[android-developers] Re: Note on Size of Apps

2009-04-15 Thread Pd

Have you followed this guide:


droozen wrote:
 So I wrote my own calculator app because I wanted to have some
 different functionality than the calculator that comes with the phone.
 Now, I notice the calculator that came with the phone, when looking
 through the Manage Applications, only shows as being 4kb in size. My
 calculator ends up being 104kb after all is said and done.

 Anyone have an idea why the huge difference in size? I mean, I know I
 built my calculator to do more than the built in one, but I didn't
 think it was doing 25 times more stuff than the built in one! I can't
 even make an empty Word document that small (4kb). A Notepad document
 with 10 characters takes up 4kb on disk.

 I'm not complaining, just curious. Is the built in calculator app that
 shows up in Manage Applications just a shortcut, or whatever, into the
 OS, and the functionality actually resides there?


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[android-developers] Re: Light Racer 3D Development Journal

2009-04-15 Thread Pd

I will follow your progress with interest!

Thanks Robert for sharing your experience!


Robert Green wrote:
 I'm a few weeks in to development of Light Racer 2.0 and Light Racer
 3D.  I just thought I'd let any interested developers know that I've
 decided to journal the entire development experience on my blog at

 I'm not posting all of the code to the game but I am willing to help
 others if they need help with math, general game programming or
 Android specific questions.  I'm covering some interesting topics
 which include efficient AI algorithms, fast drawing routines, mobile
 game architecture, 2D interpolation, real-time multiplayer code and
 eventually porting 2D game views to Android's OpenGL ES for 3D.

 Thanks for all of the support on the group!  I hope you all enjoy the


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[android-developers] Re: Early Look Android 1.5 SDK

2009-04-14 Thread Pd


Al Sutton wrote:
 To Xav, Dave, JBQ, Dianne, Romain, and anyone else involved in getting this
 out there.


 You may not literally get a thousand thank yous in your mail box, but it'll
 probably be said a thousand times in various ways by developers around the



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 Funky Android Limited is registered in England  Wales with the 
 company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 

 The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not 
 necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's 

 -Original Message-
 From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Xavier Ducrohet
 Sent: 14 April 2009 00:31
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com; android-beginn...@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [android-developers] Early Look Android 1.5 SDK

 Hello developers!

 I'm pleased to announce the release of an early look of the Android 1.5 SDK.

 More information and download link at:

 Have fun!

 Xavier Ducrohet
 Android Engineer, Google.



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[android-developers] Re: How to scale a Bitmap

2009-04-14 Thread Pd

Have a look at this example.



Meryl Silverburgh wrote:

 I have constructed a Bitmap object in Java. Can you please tell me how
 can I scale it (x, y with a different ratio) on android?

 Thank you.



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[android-developers] Re: SDKs comparison with the iPhone

2009-04-11 Thread Pd

If its any consolation you are not alone in this.  We have all been 
sucked in by Google.  I just get the feeling we have already been spat out!

While Google continue to make billions of $$$ what they need is 
additional resource to test their code, the grunt work.  That is where 
we come in.  If anyone thinks for a minute Google care, think again!

Very sad, very sad indeed!


Al Sutton wrote:
 Now before I start on the iPhone comparison I'm going to pre-empt the normal
 But Android is open source. response by saying lets be honest and
 admit it as it stands Android is not an open source project because the
 public open source repository is pretty worthless in its' current state.

 The last time I tried to build the master branch it failed missing some
 Google internal API classes. The SDKs I've produce from the cupcake branch
 seem to be considered by Google employees as pretty useless with comments
 like This is why we want to be clear it is unofficial, because it is not
 actually a working SDK being thrown around and networking in the emulator
 still being broken a week after users started reporting the showstopper
 problem (And Romain did hint that Google have a fix, I read
 http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/msg/41fcefc36bd16d44 as
 there is a version where this is fixed). And as we all know you can't use
 it to build the exact versions of the open source parts of either of the two
 firmware versions that have shipped on the G1.

 To me it seems little more than code dump which is aimed at ensuring Google
 can keep saying But it is open source and not just a Google project

 Now, in the last week I had few conversations with iPhone developers so I
 could compare the Android developer experience to that of what is perceived
 as our nearest competitor and they are laughing at us (seriously, when I
 mentioned the G1 most of them responded by initially chuckling). The general
 consensus among them was;

 - Yes, you pay $99 for the iPhone dev kit, but you get free external
 testing (i.e. at apple) and commercial quality support with many queries
 being turned around in hours or a couple of days at worst. Compare that to
 some of the support queries on b.android.com for basic problems things like
 a Android failing to connect to wireless lans with hidden SSID
 (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1041) which, after *five
 and a half months* is still marked as New and doesn't have a single
 response from a Google employee.

