[android-developers] Re: Port x86 program to Android met error

2009-12-11 Thread rktb
You might want to post this question in 
or http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting.


On Dec 12, 10:49 am, mundou  wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I'm recently trying to port a x86 linux application to Android
> platform, using android-ndk 1.6 and ndk wrapper. When compiling the
> codes I met the following problem:
> My codes uses usleep() function defined in  and tries to get
> its return value like this:
> return usleep(microseconds * 1000);
> However,  in x86 system defines usleep as
> extern int usleep ( __useconds_t __useconds );
> while  in Android NDK defines it as
> extern void usleep(unsigned long);
> Now I had to change my code as:
> usleep( microseconds * 1000 );
> return 0;
> I'm not sure if it's safe to do so. Does anyone have some idea about
> this? Or a better solution?
> Thanks very much!
> Mundou

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[android-developers] Re: No APK file or DEX files are created - with no warning or Error whatsoever

2011-11-06 Thread rktb
With the new ADT plugins, it is the default behavior (to speed up
build time) to not generate the .apk on every build. Note that a build
is triggered every time a file is changed and saved as well and this
dramatically increases the build time. So, the change is to skip the
resource packaging step by default. You can generate the .apk by doing
a File --> Export --> Android --> "Export as Android Application" ...

You can also restore the original behavior of generating the .apk
automatically. More information on that is shown here:

On Nov 6, 12:55 am, lokesh gupta  wrote:
> Hi,
> There is certainly some problem with your set up. Take a fresh sdk and
> check the
> target version of the hello world app.
> On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 1:54 AM, Asaf Koski  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've developed Android for a while now, using WIN7 64bit and Eclipse.
> > Since I've tried to install the new ADT (1.5), I get a very weird
> > phenomena. My build doesn't complete, and doesn't generate the APK
> > file, nor the dex files.
> > the class files are created, but nothing else.
> > Also, there is no warning or error neither at the output or the
> > Eclipse log.
> > The problem didn't occur immediately, but only after 1 or 2 good
> > builds.
> > Even if I create a simple project, the same thing happens.
> > I didn't find anything useful on the net.
> > I've re-downloaded Eclipse, the SDK, ADT, and started all over again,
> > and got the JRE7 compatibility issue (function ... must override).
> > I guess I got a Java SE update, and lost the old JRE. So I've
> > downloaded JRE6, changed the compliance issue, and set it and the
> > environment, and got back to square 1 :)
> > The build process starts, reaches 50% or 75%, suddenly stops, and no
> > apk or dex files are created.
> > Even for new empty helloWorld projects.
> > Can someone please help? I have no idea how to proceed.
> > Thanks
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Lokesh Gupta

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[android-developers] Re: Album Art

2009-01-05 Thread rktb

MediaScanner retrieves ALBUM_ART. You may check that service.


On Dec 27 2008, 1:02 pm, Protocol-X  wrote:
> Does anyone have a working Example of ALBUM_ART,  I have tried every
> example out there and cannot find any that actually retreive the art.
> the Lack of support on googles behalf on issues seems to be getting
> greater as well
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[android-developers] Sharing activities/Services across packages

2009-01-09 Thread rktb


I have two packages and would like to share activities and Services
between them. The following is what I have:

package1 -- com.android.rk1
This package consists of a service by the name "RKService1".

package2 -- com.android.rk2
This package consists of a service by the name "RKService2".

Now, from an activity of package2, I can call the service RKService2.
Intent serv = new Intent(this,RKTestService2.class);

But, I am not able to call RKService1 even after importing package1.

To begin with, I am seeing the compilation error:
"package com.android.rk1 does not exist"
where my import line says ..
"import com.android.rk1.RKService1;"

Any pointers will be appreciated.

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[android-developers] Re: Sharing activities/Services across packages

2009-01-09 Thread rktb

Ahh...thanks much !!

On Jan 10, 12:53 am, Peli  wrote:
> Here is the 
> pointer:http://code.google.com/intl/de-DE/android/reference/android/content/I...,
> java.lang.String)
> Try this:
> Intent serv = new Intent();
> serv.setClassName("com.android.rk1",
> "com.android.rk1.RKTestService1");
> It is considered more general though to introduce new intent actions
> and implement an intent filter in your manifest file.
> Peliwww.openintents.org
> On 9 Jan., 20:35, rktb  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have two packages and would like to share activities and Services
> > between them. The following is what I have:
> > package1 -- com.android.rk1
> > This package consists of a service by the name "RKService1".
> > package2 -- com.android.rk2
> > This package consists of a service by the name "RKService2".
> > Now, from an activity of package2, I can call the service RKService2.
> > Intent serv = new Intent(this,RKTestService2.class);
> > But, I am not able to call RKService1 even after importing package1.
> > To begin with, I am seeing the compilation error:
> > "package com.android.rk1 does not exist"
> > where my import line says ..
> > "import com.android.rk1.RKService1;"
> > Any pointers will be appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > Ravi
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[android-developers] Re: any other method

2009-01-09 Thread rktb


On Jan 10, 9:56 am, msmsmukesh  wrote:
> Hi all,Any method to quick to learn the android.
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[android-developers] Continuing topic " Bind to a remote service"

2009-01-12 Thread rktb


I could not find "Reply" on the post:
So, creating a new post.

