[ bebas promosi ] E-GOLD FREE

2006-02-13 Terurut Topik putra desa

Rules:1. Sign Up for free.2. One people must have one account.3. Referring your referral link.4. $0.5 per downline.5. Payout every $10 you made.6. If you reach $10 you could make new account.7. Don't make any spam activity.8. Multiple Account will be suspended9. Your downline have been verified their e-gold number http://dyatmika.or.id/?ref=1023
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-*  *-
-* Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri! *-
-* Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain! *-
-* Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini *-
-* dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet!*-
-* Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik *-
-*   *-
-* Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline! *- 
-* Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja! *-
-* Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi*-
-*   *-
-* Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik *-


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[ bebas promosi ] : Earn 12% daily - PAYING

2006-01-28 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello I want to tell you. I already pay from 12dailypro many timesand I will shere a good opporttunity with you ..You will get := Earn 12% daily - PAYING !!= 12% referal commission - PAYING !!= Credit and Cash Bonuses= Upgrades Last 12 days= Upgrade with $6 or more= Surf only 12 pages= Articles, Tips  Tools= Unigue Advertising opsJoin now   http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=102872  http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=102872Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.   Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
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-*  *-
-* Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri! *-
-* Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain! *-
-* Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini *-
-* dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet!*-
-* Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik *-
-*   *-
-* Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline! *- 
-* Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja! *-
-* Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi*-
-*   *-
-* Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik *-



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[bebas-promosi] Earn 12% daily - PAYING

2005-11-25 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello I want to tell you. I already pay from 12dailypro many timesand I will shere a good opporttunity with you ..You will get := Earn 12% daily - PAYING !!= 12% referal commission - PAYING !!= Credit and Cash Bonuses= Upgrades Last 12 days= Upgrade with $6 or more= Surf only 12 pages= Articles, Tips  Tools= Unigue Advertising opsJoin now :http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=102872  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.   Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
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Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri!
Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain!
Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini 
dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet! 

Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Solusi Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien!
Klik - http://www.mgmaster.com/ - Klik



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[bebas-promosi] JOIN JOIN GOLDFCLUB

2005-11-25 Terurut Topik putra desa

		 Yahoo! Personals 
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Lot's of someone's, actually. Yahoo! Personals__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 


Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri!
Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain!
Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini 
dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet! 

Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Solusi Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien!
Klik - http://www.mgmaster.com/ - Klik


Marketing and advertising
Internet business



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[bebas-promosi] Earn 12% daily - PAYING

2005-11-17 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello I want to tell you. I already pay from 12dailypro many timesand I will shere a good opporttunity with you ..You will get := Earn 12% daily - PAYING !!= 12% referal commission - PAYING !!= Credit and Cash Bonuses= Upgrades Last 12 days= Upgrade with $6 or more= Surf only 12 pages= Articles, Tips  Tools= Unigue Advertising opsJoin now :http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=102872
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.




Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri!
Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain!
Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini 
dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet! 

Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Solusi Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien!
Klik - http://www.mgmaster.com/ - Klik



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2005-10-05 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] SECRET LAUNCH

2005-10-02 Terurut Topik putra desa

Not sure what this program is all about but it would not hurt tosign up and see where it goes,it is free to sign up right now.If you have ever wanted to earn 50%, 150%, 300%, 400% or more onyour money each and every month you better pay close attention towhat we are doing here.No more HYIP's or Doubler Programs. They just don't work.We will be teaching people around the world how, with only theircomputer and internet connection, they can become wealthier thanthey ever imagined.The system has been tested by experts for 15 months now. Reportshave shown the worst month was a 50% return and the best month todate has been over 400%.Our launch includes every country that has an internetconnection.If you would like to have a dynamic, automated method that is100% legal, legitimate, ethical and most importantly, effectiveat bringing a strong cash flow in on a consistent basis, then youwill want
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		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 


Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri!
Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain!
Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini 
dan hasilkan JUTAAN RUPIAH dari bisnis internet! 

Klik - http://www.netjutawan.com - Klik

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Solusi Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien!
Klik - http://www.mgmaster.com/ - Klik



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[bebas-promosi] jom join Greenzap

2005-09-21 Terurut Topik putra desa

COPY THIS EMAIL AND MAKE $1000 BY THIS WEEKEND THIS IS FUN!! THIS IS WORKING!! DO THIS!! DO IT RIGHT NOW AND HAVE SOME CASH FOR THISWEEKEND!!! THE REASON IT WORKS IS BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY 2NAMES ON THE LIST. VERY VERY FAST MONEY  ABOUT 80%RESPONSE!! Just give a gift of ten dollars ($10.00) to one (1) person. And your not even spending your own money because Greenzap gave you $25.That's it, that's all you have to do Now let me tell the simple details. Log into your Greenzap Account(If you don't have Greenzap then sign up for a FREE Account --- plus you get $25 free cash just for opening a free account! Copy and paste or click the link below :http://www.greenzap.com/default.asp?zapid=zpmc Next click the join now animation on the top right of the screen).2. Once you have logged in to your Greenzap Account Click on My account and then click on Send. Fill out the send form using the first e-mail address in position 1 below. (You can choose Webcash or Regular cash. If you wish to use part of the $25 that Greenzap gave you then you will need to choose Webcash. )The amount is $10 and the type is other. You do not need to fill out the other sections Then hit next and the confirm page will come up. Check that it is correct and click submitLIIST  POSITION 1: [EMAIL PROTECTED] POSITION 2: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To ensure that your gift is sent
 to the correct person, it is easy to copy and paste the e-mail address into the greenzap form 3. Next, remove/erase the e-mail address in position 1,and move the e-mail address in position 2 up intoPosition 1. Put your e-mail address in Position 2. After you have moved the e-mail addresses in the new order,send your revised version of this letter to as many people as possible as fast aspossible!! The quicker you forward this on the quicker we allmake money Please do not spam!!! Send to yahoo safelists/groups where it is allowed and similar but do not spam.That`s all there is to it. When your name reaches the position 1 in about 2 days (or less if you act right now), it will be your turn to receive gifts! They will be sent to you by approximately two to three hundred people like yourself who are willing to
 invest just $10! AND WHY NOT GREENZAP GAVE YOU $25 FOR FREE! WHY NOT TURN IT INTO MORE!$10.00 to receive a few $1000. What are you waitingfor ... do this now and have some spending moneyfor this weekend!   -
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
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2005-09-18 Terurut Topik putra desa