 - The most common cause of App Store listing rejections are things that
 users would complain about anyway. This includes things like performance
 characteristics, UI anomalies, and inconsistent behaviour. This is the type
 of stuff that is left for users to find out on Android and only comes to
 light when 1* or 2* comments are posted and even then you don't know if it's
 a one off on the users device or possibly something specific to their region

 - The normal amount of time from submission to app store listing is around 7
 days. Some apps take months to go through the approval process, but that is
 because of intellectual property concerns, concerns over offensive content,
 or is because the app has to be re-reviewed a few times to meet the apples
 performance and behaviour guidelines. Yes it's not as fast as Android, but
 you know that once it's on the market it's of a quality where you're not
 going to get bombarded with user queries about problems straight off.

 - Most of the developers actually feel valued by Apple and feel that Apple
 does what it can to make sure they get the tools they need to do their job
 and ensure they're apps. This has been re-enforced by allowing the
 developers to beta test the new firmware and develop against it.

 Personally, it's made me shell out $99 for an iPhone SDK, dust off my Nokia
 N81, and spend $75 on eBay on a Blackberry so I can explore the



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 Funky Android Limited is registered in England  Wales with the 
 company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 

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[android-developers] Re: Open Repository cupcake SDK updates (inc. Windows SDK)

2009-04-07 Thread Pd

Torrent can be found here:


Al, for consistency I've used the same file name format as before.  Your 
NOTICE is still intact


Al Sutton wrote:
 I've updated the open repository SDK builds page at AndAppStore. The changes

 - Added a Windows SDK (Many thanks to JBQ  Dave Turner for their help).
 - Added instructions on how to create an avd and start the emulator

 Unfortunately it looks like networking in the emulator in the current
 cupcake branch of the open repository is broken, but if anyone can shed some
 light on to how to get it working I'm all ears.

 They're up at http://andappstore.com/AndroidPhoneApplications/sdk/ and you
 will, as before, need to log in to download them, but once you've got them
 you can do what you want as long as the licenses allow (so mirror away PD 
 Kevin :)).



 * Written an Android App? - List it at http://andappstore.com/ *

 Funky Android Limited is registered in England  Wales with the 
 company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 

 The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not 
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[android-developers] Re: Cupcake SDKs available for download

2009-04-06 Thread Pd

I have created torrents which can be downloaded:



Trying to do my bit  :-)

Kevin Phillips wrote:
 I have posted a mirror for the files that is registration free over at

 Hope this helps.


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[android-developers] Re: Cupcake SDKs available for download

2009-04-05 Thread Pd

You could always use bittorrent if bandwidth is an issue plus we all 
wouldn't need yet another username and password if you put the file(s) 
on a public tracker  ;-)


Al Sutton wrote:
 I've compiled up the Linux  Mac OS X Intel SDKs from the public git
 repository and have put them up for download (If anyone can get instructions
 on building a Windows SDK I will do what I can to create a Windows SDK as

 *PLEASE NOTE* In order to ensure that I don't end up with a massive
 bandwidth bill you will need to log into AndAppStore to download the SDKs,
 and, if things get silly, download limits may be introduced.

 You are, of course, free to pass on the SDK to as many people as you want
 after you've downloaded, but please do not pass around links to direct
 downloads without logins at AndAppStore because I'd like to continue to
 update them but if a bandwidth cost issue comes up then I won't.

 Anyway, once you've logged into AndAppStore the link to the Cupcake SDKs is
 in the Developers Area menu on the right of the page.



 * Written an Android App? - List it at http://andappstore.com/ *

 Funky Android Limited is registered in England  Wales with the 
 company number  6741909. The registered head office is Kemp House, 
 152-160 City Road, London,  EC1V 2NX, UK. 

 The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not 
 necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's 



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[android-developers] Re: How to find Jarsigner

2009-03-28 Thread Pd

The Internet is a big place but does have little nuggets. 

Try here:  http://www.openjdk.org/install/


Nox wrote:
 Sorry, it ins't working!!!

 On 28 Mrz., 18:33, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Nox wrote:
 So, how can I run or execute the JDK???

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!


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[android-developers] Re: Activity with no UI

2009-03-28 Thread Pd

Use a service



Hans wrote:
 Anyone know if this is possible?

 I want to handle something launched by an ActivityChooser as invisibly
 as possible.