Based on Dianne's example, I am able to start a remote service and
also call "bindService". Now, when I am trying to call a method, I am
seeing the following problem:
W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
D/AndroidRuntime(  342): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(  342): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime(  342): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime(  342): java.lang.SecurityException: Binder
invocation to an incorrect interface

The following are the details of my packages:

Package "com.android.rkserv" consists of a service RKOwnService. It
has the IDL file IRKOwnService.aidl. The AndroidManifest.xml consists
of the service

Package "com.android.rkapp" wants to access this service.
The service is started via
Intent serv = new Intent();

The service is bound via
bindService(new Intent("com.android.RKINTENT"),rkconn,

The service is stopped via
Intent serv = new Intent();

All the above actions go through fine. Next, I try to call a function
defined in the interface as
private final IRKOwnService.Stub mBinder = new IRKOwnService.Stub
() {
public void callFn1() {
This is when I see the error --
W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read

NOTE: To get rid of compilation errors, I added "IRKOwnService.aidl"
in the calling package "com.android.rkapp".

Any pointers would be appreciated.

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[android-developers] Re: can not find http proxy support for opencore http streaming playback

2009-01-13 Thread rktb

mediaplayer does support http playback.

On Jan 13, 2:21 pm, Paranoia  wrote:
> anybody here???  i hope android guys can know this issue. thanks!
> On Jan 11, 9:12 am, Paranoia  wrote:
> > http streaming playback can be support by opencore. but no any api for
> > this in mediaplayer. can android developers add this functionality? i
> > have no idea whether they can see my post.
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[android-developers] Re: the android's built in video player, supports which file format

2009-01-13 Thread rktb

It supports 3gpp playback.

On Jan 13, 12:47 pm, jalandar  wrote:
> the android's built in video player, supports which file format.
> Or there is no built in video player for video playing
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[android-developers] Re: Continuing topic " Bind to a remote service"

2009-01-13 Thread rktb

Bumping it up ...

On Jan 13, 12:39 pm, rktb  wrote:
> Hi,
> I could not find "Reply" on the 
> post:http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa
> So, creating a new post.
> Based on Dianne's example, I am able to start a remote service and
> also call "bindService". Now, when I am trying to call a method, I am
> seeing the following problem:
> ~~
> W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
> 'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
> 'com.android.rkapp.IRKOwnService'
> D/AndroidRuntime(  342): Shutting down VM
> W/dalvikvm(  342): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception
> (group=0x4000fe68)
> E/AndroidRuntime(  342): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
> uncaught exception
> E/AndroidRuntime(  342): java.lang.SecurityException: Binder
> invocation to an incorrect interface
> ~~
> The following are the details of my packages:
> Package "com.android.rkserv" consists of a service RKOwnService. It
> has the IDL file IRKOwnService.aidl. The AndroidManifest.xml consists
> of the service
>  android:process=":remote" >
> Package "com.android.rkapp" wants to access this service.
> The service is started via
>     Intent serv = new Intent();
>     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
>     startService(serv);
> The service is bound via
>     bindService(new Intent("com.android.RKINTENT"),rkconn,
> The service is stopped via
>     Intent serv = new Intent();
>     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
>     stopService(serv);
> All the above actions go through fine. Next, I try to call a function
> defined in the interface as
>     private final IRKOwnService.Stub mBinder = new IRKOwnService.Stub
> () {
>         public void callFn1() {
>             RKOwnService.this.callFn1();
>         }
>     };
> This is when I see the error --
> W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
> 'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
> 'com.android.rkapp.IRKOwnService'
> NOTE: To get rid of compilation errors, I added "IRKOwnService.aidl"
> in the calling package "com.android.rkapp".
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ravi
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[android-developers] Re: Continuing topic " Bind to a remote service"

2009-01-14 Thread rktb


I tried to follow what was being discussed in
http://code.google.com/android/reference/aidl.html#calling and
My test code looks almost the same. The only difference being that in
my case, the service and the activity that is calling it, are both in
different packages.

To get around the compilation errors, I included the same .aidl file
(IRKOwnService.aidl) defining the interface in both the packages (with
the package line different in both the files). I think that is what is
causing the problem.

Any suggestions?


On Jan 14, 1:34 am, "Dianne Hackborn"  wrote:
> You are calling on an interface that is different than the actually
> interface being called on the back-end service.
> The remote service API demo should show you how to do this correctly.
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:20 AM, rktb  wrote:
> > Bumping it up ...
> > On Jan 13, 12:39 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I could not find "Reply" on the post:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa
> > > So, creating a new post.
> > > Based on Dianne's example, I am able to start a remote service and
> > > also call "bindService". Now, when I am trying to call a method, I am
> > > seeing the following problem:
> > > ~~
> > > W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
> > > 'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
> > > 'com.android.rkapp.IRKOwnService'
> > > D/AndroidRuntime(  342): Shutting down VM
> > > W/dalvikvm(  342): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception
> > > (group=0x4000fe68)
> > > E/AndroidRuntime(  342): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
> > > uncaught exception
> > > E/AndroidRuntime(  342): java.lang.SecurityException: Binder
> > > invocation to an incorrect interface
> > > ~~
> > > The following are the details of my packages:
> > > Package "com.android.rkserv" consists of a service RKOwnService. It
> > > has the IDL file IRKOwnService.aidl. The AndroidManifest.xml consists
> > > of the service
> > >  > > android:process=":remote" >
> > >     
> > >         
> > >     
> > > 
> > > Package "com.android.rkapp" wants to access this service.
> > > The service is started via
> > >     Intent serv = new Intent();
> > >     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
> > >     startService(serv);
> > > The service is bound via
> > >     bindService(new Intent("com.android.RKINTENT"),rkconn,
> > > Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > The service is stopped via
> > >     Intent serv = new Intent();
> > >     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
> > >     stopService(serv);
> > > All the above actions go through fine. Next, I try to call a function
> > > defined in the interface as
> > >     private final IRKOwnService.Stub mBinder = new IRKOwnService.Stub
> > > () {
> > >         public void callFn1() {
> > >             RKOwnService.this.callFn1();
> > >         }
> > >     };
> > > This is when I see the error --
> > > W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
> > > 'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
> > > 'com.android.rkapp.IRKOwnService'
> > > NOTE: To get rid of compilation errors, I added "IRKOwnService.aidl"
> > > in the calling package "com.android.rkapp".
> > > Any pointers would be appreciated.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Ravi
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
> forums, where I and others can see and answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Playing encrypted video.

