Re: [Assam] [SupportAChild-Assam] Re: [NorthEastIndia] INVITATION FROM AGP SOCIAL MEDIA FORUM

2014-12-16 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Fully agree with Ankur. If Prafulla Mahanta and his cabinet colleagues have 
betrayed the people of Assam, should  the new leadership forget about Assam 
Accord and Illegal Migrants issue? I had recently visited the porous border; it 
will have to be sealedBidyananda BarkakotyGuwahatiCell : 9435046211

 On Wednesday, 17 December 2014 3:16 AM, Ankur Bora [NorthEastIndia] wrote:

     The adverse response to the invitation email is understandable,the 
political leadership of AGP failed not only to implement but also to raisethe 
constitutional validity of the accord in national stage.The question is – 
should the failure of one sectionof leadership supersede all others? Are we 
saying – since they failed , let’sforget about it all ?  No it can’t be –We 
sacrificed so much , during the six years old agitation , I myself ( likemany 
others)  lost one year  of schooling , my uncle ( ‘mama’ ) who wasknown as one 
of the most sincere , honest administrator had to go through the ignominy of 
‘suspension’ because of his supportto the movement. If we declare a closure , 
it would betray our children andfuture generations.
Even after 29 years of Assam accord , most of thepeople have no idea what the 
accord stands for. Clause 6 of the Accord providedfor giving constitutional 
safeguard to the indigenous people of Assam while clause7 of the Accord said 
that the Government of India would take steps for the allround economic 
development of Assam. These are vital aspects , we have Constitution of India 
in our supportwhich is supreme. In USA , I have seen , how the rights of native 
red Indiangetting protection , the local law of the land supersedes the  
federal law – since it is defined in the Constitutionof America. Can’t we have 
next generation of leaders , parliamentarians who canput forth the cause of 
Assam in the national forum ? and that is why theseminar organized Seminar 
organised by AGP Social Media Forum is so important , I feelAs mentioned 
earlier , the sentiments echoed by themembers are expected , at the same time , 
we shouldn't lose sight of somethingelse.  Let’s be optimist , positive and 
hopethat the next generation of leaders will be successful in espousing the 
causeof Assam.ThanksAnkur 

 On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:33 PM, Vavani Sarmah 
[SupportAChild-Assam] wrote:

     Yes, it's like beating a dead horse. Assam accord is out dated. Deporting 
legal or illegal immigrants are simply not possible and impractical. 
Even if slightly consider humanitarian aspect of it - these poor people are 
living in those chars so miserably without having the basic needs. Children, 
women are dying everyday, women delivering babies in open sky...
Yes, it time to decide and take right course of action to meet the future need 
and no point evaluating defeat or win. It's a good lesson from AASU to AGP in 
last so many years. 
Now, many of them are taking political advantage out of it and trying again. 
What a pathetic situation and human we areI would say, AGP has lost morale 
right to discuss about this issue any more.
Vavani Sarmah

  From: Shantikam Hazarika [NorthEastIndia]
 To: Hitesh Kalita; Dr. Aroop J. Kalita 
Looitporia; North East; Friendsof Assam NE; Support A. Child; Assam Bangalore; Rini Kakati; 
Aana; Ankur Bora 
 Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2014 9:40 AM
    As such, to discuss after 28 years whether the Assam Accord was faulty or 
improperly implemented is like flogging a dead horse. I do not know what useful 
purpose will be served by the seminar, except giving the usual seminarists to 
regurgitate the same old/ the usual platitudes. Let us admit, the Bangladeshi 
problem has defeated us. Now what is the road ahead is the question we should 
ask and decide on.Shantikam Hazarika

 From: Hitesh Kalita [NorthEastIndia]
    That should have done  that time. The time has changed. They cant fool 
people anymore. If they want to survive, have them change the leadership and 
discuss about NE development. 

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Dr. Aroop J. Kalita wrote:
That is the big question. What was in that accord that prevented them from 
doing so ? And why could not others also do anything in the rest of the 20 
years post 1985 ? Lets see what answers we get , particularly from the 