 Currently I simply do the processing in onCreate and tell the activity
 to close.  This is fast, but there's a blink as the old activity is
 replaced with the new which immediately vanishes and the old one comes

 This isn't the end of the world, but it would be nice to have no UI at

  Hans :)


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[android-developers] Re: Anything on Android that can do smooth scrolling?

2009-03-27 Thread Pd

I was thinking on the same lines.  Maybe have a Gaming Mode where the 
user knowingly chooses to turn the device into a games machine for 
better performance.


Markus Junginger wrote:
 I strongly agree with the idea that foreground processes should be
 preferred. Currently I develop a game, which - like most games -
 relies on a constant high frame rate. At first, the game pretty sloppy
 until I realized some background app was draining CPU resources. So I
 uninstalled some of them until it ran smoothly. Clearly, this is
 nothing you want to tell a user to do.

 So, my first thought on how to solve this is a guaranteed CPU slice
 for the foreground app. Let the foreground task constantly get 90-95%
 of the CPU time if it needs it, no matter what's running in the
 background. The remaining 5-10% should be enough for background tasks.
 I think that's perfectly fine if, for example, emails are received a
 little slower when the user plays a game. Of course, if the foreground
 task does not use the CPU entirely, background tasks should be able to
 get a bigger slice.

 Oh, and by the way, what about a JIT or a hotspot compiler? If Android
 apps would be running a factor ~10 the problem would be smaller by the
 same factor. :)


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[android-developers] Re: Anything on Android that can do smooth scrolling?

2009-03-27 Thread Pd

As you know the technical reasons you would think along those lines.  
Consumers don't know the ins and outs of the device so they probably 
wouldn't think the same as you or I.  Turning a negative into a 
positive, a good marketing team would have a field day with this.  
Something along the lines of:

T-Mobile / HTC / Android:  True gaming experience with Full Gaming 
Mode.  No interruptions just complete gaming pleasure  :-)


Sundog wrote:
 I call hack again. Imagine what the Android haters would say
 IMMEDIATELY! Your phone has to have a special mode to handle a simple
 display smoothly? BWAHAHAHA etc. etc.

 On Mar 27, 7:43 am, Pd lotusscr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was thinking on the same lines.  Maybe have a Gaming Mode where the
 user knowingly chooses to turn the device into a games machine for
 better performance.


 Markus Junginger wrote:
 I strongly agree with the idea that foreground processes should be
 preferred. Currently I develop a game, which - like most games -
 relies on a constant high frame rate. At first, the game pretty sloppy
 until I realized some background app was draining CPU resources. So I
 uninstalled some of them until it ran smoothly. Clearly, this is
 nothing you want to tell a user to do.
 So, my first thought on how to solve this is a guaranteed CPU slice
 for the foreground app. Let the foreground task constantly get 90-95%
 of the CPU time if it needs it, no matter what's running in the
 background. The remaining 5-10% should be enough for background tasks.
 I think that's perfectly fine if, for example, emails are received a
 little slower when the user plays a game. Of course, if the foreground
 task does not use the CPU entirely, background tasks should be able to
 get a bigger slice.
 Oh, and by the way, what about a JIT or a hotspot compiler? If Android
 apps would be running a factor ~10 the problem would be smaller by the
 same factor. :)- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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[android-developers] Re: Anything on Android that can do smooth scrolling?

2009-03-27 Thread Pd


I think you are doing a disservice to the intelligence of both Android users 
and Iphone users


Copy and Paste   :-)
Now that is exciting stuff!   lol

Where Google engineers are concerned I have complete and total respect 
for them.  I know they will do the right thing.

Now where's my gaming mode!  ;-)


Sundog wrote:
 I think you are doing a disservice to the intelligence of both Android
 users and Iphone users... they're more sophisticated than THAT! BWA
 HA HA, your little Android has to have a special mode for what
 everything else can do out of the box... I don't think people are as
 gullible as you do, lol.

 {SNARK} And I seriously doubt that Google is going to suddenly acquire
 a good marketing team... {/SNARK}

 The hack comment is not to say can't do it, users will know it's a
 hack, it's more like can't be done, the core team is too good to
 throw in a hack. If they're like most programmers I know, they'd quit
 before writing code they perceived as a hack. And this WOULD be a hack
 of gigantic proportions.

