RE: I give up

2005-10-28 Thread McPhail, Jeff
I must say that I'm also extremely disappointed with Axis and
this usergroup. I didn't like the fact that you have to sign up to
receive ALL emails in order to participate -- I've never seen this
before. So because I was in a jam and needed and answer, I joined and
asked my question. I posted the question 5 times in different forms over
a 3 week period and didn't get one response -- nothing. 
So I then tried to unsubscribe and it didn't work. I followed
the instructions in the auto-reply given for troubleshooting
unsubscribes and that didn't work. So I emailed the administrator (his
email was in the autoreply, but of course nowhere to be found on the
axis site) and got a reply about 3 days later telling me that the reason
that my unsubscribe didn't work was because my email address was not on
the list. So I responded assuring him that I am still on the list and am
getting hundreds of messages a week (to my work email mind you) and I
added a copy of the email header of one of the list emails I received
with my email return path etc. -- I got no response. Also since the
sender in the list emails is not but instead the
individual senders address, I can't even mark them as spam to filter
them (not a very smart setup, not to mention the privacy issues). This
is becoming a real nuisance and it appears that I have no recourse. I've
tried emailing the general Apache help and got no response, and of
course there is not a single phone number on the either the apache or
axis web sites.
This is bush league support. No wonder so many people prefer to
use Microsoft products. Maybe not all of their solutions are optimal
(although I'm not sure how true this is anymore) but everything is much
easier to implement, and interconnect with different technologies under
the Microsoft umbrella. And when you have a problem, the support sites
available are much superior --  I've never posted an issue about a
microsoft product where I didn't have it solved within a day or two. The
open source concept is great when you're a student and can't afford to
fork over a grand or two for software, but when you use it for business
apps and factor in the time to implement and the extra tens of thousands
of dollars in man hours per year to fix bugs, Microsoft is a much
cheaper solution.

I would be extremely grateful to anyone to can tell me how to get off of
this list. Thank you.



-Original Message-
From: Paul Grillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: I give up

I would like to add that, to a large extent, I feel Kurt's pain.  We
used Axis 1.2 to deploy a single SOAP service that was required of us by
one of our major partners that dictated a .NET interface complete with
SOAP element signature, timestamp, and encryption.  I will say that we
got this working very nicely.  I am appreciative of the work.  I will
say that my interactions with the WSS4J folks was extremely helpful, and
I thank them very much. So, that is a great success and I thank
everybody that contributed.

Now as I look to go a little more mainstream within the rest of our
products at our company, I began taking a closer look at Axis, including
java data binding dependencies which are critical because of the various
products our company produces that will need to adhere to the bound XSD
Objects.  I need to insure that I have some independence when choosing
this piece of the puzzle. 

I have looked at AXIS and AXIS2.  I have had a few questions related to
this.  My major frustration is as my inability to get answers to what I
thought were fairly simple questions. Perhaps they are either not
simple, or thought as stupid.  I'm not talking just about zeroing in on
a bug and submitting it to JIRA, I'm talking about some input about even
whether something is doable, not just how.  

Now before anybody comes down on me, I am fully aware of where my
expectations should be vis a vis open source software, mailing lists,
etc.  I do not feel that I am owed anything when using this software.  I
have found, however, a little more help in other areas when using open
source.  I have, in fact, solved a myriad of problems on my own within
Axis. I find myself in the bowels of the code trying to figure out what
it's doing etc, so to solve my own problems.  I do, however, have to
factor in the time spent to research and solve these issues.

I have posted several questions and generally do not even get a
response, or an I don't know, though I suppose the lack of a response is
an I don't know.  So, it's gotten to the point where I don't bother.  In
terms of Axis, I feel that I need to go in another direction simply
because of my inability to get a straight answer around data binding
support (for example) now or in the future in Axis or in Axis2.  I have
asked what I believe is a simple question, whether a particular class

problems using wsdl2java on .net remoting wsdl

2005-09-26 Thread McPhail, Jeff


I need to access a .Net remoting object from 
java. I currently have a web service client (that connects to the remote 
object) that I used axis to create a java wrapper for -- i.e. I used the 
wsdl2java on the web service wsdl file. This works fine (without have to 
make any modifications to the wsdl) but the amout of data that is being passed 
is getting to be too large for the web service and perfomance is too slow. 

I have heard that you can use the wsdl2java 
tool directly on the remote server wsdl, and connect directly to the singleton 
But when I try this get the following error (error in red):
org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java http://localhost:8088/RATEngine.soap?WSDL{}Tree already 
already Type 
{}OleDbConnection is referenced but not 
defined. at 
at Source)

How do I get it to recognize 
OleDbConnection etc.?
Notice that in the wsdl there 
is an entry for OleDb (relevent lines in green)

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
definitions name='RATEngine' targetNamespace=''