2014-05-20 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Mr. Neiphiu Rio’s Speech at NDA Parliamentary Meeting on 20th May 2014 
(Tuesday) in New Delhi
Rio is a Member of Parliament (MP) from Nagaland and was/is Chief Minister of
Nagaland for three consecutive terms. Mr. Rio may be inducted into Mr. Modi’s
Council of Ministers. Mr. Rio will be of help in taking forward Ike’s proposal.
: 9435046211
Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Madan Bezbaruah
was delighted to read the proposal from Ike. As you know I chair a committee on
NE ( the work was suspended when the Code of Conduct came into operation) to
look onto the concerns of people from NE in the Metros. As part of our
tentative recommendations I was thinking of such a centre. We had a little
wider view -- wanted the centre to be 'one stop' centre for grievances,
counselling, orientation for people coming for the first time to the metro
about 'do's and dont's', spoken hindi classes etc. Any suggestions is welcome. 
It will be very helpful if a proper
proposal could be sent to me so that I can make it a part of our report after
consulting the other members. If it comes in the name of an organisation--like
FASS- it will be even better.
Can you also suggest a good name for the
centre-- instead of the bland centre, complex etc?-- a name that symbolises the
NE spirit.
Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Ike Sinha
Dear Mr. Rajen Barua,
Greetings from India.
I have received your mail and that FASS is having its General Annual
Meeting on Sunday April 27 ,2014 in Houston. Everyone seems to be sending
complimentary words and good wishes. But I am writing to give you a proper
idea and a commitment from all NE living abroad and FASS members all over
the world to come together and if you are really serious to promote the
interest of North East states ,it is suggested  that you plan to have
 The nation soon will have a new
government by 16 May 2014. The country
needs a change. The nation have not yet understood the potential of NE
States ,its resources and how it could involve in nation building. We are
surrounded by foreign countries all around and connected with mainland
India just by 22 km. All such good brains have moved to greener pastures.
So now it is time to do reverse investment and make all NE States
progressive and developed state.
1. Government of India has a Ministry of DONER to look into the
interests of the NE people of all 8 NE States.
2. As an organization ,FASS to make sure that Government land to be
allotted at New Delhi and create a complex to be called NORTH EAST STATES
3. Make all MP's who will get selected to come together irrespective of
party lines to ask the Government of the day to allot such land.They will
all be taken as members but they have to work for their people in their
 4. The complex to have independent state
pavilion who would sell
products of their states on daily basis.
5. All handicraft /handloom products.
6. Convert this place as a Cultural Center with  at least two or three
restaurants providing both the food of the NE and also other Indian
/continental food . Employ only people from the NE States.
7. All NE people become members and they must have a Membership number.
8. Have a state of the art auditorium. Hire it out when the state
functions not held.
9. Invite all foreign delegation who visit India ,to come to this Center
and to know more about the NE States.
10. Have a Conference room,library with all authors from the respective
states to be able to display their product.
11. Let it be a Tourist place for all foreigners to be able to see all
the NE States under one roof.
12. Let this Center be the doorway to the NE States.
13. Create Travel Facility and Information Center.
14. Create atmosphere for Exports for all NE products,for eg:
Tea,Bamboo,Cane,Handicraft,Hand loom products,herbal products,organic
food,Film release,book release ,fashion show of designers from NE.You hire
out the place to other designers for their event and that money goes into
the upkeep and maintenance of the Center.
15. The allotment of land must be negotiated with Chairman,NDMC so that
the site must be centrally located.
16.All state events to be showcased here.
17. Let this place be vibrant and an everyday event place.
In fact ,I had taken 1 year to prepare this project few years ago.I have
discussed this subject with Mr. Mukundakam Sharma when he was
President,Assam Association but he could not take any initiative. The
project is ready already with me.It was my dream to show the potential of
NE people and their creative talents which is a great resource not yet
tapped properly by any Government.If allowed to begin this venture at New
Delhi,in less than 6 months,we can employ 40 thousand people,5000 per state.
This is my

Re: [Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Thanks to Jeevan magazine for selecting me in the list of ‘Special 10 of the Year’ [2 Attachments]

2012-02-20 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Thank you to JEEVAN for selecting a deserving person like Buljit Buragohain.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
Chairman, North Eastern Tea Association (NETA)
Cell : 9435046211. 

--- On Mon, 20/2/12, Buljit Buragohain wrote:

From: Buljit Buragohain
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Thanks to Jeevan magazine for selecting me in the 
list of ‘Special 10 of the Year’ [2 Attachments]
Cc: Jeevan
Date: Monday, 20 February, 2012, 5:32 PM



[Attachment(s) from Buljit Buragohain included below]

  Thanks to 'Jeevan' ( JeevanInitiative) for 
selecting me in the list of 'Special 10 of the Year'.

Buljit Buragohain

.. .. 
.. .

Jeevan magazine list of ‘Special 10 of the Year’:

•Birobala Rabha, fighting against witchcraft and saved life of about 35 victim 
•Karunadhara, a social support movement for the differently-abled.
•Dr. Aparajita Gogoi, leading a national coordination for safe motherhood.
•Dr. Jaimini Bhagwati, the newly appointed India's High Commissioner to UK.
•Prantik, three decades of social thought process.
•Dr. M Firoz Ahmed, wildlife biologist and conservationist.
•Dr. Buljit Buragohain  Himjyoti Talukdar, Assam’s envoys in the Internet 
•Laila Hilali-Xile Xile, the fusion song of a ethnic tune and old melody.
•Jatadhari, Prarthana Saikia's political fantasy redefining Assamese literature.
•Ramdhenu, which sparkled signs of industry in Assamese cinema.

.. .. ...

‘Special 10 of the Year’ for 2011.
(The Assam Tribune ,20.02.2012)) scripts/showpage.asp?id= feb2012,5,918,651,495,543

News from Dainik Asam (20.02.2012) : scripts/displaypage.asp?id= 



  Attachment(s) from Buljit Buragohain

 2 of 2 Photo(s)

 The Assam Tribune (20.02.2012).JPG

 Dainik Asam (20.02.2012).JPG


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assam mailing list

[Assam] The media of Assam deserves a round of applause

2011-11-09 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
The media of Assam deserves a round of applause from the
people of Assam for the wonderful role they have played in the last few days as
a mark of respect to Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. The round-the-clock coverage by the
media houses and the immense hard work of the media persons is unprecedented.
This tribute paid by the media houses reflects the love and respect showered by
the people of Assam on this great cultural icon. The half-holiday observed by
the tea industry to pay homage to legendary Dr. Bhupen Hazarika is also


Dr. Bhupen Hazarika was a global citizen. It is now our
responsibility to take forward the legacy of Bhupen da and keep his memory and
works green and fresh forever all over the world.


We urge the Govt. of India to confer Bharat Ratna to Late Dr.
Bhupen Hazarika, an illustrious son of the soil.