2009-01-14 Thread rktb

If you have already opened the file for encryption, and have a file
descriptor, you could pass that with setDataSource.


On Jan 14, 1:17 pm, RunX  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to play an encrypted video file.
> Currently, I use the method - setDataSource(String videoPath) in order
> to play videos.
> But when the file is encrypted I need to open the encryption before
> passing it to the media player.
> How can I do that?
> Maybe there is a way to set a memory file as a data source.
> Thanks for your help,
>    RunX
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[android-developers] Re: Streaming MP4s on Android

2009-01-14 Thread rktb


Can you play the same content if you push it onto your sdcard?

Do you see any related messages in the adb log output?


On Jan 14, 4:56 pm, Qchan  wrote:
> Hi!
> I'll get straight to the point.
> I was able to stream this file using the SDK on 
> Linux.http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> However, I cannot stream my own here:http://ultraedge.net:88/test.mp4
> Just to let you all know, my mp4 meets all the criteria for the media
> player on android to actually play it. It's a progressive streamable
> file (thanks to mp4box), yet it still won't stream.
> The most I get is perhaps a white box. Anyone have any insight on this?
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[android-developers] Re: the android's built in video player, supports which file format

2009-01-14 Thread rktb

Did you really mean pm4 or mp4?

pm4 -- I don't know what this is
avi -- To the best of my knowledge, we don't have support for this

Audio -- AAC (AAC-LC, AAC+, Enhanced AAC+), AMR (narrowband and
wideband), mp3, wav, midi, ogg-vorbis.

On Jan 15, 10:19 am, jalandar  wrote:
> thank u for reply
> will you clear little more, how to play pm4 or avi with android built
> in player, is there any converter.
> And for audio, is it only support mp3 format.
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[android-developers] Re: Continuing topic " Bind to a remote service"

2009-01-14 Thread rktb

Thanks Dianne. I was able to modify the framework by adding a new
interface, and this I was able to import in both my applications.


On Jan 15, 12:37 am, "Dianne Hackborn"  wrote:
> If you changed the package, they are different interfaces, and you can't
> call across them.  This is exactly what the error message is saying, you can
> see the two different interfaces listed there.  You should define the
> interface once and share it across all of the code using it.
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:22 AM, rktb  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I tried to follow what was being discussed in
> >http://code.google.com/android/reference/aidl.html#callingand
> >http://code.google.com/android/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/andro...
> > .
> > My test code looks almost the same. The only difference being that in
> > my case, the service and the activity that is calling it, are both in
> > different packages.
> > To get around the compilation errors, I included the same .aidl file
> > (IRKOwnService.aidl) defining the interface in both the packages (with
> > the package line different in both the files). I think that is what is
> > causing the problem.
> > Any suggestions?
> > Thanks,
> > Ravi
> > On Jan 14, 1:34 am, "Dianne Hackborn"  wrote:
> > > You are calling on an interface that is different than the actually
> > > interface being called on the back-end service.
> > > The remote service API demo should show you how to do this correctly.
> > > On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:20 AM, rktb  wrote:
> > > > Bumping it up ...
> > > > On Jan 13, 12:39 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I could not find "Reply" on the post:
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa..
> > ..
> > > > > So, creating a new post.
> > > > > Based on Dianne's example, I am able to start a remote service and
> > > > > also call "bindService". Now, when I am trying to call a method, I am
> > > > > seeing the following problem:
> > > > > ~~
> > > > > W/Parcel  (  319):  enforceInterface() expected
> > > > > 'com.android.rkserv.IRKOwnService' but read
> > > > > 'com.android.rkapp.IRKOwnService'
> > > > > D/AndroidRuntime(  342): Shutting down VM
> > > > > W/dalvikvm(  342): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception
> > > > > (group=0x4000fe68)
> > > > > E/AndroidRuntime(  342): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
> > > > > uncaught exception
> > > > > E/AndroidRuntime(  342): java.lang.SecurityException: Binder
> > > > > invocation to an incorrect interface
> > > > > ~~
> > > > > The following are the details of my packages:
> > > > > Package "com.android.rkserv" consists of a service RKOwnService. It
> > > > > has the IDL file IRKOwnService.aidl. The AndroidManifest.xml consists
> > > > > of the service
> > > > >  > > > > android:process=":remote" >
> > > > >     
> > > > >         
> > > > >     
> > > > > 
> > > > > Package "com.android.rkapp" wants to access this service.
> > > > > The service is started via
> > > > >     Intent serv = new Intent();
> > > > >     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
> > > > >     startService(serv);
> > > > > The service is bound via
> > > > >     bindService(new Intent("com.android.RKINTENT"),rkconn,
> > > > > Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > > > The service is stopped via
> > > > >     Intent serv = new Intent();
> > > > >     serv.setAction("com.android.RKINTENT");
> > > > >     stopService(serv);
> > > > > All the above actions go through fine. Next, I try to call a function
> > > > > defined in the interface as
> > > > >     private final IRKOwnService.Stub mBinder = new IRKOwnService.Stub
> > > > > () {
> > > > >         public void callFn1() {
> > > > >             RKOwnService.this.callFn1();
> > > > >         }
> > > > >     };
> > > > > This is when I see the error --
> > > >