 On Mar 27, 8:38 am, Pd lotusscr...@gmail.com wrote:
 As you know the technical reasons you would think along those lines.  
 Consumers don't know the ins and outs of the device so they probably
 wouldn't think the same as you or I.  Turning a negative into a
 positive, a good marketing team would have a field day with this.  
 Something along the lines of:

 T-Mobile / HTC / Android:  True gaming experience with Full Gaming
 Mode.  No interruptions just complete gaming pleasure  :-)


 Sundog wrote:
 I call hack again. Imagine what the Android haters would say
 IMMEDIATELY! Your phone has to have a special mode to handle a simple
 display smoothly? BWAHAHAHA etc. etc.
 On Mar 27, 7:43 am, Pd lotusscr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was thinking on the same lines.  Maybe have a Gaming Mode where the
 user knowingly chooses to turn the device into a games machine for
 better performance.
 Markus Junginger wrote:
 I strongly agree with the idea that foreground processes should be
 preferred. Currently I develop a game, which - like most games -
 relies on a constant high frame rate. At first, the game pretty sloppy
 until I realized some background app was draining CPU resources. So I
 uninstalled some of them until it ran smoothly. Clearly, this is
 nothing you want to tell a user to do.
 So, my first thought on how to solve this is a guaranteed CPU slice
 for the foreground app. Let the foreground task constantly get 90-95%
 of the CPU time if it needs it, no matter what's running in the
 background. The remaining 5-10% should be enough for background tasks.
 I think that's perfectly fine if, for example, emails are received a
 little slower when the user plays a game. Of course, if the foreground
 task does not use the CPU entirely, background tasks should be able to
 get a bigger slice.
 Oh, and by the way, what about a JIT or a hotspot compiler? If Android
 apps would be running a factor ~10 the problem would be smaller by the
 same factor. :)- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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[android-developers] Re: Cupcake coming in April? Where is the SDK?

2009-03-24 Thread Pd

Just need to lift this wool up so I can have a really good look at this 
thread!  :-)  Just joking ...
... but joking aside, looks like we won't get a version of the cupcake 
branch any time soon so ...
... can i have the vodafone version then?  ;-)  OTA ofcourse  :-)

and what's with all the dots! ( ... )   :-)

AndroidApp wrote:
 Let us have a beta version for god sake...

 On Mar 24, 12:11 pm, roland roland...@gmail.com wrote:
 Totally agree, Apple just release their 3.0 SDK beta for who has
 purchased iPhone Developer Program. The final version comes in June,
 so iphone developer has 3 months to familiar the new OS and let their
 applications get all the new features. I hope all of us, who are
 interested in Android, and who wish to make fantastic application in
 Android platform could get a little bit more official information
 before every final release.

 On 24 mar, 09:16, tauntz tau...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just hope that this time the release date for the official SDK will
 be BEFORE the update hits the masses. Not like it was with the 1.1SDK
 - it was released way after 1.1 was released to end-users (the
 argument from Google was something in the lines of Hey, this is a
 small release with no mayor changes so don't whine that you get it so
 late). Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that this is ridiculous..
 One of the reasons why we don't have the official 1.5 (orcupcakeor
 however it will be officially called) SDK is that It's not stable
 enough - fair enough but I really hope that you guys @ Google will
 release it as soon as the code is stable enough (eg the code is tested
 and ready to be released to the operators). That would give us a week
 (maybe more) before the operators push it to the end-users.
 And don't come with the you can build your own SDK from the
 opensource tree if you want - the last releases didn't come from the
 opensource tree so even if I wanted, i couldn't build the SDK based on
 the code that's shipped to the end-users. And even if this release
 will actually come from the public tree, you can't expect all app
 developers to build their own SDK, can you? We need an official SDK -
 and we need it as soon as the tree is stable enough (and way before
 it's pushed to the carriers/end-users)
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 2:38 AM, AndroidApp zl25dre...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not if you stay anonymous (hint, hint) ;-)
 On Mar 23, 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous firewallbr...@googlemail.com
  Someone from Google?  makes it official i guess :D
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:47 AM, AndroidApp zl25dre...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can someone capable just compile the SDK and post it online for
 everyone? Someone from Google? I dont really care if it's not
 official, i just dont want to download the source tree just to build
 the SDK, plus i need to do the tricks you mentioned to make it work on
 On Mar 23, 1:11 pm, Marco Nelissen marc...@android.com wrote:
 I certainly hope there aren't a lot of applications that use
 reflection and private APIs.
 On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:59 AM, zl25drexel zl25dre...@gmail.com
 Cupcakeis coming, and as you know it will break a lot of apps in the
 market, those that use reflection  private api. So where is the
 CupcakeSDK/emulator for us to try our apps?
 I know we can download the source codes and build it, and I know apps
 wont break if they dont use undocumented api, blah blah blah, but we
 should get an official SDK/emulator forcupcake, dont you think,


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[android-developers] Re: Getting a complete list of android native drawables

2009-03-20 Thread Pd

Why not have a look at the res/drawable folder in the android.jar.

gsmd wrote:
 I'd suggest to check out the sources from git  search for .pngs
 there. At least, that's what I did.