Bidyananda Barkakoty

Chairman, North Eastern Tea Association (NETA)
assam mailing list

[Assam] Third party role in The Tech Awards 2011 by The Tech Museum

2011-10-13 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Third party role in The Tech Awards 2011 by The Tech Museum

The controversy over the Tech Award to Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarmah of CRD, Guwahati 
took a new turn after a press release by Assam Foundation of North America 
(AFNA). AFNA has mentioned that:
i) it has submitted the application for this award. 
ii). as part of the application process, AFNA submitted detailed information 
about the contributions of all stakeholders in the Rickshaw Bank project, 
including those of CRD and IIT Guwahati. 

Now going by the statement of AFNA, the questions that arise are:
i) Who authorized AFNA to apply for this award without prior permission from 
the stakeholders (AFNA has never discussed this with Project Investigator and 
Designer of the Dipbahan,
 Dr. Amarendra Kumar Das)?
ii) Was it that AFNA only nominated Rickshaw bank? 
iii) Why AFNA and CRD will attend the award function and why not IIT Guwahati?
iv) In whose account is the award money going to be deposited (in case it is 
announced at the award function)? It has been pointed out that AFNA applied for 
the award and it is logical that they will receive the amount and then they 
will pass it on to whom - Dr. Pradip Sarmah or CRD or AFNA coffers?
AFNA needs to justify its action, because nobody can claim awards like this on 
other stakeholder’s behalf, without prior permission. Is this acceptable in 
today’s knowledge driven economy?

The press release by AFNA looks like a damage control measure (or shall we say 
face saving measure?) taken by AFNA. If readers are keenly following the whole 
episode, one can see that AFNA still did not touch Dr. A. K. Das’s main 
allegation of PLAGIARISM. CRD and its executive
 director have received several awards based on plagiarism. CRD claims that the 
Rickshaw Bank concept was innovated by them. However this concept was practiced 
much earlier in the year 1994-95 when Rastriya Gramin Vikash Nidhi (RGVN) 
sanctioned this project to the Bastar Sevak Mandal, Madhya Pradesh. Please go 
through the pdf attachment regarding the project of the Bastar Sevak Mandal. 
AFNA themselves should inform about this plagiarism to The Tech Museum so that 
we can be sure that AFNA is not in league with this plagiarism. AFNA, instead 
of initiating face saving measure like telling the world now that they gave 
credit to Dr. Das and IIT Guwahati, should take corrective measures so that the 
guilty get their due share of blame and the one who deserves due honor gets it, 
otherwise this will bring disgrace to Assam and Assamese Community. 

AFNA has mentioned that CRD has made some changes in the original design but 
question arises whether CRD has
 taken permission from IIT Guwahati for such changes and whether by making some 
changes they have compromised with the quality and passenger safety. I have 
seen many rickshaws on the roads of Guwahati which have been manufactured by 
some local manufacturer other than CRD, so can they too claim to be the 
innovator because they have made certain changes? Dipbahan tricycle rickshaw 
designed by Dr. Amarendra Kr. Das and supported by the Department of Design, 
IIT Guwahati, is excellently designed for passengers’ benefit like space, 
safety, comfort etc., which only a professionally trained designer like Dr. 
A.K. Das can conceptualize and deliver.  
When the whole success of DIPBAHAN is to be attributed to the design, leaving 
Dr. Amarendra Kr. Das and IIT Guwahati out of this award is nothing short of 
treachery and we must play our role that “if we cannot do any good for the 
society, let us not harm it”. Action of AFNA/CRD will have a
 big effect on de-motivating people like Dr. Das and his colleagues in IIT 
Bidyananda Barkakoty

From: Buljit Buragohain
Cc:;;;;;; Amarendra Kumar 
Sent: Sunday, 9 October 2011 8:21 PM
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] AFNA : Rickshaw Bank receives prestigious 
international economic development award


CANTON, MICHIGAN, USA, Oct 8 2011 - Rickshaw Bank, a project of the Centre for 
Rural Development (CRD), has been named as a laureate of the Flextronics 
Economic Development Award this year. The award will be 
presented later this month in Santa Clara, California, USA.
The Flextronics Economic Development Award is a part of the Tech 
Awards, named after the prestigious Tech Museum in Silicon Valley, 
California. The awards are in five categories - Environment, Economic 
Development, Education, Equality, and Health. Each category has multiple 
laureates and one laureate