[android-developers] Re: emulator

2009-01-15 Thread rktb


On Jan 15, 8:16 pm, Diemison Carlos  wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am a brazilian student of Computer Engineering and
> I am learning about Android.
> Now I need a emulator for to text my programs,
> but I don't know where i can find.
> Can you help me?
> --
> Carlos Mello
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[android-developers] Re: Streaming videos in Emulator

2009-01-16 Thread rktb

Please post the urls that you have tried.

On Jan 16, 12:48 pm, And-Rider  wrote:
> Is it possible to stream videos in an android emulator?...
> I tried streaming an mp3 file which worked perfectly...
> but when i tried streaming an video file(tried 3gp,mp4) but both dint
> work...
> I am not sure if the format is supported in the emulator .. I get an
> error "Sorry,this video cannot be played"
> This is the sample code i am using..I downloaded it from Google API
> Demos
> package and.stream;
> import android.app.Activity;
> import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
> import android.net.Uri;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.util.Log;
> import android.widget.MediaController;
> import android.widget.Toast;
> import android.widget.VideoView;
> public class videostream extends Activity {
>     /**
>      * TODO: Set the path variable to a streaming video URL or a local
> media
>      * file path.
>      */
>     private String path = "";
>     private VideoView mVideoView;
>     @Override
>     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
>         super.onCreate(icicle);
>         setContentView(R.layout.main);
>         mVideoView = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.surface_view);
>         if (path == "") {
>             // Tell the user to provide a media file URL/path.
>             Toast.makeText(
>                     videostream.this,
>                     "Please edit VideoViewDemo Activity, and set path"
>                             + " variable to your media file URL/path",
>                     Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
>         } else {
>             /*
>              * Alternatively,for streaming media you can use
>              * mVideoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse(URLstring));
>              */
>             mVideoView.setVideoPath(path);
>             mVideoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));
>             mVideoView.requestFocus();
>         }
>     }
> }
> In the place "path" i tried pasting some url's .. but it dint work
> Can someone help me with some sample codes... or streaming links which
> would work.. I am not sure if those formats i am using are supported
> in the emulator..
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[android-developers] Re: Streaming videos in Emulator

2009-01-16 Thread rktb

RTSP streaming has an issue on the Android emulator. That could be the
reason why you are not able to stream. Also, mp3 streaming over RTSP
protocol is currently not supported by the mediaplayer.

In general, HTTP streaming is supported (for both mp4 and mp3) and
working well on the emulator.

Please search through the forums for discussion about RTSP streaming
on emulator. There are umpteen threads on this.


On Jan 17, 9:03 am, Tez  wrote:
> Hi,
> You mentioned that you were able to "stream" mp3 files. I was
> wondering how you did this and was this streaming done like something
> similar to RTP?
> Cheers,
> Earlence
> On Jan 16, 12:48 pm, And-Rider  wrote:
> > Is it possible to stream videos in an android emulator?...
> > I tried streaming an mp3 file which worked perfectly...
> > but when i tried streaming an video file(tried 3gp,mp4) but both dint
> > work...
> > I am not sure if the format is supported in the emulator .. I get an
> > error "Sorry,this video cannot be played"
> > This is the sample code i am using..I downloaded it from Google API
> > Demos
> > package and.stream;
> > import android.app.Activity;
> > import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
> > import android.net.Uri;
> > import android.os.Bundle;
> > import android.util.Log;
> > import android.widget.MediaController;
> > import android.widget.Toast;
> > import android.widget.VideoView;
> > public class videostream extends Activity {
> >     /**
> >      * TODO: Set the path variable to a streaming video URL or a local
> > media
> >      * file path.
> >      */
> >     private String path = "";
> >     private VideoView mVideoView;
> >     @Override
> >     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
> >         super.onCreate(icicle);
> >         setContentView(R.layout.main);
> >         mVideoView = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.surface_view);
> >         if (path == "") {
> >             // Tell the user to provide a media file URL/path.
> >             Toast.makeText(
> >                     videostream.this,
> >                     "Please edit VideoViewDemo Activity, and set path"
> >                             + " variable to your media file URL/path",
> >                     Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >         } else {
> >             /*
> >              * Alternatively,for streaming media you can use
> >              * mVideoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse(URLstring));
> >              */
> >             mVideoView.setVideoPath(path);
> >             mVideoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));
> >             mVideoView.requestFocus();
> >         }
> >     }
> > }
> > In the place "path" i tried pasting some url's .. but it dint work
> > Can someone help me with some sample codes... or streaming links which
> > would work.. I am not sure if those formats i am using are supported
> > in the emulator..
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[android-developers] Re: Play wav files in Media player

2009-01-20 Thread rktb

OpenCORE also supports wav files with A-law and mu-law format.

