Mhz..  Did anyone copy the  balloon  SSTV and record pictures?  If any 
pictures are available please forward to me and I will resend to Bill.   I 
would have tried to copy but missed all of the Hamvention being out of town for 
a Grandson's  graduation.
Many thanks for any picture copies or info on anyone who did copy.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF , Cincinnati.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Signal Status

2012-01-04 Thread Farrell Winder
I very much regret to report that on the pass over Cincinnati this 
Morning using Dr. Kelso's Keps for January 4, 2011 with the  AOS  predicted at  
14:24Z,   there was no evidence of any signal on 145.950 or 145.930 MHz.
It may be that this very enjoyable, interesting and challenging satellite is 
now history.  What have others determined as to signal status?  Excellent 
signals were last heard in this area of the USA from ARISSat on the January 3, 
2012  pass at 22:43 Z  by W4HTB, Bowling Green, KY,  WB8LGA, Marengo,  Ohio and 
W8ZCF, Cincinnati.

Farrell Winder,W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF KEDR Reception Status

2012-01-04 Thread Farrell Winder
No  detectable signals from ARISSat on  145.950 or 145.950 MHz  for the January 
4, 2012  15:35 pass over Cincinnati. 
Will there be confirmation that ARISSat  may have re-entered  the Earth's 
atmosphere?  If so, longitude and latitude?

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Status

2012-01-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Still loud and clear on the 18:08Z Cincinnati pass.  Downlink on own signal 
good but no response to CQ..  Try the next one at 19:41Z .
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, OH
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR Reception

2012-01-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Report that 1st part of 16:34Z pass covering  Cincinnati was strong.   A couple 
of minutes later noted some erratic behavior on trying to receive own  
transmitted CW, then return signal became weak.  Did hear some good CW "dots" 
but no call letters followed.  Try next pass at 18:08 Z  I will be correcting 
for doppler to receive my signal on 145.930.  Will listen for  any stations CW 
or USB.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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2012-01-02 Thread Farrell Winder
ARISSat on the 21:40 Z pass Dec 2, 2012  for Cincinnati was right on the mark 
and had good CW signal return from the transponder.  Heard someone calling but 
could not get reception above the noise floor.
Trying  next pass at 23:12 Z but it may be eclipse controlled.
73, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 18:35 Pass

2012-01-02 Thread Farrell Winder
Just listened to the 18:35Z ARISSat  pass over Cincinnati.  Satellite was on 
time but signal on both 149.950 MHz and 149.930  seemed to be much weaker than 
usual.  How did others in Midwest and Eastern US receive?
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] Re: looking for ARRISat-1 QSO! 1607utc pass 31Dec2011

2011-12-31 Thread Farrell Winder
Mark, I'll be set up for the 19:14 Z pass and will listen for you and any 
others who might try..

Farrell, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio

From: "Mark L. Hammond" 
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 9:26 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] looking for ARRISat-1 QSO! 1607utc pass 31Dec2011

Okay, time is running out...

Heard myself on multiple passes of ARISSat-1 lately, but nobody has been 
around or able to make an SSB QSO.

I'll be on during the 1607utc (11:07am Eastern) pass today, hoping to make 
a voice contact.   SatPC32 is set for 145.930 receive, so I'll be close to 
that frequency.

Hope to make contact with somebody :)


Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]

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2011-12-30 Thread Farrell Winder
I am most pleased to advise that ARISSat-1/ RADIOSKAF-V/ KEDR is very much 
alive and giving an excellent performance through the 475.750/145.930 MHz 
TRANSPONDER.  On the 17:54Z pass over Cincinnati today December 30, I sent and 
copied my picture. Picture was my ATV call ID used for fast scan.  Picture came 
through all together but does have noise, particularly in the last half.  I 
will send it to the ARISS SSTV Gallery for consideration to post.  I hope 
others will also experiment with  CW, voice, and  SSTV via the Transponder.  
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: Arissat-1

2011-12-29 Thread Farrell Winder

Dear Luciano,
I am pleased to note  your report on the ARISSat-1 Transponder.  Would it be 
possible for you or others to experiment with an SSTV picture through the 
Transponder?  I did manage to get a complete image via the transponder in 
November .  I  note there are  two others who have sent successful images 
and hopefully there might be others while this historical satellite is still 
in orbit!  Thanks for the efforts of those who might try.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
From: "PY5LF" 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 8:41 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Arissat-1


Arissat-1 still working fine .

Transponder signal very good on a pass of 45 degrees.