Sila klik disini untuk terus kelaman Web Melayu Boleh :
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/


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  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
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[bebas-promosi] Paid email.com

2005-09-18 Terurut Topik putra desa

http://www.paidemail.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The PaidEmail.com program is very easy to understand and utilize. Sign up to become a member and begin receiving PaidEmail immediately. 
By clicking on the link supplied within the PaidEmail, you're automatically eligible to earn up to $50,000 instantly! You also make money instantaneously if a member you referred to this program earns money. This is true for referrals up to three levels deep. 
For every member you introduce to the PaidEmail program, you also receive a Referral Bonus. Building a referral base has never been more profitable.You get one dollar for each person you refer! Not only that, you get fifty cents for second level referrals and twenty-five cents for third level referrals. 
Sign up now and make money like I have. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/


Business voip
Business process management
Business list

Business phone system
Business phone
Business travel international



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-08-20 Terurut Topik putra desa

Register in Mach90 for FREE. Learn more about Mach90 and how to build it. ... Welcome. Mach90 - Juvio Business Building Information. If you want more Mach90 - Juvio information on how the money making system works CLICK HERE ... http://www.mach90.com/?zpmc
		Yahoo! Mail 
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
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2005-08-07 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! 

[bebas-promosi] anda nak join program autosurf?? join disini STUDIOTRAFFIC.COM

2005-08-07 Terurut Topik putra desa

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.



2005-08-06 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-07-31 Terurut Topik putra desa

Register in Mach90 for FREE. Learn more about Mach90 and how to build it. ... Welcome. Mach90 - Juvio Business Building Information. If you want more Mach90 - Juvio information on how the money making system works CLICK HERE ... http://www.mach90.com/?zpmc__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


[bebas-promosi] peluang utk jadi leader dalam CNI TEAM TALI..CNI elektronik pertama di MALAYSIA!!

2005-07-21 Terurut Topik putra desa

daftar kat sini..percuma ajer...http://cnitali.tripod.com/cgi-bin/cni.pl?penaja=zpmclepas tu baca maklumat kat web nie..kalau berminatjoin..kalau tak takper...tapi inilah evolusi baru dalam MLM..guna internet sepenuhnya..__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


[bebas-promosi] email terbaru ZABang,,What if you coulda had a piece of Google?

2005-07-19 Terurut Topik putra desa

Move over Google! Look out Yahoo!... 
ZABANG?? is coming to town!
Hi Have you ever "just missed" one of those *big* opportunities that you *knew* could've been BIG for you... if you'd just *acted*?
I'll tell you what... I sure have. And if you're like me at all, when you sit back and think about that lost opportunity, you know it doesn't feel very good, does it?
Well here's what I've got. Something just came across my desk that I truly believe will be the NEXT BIG THING, and I simply could not wait one moment to get this in your hands. 
So HOW big? I'm talking "Amazon" big. I'm talking "AOL" big... I'm talking "buying 50,000 shares at Microsoft's IPO" big. :-)
One of the internet's best minds
You know who Mike Glaspie is right? He's the guy who founded and runs sites like BannersGoMLM.com, BannerCo-op.com, FreelinksNetwork.com, FreeMarketingInfo.biz, NoBSZone.com, MySiteInc.com, NetMarketing2004.com, and several other sites, all of which are easily within the top 1% of all sites visited online.
Well, I'm in what I'd guess you'd call his "inner circle"... he lets me and a just handful of other folks know about certain opportunities he's involved in or has heard about, before anyone else, so we can get the "jump" on the marketplace.
And as I read about his latest project, I got so excited, I had to stop everything cold, and get this out to you. There simply is not a moment to spare. 
It seems that for the past several months, Mike G has been working quietly on a new project. This project is going to have every marketer on the planet clamoring for a piece. (And btw, YOU are literally one of the very first to hear about this, so if you want a piece, it is YOURS for the taking!)
So here it is, here is what Mike is working on that is so monstrously big... Mike is putting the final touches on a series of sites that are going to revolutionize the search engine business. The cornerstone site of this project is a "tier 1" search engine called Zabang.com, and it's ultimate goal is nothing less than to topple Google itself from the search-engine throne... and you know what? I fully believe it's going to do it. I just don't see any way it can't!
The technology is already in place. Everything is thought out and all the pieces put together. And soon, Mike G is going to launch this to the world. But before he does, YOU have the chance to get in on this NOW! I don't know what could be a more "ground floor" opportunity than this.
A brand new approach to search engines
Now search engines have been done, but they all have one big problem for people like you and me... they don't provide any incentive to the marketer. For example, if you tell someone to go look something up on Google, who benefits from that? Why, Google does! Google gets the traffic, the viewer sees their ads that their advertisers pay them for, and so on. What do you get? Squat!
Mike has changed all of that. Zabang is built from the net marketer up, instead of from the "computer techs" down. (And yet, search results are blazingly fast... AND relevant. In fact, faster and more relevant than the other big names.) 
See, Mike knows how to penetrate a market fast and big... reward others BIG TIME for doing it for you! Through ZabangSolutions.com (the site that manages the Zabang affiliate program), you'll get a FULL TEN PERCENT commission on every pay-per-click or sponsor purchase made by those you refer... for the LIFE of the customer. Yes, that's right, I said the entire life of that customer. 
Refer someone just once (using banners, links, or the Zabang search bar on your site) and you could easily be paid over and over again for years! 
But it doesn't stop there... you see, ZabangSolutions offers a two-tier affiliate program. (Now this isn't M.L.M or network marketing, it's just two tiers.) This means that whenever you refer someone to Zabang and that person then becomes an affiliate like you, anyone THEY refer goes under you also, and you'll both get commissions from that customer... the affiliate you referred gets 10%, and you get a 5% override commission! Again, for the life of the customer!
But not "just" a search engine!
And there is more! Zabang will offer first class hosting solutions featuring options from no-cost all the way up to extremely sophisticated hosting options. Each one guaranteeing indexing (listing) at Zabang.com. You would expect nothing less from Zabang. And when your referrals host with ZabangHost.com, you get 10%  5% all over again for the life of the customer's account. And there's no selling, just refer people to Zabang.com to do their online searches and they'll take it from there. It's completely passive... and totally viral. 
You know, I almost forgot to mention one of the best parts. (This is why I love Mike G, he is truly an unparalleled marketing genius!) Mike is also creating a companion site to Zabang called ZabangMail. 
ZabangMail.com will offer 100% spam-free, free email accounts, the best this state of the art 

[bebas-promosi] Investasi kita dibayar setiap jam = 1.10 % up to 1.50% per jam...!!!