On Jan 21, 8:23 am, Dave Sparks  wrote:
> What is the format of the data in the WAVE file?
> OpenCore only supports 8- and 16-bit linear PCM.
> On Jan 20, 11:59 am, ena  wrote:
> > plz help me outActually i want to play many file one by one in
> > media player.im using that code
> > MediaPlayer  melodyPlayer=MediaPlayer.create(context, resID);
> >                                 melodyPlayer.seekTo(0);
> >                                 melodyPlayer.start();
> > but after same time i get Error
> > 01-20 23:12:01.785: ERROR/AudioTrack(24): Could not get control block
> > 01-20 23:12:01.785: ERROR/AudioSink(24): Unable to create audio track
> > 01-20 23:12:01.785: ERROR/audiothread(24): Error creating AudioTrack
> > 01-20 23:12:01.876: WARN/PlayerDriver(24):
> > PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete
> > 01-20 23:12:01.886: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(316): create failed:
> > 01-20 23:12:01.886: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(316): java.io.IOException:
> > Prepare failed.: status=0x
> > 01-20 23:12:01.886: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(316):     at
> > android.media.MediaPlayer.prepare(Native Method)
> > 01-20 23:12:01.886: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(316):     at
> > android.media.MediaPlayer.create(MediaPlayer.java:169)
> > 01-20 23:12:01.886: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(316):     at
> > org.isol.MyCustomButton$1.onClick(MyCustomButton.java:89)
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[android-developers] Re: RTSP Streaming on g1 phone

2009-02-04 Thread rktb

On Feb 4, 1:07 am, Jeff Oh  wrote:
>  Hi, thanks for your interest.
>  I've tested many streams, but the following is the the most
> conservative one.
>  Video frame is 176x144, 8 fps.
>  Video bitrate is around 64kbps, audio bitrate is 80kbps.
>  I think this happens only with H.264 video. (base profile)
>  The video player I used to test were two. One is Meridian Video
> Player downloaded from android market and the other is my own
> developed one (they show me the same result).
>  I used android sdk r2 with g1 phone rc30.
>  The log is like the following.
> ---
> 02-04 16:04:57.754: ERROR/QCvdecH264(32): get_parameter: unknown param
> 0ff7a347
> 02-04 16:04:57.754: WARN/QCvdec(32): vdec: opened
> 02-04 16:05:01.694: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.694: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.694: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.694: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.714: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.714: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.714: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.714: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.724: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.724: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.724: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.724: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.744: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.744: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.744: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.744: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.764: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:01.774: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:01.774: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.114: DEBUG/dalvikvm(105): GC freed 325 objects / 15208
> bytes in 105ms
> 02-04 16:05:05.814: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.814: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.814: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.814: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.834: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.834: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.834: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.834: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.845: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.854: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.854: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.854: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.874: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.874: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:05.874: WARN/QCvdec(32): SetTHINErr
> 02-04 16:05:05.874: WARN/QCvdec(32): Error while parsing Slice Header
> 02-04 16:05:10.114: DEBUG/dalvikvm(997): GC freed 1095 objects / 76232
> bytes in 108ms
>  I couldn't find what those error message means.
>  Also, as I know g1 phone uses QDSP to decode MPEG4 video and H.264
> video. Am I right?
Only H.264 is played by QDSP. Not the mpeg4.
> Best regards,
>  Jeff.
> On 2월4일, 오후2시40분, "Jerry Yang"  wrote:
> > Hi, Which player are you using? Or just calling the android sdk to play
> > the rtsp stream?
> > Thanks
> > With best wishes
> > Jerry
> > -Original Message-
> > From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf OfJeffOh
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 7:59 PM
> > To: Android Developers
> > Subject: [android-developers] RTSP Streaming on g1 phone
> >  Hi, I'm trying to receive RTSP streaming video with g1. The video
> > file I made was encoded using QuickTime pro, and they are progressive
> > streamable with a hint track. Video is encoded in H.264, and audio is
> > encoded in AAC LC. File container is MP4. (They can be played via
> > sdcard)
> >  I used Darwin Streaming Server to stream this file.
> >  With sample media player given from android, I changed 'path' to the
> > address like "rtsp://"
> >  The results are really odd. It sometimes (like once per 20~30 times)
> > runs well, but in other times, only audio is played and video freezes
> > after first 1~3 frames.
> >  Is there anyone having same problem or any idea? Any comments will be
> > very appreciated.
> >  Thanks in forward.
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[android-developers] Re: RTSP Streaming on g1 phone

2009-02-04 Thread rktb

I can't seem to ping Any address where I can access the
file from?


On Feb 3, 5:59 am, Jeff Oh  wrote:
>  Hi, I'm trying to receive RTSP streaming video with g1. The video
> file I made was encoded using QuickTime pro, and they are progressive
> streamable with a hint track. Video is encoded in H.264, and audio is
> encoded in AAC LC. File container is MP4. (They can be played via
> sdcard)
>  I used Darwin Streaming Server to stream this file.
>  With sample media player given from android, I changed 'path' to the
> address like "rtsp://"
>  The results are really odd. It sometimes (like once per 20~30 times)
> runs well, but in other times, only audio is played and video freezes
> after first 1~3 frames.
>  Is there anyone having same problem or any idea? Any comments will be
> very appreciated.
>  Thanks in forward.
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[android-developers] Re: RTSP Streaming on g1 phone

2009-02-05 Thread rktb

If you can provide me access to the RTSP server, I could try to be of
some help.