[Assam] Innovator alleges bogus claims over Dipbahan design

2011-10-08 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty

Innovator alleges bogus claims over Dipbahan design
Staff Reporter
 GUWAHATI, Oct 8 – The issue of The Tech Awards received by the Dipbahan cycle 
rickshaw recently 
took a new turn today with the innovator of the vehicle Dr Amarendra 
Kumar Das of the Design Department of IIT, Guwahati, alleging that the 
award was manipulated by some persons through fake claims. 
It needs mention here that The Tech Museum, USA recently named the Rickshaw 
Bank of the 
city-based Centre for Rural Development (CRD) as the laureate of The 
Tech Awards 2011 for the Dipbahan cycle rickshaw. The Tech Museum said, 
the technology used in this vehicle has benefited the humanity and has the 
power to spark global change. 
The CRD has been claiming that its executive director Dr Pradip Kumar Sarma has 
been named for the award.
But Dr Das claimed at a press conference here today that he himself had 
developed the design and technology of 
the Dipbahan cycle rickshaw. One model of the vehicle was given free of 
any fees to the CRD for manufacturing as a part of the corporate social 
responsibility of IIT, Guwahati. The arrangement was such that the CRD would be 
acknowledging the contribution of IIT, Guwahati. 
But it has been noticed that the CRD and its executive director Dr Pradip Sarma 
have been claiming the concept of the design of this vehicle as their own. 
Based on such bogus claims, the CRD and its executive director have been 
receiving several awards. They have also been claiming that the concept of the 
rickshaw bank has also been evolved by them.
But, the concept of the rickshaw bank was evolved way back in 1994-95 by The 
Bastar Sevak Mandal of Lalbagh village in Bastar district of 
Madhya Pradesh. The Rastriya Gramin Vikash Nidhi (RGVN) had sanctioned a 
project to this organisation and granted it funds for income generation 
activities through cycle rickshaw.
Dr Das said that the rickshaw bank, which has been named for the award is 
virtually a non-entity. 
The entire episode has been stage-managed by some people in the Assam 
Foundation of North America (AFNA), in league with Dr Sarma, Dr Das alleged.
CRD clarifies stand
Staff Reporter
 GUWAHATI, Oct 8 – Reacting to the assertions made by Dr Amarendra Kumar Das on 
the Tech Award to Rickshaw Bank, CRD chief Dr Pradip Sarma told this newspaper 
that his 
organisation has always been acknowledging the fact that the design of 
the Dipbahan cycle rickshaw belongs to IIT, Guwahati. 
The Rickshaw Bank, which is the flagship programme of the CRD, has been named 
for the Tech Award not for the design of its rickshaw, but for the technology 
for humanity under the category of Flextronics 
economic development. This has been clearly mentioned in the website of 
the Tech Museum, claimed Dr Sarma.
He also maintained that the cash award under the categories of the Tech 
Award would be declared only on October 22. Hence any assumption of the 
Rickshaw Bank being rewarded by the Tech Museum authorities with any cash 
amount is premature at this point of time, he said.
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Objection against Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma being named as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011

2011-09-18 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Thank you Pratul for bringing the facts to the notice of our netters. I fully 
agree with Pratul Kalita. We are in the process of doing a project with IITG 
Design Dept. on Mechanisation of tea garden plucking and pruning activities.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
Chairman, North Eastern Tea Association (NETA)
Cell : 9435046211

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, Pratul Kalita wrote:

From: Pratul Kalita
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Objection against Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma being named 
as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011
Cc: assam org, North East, A.K. Das
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 9:20 PM



  Dear friends, 

It has come to our notice from the local media that
Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma has been named as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011. We
would like to inform you that the Rickshaw Bank is just an annex of the actual
project named “ Dipbahan”. The extensive research project of integrated design
of the tricycle rickshaw was carried out by Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das of Indian
Institute of Technology Guwahati. At present Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das is the
Head of the Department of Design at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
The new tricycle Rickshaw branded as Dipbahan is his design creation and as a
matter of the fact he got his PhD from IITG on his Dipbahan project. The idea
of integration of micro finance services with the product (rickshaw) is inbuilt
in the project Dipbahan initiative. Apart from providing microfinance to the
rickshaw puller, there are various other services associated with the product.
All the services were included in the project Dipbahan initiative. Therefore
Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das calls it an “integrated design”. Prof. Das has
received the award of excellence from the Institute of Urban Transport India on
behalf of the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati for his Dipbahan
research papers have been presented in reputed national and international 
and symposiums on this issue. This is one of the most prestigious projects of
Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Centre for Rural
Development is just one of those NGOs who was helping in the implementation the
Dipbahan initiative. Here it is worth mentioning that microfinance models like
Rickshaw Bank for the cycle rickshaws were tried several times before. But
these models resulted in failures. It is the new integrated design of the
rickshaw, designed by Prof. Das that had come out as a result of extensive
consumer behavior study and hardcore design research, that has transformed the
lives of rickshaw pullers in particular and people in general.      


Here we would like to inform you that Department of
Design is selling Dipbahan rickshaws since its inception and more than 15000
Dipbahan rickshaws were sold through the Department of Design IIT Guwahati in
the last two years. The Government of Assam, the Government of Tripura and the
Government of West Bengal had been very encouraging in taking the project
forward. We do appreciate the contribution of the NGOs like Centre for Rural
Development in implementing the project but the act of claiming it to be their
initiative is not acceptable. Here it is worth mentioning that the brand
“Dipbahan” has been derived from Prof. Das’s nick name “Dipan” and “Bahan”
means vehicle in Assamese, Hindi and Sanskrit. It has been observed that Dr.
Pradip Kumar Sarma changed the spelling of Dipbahan to Deepbahan in some of the
rickshaws. Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das being an academician did not intervene the
manipulating activities of Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma, keeping in mind the grater
social responsibility. But for us, now it appears to be plagiarism. The
information regarding the Dipbahan project is available in the internet. It is
quite surprising to us, being reputed organization like Tech Awards, why it was
not being properly investigated from their end before conferment of the award?  

Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma was a colleague of Prof. AK Das,
when he served as consultant at Rastriya Gramin Vikash Nidhi (RGVN) in Guwahati
during 1989-91, a NGO promoted by various banks in India for funding
development activities. Thus his acquaintance with Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma is
more than two decades.  When new rickshaw
was released, most of the news item highlighted the achievement of IIT Guwahati
and its innovator, Prof. A.K. Das. Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma always seeking media
attention was disappointed and stopped acknowledging Dr. Das as innovator. He
tried not to mention even IIT Guwahati, and removed the name Dipbahan being
painted at the back of the tricycle rickshaws but this backfired and
beneficiaries stopped taking these and rickshaw bank could resume the operation
only after they started

Re: [Assam] Congratulations

2011-08-14 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Respected Shantikam da,

Thank you very much for your encouraging words. You are a role model for many 
of us.