2005-07-17 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello Rekan Netters...!!!

Kabar Gembira..., Dapatkan E-gold dengan Cara yang sangat Mudah dan Praktis...!!!

FIX HOURINVESTMENT (http://www.fixhour.com/?reff=zpmc)

 * All payments are made to your account Hourly!

 * All withdrawal automatically credited 
 into your egold account instanly!

 * Minimum spend is US$1 and there is no maximum.

 * All transactions are handled via e-gold.
 * You may make additional spend as many times as you like.
 Compound system is allowed.

 * After you register you will be able to login to 
 the investors area where you will be able to spend,
 withdraw, check balances.

Bisnisyang sudah berpengalaman dibidang Investasi . Sudah saya buktikan sendiri! Jelas bukan scam!
Coba invest dgn E-Gold terkecil $1, $3, atau lebih.

Tunggu 1, 2, 3 jam. Sampai 1x24 jam! E-Gold kamu akan bertambah 126%!
Ingat, hanya dlm waktu 1x24 jam!

Tunggu apa lagi ??? Kesempatan dapet e-gold termudah dalam sejarah! 
Wow ..., invest this time of night instead of sleeping!

KLIK to http://www.fixhour.com/?reff=zpmc

Selamat Mencoba.
No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.11/44 - Release Date: 7/8/2005__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/


Marketing and advertising
Internet business
Business marketing and advertising

Internet business idea
Internet business opportunity



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[bebas-promosi] huge commissions available

2005-07-10 Terurut Topik putra desa

Salam sukses rekans milis Media Iklan,Huge Commissions AvailableVery lucrative payout plan. International.Easy to earn. Start Today!Visit : http://www.mach90.com/?zpmc http://www.zpmc.juvio.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


[bebas-promosi] email terbaru ZABang,,What if you coulda had a piece of Google?

2005-07-10 Terurut Topik putra desa

Move over Google! Look out Yahoo!... 
ZABANG6¾4 is coming to town!
Hi Have you ever "just missed" one of those *big* opportunities that you *knew* could've been BIG for you... if you'd just *acted*?
I'll tell you what... I sure have. And if you're like me at all, when you sit back and think about that lost opportunity, you know it doesn't feel very good, does it?
Well here's what I've got. Something just came across my desk that I truly believe will be the NEXT BIG THING, and I simply could not wait one moment to get this in your hands. 
So HOW big? I'm talking "Amazon" big. I'm talking "AOL" big... I'm talking "buying 50,000 shares at Microsoft's IPO" big. :-)
One of the internet's best minds
You know who Mike Glaspie is right? He's the guy who founded and runs sites like BannersGoMLM.com, BannerCo-op.com, FreelinksNetwork.com, FreeMarketingInfo.biz, NoBSZone.com, MySiteInc.com, NetMarketing2004.com, and several other sites, all of which are easily within the top 1% of all sites visited online.
Well, I'm in what I'd guess you'd call his "inner circle"... he lets me and a just handful of other folks know about certain opportunities he's involved in or has heard about, before anyone else, so we can get the "jump" on the marketplace.
And as I read about his latest project, I got so excited, I had to stop everything cold, and get this out to you. There simply is not a moment to spare. 
It seems that for the past several months, Mike G has been working quietly on a new project. This project is going to have every marketer on the planet clamoring for a piece. (And btw, YOU are literally one of the very first to hear about this, so if you want a piece, it is YOURS for the taking!)
So here it is, here is what Mike is working on that is so monstrously big... Mike is putting the final touches on a series of sites that are going to revolutionize the search engine business. The cornerstone site of this project is a "tier 1" search engine called Zabang.com, and it's ultimate goal is nothing less than to topple Google itself from the search-engine throne... and you know what? I fully believe it's going to do it. I just don't see any way it can't!
The technology is already in place. Everything is thought out and all the pieces put together. And soon, Mike G is going to launch this to the world. But before he does, YOU have the chance to get in on this NOW! I don't know what could be a more "ground floor" opportunity than this.
A brand new approach to search engines
Now search engines have been done, but they all have one big problem for people like you and me... they don't provide any incentive to the marketer. For example, if you tell someone to go look something up on Google, who benefits from that? Why, Google does! Google gets the traffic, the viewer sees their ads that their advertisers pay them for, and so on. What do you get? Squat!
Mike has changed all of that. Zabang is built from the net marketer up, instead of from the "computer techs" down. (And yet, search results are blazingly fast... AND relevant. In fact, faster and more relevant than the other big names.) 
See, Mike knows how to penetrate a market fast and big... reward others BIG TIME for doing it for you! Through ZabangSolutions.com (the site that manages the Zabang affiliate program), you'll get a FULL TEN PERCENT commission on every pay-per-click or sponsor purchase made by those you refer... for the LIFE of the customer. Yes, that's right, I said the entire life of that customer. 
Refer someone just once (using banners, links, or the Zabang search bar on your site) and you could easily be paid over and over again for years! 
But it doesn't stop there... you see, ZabangSolutions offers a two-tier affiliate program. (Now this isn't M.L.M or network marketing, it's just two tiers.) This means that whenever you refer someone to Zabang and that person then becomes an affiliate like you, anyone THEY refer goes under you also, and you'll both get commissions from that customer... the affiliate you referred gets 10%, and you get a 5% override commission! Again, for the life of the customer!
But not "just" a search engine!
And there is more! Zabang will offer first class hosting solutions featuring options from no-cost all the way up to extremely sophisticated hosting options. Each one guaranteeing indexing (listing) at Zabang.com. You would expect nothing less from Zabang. And when your referrals host with ZabangHost.com, you get 10%  5% all over again for the life of the customer's account. And there's no selling, just refer people to Zabang.com to do their online searches and they'll take it from there. It's completely passive... and totally viral. 
You know, I almost forgot to mention one of the best parts. (This is why I love Mike G, he is truly an unparalleled marketing genius!) Mike is also creating a companion site to Zabang called ZabangMail. 
ZabangMail.com will offer 100% spam-free, free email accounts, the best this state of the art 

[bebas-promosi] FIX HOUR INVESTMENT

2005-07-09 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello Rekan Netters...!!!