On Feb 5, 12:14 am, Jeff Oh  wrote:
>  Every H.264 video files are played well from SD card.
>  This happens only when playing H.264 with streaming.
> On 2월5일, 오후12시16분, "Jerry Yang"  wrote:
> > Can you try to play a same video file from local SD card?
> > -Original Message-
> > From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Oh
> > Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 9:54 AM
> > To: Android Developers
> > Subject: [android-developers] Re:RTSPStreamingon g1 phone
> > > Only H.264 is played by QDSP. Not the mpeg4.
> >  Thanks for the info. That might be one of the possible cause. I'm
> > suspecting H.264 video codec because audio runs very well even when
> > video freezes and MPEG4 video works fine withstreaming.
> >  Regards,
> >   Jeff.
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[android-developers] Re: android by example

2009-02-08 Thread rktb

This should do it ... http://source.android.com/download.

If you are having trouble downloading it, please check
http://groups.google.com/group/repo-discuss to see if your question
has already been answered, else, post a question in that forum.


On Feb 8, 1:49 pm, solid  wrote:
> How do I get the source for stock android apps.  I specifically want
> the source for the music app and the dialer.  I have tried downloading
> from the git repository but every attempt complains about not being
> able to find it.  What is the correct procedure for accessing the
> source for the stock android apps?
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[android-developers] Re: OpenCore / Possible Issue w/ Streaming MP3 over HTTP?

2010-05-12 Thread rktb

I was able to reproduce the problem, and it is definitely timing
dependent. For the eclair codebase, I found a problem in OpenCORE's
mp3 parser node. That, however, has been fixed on the latest codebase
available at kernel.org.

Now, for applications that are being written for existing Android SDK
releases, I don't have a way out yet.


On May 12, 12:47 pm, SDS  wrote:
> I’m experiencing an intermittent and very frustrating issue with
> MediaPlayer on Android when streaming MP3 over HTTP.  I’ve done as
> much research and debugging as I possibly can to try and find a
> solution, but am coming up short.  I can’t find reference to this
> issue anywhere, including b.android.com.
> Essentially, what’s happening is MediaPlayer will not come out of the
> preparing state.  The device is receiving audio data during this time,
> as indicated by network sniffs and the MediaPlayer buffering callback
> being invoked repeatedly with increasing percentage values, but
> eventually the buffer appears to become full and stops receiving.
> Because prepare() never returns, or more accurately when
> prepareAsync() is used and the onPrepared callback is never invoked,
> and neither the onError() nor onInfo() callbacks are invoked, the
> application can neither call MediaPlayer.start() nor make any sort of
> recovery.
> Other notable observations:
> -       The problem is intermittent, meaning that subsequent attempts to
> play the exact same MP3 stream from the exact same server may exhibit
> this behavior or not
> -       The problem seems to be exasperated when the device is connected via
> 3G versus wifi
> -       The problem occurs on different MP3’s encoded by different software
> -       The problem occurs when streaming from different HTTP servers
> -       The problem cannot be reproduced on any of the Android SDK emulators
> -       The problem can be reproduced on the HTC Incredible, Verizon
> Motorola DROID, and HTC Touch
> -       When MediaPlayer successfully returns from the preparing state,
> there is an info message (what=1, extra=44) received.  This info
> message is not received during the problematic case.
> Anyone ever experienced this, or even find a solution?
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: OpenCore / Possible Issue w/ Streaming MP3 over HTTP?

2010-05-12 Thread rktb
One thing to try is to encode a clip without Id3v2, and see the
behavior. That would reduce the probability of "insufficient data" by
a bit.


On May 12, 5:02 pm, rktb  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to reproduce the problem, and it is definitely timing
> dependent. For the eclair codebase, I found a problem in OpenCORE's
> mp3 parser node. That, however, has been fixed on the latest codebase
> available at kernel.org.
> Now, for applications that are being written for existing Android SDK
> releases, I don't have a way out yet.
> -Ravi
> On May 12, 12:47 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > I’m experiencing an intermittent and very frustrating issue with
> > MediaPlayer on Android when streaming MP3 over HTTP.  I’ve done as
> > much research and debugging as I possibly can to try and find a
> > solution, but am coming up short.  I can’t find reference to this
> > issue anywhere, including b.android.com.
> > Essentially, what’s happening is MediaPlayer will not come out of the
> > preparing state.  The device is receiving audio data during this time,
> > as indicated by network sniffs and the MediaPlayer buffering callback
> > being invoked repeatedly with increasing percentage values, but
> > eventually the buffer appears to become full and stops receiving.
> > Because prepare() never returns, or more accurately when
> > prepareAsync() is used and the onPrepared callback is never invoked,
> > and neither the onError() nor onInfo() callbacks are invoked, the
> > application can neither call MediaPlayer.start() nor make any sort of
> > recovery.
> > Other notable observations:
> > -       The problem is intermittent, meaning that subsequent attempts to
> > play the exact same MP3 stream from the exact same server may exhibit
> > this behavior or not
> > -       The problem seems to be exasperated when the device is connected via
> > 3G versus wifi
> > -       The problem occurs on different MP3’s encoded by different software
> > -       The problem occurs when streaming from different HTTP servers
> > -       The problem cannot be reproduced on any of the Android SDK emulators
> > -       The problem can be reproduced on the HTC Incredible, Verizon
> > Motorola DROID, and HTC Touch
> > -       When MediaPlayer successfully returns from the preparing state,
> > there is an info message (what=1, extra=44) received.  This info
> > message is not received during the problematic case.
> > Anyone ever experienced this, or even find a solution?
> > Thank you in advance.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: OpenCore / Possible Issue w/ Streaming MP3 over HTTP?

2010-05-12 Thread rktb

I was actually able to see the content length in the http response.
Here is a snippet from my log:
file size = 5346201

But, yes, the auto-pause/auto-resume does indeed depend on whether or
not the content length is present in the header.