--- On Sun, 14/8/11, shantikam hazarika wrote:

From: shantikam hazarika
Subject: Congratulations
To: FASS FASS, Assam net,,,,,
Cc: Babul Barkakoty
Date: Sunday, 14 August, 2011, 9:48 PM

Heartiest congratulations, Mr. Barkakati. 
I would like you to now effectively lead the Tea Industry from the front.
I doubt there is anyone else who can do this. So you must take it as a 
Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 07:18:39 +0530
Subject: [FriendsofAssamNE] Barkakoty re-elected NETA Chairman (PTI).


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Barkakoty re-elected NETA Chairman

PTI | 05:08 PM,Aug 06,2011 


Guwahati, Aug 6 (PTI) The incumbent
Chairman of North Eastern Tea Association (NETA) Bidyananda Barkakoty has been 
for the second time for the term 2011-13. Barkakoty successfully completed his
first tenure 2009-11 and members of the association unanimously elected him for
a second term, according to a press release issued by NETA. A Mechanical
Engineer by qualification, Barkakoty belongs to a tea planter's family which
has been in the industry continuously for five generations. Barkakoty co-owns
Nandapur and Mahalaxmi Tea Estates alongwith his father. D P Khetan of Lengree
Tea Estate has been reelected as the Vice-Chairman of the Association for the
same term.




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[Assam] An Assamese in Guinness Book of World Records

2011-07-10 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty

Bidyananda Barkakoty


Cell : +91-9435046211

--- On Sun, 10/7/11, Apuraj Barooah wrote:

From: Apuraj Barooah

Date: Sunday, 10 July, 2011, 2:48 PM

Hi  Hello,
Brockbank,adjudicator of Guinness World Record,London declared me as
the World Record Holder for Longest Scratch Art on 9/7/11 at 11 am(GMT)
in London.

I drew two scratch art pieces, one of 20 inches X 200 metres with 100
portraits of famous persons  the other one 1.4 metre X 20.3 metre
(this art work is done in just 12 hours)with folk dances of 40
countries starting with an Assamese Bihu Dance  then the Indian
Bhangra. The Other countries it includes are UK (Morris Dance), Italy,
France, Australia, China, Sri Lanka, Peru, USA, Russia, Japan, Germany

The art piece with dance has been accepted for the record as the other
one miss it because of its width (thier guide lines requires minimum 1
metre of width,mine one was of 20 inch only.

Thank you.




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[Assam] An Assamese in Guinness Book of World Records

2011-07-10 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Bidyananda Barkakoty
Cell : +91-9435046211

--- On Sun, 10/7/11, Apuraj Barooah wrote:

From: Apuraj Barooah
Date: Sunday, 10 July, 2011, 2:48 PM

Hi  Hello,
Mr.Jack Brockbank,adjudicator of Guinness World Record,London declared me as 
the World Record Holder for Longest Scratch Art on 9/7/11 at 11 am(GMT) in 
I drew two scratch art pieces, one of 20 inches X 200 metres with 100 portraits 
of famous persons  the other one 1.4 metre X 20.3 metre (this art work is done 
in just 12 hours)with folk dances of 40 countries starting with an Assamese 
Bihu Dance  then the Indian Bhangra. The Other countries it includes are UK 
(Morris Dance), Italy, France, Australia, China, Sri Lanka, Peru, USA, Russia, 
Japan, Germany  others.
The art piece with dance has been accepted for the record as the other one miss 
it because of its width (thier guide lines requires minimum 1 metre of 
width,mine one was of 20 inch only.

Thank you.


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[Assam] Corporate touch for SEBA - Dispur appoints Shantikam Hazarika as board chairperson

2011-06-26 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
(THE TELEGRAPH : 27 July 2011)
Corporate touch for Seba 
 - Dispur appoints Shantikam Hazarika as board chairperson 
 June 26: Dispur has decided to give a corporate touch to the 
functioning of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam, the state-level 
authority for conducting school examinations.   
The government’s intention was evident in the appointment of Shantikam Hazarika 
as the chairperson of Seba.   
Hazarika, who graduated from the Birla 
Institute of Technology  Science in Pilani and then did his MBA 
from IIM, Ahmedabad, has wide experience in handling the management of 
top bracket organisations, including Oil India Ltd and India Carbon Ltd,
He is currently holding the post of 
director of Assam Institute of Management and is considered to be the 
main force behind making it one of the prominent management institutes 
in the country. 
Education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma 
told The Telegraph that the government had appointed Hazarika to bring 
about the much-desired changes in the functioning of Seba. He said 
considering his experience, the government hoped that Hazarika would be 
able to bring professionalism among Seba officials and employees.   
An official in the education department 
said the minister was not very happy with the board’s way of functioning
 and had discussed in details how to improve it.   
“During his first day of visit to the Seba
 office on June 10, Sarma told the officials that people must feel a 
different environment once they enter the board office. The office must 
be well maintained and people must not face any hassle to get their work
 done. Officials and employees must develop a professional attitude. The
 minister, in other words, gave broad hints that Seba must work in 
corporate style,” the official said. 