Curitiba-PR-Brazil GG54jm

<http://www.qrz.com/db/py5lf> http://www.qrz.com/db/py5lf

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2011-12-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Does anyone have a  prediction  of the lowest altitude for  ARISSat-1 and still 
have it be functional?   With the latest Keps I show its altitude around 155 
Depending of signal strength on today's Cincinnati passes I might try another 
SSTV via the Transponder  adjusting  my Tx to receive  on 145.930 MHz (+/-  
depending  on location). Hope others will also try with voice and video.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] Re: Finally managed an Arrisat-1 real time telemetry decode!

2011-12-23 Thread Farrell Winder

Hello Burns,

Very good on your reception in New Hampshire.  I was calling W4HTB and W8RVH 
who were trying to find me with my receiver fixed  on 145.930   for the 
20:16Z  pass over Cincinnati.  I was able to hear my downlink for about a 
minute before ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V reached Max El then lost it for a while 
as my Tx antenna had no El control.   I picked it up near the end of the 
pass and heard fairly strong CW  near my Rx freq.   From the variation I 
observe I believe the satellite is in a slight tumble as the 145.930 MHz 
reception goes very weak then builds, sometimes rapidly..  I was fortunate 
to get an SSTV picture through the transponder on Nov 12 when by chance  I 
managed to get lined up with the short antenna on the  70 cm receiver to 
transmit  an R36 picture..  I may try SSTV again if signals warrant.  I hope 
others will keep trying CW, voice or SSTV.  I do observe that the signals 
seem to be stronger at the sats lower altitude.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio

 From: "Burns Fisher" 
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 3:44 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Finally managed an Arrisat-1 real time telemetry decode!

I'm excited!  A few minutes ago on the ARISSat-1 pass over New Hampshire
(US) I received it nice and strong (as usual) got the doppler correction
running on SDR-Radio (have done that before), and with a newly-built
computer in my shack finally had enough processing power to deal with
SDR-Radio, Virtual Audio Cable, AND the ARISSat telemetry decoder, so I 

some actual real time telemetry.  Just in time for the "last telemetry
frame" contest, I'm afraid :-)

Was anyone hitting the repeater around 20:20 UTC today?  I was not
listening, but watching on the waterfall display of SDR-Radio.  The
telemetry and the FM digitalker were very clear...not sure if there was
anything in between...I saw a few smudges that might have been 

Burns, W2BFJ
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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSAT-1 European Passes

2011-12-21 Thread Farrell Winder

Thanks for your note re transmission via the ARISSat-1 Transponder.  I have 
also been experimenting with voice and SSTV and did manage,  probably  by 
luck and by chance,  to transmit and receive back a fairly good  R 36 
picture.  (ariss-sstv.blogspot.com)  Hopefully others will try  voice or 
SSTV through  this historical satellite while it still orbits.  Please  keep 
posting the results of your experiments and contacts.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1  European Passes

Hi all,
I worked into ARISSat -1 this evening( Wednesday 21st  December, 1730
hrs) prior to it shutting down via
the timer as it moved into the eclipse area.
My downlink was quite healthy once again just using an "Elk" antenna and
about 20 watts RF power.
Sadly no takers/response to my CQ calls , I also can report that the FM
transmissions were also healthy
including SSTV.  ( I was not set up to decode or record this)
The opportunities over here in Europe will improve with regression over 

next few days and I will once again call in to the satellite whilst it is
still  active and available prior to it perhaps loosing major height.
Thanks to all of the team and key players in this project which has been 

significant value to me personally
for use as a demonstration and example of our  hobby.
Merry Christmas and Very Best wishes and Good Luck to all for the coming
New Year.
Ken Eaton
Amsat -UK
Amsat NA

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[amsat-bb] Fw: SSTV via ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR

2011-12-20 Thread Farrell Winder
Heard K9OIM and N8MH on the 20:19 pass. Will be listening again on the 21:52 
pass  if ARISSat is not too close to the eclipse and turned off..