If you try to put the new OpenCORE code under your application, you
would need to write a new MIO [media input/output component] that
would dump the raw PCM data back to the java layer, which would then
use the AudioTrack API to render the data. But, I think that this
would be a bit involving.

I am still trying to think what other properties could be a factor.
Did you try:
- "smaller" content?
- lower bitrate content?


On May 12, 8:39 pm, SDS  wrote:
> Hi Ravi,
> Thank you kindly for your responses.
> I've tried MP3 streams without ID3v2, but I should point out a
> difference that may or may not be significant in the context of this
> defect.  The HTTP headers for the MP3 streams were without a Content-
> Length header.  In terms of the initial observations I reported, the
> intermittent behavior is identical but without the increasing buffer %
> callbacks.  I'm assuming this is expected, but I'll let you decide.
> Regarding deployment of the latest code for OpenCORE with our
> application, so that we can take advantage of your fix, what would be
> involved from a development perspective, and how would you compare
> that level of effort with us rolling our own HTTP streaming / MP3
> decoding framework using native code?
> On May 12, 9:33 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > One thing to try is to encode a clip without Id3v2, and see the
> > behavior. That would reduce the probability of "insufficient data" by
> > a bit.
> > -Ravi
> > On May 12, 5:02 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I was able to reproduce the problem, and it is definitely timing
> > > dependent. For the eclair codebase, I found a problem in OpenCORE's
> > > mp3 parser node. That, however, has been fixed on the latest codebase
> > > available at kernel.org.
> > > Now, for applications that are being written for existing Android SDK
> > > releases, I don't have a way out yet.
> > > -Ravi
> > > On May 12, 12:47 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > > > I’m experiencing an intermittent and very frustrating issue with
> > > > MediaPlayer on Android when streaming MP3 over HTTP.  I’ve done as
> > > > much research and debugging as I possibly can to try and find a
> > > > solution, but am coming up short.  I can’t find reference to this
> > > > issue anywhere, including b.android.com.
> > > > Essentially, what’s happening is MediaPlayer will not come out of the
> > > > preparing state.  The device is receiving audio data during this time,
> > > > as indicated by network sniffs and the MediaPlayer buffering callback
> > > > being invoked repeatedly with increasing percentage values, but
> > > > eventually the buffer appears to become full and stops receiving.
> > > > Because prepare() never returns, or more accurately when
> > > > prepareAsync() is used and the onPrepared callback is never invoked,
> > > > and neither the onError() nor onInfo() callbacks are invoked, the
> > > > application can neither call MediaPlayer.start() nor make any sort of
> > > > recovery.
> > > > Other notable observations:
> > > > -       The problem is intermittent, meaning that subsequent attempts to
> > > > play the exact same MP3 stream from the exact same server may exhibit
> > > > this behavior or not
> > > > -       The problem seems to be exasperated when the device is 
> > > > connected via
> > > > 3G versus wifi
> > > > -       The problem occurs on different MP3’s encoded by different 
> > > > software
> > > > -       The problem occurs when streaming from different HTTP servers
> > > > -       The problem cannot be reproduced on any of the Android SDK 
> > > > emulators
> > > > -       The problem can be reproduced on the HTC Incredible, Verizon
> > > > Motorola DROID, and HTC Touch
> > > > -       When MediaPlayer successfully returns from the preparing state,
> > > > there is an info message (what=1, extra=44) received.  This info
> > > > message is not received during the problematic case.
> > > > Anyone ever experienced this, or even find a solution?
> > > > Thank you in adva

[android-developers] Re: OpenCore / Possible Issue w/ Streaming MP3 over HTTP?

2010-05-14 Thread rktb
Here is the commit for the fix for high bitrate streaming issue:

On May 13, 11:14 am, SDS  wrote:
> Ravi, I'm not seeing your commit for the timing fix on
> android.git.kernel.org.  Am I looking in the wrong place?
> On May 13, 10:47 am, SDS  wrote:
> > Hi Ravi,
> > Regarding the missing Content-Length header, this was on different
> > streams.  The test case you have has the Content-Length header (which
> > is one reason I provided that test case specifically, to simplify the
> > issue).
> > Believe it or not, I'm having success with 128kbps MP3's to the device
> > over 3G.  Same goes with 192kbps and 256kbps.  At 320kbps the problem
> > becomes apparent again.  What I find most strange about this is that
> > the test case I sent you was at 192kbps but I'm still having problems
> > with that particular track.  The tracks I'm tsting with today are
> > being transcoded on the fly by FFmpeg, so bitrate aside the encoder
> > may be the notable difference there.
> > Your thoughts?
> > On May 12, 10:01 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I was actually able to see the content length in the http response.
> > > Here is a snippet from my log:
> > > PVLOG:TID(0xe9bf8):Time=830:HttpParsingBasicObject::parseResponse()
> > > file size = 5346201
> > > But, yes, the auto-pause/auto-resume does indeed depend on whether or
> > > not the content length is present in the header.
> > > If you try to put the newOpenCOREcode under your application, you
> > > would need to write a new MIO [media input/output component] that
> > > would dump the raw PCM data back to the java layer, which would then
> > > use the AudioTrack API to render the data. But, I think that this
> > > would be a bit involving.
> > > I am still trying to think what other properties could be a factor.
> > > Did you try:
> > > - "smaller" content?
> > > - lower bitrate content?
> > > -Ravi
> > > On May 12, 8:39 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > > > Hi Ravi,
> > > > Thank you kindly for your responses.
> > > > I've tried MP3 streams without ID3v2, but I should point out a
> > > > difference that may or may not be significant in the context of this
> > > > defect.  The HTTP headers for the MP3 streams were without a Content-
> > > > Length header.  In terms of the initial observations I reported, the
> > > > intermittent behavior is identical but without the increasing buffer %
> > > > callbacks.  I'm assuming this is expected, but I'll let you decide.
> > > > Regarding deployment of the latest code forOpenCOREwith our
> > > > application, so that we can take advantage of your fix, what would be
> > > > involved from a development perspective, and how would you compare
> > > > that level of effort with us rolling our own HTTP streaming / MP3
> > > > decoding framework using native code?
> > > > On May 12, 9:33 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > > > One thing to try is to encode a clip without Id3v2, and see the
> > > > > behavior. That would reduce the probability of "insufficient data" by
> > > > > a bit.
> > > > > -Ravi
> > > > > On May 12, 5:02 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > I was able to reproduce the problem, and it is definitely timing
> > > > > > dependent. For the eclair codebase, I found a problem inOpenCORE's
> > > > > > mp3 parser node. That, however, has been fixed on the latest 
> > > > > > codebase
> > > > > > available at kernel.org.
> > > > > > Now, for applications that are being written for existing Android 
> > > > > > SDK
> > > > > > releases, I don't have a way out yet.
> > > > > > -Ravi
> > > > > > On May 12, 12:47 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > > > > > > I’m experiencing an intermittent and very frustrating issue with
> > > > > > > MediaPlayer on Android when streaming MP3 over HTTP.  I’ve done as
> > > > > > > much research and debugging as I possibly can to try and find a
> > > > > > > solution, but am coming up short.  I can’t find referenc