He said there would not have been a better choice than Hazarika in helping Seba 
to function in the corporate style.
According to the plan, the manual way of 
functioning of the board will be done away in a phased manner. The 
entire functioning of Seba will be computerised to maintain 
transparency, accountability and expedite its work. The finance 
department of Seba has already been computerised.  
Seba officials and employees will be 
trained on modern way of office functioning. Motivating sessions will be
 held among board officials to develop work culture.   
The official said the Seba building would 
be renovated and a new look would be brought in its designing. There 
will be a grievance box where people will be able to lodge complaints. 
There will be another box where the board will invite suggestions and 
ideas to improve its functioning.   
Hazarika expressed happiness over his appointment. He said he wanted to join 
Seba with an open mind.(The Telegraph : 27 July 2011)
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[Assam] Anna Hazare's letter to the PM

2011-04-13 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Anna Hazare's letter to the PM

Dear Dr. Singh,


I have started
my indefinite fast at Jantar mantar. I had invited you also to fast and pray
for a corruption free India on 5th April. Though I did not receive any reply
from you, I am hopeful that you must have done that.


I am pained to
read and hear about government's reaction to my fast. I consider it my duty to
clarify the points raised on behalf of Congress party and the government by
their spokespersons, as they appear in media:


1. It is being
alleged that I am being instigated by some people to sit on this fast. Dear
Manmohan Singh ji, this is an insult to my sense of wisdom and intelligence. I
am not a kid that I could be instigated into going on an indefinite
fast. I am a fiercely independent person. I take advice from many friends and
critics, but do what my conscience directs me to do. It is my experience that
when cornered, governments resort to such malicious slandering. I am pained
that the government, rather than addressing the issue of corruption, is trying
to allege conspiracies, when there are none.


2. It is being
said that I have shown impatience. Dear Prime Minister, so far, every
government has shown complete insensitivity and lack of political commitment to
tackling corruption. 62 years after independence, we still do not have
independent and effective anti‐corruption
systems. Very weak versions of Lokpal Bill were presented in Parliament eight
times in last 42 years. Even these weak versions were not passed by Parliament.
This means, left to themselves, the politicians and bureaucrats will never pass
any law which subjects them to any kind of objective scrutiny. At a time, when
the country has witnessed scams of unprecedented scale, the impatience of the
entire country is justified. And we call upon you, not to look for precedents,
but show courage to take unprecedented steps.


3. It is being
said that I have shown impatience when the government has initiated
the process. I would urge you to tell me - exactly what processes are underway?


a. You say that
your Group of Ministers are drafting the anti‐corruption
law. Many of the members of this Group of Ministers have such a shady past that
if effective anticorruption systems had been in place, some of them would have
been behind bars. Do you want us to have faith in a process in which some of
the most corrupt people of this country should draft the anti‐corruption law?


b. NAC sub‐committee has discussed Jan Lokpal
Bill. But what does that actually mean? Will the government accept the
recommendations of NAC sub‐committee?
So far, UPA II has shown complete contempt for even the most innocuous issues
raised by NAC.


c. I and many
other friends from India Against Corruption movement wrote several letters to
you after 1st December. I also sent you a copy of Jan Lokpal Bill on 1st
December. We did not get any response. It is only when I wrote to you that I
will sit on an indefinite fast, we were promptly invited for discussions on 7th
March. I wonder whether the government responds only to threats of indefinite
fast. Before that, representatives of India Against Corruption had been meeting
various Ministers seeking their support for the Jan Lokpal Bill. They met Mr
Moily also and personally handed over copy of Jan Lokpal to him. A few hours
before our meeting with you, we received a phone call from Mr Moily's office
that the copy of Jan Lokpal Bill had been misplaced by his office and they
wanted another copy. This is the seriousness with which the government has
dealt with Jan Lokpal Bill.


d. Dear Dr
Manmohan Singh ji, if you were in my place, would you have any faith in the
aforesaid processes? Kindly let me know if there are any other processes
underway. If you still feel that I am impatient, I am happy that I am because
the whole nation is feeling impatient at the lack of credible efforts from your
government against corruption.


4. What are we
asking for? We are not saying that you should accept the Bill drafted by us.
But kindly create a credible platform for discussions - a joint committee with
at least half members from civil society suggested by us. Your spokespersons
are misleading the nation when they say that there is no precedent for setting
up a joint committee. At least seven laws in Maharashtra were drafted by
similar joint committees and presented in Maharashtra Assembly. Maharashtra RTI
Act, one of the best laws of those times, was drafted by a joint committee.
Even at the centre, when 25,000 tribals came to Delhi two year ago, your
government set up a joint committee on land issues within 48 hours. You yourself
are the Chairperson of that committee. This means that the government is
willing to set up joint committees on all other issues, but not on corruption.


5. It is being
said that the government wants to talk to us and we are not talking to them.
This is utterly false. Tell me a single meeting when you called us and we did

[Assam] Parliament approves new name for Orissa

2011-03-25 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty

approves new name for Orissa

PTI – Thu, Mar 24, 2011
2:36 PM IST

New Delhi, March 24 (PTI) Orissa will hereafter
be called ''Odisha'' and the Oriya language will be known as ''Odia'' with
Parliament giving approval to amendment of the Constitution and also passing
the related bill.

The Rajya Sabha passed the Orissa
(the Alteration of Name) Bill and adopted the Constitution (113th) Amendment
Bill after a brief debate with members from all parties hailing the move as
historic for people of the state.

Supported by all parties, including
the Biju Janta Dal, the Constitution Amendment Bill was adopted by all 169
members present and voting.

Such a bill requires support of at
least two-third of members present and voting. Besides, the majority of the
strength of the House should be present for voting. The Upper House has a
strength of 245 members.