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2:50 PM

The FM section of ARISSat was sending very strong voice and SSTV  signals on 2 
passes over Eastern USA  Dec 18.  Hoping that some stations will try 
experimenting  with  voice and SSTV through the Transponder 435.750 LSB up 
listening 145.930 MHz USB +/- doppler down. I will be listening for contact  on 
the Eastern USA  pass today AOS 20:19 UTC . Do not believe there are  many days 
left for ARISSat-1 to be in orbit, I show it is down to about 172 miles 
altitude according to Nova tracking with latest Keps..  
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] SSTV via ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR

2011-12-20 Thread Farrell Winder
The FM section of ARISSat was sending very strong voice and SSTV  signals on 2 
passes over Eastern USA  Dec 18.  Hoping that some stations will try 
experimenting  with  voice and SSTV through the Transponder 435.750 LSB up 
listening 145.930 MHz USB +/- doppler down. I will be listening for contact  on 
the Eastern USA  pass today AOS 20:19 UTC . Do not believe there are  many days 
left for ARISSat-1 to be in orbit, I show it is down to about 172 miles 
altitude according to Nova tracking with latest Keps..  
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1/RADOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-12-18 Thread Farrell Winder
Note excellent ARISSat-1 SSTV Pictures today from DJ3AK and JA0CAW listed on 
the ARISS SSTV Gallery.  How about these stations and others trying to send 
pictures through the Transponder 435.750 up and 145.950 dn and posting  results 
on the Gallery. Possibly only a few weeks left to experiment with this 
Historical satellite!  It appears that only 3 stations have sent images through 
the transponder to date?
Respectfully submitted,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat SSTV pictures

2011-12-07 Thread Farrell Winder

Hello Roland,
I note many of your received  fine pictures which you have submitted.  Now 
that ARISSat-1 is favoring the southern hemisphere how about trying  the 
TRANSPONDER with a picture?  (435.750 up 145.930 down).
Also since ARISSat is getting closer to earth perhaps it might l be easier 
to get through the transponder??

73, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnti, Ohio,USA

From: "Roland Zurmely" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 6:14 AM
To: "AMSAT" 
Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSat SSTV pictures

The latest SSTV pictures I received from ARISSat are here:



73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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[amsat-bb] Fw: ARRISat-1/RADIOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-12-01 Thread Farrell Winder
Nothing heard from ARISSat-1 this AM Dec 1 during the 13:59 Z Cincinnati  pass, 
too close to the eclipse.  Depending on updated Keps will be checking mid Dec 
for renewed opportunities.   In the meantime, I hope many stations in other 
areas will keep trying to get SSTV through the TRANSPONDER.  Henk, PA3GUO , the 
Netherlands and I were successful with a picture . (See 
http://ariss-sstv.blogspot.com/) We need other  SSTV images from this 
historical satellite before it re-enters. Thanks to all those making efforts.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 7:20 PM

Again nothing heard from ARISSAT-1 on the Nov 30  13:43 Z pass.  I will be 
observing the 13:59 Cincinnati  pass on Thursday  Dec 1.  I believe it may be 
out of eclipse long enough to be active. If so,  I will be listening, looking 
on 145.930  and trying to send SSTV, on 435.750.  Hope many  others will also 
try. Tx and Rx of  SSTV has been demonstrated a couple of times through the 
Transponder even with its shortened antenna  and I believe with persistence can 
be done again. This is the last,  possible active, useable  pass for my area 
until mid December.  I will be  back Dec 18  if ARISSat-1  is still in orbit.  
Please report any thing received Dec 1. Thanks
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF

Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:41 AM

Nothing heard from ARISSat-1 this AM 15:04 Z Nov 29..  Did anyone hear signals 
from 145.930 or 145.950?  Pass was very short over Cincinnati this AM and El 
only 2 deg..  
Will try again Wednesday Nov 30 at 13:43 Z but believe eclipse will prohibit 
sat to be active.
From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 1:16 PM

No success today Nov 28.  Will set up again tomorrow  Tuesday Nov 29 for the  
AOS 15: 04 Z  Cincinnati pass. 

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 7:31 PM

With the research and recent "heads up" by Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, Allan Biddle, 
WA4SCA and Clint Bradford, KCLCS it appears there may be only a few weeks left 
to receive and  experiment with ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V.
On Monday Nov 28 I will be set up to receive voice, CW and SSTV via the 
transponder  on 145.930 MHz +/- doppler.   This will be on the AOS starting at 
14:47 Z pass over Cincinnati. This pass may be too soon after the eclipse so 
the sat may not be activated.  If it is active,  I will try to send a couple of 
 SSTV R36 transmissions.  I will be listening and looking for others to send 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Fw: ARRISat-1/RADIOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-11-30 Thread Farrell Winder
Again nothing heard from ARISSAT-1 on the Nov 30  13:43 Z pass.  I will be 
observing the 13:59 Cincinnati  pass on Thursday  Dec 1.  I believe it may be 
out of eclipse long enough to be active. If so,  I will be listening, looking 
on 145.930  and trying to send SSTV, on 435.750.  Hope many  others will also 
try. Tx and Rx of  SSTV has been demonstrated a couple of times through the 
Transponder even with its shortened antenna  and I believe with persistence can 
be done again. This is the last,  possible active, useable  pass for my area 
until mid December.  I will be  back Dec 18  if ARISSat-1  is still in orbit.  
Please report any thing received Dec 1. Thanks
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF

Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:41 AM

Nothing heard from ARISSat-1 this AM 15:04 Z Nov 29..  Did anyone hear signals 
from 145.930 or 145.950?  Pass was very short over Cincinnati this AM and El 
only 2 deg..  
Will try again Wednesday Nov 30 at 13:43 Z but believe eclipse will prohibit 
sat to be active.
From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 1:16 PM

No success today Nov 28.  Will set up again tomorrow  Tuesday Nov 29 for the  
AOS 15: 04 Z  Cincinnati pass. 

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 7:31 PM

With the research and recent "heads up" by Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, Allan Biddle, 
WA4SCA and Clint Bradford, KCLCS it appears there may be only a few weeks left 
to receive and  experiment with ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V.
On Monday Nov 28 I will be set up to receive voice, CW and SSTV via the 
transponder  on 145.930 MHz +/- doppler.   This will be on the AOS starting at 
14:47 Z pass over Cincinnati. This pass may be too soon after the eclipse so 
the sat may not be activated.  If it is active,  I will try to send a couple of 
 SSTV R36 transmissions.  I will be listening and looking for others to send 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Fw: ARRISat-1/RADIOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-11-29 Thread Farrell Winder
Nothing heard from ARISSat-1 this AM 15:04 Z Nov 29..  Did anyone hear signals 
from 145.930 or 145.950?  Pass was very short over Cincinnati this AM and El 
only 2 deg..  
Will try again Wednesday Nov 30 at 13:43 Z but believe eclipse will prohibit 
sat to be active.
From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 1:16 PM

No success today Nov 28.  Will set up again tomorrow  Tuesday Nov 29 for the  
AOS 15: 04 Z  Cincinnati pass. 

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 7:31 PM

With the research and recent "heads up" by Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, Allan Biddle, 
WA4SCA and Clint Bradford, KCLCS it appears there may be only a few weeks left 
to receive and  experiment with ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V.
On Monday Nov 28 I will be set up to receive voice, CW and SSTV via the 
transponder  on 145.930 MHz +/- doppler.   This will be on the AOS starting at 
14:47 Z pass over Cincinnati. This pass may be too soon after the eclipse so 
the sat may not be activated.  If it is active,  I will try to send a couple of 
 SSTV R36 transmissions.  I will be listening and looking for others to send 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Fw: ARRISat-1/RADIOSKAF-V/KEDR

2011-11-28 Thread Farrell Winder
No success today Nov 28.  Will set up again tomorrow  Tuesday Nov 29 for the  
AOS 15: 04 Z  Cincinnati pass. 

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 7:31 PM

With the research and recent "heads up" by Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, Allan Biddle, 
WA4SCA and Clint Bradford, KCLCS it appears there may be only a few weeks left 
to receive and  experiment with ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V.
On Monday Nov 28 I will be set up to receive voice, CW and SSTV via the 
transponder  on 145.930 MHz +/- doppler.   This will be on the AOS starting at 
14:47 Z pass over Cincinnati. This pass may be too soon after the eclipse so 
the sat may not be activated.  If it is active,  I will try to send a couple of 
 SSTV R36 transmissions.  I will be listening and looking for others to send 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb


2011-11-27 Thread Farrell Winder
With the research and recent "heads up" by Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, Allan Biddle, 
WA4SCA and Clint Bradford, KCLCS it appears there may be only a few weeks left 
to receive and  experiment with ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V.
On Monday Nov 28 I will be set up to receive voice, CW and SSTV via the 
transponder  on 145.930 MHz +/- doppler.   This will be on the AOS starting at 
14:47 Z pass over Cincinnati. This pass may be too soon after the eclipse so 
the sat may not be activated.  If it is active,  I will try to send a couple of 
 SSTV R36 transmissions.  I will be listening and looking for others to send 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] SSTV Pictire Successful via ARISSat-1/RadioSKAF-V TRANSPONDER

2011-11-20 Thread Farrell Winder

On November 12, 2011 at 1908 Z my son Jeff, KB8VCO and I were successful in 
transmitting a picture and receiving back an image via the 
ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V transponder.