Kabar Gembira..., Dapatkan E-gold dengan Cara yang sangat Mudah dan Praktis...!!!

FIX HOURINVESTMENT (http://www.fixhour.com/?reff=1440)

 * All payments are made to your account Hourly!

 * All withdrawal automatically credited 
 into your egold account instanly!

 * Minimum spend is US$1 and there is no maximum.

 * All transactions are handled via e-gold.
 * You may make additional spend as many times as you like.
 Compound system is allowed.

 * After you register you will be able to login to 
 the investors area where you will be able to spend,
 withdraw, check balances.

Bisnisyang sudah berpengalaman dibidang Investasi . Sudah saya buktikan sendiri! Jelas bukan scam!
Coba invest dgn E-Gold terkecil $1, $3, atau lebih.

Tunggu 1, 2, 3 jam. Sampai 1x24 jam! E-Gold kamu akan bertambah 126%!
Ingat, hanya dlm waktu 1x24 jam!

Tunggu apa lagi ??? Kesempatan dapet e-gold termudah dalam sejarah! 
Wow ..., invest this time of night instead of sleeping!

KLIK to http://www.fixhour.com/?reff=1440

Selamat Mencoba.

		 Sell on Yahoo! Auctions  - No fees. Bid on great items.

Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline!
Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!
Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi

Klik - http://www.cash-planet.com/ - Klik

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.free-cash-money

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Promosi Mudah Murah dan Efisien : http://www.mgmaster.com/



  Visit your group "bebas-promosi" on the web.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.



2005-06-26 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 ?the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : 

[bebas-promosi] juvio...

2005-06-24 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/


2005-06-24 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] email terbaru ZABang,,What if you coulda had a piece of Google?

2005-06-24 Terurut Topik putra desa

Move over Google! Look out Yahoo!... 
ZABANG6¾4 is coming to town!
Hi Have you ever "just missed" one of those *big* opportunities that you *knew* could've been BIG for you... if you'd just *acted*?
I'll tell you what... I sure have. And if you're like me at all, when you sit back and think about that lost opportunity, you know it doesn't feel very good, does it?
Well here's what I've got. Something just came across my desk that I truly believe will be the NEXT BIG THING, and I simply could not wait one moment to get this in your hands. 
So HOW big? I'm talking "Amazon" big. I'm talking "AOL" big... I'm talking "buying 50,000 shares at Microsoft's IPO" big. :-)
One of the internet's best minds
You know who Mike Glaspie is right? He's the guy who founded and runs sites like BannersGoMLM.com, BannerCo-op.com, FreelinksNetwork.com, FreeMarketingInfo.biz, NoBSZone.com, MySiteInc.com, NetMarketing2004.com, and several other sites, all of which are easily within the top 1% of all sites visited online.
Well, I'm in what I'd guess you'd call his "inner circle"... he lets me and a just handful of other folks know about certain opportunities he's involved in or has heard about, before anyone else, so we can get the "jump" on the marketplace.
And as I read about his latest project, I got so excited, I had to stop everything cold, and get this out to you. There simply is not a moment to spare. 
It seems that for the past several months, Mike G has been working quietly on a new project. This project is going to have every marketer on the planet clamoring for a piece. (And btw, YOU are literally one of the very first to hear about this, so if you want a piece, it is YOURS for the taking!)
So here it is, here is what Mike is working on that is so monstrously big... Mike is putting the final touches on a series of sites that are going to revolutionize the search engine business. The cornerstone site of this project is a "tier 1" search engine called Zabang.com, and it's ultimate goal is nothing less than to topple Google itself from the search-engine throne... and you know what? I fully believe it's going to do it. I just don't see any way it can't!
The technology is already in place. Everything is thought out and all the pieces put together. And soon, Mike G is going to launch this to the world. But before he does, YOU have the chance to get in on this NOW! I don't know what could be a more "ground floor" opportunity than this.
A brand new approach to search engines
Now search engines have been done, but they all have one big problem for people like you and me... they don't provide any incentive to the marketer. For example, if you tell someone to go look something up on Google, who benefits from that? Why, Google does! Google gets the traffic, the viewer sees their ads that their advertisers pay them for, and so on. What do you get? Squat!
Mike has changed all of that. Zabang is built from the net marketer up, instead of from the "computer techs" down. (And yet, search results are blazingly fast... AND relevant. In fact, faster and more relevant than the other big names.) 
See, Mike knows how to penetrate a market fast and big... reward others BIG TIME for doing it for you! Through ZabangSolutions.com (the site that manages the Zabang affiliate program), you'll get a FULL TEN PERCENT commission on every pay-per-click or sponsor purchase made by those you refer... for the LIFE of the customer. Yes, that's right, I said the entire life of that customer. 
Refer someone just once (using banners, links, or the Zabang search bar on your site) and you could easily be paid over and over again for years! 
But it doesn't stop there... you see, ZabangSolutions offers a two-tier affiliate program. (Now this isn't M.L.M or network marketing, it's just two tiers.) This means that whenever you refer someone to Zabang and that person then becomes an affiliate like you, anyone THEY refer goes under you also, and you'll both get commissions from that customer... the affiliate you referred gets 10%, and you get a 5% override commission! Again, for the life of the customer!
But not "just" a search engine!
And there is more! Zabang will offer first class hosting solutions featuring options from no-cost all the way up to extremely sophisticated hosting options. Each one guaranteeing indexing (listing) at Zabang.com. You would expect nothing less from Zabang. And when your referrals host with ZabangHost.com, you get 10%  5% all over again for the life of the customer's account. And there's no selling, just refer people to Zabang.com to do their online searches and they'll take it from there. It's completely passive... and totally viral. 
You know, I almost forgot to mention one of the best parts. (This is why I love Mike G, he is truly an unparalleled marketing genius!) Mike is also creating a companion site to Zabang called ZabangMail. 
ZabangMail.com will offer 100% spam-free, free email accounts, the best this state of the art 

[bebas-promosi] Anda memiliki kad ATM?gandakan wang anda disini

2005-06-03 Terurut Topik putra desa

di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbangan RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.
		Discover Yahoo! 
Find restaurants, movies, travel & more fun for the weekend. Check it out!