Lok Sabha has already adopted these
measures after the Centre received the resolution passed by the state Assembly.

While there was all round support
for the measure, BJP and Congress members sought to target Chief Minister
Naveen Patnaik charging him with non-performance and heading a government
facing scams.

The bills were piloted by Home Minister P Chidambaram.
However, the electronic voting system witnessed glitches during the division so
much so that even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh''s vote was also cast wrongly.

Participating in the debate,
members said the name change was the process of decolonisation as Britishers
had changed the Indian names of cities and states.

Pyarimohan Mohapatra (BJD) said it
was a great moment for people of the state and added that with the
change of name, they are getting back their pride.

R C Khuntia (Cong) rued that the
state, which was prosperous once, has become poverty-stricken. He, however,
hoped the change of name will fulfil aspirations of people.

He said the state was facing many
scams and corruption charges in the present rule.

Rudra Narayan Pany (BJP) charged
the Orissa
Chief Minister with non-performance and said Patnaik could not speak even the
local language. His colleague Chandan Mitra said, Orissa regains its
prestige and sense of history.

Mitra said while India''s heritage
was revered in many parts of the world, we have forgotten our own

There have been many cities and
states that have been renamed after independence. These include 
(Trivandrum), Mumbai
(Bombay), Chennai
(Madras), Kolkata
(Calcutta), Pune (Poona), Kochi
(Cochin) and Bangaluru (Banglore).


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Re: [Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Foundation Stone of Dhemaji Engineering College

2011-02-20 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Congratulations Buljit. Your many years of effort has borne fruit now.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
FASS, Guwahati 

--- On Sun, 20/2/11, Buljit Buragohain wrote:

From: Buljit Buragohain
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Foundation Stone of Dhemaji Engineering College
Date: Sunday, 20 February, 2011, 7:24 PM



  Today (20.02.2011, Sunday),Hon'ble Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Tarun 
Gogoi laid the foundation stone of Dhemaji Engineering College ( Public-Private 
Partnership mode) at Tekjuri,Dhemaji.





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[Assam] Fiscal help to blast victim kin (THE ASSAM TRIBUNE : 16 Feb. 2011)

2011-02-15 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
THE ASSAM TRIBUNE : 16 February 2011

Fiscal help to blast victim kin

Voluntary organisation Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters (FASS) on Saturday 
handed over a cheque of Rs.12,000 to the mother of Bishal Acharjee, who was 
orphaned by the October 30, 2008 blasts, for his education for the current 
academic year. The FASS bore the cost of education of Bishal last year too. 
Bishal lost his father Sujit Acharjee in the blast that took place at 
Bishal is now six-year-old. His father was working with a car accessories shop 
and was the sole bread earner for the family.
Bishal’s mother Rita Acharjee received the FASS cheque from FASS India 
President Shantikam Hazarika and its Vice-President Dr.
S.I. Ahmed at a function held on the Paltan Bazar campus of
Snehalaya, a shelter home for  the destitute children. 


Bishal is now studying at a popular Assamese medium school at Dhirenpara the city. His school reports suggest that he is doing well. But when 
the tragedy struck the family on that fateful day, Bishal's mother with a 
little academic background, was at a loss as to how to look after the education 
of her son.
But the visit of Snehalaya founder director Father Lukose and FASS India 
Secretary General
Bidyananda Barkakoty to their house a few weeks after the  tragedy brought 
succour to the family. FASS promised to bear the cost of education of Rita's 
son up to  class
(THE ASSAM TRIBUNE : 16 Feb. 2011)

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Re: [Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Article invited to Asom Vision Document 2025

2011-02-13 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Mr. Yadab Doloi,
Convener, Intellectual Cell, BJP, Assam.

Dear Mr. Doloi,

We do not know any State in India as ASOM. We know there is a State in the 
North-east part of India called ASSAM. If you want to mean about this State 
then please make the correction of the spelling. All higher-ups in your Central 
Committee knows about it and Sarbananda Sonowal is very much aware why it 
should be ASSAM and not ASOM.

We hope you will make the corrections soon.


Bidyananda Barkakoty
Cell : 9435046211 

--- On Mon, 14/2/11, Buljit Buragohain wrote:

From: Buljit Buragohain
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Article invited to Asom Vision Document 2025
Cc: “Asom Vision Document 2025”
Date: Monday, 14 February, 2011, 8:51 AM



  Bharatiya Janata Party wants to include your opinion in 
Asom Vision Document 2025.
Interested persons can write their opinion within 300 words on the following 
Internal Security, Law  Order,
Urban Development,
Women Empowerment and Child Development,
Information  Technology,
Agriculture and Food,
Tribal Welfare and Development,
Social Justice,
Rural Development,
Water Resource Management,
Defence and Border Security,
Energy and Non-Conventional Energy,
Sustainable Development,
Poverty Alleviation,
Demographic Aggression,
Insurgency  Terrorism,
Flood  Land Erosion,
Employment Guarantee,
Healthy Interstate Relationship,
Land Reform,
Natural Resources Management,
Integrated Development of Barak Valley ,
Nationwise Exposure to Asom  (People  Culture).
  Interested persons can choose any topic or topics from the subjects 
mentioned above and send their opinion to BJP North-East Office, Sati Radhika 
Santi Path , Uzan Bazar, Guwahati-7871001 or can also E-mail to on or before 21st February 2011.
Sri Yadab Doloi, Convener, 
Intellectual Cell, BJP, Asom.
Mobile No: 09435043931
Fax No: 0361-2604957





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[Assam] THE AMAR AXOM : 13 Feb 2011

2011-02-12 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
THE AMAR AXOM : 13 Feb 2011

Full Story-  

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Re: [Assam] information

2011-02-12 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
I know about a Govt. Blind school located at Kahilipara, Guwahati. Their 
establishment is big. The students of this blind school participated in an 
interactive meet with Col. Mike Fince, a NASA Astronaut organised by FASS.