Separate MMSSTV software setups on 2 computers with mode Robot 36 were used to 
Tx 435.750 LSB up and Rx 145.930 MHz down. It was a challenge, over several 
days of trying , to find the satellite in a favorable position with its 
(inadvertently) shortened antenna. Doppler along with Tx and Rx antennas were 
manually controlled.

A picture of the original (my auto license plate) and the received picture from 
the satellite has been submitted to the ARISS SSTV Gallery. 

It is hoped others will try a similar experiment via the transponder and 
perhaps pictures could be exchanged. It is noted that Henk, PA3GUO also sent 
and received an SSTV picture as may be seen in the Gallery. 

Respectively submitted, with much thanks to Lou McFadin, W5DID, ARISS Hardware 
Engineering Manager and his team along with Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, Chief of 
Cosmonaut Amateur Radio Department for his engineering and testing 
contributions in Korolev, Russia. A very exciting and challenging satellite for 
Amateur Radio has been provided. Launch was August 5, 2011 but Re-entry 
according to recent reports may occur within the next few months. 

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF

Cincinnati, Ohio
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Radar Echos Asteroid YU55

2011-11-08 Thread Farrell Winder
Is there any NASA or other site wherein we might observe real time  Radar Echos 
from Asteroid YU55 as it passes closest to earth at 6:28 PM EST this evening? 
Understand echo signals 2380 or 8560 MHz.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Nov 3, 2011

2011-11-03 Thread Farrell Winder

Signals OK last pass, Nov3,   18:29 Cincinnati.  2 m loud and clear, heard 
Bob K9OIM approx 145.930  thru the transponder for a few seconds at 
beginning of pass. Trying to connect with someone next pass 20:06 Z.

Farrell, W8ZCF, Cincinnati

Try next pass at -
From: "JoAnne Maenpaa" 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 1:55 PM
To: "'AMSAT'" 
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Nov 3, 2011

Hi Farrell,

Did anyone hear signals from ARISSat-1 on the last pass

I copied ARISSat-1 on that pass. I was only tuned to 145.950 so just heard
the FM stuff. The SSTV pictures were "live" shots. Signals were nominal.

73 de JoAnne K9JKM

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Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Nov 3, 2011

2011-11-03 Thread Farrell Winder
Did anyone hear signals from ARISSat-1 on the last pass, (16:53 Z Cincinnati) ? 
I did not hear anything on 2 m or the transponder. Will listen and try both 2 m 
and also  Tx thru the  transponder ,Rx approx 145.930 +/- doppler.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Fw: Trying for ARISSat-1 Contact

2011-10-30 Thread Farrell Winder
I am pleased to report that Burns, W2BFJ heard me but he was on temporary power 
and could not respond to Tx.. I heard a station calling,  believe was call 
ending "YSE" but my Rx was off due to doppler and it was at end of pass. I will 
be trying again Oct 31., 17:08, 18:43, 20:20 and 21:56 using LSB on Tx.
Thanks to all others who might have tried to Tx or Rx.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF

From: Farrell Winder 
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 2:42 PM
Cc: Peter Portanova ; Henry Cantrell ; W4AS Sebastian 
Subject: Trying for ARISSat-1 Contact

Will be trying for contact ARISSat-1  on next 2 passes Cincinnati beginning 
19:53Z, also 21:30Z.  Setting Rx at 145.930 +/- doppler. Have managed to hear 
my transmissions on the 2 previous passes but could not find any other stations.
Thanks any one trying to make 2 way.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] Trying for ARISSat-1 Contact

2011-10-30 Thread Farrell Winder
Will be trying for contact ARISSat-1  on next 2 passes Cincinnati beginning 
19:53Z, also 21:30Z.  Setting Rx at 145.930 +/- doppler. Have managed to hear 
my transmissions on the 2 previous passes but could not find any other stations.
Thanks any one trying to make 2 way.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF Cincinnati, Ohio
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Cincinnati Pass 21:14 Oct 26

2011-10-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Appreciate confirmation of station calling W8ZCF on subject ARISSat  Pass.  Was 
it W9ORD ?? Freq had QRM from local BC station harmonic.
Thanks to station calling.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Contact Experiment via Trqnsponder