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Anda memiliki kad ATM?gandakan wang anda disini

2005-06-03 Terurut Topik putra desa

di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbangan RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

Discover Yahoo!Find restaurants, movies, travel  more fun for the weekend. Check it out!
		Discover Yahoo! 
Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news & more. Check it out!__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-06-03 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 ?the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission


Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 
		Yahoo! Mail 
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go 

[bebas-promosi] juvio...

2005-05-25 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new Resources site!

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/


2005-05-25 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] paid to read email (made in malaysia) baru dilancarkan,,,,,

2005-05-15 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] juvio...

2005-05-15 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search. Learn more.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go 

[bebas-promosi] juvio...

2005-05-15 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

http://zpmc.juvio.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/


[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-05-08 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

http://zpmc.juvio.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/



2005-05-08 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] juvio.com

2005-05-08 Terurut Topik putra desa

Dear ALL
Have you ever had your computer crash at 3am and wished you had someone to call? Are you tired of paying outrageous prices for tech support calls that get you nowhere? How would you like to receive Premium Technical Support 24-hours a day AND get paid for bringing this quality service to others? Welcome to Juvio, a revolutionary network direct sales corporation designed with a compensation package that offers independent Associate Members the potential to earn a comfortable residual income within just a few short months as part of Juvio’s renowned Global Share™ plan.
Juvio goes above the call of duty for their Associate Members. They will provide you with extensive marketing assistance, including networking letters, leads, and other useful tools to help you build your downline. They will also create a personalized webpage for you which will allow marketing to be much easier and effective. Each personalized site will feature your member genealogy, valuable marketing tools, and other convenient resources. Juvio offers round the clock customer service, a proactive member training system, and the backing of one of the top lead solutions providers in the nation.
Not only does Juvio provide you with the best tech support in the market, but they can also provide you the opportunity for security that most companies lack in today’s society.
If you need assistance or have any questions regarding how Juvio works, please contact me using the information below.
ZPMC[EMAIL PROTECTED]Juvio Independent Associate Memberhttp://zpmc.juvio.com
		Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Re: MALAYSIA2U,,,,macam-macam ada,,,,jom join

2005-05-08 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

Do you Yahoo!?Make Yahoo! your home page 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] MALAYSIA2U,,,,macam-macam ada,,,,jom join

2005-04-06 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

Do you Yahoo!?Make Yahoo! your home page 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Make Yahoo! your home page 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2005-03-16 Terurut Topik putra desa

Ketahui langkah-langkah mudah memulakan...Strategi-Strategi daripada 18 Orang Pakar Pemasaran Internet Yang Dikenali Seluruh Dunia...
"Untuk Mereka Yang InginTahu SEBENAR-BENARNYABagaimana Memulakan Perniagaan Pemasaran Internet"
Anda Boleh Memiliki Rahsia Ini!dan Mengaut Keuntungan sehingga 500%! 
Cara Paling Pantas Untuk BanjiriAkaunBank Anda Dengan $$ ! 
JANAPendapatan Hari Ini- Dengan Mula Berguru Hari Ini!
Memperkenalkan satu konsep baru dalam MLM Malaysia.Program Pemasaran Internet dan Inkubator M-Commerce terbesar di Asia Pacific.Buat $$$ sambil menimba ilmu dari tokoh-tokoh pemasaran internet yang terkemuka. Produk-produk yang bernilai lebih USD5000.00 dan pendapatan lumayandapat anda perolehi dengan bermodalkan RMXX sahaja.
Seluruh Dunia adalah Market Anda. Dengan sistem canggih kami, anda boleh kembangkan bisnes anda ke seluruh dunia. Terdapat 1 Billion pengguna internet di seluruh dunia.
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-03-13 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go 

[bebas-promosi] MALAYSIA2U,,,,macam-macam ada,,,,jom join

2005-03-13 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Make Yahoo! your home page 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Get your computer fixed, AND make money doing it!

2005-03-05 Terurut Topik putra desa

Dear ALL
Have you ever had your computer crash at 3am and wished you had someone to call? Are you tired of paying outrageous prices for tech support calls that get you nowhere? How would you like to receive Premium Technical Support 24-hours a day AND get paid for bringing this quality service to others? Welcome to Juvio, a revolutionary network direct sales corporation designed with a compensation package that offers independent Associate Members the potential to earn a comfortable residual income within just a few short months as part of Juvio’s renowned Global Share™ plan.
Juvio goes above the call of duty for their Associate Members. They will provide you with extensive marketing assistance, including networking letters, leads, and other useful tools to help you build your downline. They will also create a personalized webpage for you which will allow marketing to be much easier and effective. Each personalized site will feature your member genealogy, valuable marketing tools, and other convenient resources. Juvio offers round the clock customer service, a proactive member training system, and the backing of one of the top lead solutions providers in the nation.
Not only does Juvio provide you with the best tech support in the market, but they can also provide you the opportunity for security that most companies lack in today’s society.
If you need assistance or have any questions regarding how Juvio works, please contact me using the information below.
ZPMC[EMAIL PROTECTED]Juvio Independent Associate Memberhttp://zpmc.juvio.com
		Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday!  
Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] credit card owner,,anda pasti untung

2005-03-01 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go 

[bebas-promosi] paid to read email (made in malaysia) baru dilancarkan,,,,,

2005-03-01 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-02-14 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : 

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !! mach90.com

2005-02-11 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

http://www.mach90.com?zpmc__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


[bebas-promosi] MACH90,,,JOIN NOW

2005-02-05 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : 

[bebas-promosi] paid to read email (made in malaysia) baru dilancarkan,,,,,

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2005-01-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! Tiada 

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-30 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : 


2005-01-29 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ?1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver ?RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta ?RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
 http://dq.cynexx.com/?b=zpmc__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-23 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this 

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-21 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission


Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term' 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
		Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! – Get yours free! 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-20 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this 

[bebas-promosi] paid to read email (made in malaysia) baru dilancarkan,,,,,

2005-01-20 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2005-01-18 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ?1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver ?RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta ?RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-18 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

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		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/



2005-01-18 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ?1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver ?RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta ?RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.