I shall contact them and get all the information including contact details. 
They may like to know the reason for collecting their contact details therefore 
please let me know why you want the list of blind schools in Assam.


Bidyananda Barkakoty
Cell : 9435046211 

--- On Sun, 13/2/11, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:

From: Alpana B. Sarangapani
Subject: [Assam] information
Date: Sunday, 13 February, 2011, 12:17 PM

Anybody has any idea about how many 'blind schools' are there in Assam? And at 
least some of thier contact information? 
Thanks for your help in advance. You can send it to me directly, if you wish! 
-A. Sarangapani
Houston, Texas. 
“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not 
attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” 
- Helen Keller



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[Assam] THE AMAR AXOM : 13 Feb 2011

2011-02-12 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
THE AMAR AXOM : 13 Feb 2011

FASS sponsors educational expenses of the son of a victim of Oct 30 2008 
Guwahati serial bomb blast 

Full Story-  

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2010-12-06 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty



I would like to sum up our performance in the 20th century in one sentence.

Indians have succeeded in countries ruled by whites, but failed in their


This outcome would have astonished leaders of our independence movement.

They declared Indians were kept down by white rule and could flourish only

under self-rule. This seemed self-evident The harsh reality today is that

Indians are succeeding brilliantly in countries ruled by whites, but failing

in India. They are flourishing in the USA and Britain.

But those that stay in India are pulled down by an outrageous system that

fails to reward merit or talent. Fails to allow people and businesses to grow,
and keeps real power with netas, babus, and assorted manipulators. Once Indians
go to white-ruled countries, they soar and conquer summits once occupied only
by whites.

Rono Dutta has become head of United Airlines, the biggest airline in the

world. Had he stayed in India, he would have no chance in Indian Airlines.

Even if the top job there was given to him by some godfather, a myriad

netas, babus and trade unionists would have ensured that he could never run

it like United Airlines.

Rana Talwar has become head of Standard Chartered Bank, one of the biggest

multinational banks in Britain, while still in his 40s. Had he been in

India, he would perhaps be a local manager in the State Bank, taking orders

from babus to give loans to politically favoured clients.

Rajat Gupta is head of Mckinsey, the biggest management consultancy firm in

the world. He now advises the biggest multinationals on how to run their

business. Had he remained in India he would probably be taking orders from

some sethji with no qualification save that of being born in a rich family.

Lakhsmi Mittal has become the biggest steel baron in the world, with steel

plants in the US, Kazakhstan, Germany, Mexico, Trinidad and Indonesia. India's
socialist policies reserved the domestic steel industry for the public sector.
So Lakhsmi Mittal went to Indonesia to run his family's first steel plant
there. Once freed from the shackles of India, he conquered the world.

Subhash Chandra of Zee TV has become a global media king, one of the few to

beat Rupert Murdoch. He could never have risen had he been limited to India,
which decreed a TV monopoly for Doordarshan. But technology came to his aid:
satellite TV made it possible for him to target India from Hong Kong. Once he
escaped Indian rules and soil, he soared.

You may not have heard of 48-year old Gururaj Deshpande. His communications

company, Sycamore, is currently valued by the US stock market at over $ 30

billion, making him perhaps one of the richest Indians in the world. Had he

remained in India, he would probably be a babu in the Department of



Netravali has become president of Bell Labs, one of the biggest

research and development centres in the world with 30,000 inventions and

several Nobel Prizes to its credit. Had he been in India, he would probably

be struggling in the middle cadre of Indian Telephone Industries. Silicon

Valley alone contains over one lac Indian millionaires.

Sabeer Bhatia invented Hotmail and sold it to Microsoft for $ 400 million.

Victor Menezes is number two in Citibank. Shailesh Mehta is CEO of

Providian, a top US financial services company. Also at or near the top are

Rakesh Gangwal of US Air, Jamshd Wadia of Arthur Andersen, and Aman Mehta of

Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp.

In Washington DC, the Indian CEO High Tech Council has no less than 200

members, all high tech-chiefs. While Indians have soared, India has stagnated.
At independence India was the most advanced of all colonies, with the best

Today with a GNP per head of $370, it occupies a lowly 177th position among

209 countries of the world. But poverty is by no means the only or main

problem. India ranks near the bottom in the UNDP's Human Development Index,

but high up in Transparency International's Corruption Index.

The neta-babu raj brought in by socialist policies is only one reason for 
failure. The more sordid reason is the rule-based society we inherited from the
British Raj is today in tatters. Instead money, muscle and influence matter
most. At independence we were justly proud of our politicians. Today we regard 
as scoundrels and criminals. They have created a jungle of laws in the holy
name of socialism, and used these to line their pockets and create patronage
networks. No influential crook suffers. The Mafia flourish unhindered because
they have political links.

The sons of police officers believe they have a licence to rape and kill (ask
the Mattoo family). Talent cannot take you far amidst such rank misgovernance.
We are reverting to our ancient feudal system where no rules applied to the
powerful. The British Raj brought in abstract concepts of justice for all,