 On Mar 20, 2:43 am, Agus agus.sant...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone has a complete list of native drawables listed on a
 webapage ? I don't want to do trial and error..
 Any help is appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: detect screensize

2009-03-19 Thread Pd

this may work but I've not tested it  :-)


Bob wrote:
 How do I get the current screen resolution (width and height)?



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[android-developers] Re: detect screensize

2009-03-19 Thread Pd

My bad.  I read it as a literal.  Bob asked for the current screen 
resolution and not the width and height of a view or control etc  :-)

Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 You almost certainly don't want to do that.  It does not tell you the 
 actually available space (taking into account any screen decorations 
 that may or may not be showing), just the raw size.  You should always 
 use the view hierarchy layout system to place your UI.

 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Bob bshumsk...@yahoo.com 
 mailto:bshumsk...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Thanks, that seems to work.

 On Mar 19, 9:54 am, Pd lotusscr...@gmail.com
 mailto:lotusscr...@gmail.com wrote:
  this may work but I've not tested it  :-)
  Bob wrote:
   How do I get the current screen resolution (width and height)?

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer
 hack...@android.com mailto:hack...@android.com

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time 
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on 
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them.


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[android-developers] Weekend Project: Fruits of my labour ...

2009-03-16 Thread Pd


I would like to present a short intro I wrote over the course of the 
weekend.  Its basically what I call a round ticker.  You'll get the idea 
if you load it up into your phone or emulator.  The reason for me 
writing this was firstly to have some fun and secondly to learn about 
the SurfaceView, Animations etc  I'm still learning  :-)

I think I could do something with paths but I didn't get to that part of 
the manual  :-)

Everything was calculated in real time ( you'll probably be able to tell 
:-)  ) ... Oh, and there's no cool OpenGL in here ... I didn't get to 
look at that manual either  :-)  

If its too slow just tap the screen to toggle sound on/off :-)

The learning curve was quite steep at the beginning.  :-)

Hope you like it!

Can be found here:


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[android-developers] TextView bug or feature?

2009-03-13 Thread Pd

Just had an odd problem with a TextView.  Setting the visibility doesn't 
seem to work but doing the same on say a ScrollView does.  Is this normal?

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[android-developers] Re: TextView bug or feature?

2009-03-13 Thread Pd

I did exactly that but it didn't work.  I got around it by wrapping the 
TextView in a ScrollView for the time being so I can move on.  I'll 
re-visit at a later date.  Just wondered.


dillirao malipeddi wrote:

 yourtextview.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //visible
 yourtextview.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); //In visible
 yourtextview.setVisibility(View.GONE); // removes the view

 it will work

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Pd lotusscr...@gmail.com 
 mailto:lotusscr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just had an odd problem with a TextView.  Setting the visibility
 seem to work but doing the same on say a ScrollView does.  Is this

 Dilli Rao. M


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[android-developers] Re: Am I being banned from the list?

2009-03-11 Thread Pd

Anything to do with this?

Status: 552 5.2.2 minokr: mbox is over quota

I know there have been problems with gmail lately so maybe related.  But 
just in case try cleaning your mail box.  Just a guess   :-)


Stoyan Damov wrote:

 It's the 2nd post for which I'm getting:


 The original message was received at ...

   The following addresses had permanent fatal errors 
  (552 5.2.2 minokr: mbox is over quota)

 Final-Recipient: RFC822; min...@hanmail.net
 Action: failed
 Status: 552 5.2.2 minokr: mbox is over quota

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Stoyan Damov stoyan.da...@gmail.com
 To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
 Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 22:57:26 +0200
 Subject: [android-developers] Re: Risk of upgrading to 1.1?

 I have released my game on 19th of February, built against SDK 1.1 but
 no minSdkVersion, and tested on my G1 w/ 1.1, i.e. it should be
 working on 1.0 devices. So far I haven't got a report that it's not
 working on any device, other than the intermittent Force Close
 issues after an update.

 Bottom line is, don't worry, install 1.1 and build against SDK 1.1 - I
 haven't had any problems. Surely I haven't used any feature from 1.1,
 not that there are many.

 Do read http://developer.android.com/sdk/android-1.1.html to get more



 So, am I being banned or what?



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