Do you Yahoo!?Meet the all-new My Yahoo! – Try it today! 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-15 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

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Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and 


2005-01-15 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ?1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver ?RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta ?RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Meet the all-new My Yahoo! – Try it today! 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT?/FONT

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
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Hot  Top Money Doublers : 


2005-01-04 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
 http://dq.cynexx.com/?b=zpmc__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2005-01-04 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

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[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV’, ‘GCV’, and ‘NPC’, as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system””

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER … it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

		Do you Yahoo!? 
Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs. Learn more.
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the 

[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2004-12-30 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV’, ‘GCV’, and ‘NPC’, as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system””

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER … it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

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		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : 


2004-12-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
		Do you Yahoo!? 
All your favorites on one personal page – Try My Yahoo!

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2004-12-29 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
 http://dq.cynexx.com/?b=zpmc__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

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Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2004-12-29 Terurut Topik putra desa


Do you Yahoo!?Meet the all-new My Yahoo! – Try it today! 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
All your favorites on one personal page – Try My Yahoo!

Your Internet Cash Machine : http://www.cash-planet.com/

Hot  Top Money Doublers : http://www.free-cash-money.biz/

Free ebook and Software : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Give your cell a new look : http://www.funkycells.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2004-12-29 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
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2004-12-27 Terurut Topik putra desa

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[bebas-promosi] Secret of PoweRLine System !!

2004-12-25 Terurut Topik putra desa


Compensation Plan Overview 

Alpha 100 0 0
Bronze 100 1000 1
Silver 350 3500 1
Gold 1000 1 1
Platinum 2500 25000 1
Diamond 5000 5 1
DblDiamond 25000 251

DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV’, ‘GCV’, and ‘NPC’, as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.

1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.

2 GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV 
 “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system””

3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all. 

Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN
Becoming an Alpha rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member
Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90 
Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!
As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your 
Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnAlpha : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50

Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE
Becoming a Bronze rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+
Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank
As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).
 Cost per month : (US$56.95)
 ReturnBronze : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$22.50


Becoming a Silver rank – Easy as 1-2-3
Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank
Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount
Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC
sale to secure your Silver rank
As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio
commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).
 Cost per month : (US$ 56.95)
 ReturnSilver : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}
 Mach90 : US$ 67.50

CAR QUALIFIED SILVER … it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90
Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,
naturally, require your serious attention.

GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg

FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!). 

Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be
US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission


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[bebas-promosi] jom jana pendapatan dgn MLM dq cynexx.com

2004-12-24 Terurut Topik putra desa

Daftar PERCUMA: Ketahui Konsep Perniagaan bernilai RM3 jutaDengan hanya bermula dengan Modal RM88 !!!Perniagaan Sah dan Berdaftar, Bukan Skim Cepat kaya atau Sistem PiramidBerdasarkan Fakta dan Bukan Andaian Mustahil mendapat RM3 juta?Fakta dan pengiraan yang kami akan tunjukkan sememangnya berdasarkan struktur sempurna atau "perfect" kalau setiap ahli dalam rangkaian anda aktif dan melakukan perkara sama. Tetapi, andaikanlah hanya 10% sahaja yang aktif dan bergerak, bermakna potensi pendapatan anda adalah RM3,000,000 x 10% = RM300,000, masih satu jumlah yang besar!! Jadi Pelopor, Dilancarkan Bulan Jan-2005 !!Anda dijemput menjadi pelopor dalam perniagaan yang di lancarkan bulan Jan-2005 dan akan
 bergerak ke pasaran global. Modal Permulaan Minima RM88Mulakan dengan modal minima RM88, dan kami akan tunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh mendapat RM3 juta berdasarkan fakta bukan andaian. Kami akan menunjukkan pengiraan secara terperince di ruang ahli selepas anda mendaftar PERCUMA. Produk Yang ada Nilai untuk dibeli atau di jualSyarikat memasarkan produk seperti alfafa, kopi guarana, minuman, fiber, slimming suit, pencuci pekaian, pencuci kereta, penyembur serangga, pelancar paip tersumbat, kosmetik serta produk-produk herba, madu dan minda, untuk pengeluaran produk fasa pertama. Lebih banyak produk akan dikeluarkan dalam fasa kedua. Syarikat mempunyai kilang herba sendiri dan dalam proses pembinaan kilang kimia. Syarikat juga mempunyai ahli Kimia dan herba yang boleh membuat 200 formula produk. Sistem Lengkap dan Pengiraan Bonus "real-time"Syarikat mempunyai Sistem Syarikat lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi dengan pendaftaran melalui borang, internet dan SMS. Sistem pengiraan bonus secara real-time atau sertamerta dalam masa 10 saat, di mana bonus akan terus masuk ke dalam eWallet, family tree, statement di internet dan upline akan dapat mesej kemasukan bonus, semuanya dalam masa 10 saat!! Bagaimanakah Pelan Pemasarannya?Pelan pemasaran terbaru dan belum ada di pasaran, dan bukan pelan binari. Dengan hanya sebahagian dari pelan seperti tertera di bawah, anda boleh mencapai potensi pendapatan melebihi RM3 juta dari 3 pelan sahaja iaitu ….1. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Silver – RMRM900,0002. Potensi Pendapatan Pelan Gold  Insentif kereta – RM1.3
 juta3. Potensi Pendapatan Auto-Maintain - RM1.5 juta4. Insentif pelancungan, kereta Waja, Perdana, Mercedes dan Rumah Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan?1. Mendaftar Minima RM88 sekali seumur hidup2. Memperkenalkan kepada Rakan3. Pastikan rakan anda lakukan langkah (1) dan (2) diatas. Apa Yang Anda Dapat?Peluang mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan dan Pendapatan Pasif.Website Penajaan Dinamik Percuma untuk promosikan perniagaan anda.Sokongan on-line dan off-line dari kumpulan aktif dan professional. Apa yang
 diperolehi setelah Daftar Percuma?Tiada risiko, anda hanya perlu daftar secara PERCUMA untuk mendapat maklumat mengenai pengiraan bonus di atas berserta dengan maklumat lanjut perniagaan dalam ruang ahli.Dengan mempromosikan laman web ini, kami akan membantu anda untuk mencari downline anda!!! Daftar secara PERCUMA untuk menempah posisi anda dalam struktur downline PERCUMA. Anda boleh "upgrade" kemudian dengan membayar untuk mendapat downline BERBAYAR atau batalkan keahlian anda bila-bila masa.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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[bebas-promosi] akan dilancarkan 01/01/2005/ join sahaja dapat usd 150