2011-10-03 Thread Farrell Winder
In follow up of my previous post request, ARISSAT-1 did not activate for my 
location in Cincinnati until there was only about 40 seconds left in the  pass  
which started at  13:44Z AOS.  However,  I did hear my CW signals with slight 
fading.   Due to the eclipse delay and orbit it does not appear favorable at my 
location for further experiments via ARISSat-1 transponder for several days.  . 
Thanks to anyone who might have tuned for my signal.
Farrell Winder,
 W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSar-1 Transponder Contact Try

2011-10-03 Thread Farrell Winder
I am trying to make 2 way contact via the ARISSat-1 transponder.  I have fixed 
my Rx at 145.934.5 to avoid local interference.  Will be sending CQ W8ZCF 
during pass today Monday Oct3 at 13:44Z.  Appreciate anyone who might try to 
contact me. Thanks.
Farrell  Winder, 
W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] WB0KFC ARISSat-1 Signals

2011-09-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Heard your signals Sept 25, 2011 on the 15:41 U pass at  Cincinnati.  On  
145.934.5 where I have fixed my receive for experiment with another station,  
heard your CW  transmissions,  CQ CQ WB0KFC, then voice CQ CQ Kilo Foxtrot 
In your setup what antenna are you using on the uplink.  Do you leave your 
Uplink fixed and tune downlink or vice versa?  
Appreciate your comments and suggestions for best technique to make contacts on 
ARISSat-1.. Have received my own transmissions for very very short time with 
weak cw  return. 
73, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio
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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1

2011-09-18 Thread Farrell Winder
I have made 2 different successful  short duration CW  transmissions through 
the ARISSat-1/RADIOSCAF-B  transponder over the last 2 days. Called CQ with no 
replies. My receiver fixed  to receive on 145.934.5.   Transmissions made  near 
 435.950 and varied to receive.  I received back my signal very weak but 
clearly readable. Will be trying again with above freqs on Monday Sept 19, 2011 
 on passes over Cincinnati, Ohio beginning 13:50Z.   Be listening for anyone 
trying to connect. 
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAat-1/RADIOSCAT-B SSTV Picture

2011-09-10 Thread Farrell Winder
On Friday morning Sept 09, 2011 at 14:22 Z,  Cincinnati, Ohio  I copied  a 
picture from ARISSat-1/RADIOSCAF-B  that appears to have a very unusual pattern 
over  the area of the Earth.  It may be breaks in cloud cover but appears over 
a very large area of the Earth and has a somewhat repeated type of pattern.  
Did anyone else copy and what would  be the interpretation?  I will try to 
submit a copy on the ARISS SSTV Gallery.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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[amsat-bb] Yaesu G-800S or G-800SDX

2011-05-24 Thread Farrell Winder

Yaesu Controller Box G-800S or preferably G-800SDX.
Want controller box only. Please  reply direct to my E-Mail address.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Cincinnati, OH
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[amsat-bb] Trying to find Specs

2011-04-26 Thread Farrell Winder
Looking for specifications on old PBS Ch 24 amplifier.  Originally mfg by 
Comark Southwick, MA. Believe Comark was  sold to Thompson.
Amplifier module is model # B400698 and has 2 TRW 5030 RF transistors.   If 
anyone has specs or source for info please reply off line.  Many thanks.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF.
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[amsat-bb] Request Quotation

2010-11-01 Thread Farrell Winder
Please provide a quotation via E-Mail covering :

1. Satellite Tracking Software for SatPC 32
2.  SatPc  32 Hardware  

Above items  to be compatible to interface with Windows 7 via Yaesu G-5500 with 
GS-232B Controller.

Thank you,
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF

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[amsat-bb] Myers Barbeque Grill Antenna

2010-03-26 Thread Farrell Winder
 For AO-40,  many stations, I recall,  used the R. Myers Communications L.L.C. 
Model SB-32 DXC 2.4 GHz Parabolic Antenna. Does anyone have the specs showing 
gain?  Would like to see results of some actual gain testing . Could not find 
any results on Central States antenna measurements tabulations.  . Thanks , any 
info , please reply off line.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Looking for DVR re Paraset Radio Spy Story

2010-02-28 Thread Farrell Winder
Anyone aware of DVD NTSC format covering movie Kontakt . Story of spy  radio 
parachuted into Norway WWII. Thanks any info, please reply offline. .
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF 
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[amsat-bb] Yaesu FT-990 Audio Problem

2009-12-19 Thread Farrell Winder
Would appreciate  comment from anyone having experience with intermittent audio 
dropout on Yaesu FT-990. Unit normal all other operation.  Audio OK for a few 
minutes to several hours but  then will fail completely  for long period and go 
thru another cycle on/off.
.Thanks, Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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