[android-developers] Re: OpenCore / Possible Issue w/ Streaming MP3 over HTTP?

2010-05-14 Thread rktb
I can't think of any right now. Unfortunately, I can't spend a lot of
time on an older codebase, especially if the problem has been fixed on
the latest.


On May 13, 9:47 am, SDS  wrote:
> Hi Ravi,
> Regarding the missing Content-Length header, this was on different
> streams.  The test case you have has the Content-Length header (which
> is one reason I provided that test case specifically, to simplify the
> issue).
> Believe it or not, I'm having success with 128kbps MP3's to the device
> over 3G.  Same goes with 192kbps and 256kbps.  At 320kbps the problem
> becomes apparent again.  What I find most strange about this is that
> the test case I sent you was at 192kbps but I'm still having problems
> with that particular track.  The tracks I'm tsting with today are
> being transcoded on the fly by FFmpeg, so bitrate aside the encoder
> may be the notable difference there.
> Your thoughts?
> On May 12, 10:01 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I was actually able to see the content length in the http response.
> > Here is a snippet from my log:
> > PVLOG:TID(0xe9bf8):Time=830:HttpParsingBasicObject::parseResponse()
> > file size = 5346201
> > But, yes, the auto-pause/auto-resume does indeed depend on whether or
> > not the content length is present in the header.
> > If you try to put the newOpenCOREcode under your application, you
> > would need to write a new MIO [media input/output component] that
> > would dump the raw PCM data back to the java layer, which would then
> > use the AudioTrack API to render the data. But, I think that this
> > would be a bit involving.
> > I am still trying to think what other properties could be a factor.
> > Did you try:
> > - "smaller" content?
> > - lower bitrate content?
> > -Ravi
> > On May 12, 8:39 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > > Hi Ravi,
> > > Thank you kindly for your responses.
> > > I've tried MP3 streams without ID3v2, but I should point out a
> > > difference that may or may not be significant in the context of this
> > > defect.  The HTTP headers for the MP3 streams were without a Content-
> > > Length header.  In terms of the initial observations I reported, the
> > > intermittent behavior is identical but without the increasing buffer %
> > > callbacks.  I'm assuming this is expected, but I'll let you decide.
> > > Regarding deployment of the latest code forOpenCOREwith our
> > > application, so that we can take advantage of your fix, what would be
> > > involved from a development perspective, and how would you compare
> > > that level of effort with us rolling our own HTTP streaming / MP3
> > > decoding framework using native code?
> > > On May 12, 9:33 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > > One thing to try is to encode a clip without Id3v2, and see the
> > > > behavior. That would reduce the probability of "insufficient data" by
> > > > a bit.
> > > > -Ravi
> > > > On May 12, 5:02 pm, rktb  wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I was able to reproduce the problem, and it is definitely timing
> > > > > dependent. For the eclair codebase, I found a problem inOpenCORE's
> > > > > mp3 parser node. That, however, has been fixed on the latest codebase
> > > > > available at kernel.org.
> > > > > Now, for applications that are being written for existing Android SDK
> > > > > releases, I don't have a way out yet.
> > > > > -Ravi
> > > > > On May 12, 12:47 pm, SDS  wrote:
> > > > > > I’m experiencing an intermittent and very frustrating issue with
> > > > > > MediaPlayer on Android when streaming MP3 over HTTP.  I’ve done as
> > > > > > much research and debugging as I possibly can to try and find a
> > > > > > solution, but am coming up short.  I can’t find reference to this
> > > > > > issue anywhere, including b.android.com.
> > > > > > Essentially, what’s happening is MediaPlayer will not come out of 
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > preparing state.  The device is receiving audio data during this 
> > > > > > time,
> > > > > > as indicated by network sniffs and the MediaPlayer buffering 
> > > > > > callback
> > > > > > being invoked repeatedly with increasing percentage values, but
> > > &g