2004-11-09 Terurut Topik putra desa

just click,, http://www.pay-ace.com/zpmc88

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Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com

500 Software  eBooks (total $14000) only $25.95 :
Click here : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

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[bebas-promosi] Anda memiliki kad ATM?gandakan wang anda disini

2004-11-09 Terurut Topik putra desa

di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbangan RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com

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[bebas-promosi] paid to read email (made in malaysia) baru dilancarkan,,,,,

2004-11-05 Terurut Topik putra desa

putra desa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Program PTR (Paid To Read) Email Made in Malaysia baru dilancarkan.

Daftar aje dapat RM10 percuma. Jangan buang masa, JOIN SEKARANG!

Klik kat sini:http://www.malaysia2u.info/pages/index.php?refid=zpmc

Do you Yahoo!?Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

500 Software  eBooks (total $14000) only $25.95 :
Click here : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

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2004-11-05 Terurut Topik putra desa

Program ini baru dilancarkan pada 8/10/2004 (baru4 hari, ahli dah ada63 orang, SEMALAM DAH42 orang) dan bakal meletup seperti HELP2UATM.Inilah peluang terbaik andaModalUSD30 aje, so jangan berlengah lagi, jangan tunggu sampai bila dah ramai orang masuk baru nak join. Menyesal kemudian tak berguna.

Do you Yahoo!?Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

500 Software  eBooks (total $14000) only $25.95 :
Click here : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

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[bebas-promosi] one stop center for prepaid

2004-11-05 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 
3. Murah sangat! 

[bebas-promosi] cachecard

2004-10-21 Terurut Topik putra desa

comments and Successes..."CacheCard is so easy to promote! My first time atbat, I hit a Home Run with a 2.5 million-memberbusiness who saw the CacheCard value and signed up onthe spot! This account alone should let me retire"!...William Riley, ===I'm kinda wishing I had signed up for CacheCard sooneras I've had 3 members upgrade using this servicealready since I began using it a week ago". MikeBonner==" I want to thank you for all the hours you have putin to support us a a client. I know it has beenchallenging with all of the questions and confusion onhow to get our clients and affiliates engaged in thisprocess. keep up the great work. I really appreciateit". Laurie Davis AKA Doctor PEPDAFTAR /JOIN GRATIS . silahkan KLIK :http://www.cachecard.net/accounts/am15959010069.html__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

500 Software  eBooks (total $14000) only $25.95 :
Click here : http://www.ebookindonesia.com/

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2004-10-09 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 


2004-10-02 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 


2004-10-02 Terurut Topik putra desa

Terdapat lebih12jutapemegang kadATMdari 12buah bank tempatan di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbang RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut


Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!

Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!
		Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!

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Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[bebas-promosi] CUBA TRY TEST,,DAPAT WANG,,,,

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik putra desa

Terdapat lebih12jutapemegang kadATMdari 12buah bank tempatan di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbang RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
		Do you Yahoo!?
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Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] yang terbaik untuk anda

2004-10-02 Terurut Topik putra desa

Terdapat lebih12jutapemegang kadATMdari 12buah bank tempatan di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbang RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
		Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[bebas-promosi] get paid to read email(someworks),,,,,bonus istimewa,,USD4=1 JAM

2004-09-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

Hello semua,

Salah sebuah program GET PAID TO READ EMAIL yang bernama SOMEWORKS sedang membuatbonus istimewa sekarang. Biasanya setiap 1 email yang ditekan anda akan dibayar komisyen $0.06. Pada ruang PTC (Paid To Click) anda juga dibayar pada jumlah yang sama. Mulai pada hari Sabtu 11.09.2004 yang lalu SOMEWORKS menawarkan 20 link dalam bahagian PTC. Setiap 1 link bernilai US$0.06 (6 cents). Jika anda tekan kesemua 20 link, anda senang-senang dapat US$1.20. Yang paling best sekali, link ini tak hilang walaupun sudah ditekan dan dilihat iklannya. Jadi anda boleh tekan lagi balik-balik. Tapi aku tak tau sampai bila SOMEWORKS menawarkan bonus istimewa ini. Jadi anda perlu cepat. Sign-up dengan segera.
sesiapa yang join bawah aku,,,sila email kat aku semula,,kerana saya akan memberikan anda satu sistem auto untuk klik semua ptc tu dengan hanya sekali klick sahaja ..


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2004-09-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

putra desa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Terdapat lebih12jutapemegang kadATMdari 12buah bank tempatan di seluruhMalaysia. Anda mungkin salah seorang daripadanya.
Tidak kira bank mana yang anda gunakan, kami percaya, kebiasaannya anda cuma menggunakan ATM Kad anda utk pengeluaran bukan penerimaan.
Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut
Ini membuatkan anda berbeza dari ahli kami, di mana kebanyakannya menggunakan ATM Kad untuk menerima dan sebahagian untuk pengeluaran. Mungkin anda masih belum jelas, teruskan pembacaan..Bagaimana ini boleh di lakukan?Ianya sangat mudah.Cuba lihatpengiraan di bawah.Bayangkan, secara puratanya, terdapat lebih 1 juta pemegang Kad ATM di bank anda, jika 1% dari jumlah pemegang kad ATM tersebut membuat sejumlah kecil sumbangan bernilai RM20, berapakah jumlah yang anda akan terima?Jawapannya:Purata pemegang Kad ATMbagi sebuah
 bank ialah: 1,000,0001%dari jumlah pemegangKad ATM bagi sebuah bank ialah: 10,000 ( 1,000,000 X 1%) Sumbang RM20 dari setiap pemegang kad ATM ialah : RM 200,000.00 (RM20 X 10,000) 

Ini bermakna, anda akan menerima sumbangan berjumlahRM200,000.00 dari pemegang kad ATM yang lain.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih dari 1 Kad ATM, dari beberapa buah bank, berapakah potensiyang anda akan terima?Adakah pendapatan bulanan anda mencukupi untuk perbelanjaan?Adakah anda ingin memperolehi lebih lagi pendapatan untuk Keluarga? Adakah anda ingin menerima sejumlah wang di dalam akaun anda setiap hari? .?Bagaimanakah anda boleh
 mencapainya?Dengan Help2uATM, kami boleh merealisasikan impian anda

Klik di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut


Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!
		Do you Yahoo!?vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!

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Yahoo! Groups Links

To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bebas-promosi/
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2004-09-30 Terurut Topik putra desa

Baru dilancarkan! Jadilah antara yang TERAWAL! Dengan hanya bermodalkan RM21 dan membeli reload anda sekarang sebanyak RM34, anda sudah boleh mulakan perniagaan amat lumayan sehingga boleh mencecah pendapatan jutaan ringgit dari jutaan pengguna prepaid di Malaysia!

Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 

Modal RM21 sahaja untuk pendaftaran dengan belian reload RM34 yang sememangnya anda akan beli juga setiap bulan dikedai. Jumlah permulaan hanya RM55 sahaja. Pendaftaran adalah seumur hidup. 

Semua reload 012, 016, 013, 019 ada dijual. Kenapa anda harus beli dikedai tanpa sebarang peluang pendapatan sedangkan membeli disini dengan produk yang sama, anda berpeluang menjana pendapatan yang bukan sedikit dan boleh diwarisi untuk keluarga anda!

Sesuai dengan trend sekarang kita semua memiliki perniagaan kita sendiri dan boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja. Tanamkan konsep keuntungan untuk pengguna sendiri berbanding konsep lama beli dikedai bermakna keuntungan anda telah diberikan kepada pekedai berkenaan. Kenapa anda harus rugikan diri sendiri? Homebase business sekarang sudah menjadi trend di negara maju seperti US dan kita juga sudah kearah itu.

Mendapat sokongan online dan offline serta web autodownline sendiri percuma HANYA di PORTAL ini!

Mendapat bimbingan menjalankan perniagaan percuma. Leader2 setiap negeri diperlukan untuk membantu GROUP ini dari segi penerangan dsbnya. Insentif TAMBAHAN dari GROUP ini bakal dinikmati. Pelantikan agen adalah PERCUMA dgn syarat telah menjadi ahli dibawah GROUP kami.

Kemungkinan mendapat spillover atau downline percuma. Bergantung kepada kerjasama semua pihak. Lebih ramai yang aktif maka lebih cepat setiap orang mendapat downline dan sudah tentu PENDAPATAN. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami BEGITU YAKIN bahawa TIADA GROUP lain yang mampu mengembangkan network mereka SECEPAT kami melalui PORTAL ini!

PERHATIANAnda tidak perlu risau untuk memberikan maklumat anda keranajika apa yang ditawarkan tidak menarik kepada anda,anda boleh memilih untuk keluar dari PORTAL ini bila-bila masa yang anda suka.Kami PROFESIONAL  tidak mengamalkan paksaan.

Kata Pendahuluan dari Multi Telecommunication Marketing  Supply ( CA0056000-D )
Selamat datang ke portal prepaid.cynexx.com. Harap anda dapat bacakan keseluruhan web ini. Amat penting ialah pemahaman anda terhadap perniagaan prepaid dan anda perlu promosikan web anda dan juga amat digalakkan membuat cara offline.
Untuk mempromosikan web anda sila gunakan URL berikut:
Untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli prepaid sila klik butang "DAFTAR VIP" dimenu atas sekali.
Untuk pertanyaan sila email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kenapa anda harus usahakan perniagaan ini?
1. Gunakan apa yang anda guna sekarang dan tukarkan kepada wang!
Cuba kita fikirkan, alangkah ruginya anda reload prepaid anda setiap bulan tetapi apa yang anda dapat? Cukup kah dengan hanya boleh menggunakan talian sahaja? Tidakkah anda mahu lakukan perkara yang sama tetapi berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan sehingga boleh ke angka juta? Bezanya hanya satu, tukarkan tempat anda membeli sekarang dikedai dan beli terus dari SMS sahaja. Ianya bertambah mudah dari cara sekarang dan tiada sebab anda harus menolaknya.
2. Mudah sangat! Semua orang boleh buat.
Amat mudah untuk dijalankan. Anda hanya perlu tahu guna SMS untuk jalankan perniagaan ini. 

Tiada barang yang perlu dibungkus dan diposkan untuk dijual kerana produk ialah nombor pin dan serial sahaja yang boleh dihantar dengan SMS. 
Boleh dijalankan dimana sahaja asal ada talian. Tidak perlu pejabat, kiosk untuk jual prepaid dan sebarang premis. 
Kemudahan order reload hanya dengan SMS. Jika prepaid anda habis ditengah malam dan kedai sudah tutup, dimana anda harus dapatkan reload anda? SMS sahaja dan anda akan segera dapat nombor reload anda! Kenapa harus buat yang susah sedangkan ada yang mudah? 
Segalanya auto dimana segala urusan yang anda lakukan dari SMS akan terus dapat dilihat diinternet iaitu di online akaun anda. Anda juga boleh melihat network anda, bonus anda dll. 