Re: FW: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Anette Seiler

Hi Smiddy,

you wrote:

> This got me wondering.  Is the behavior you see caused by limitations
> for $_, or by limitations of the print function?  You might try:
>  print strlen( $_ ), "\n";

My Perl doesn't know what strlen is. Is it part of a module?

I don't think, it is a limitation of the print function. I am not able to 
find a string with a regular expression before I print something.



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Re: net::telnet and read eof error

2002-03-13 Thread nyec

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 10:30 am, Craig Williams wrote:
> In my first attempt at telneting into sun box from win98, i've been
> receiving the error message : pattern match read eof at line
> xx--   where xx is the login line. Unable to resolve that error
> through the usual methods I tried executing the rainmaker sample in the
> documentation at the end of the net::telnet module and received the same
> error (this time at the "$t->waitfor('/continue:*$/);) line. I'm guessing
> it's a setup error on my machine but haven't a clue where to look.  Any
> ideas?
> (sample from the net::telnet documentation that i ran)
> #!perl -w
> my ($forecast, $t);
> use Net::Telnet ();
> $t = new Net::Telnet;
> $t->open("");
> ## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".
> $t->waitfor('/continue:.*$/');
> $t->print("");
> ## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
> $t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');
> $t->print("BRD");
> ## Read and print the first page of forecast.
> ($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');
> print $forecast;
> exit;

This may be a telnet client issue and not a perl problem. You might look at 
changing your Win98 telnet client to send a line feed instead of a carriage 
return. I'm not sure how to do this in win98 (also depends on the telnet 

>From my *BSD box I was able to run your provided sample code without a 
problem. Also, if you manually telnet to, you'll 
notice the following in the welcome message:

   **Note: If you cannot get past this opening screen, you must configure
   *   your telnet program to send a line feed instead of just a carriage
   *   return, or use a different telnet program that does so.

Hope this helps. 

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2002-03-13 Thread Jim Conner

I suggest:  File::Tail if you are wanting to something like tail -f, though.

Works like a champ.

- Jim

At 06:09 03.14.2002 +, Jonathan E. Paton wrote:
> > Is there a perl function equivalent to the *nix command
> > 'tail'?
>Here is a basic Perl implementation of tail:
>IIRC there is a shorter way to do it, but that'd
>mean going back over the FWP mailing list archives.
> > I don't mean like, a workaround through loops
> > that will produce the same sort of result, just
> > a function.
>sub tail (\@) {
> my $array = shift;
> return @$array[-10,-1];
> > Also, what are the benefits of using the function
> > grep?
>Lots, cross platform, NFA engine (not DFA) hence
>backtracking and lookahead/lookbehinds etc.
> > Doing a system call to grep seems to run faster
> > than the perl function!
>It probably will, since the system grep is built for
>absolute speed in the small task it does.  Perl is a
>little more general, and the grep patterns are just
>as powerful as any other regex in Perl.
>Platform independence springs to mind too... and also
>if you already have data in memory (in Perl) writing
>it out to disk is a pain that none of us bother with.
>Jonathan Paton
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- Jim

Philosophy is for those who have nothing better to do than wonder
why philosophy is for those who have nothing better to do than...


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2002-03-13 Thread Jonathan E. Paton

> Is there a perl function equivalent to the *nix command
> 'tail'?

Here is a basic Perl implementation of tail:


IIRC there is a shorter way to do it, but that'd
mean going back over the FWP mailing list archives.
> I don't mean like, a workaround through loops
> that will produce the same sort of result, just
> a function.

sub tail (\@) {
my $array = shift;
return @$array[-10,-1];

> Also, what are the benefits of using the function
> grep?

Lots, cross platform, NFA engine (not DFA) hence
backtracking and lookahead/lookbehinds etc.

> Doing a system call to grep seems to run faster
> than the perl function!

It probably will, since the system grep is built for
absolute speed in the small task it does.  Perl is a
little more general, and the grep patterns are just
as powerful as any other regex in Perl.

Platform independence springs to mind too... and also
if you already have data in memory (in Perl) writing
it out to disk is a pain that none of us bother with.

Jonathan Paton

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RE: Reinitializing an Array

2002-03-13 Thread Timothy Johnson

If you're having this kind of trouble, chances are you might not be properly
scoping your array.  Try declaring the array using my() inside of the scope
you wish to use, for example inside of a loop.  Then you won't have to worry
about whether you remembered to undef your array.

-Original Message-
From: luke
Sent: 3/13/02 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Reinitializing an Array

you can always set it to undef also:


Luke Davison

- Original Message -
From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: Reinitializing an Array

> Barry Kingsbury wrote:
> >
> > I have an array that I wish to reuse. Before I reuse it, I want to
out all
> > elements. Both of the following seem to work:
> >
> > @an_array = "";
> This does not clear out all elements, it assigns one element to
> @an_array with the value of "".
> > and
> >
> > $#an_array = -1;
> This is one way to do it properly, another way is:
>  @an_array = ();
> This assigns an empty list to @an_array.
> John
> --
> use Perl;
> program
> fulfillment
> --
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Re: extracting elements from arrays of arrays of arrays ;-)

2002-03-13 Thread Peter Scott

At 06:38 PM 3/13/02 -0800, Simon K. Chan wrote:
>Hiya All,
>I hope you'll forgive this oo perl rookie for asking a routine 
>question.  I'm not new to perl, but
>the bioperl module I'm working on is giving me a headache! ;-)
>Let's say I have this:
>my @array = qw(12 56 41 23);
>my $array_ref = \@array;
># where $var1, $var2, and $var3 are other array references.
>my $ref = [$var1, $var2, $array_ref, $var3 ];
>my @object = ();
>push @object, $ref;
>QUESTION:  How do I obtain the array $array_ref refers to in this 
>situtation?  Let's say I want to
>give @new the values in @array.

my @new = @{$object[0][2]};

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: tie/bless interactions?

2002-03-13 Thread Peter Scott

At 02:19 AM 3/14/02 +0100, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> > 3) If I bless %self out of the "Tie::Hash" space and into the
> > "APC::Event" space, are the "Tie::Hash" functions going to stop
> > working?  (I assume so.)
>You can't bless a hash, you can only bless a reference.
>What you end up with after your constructor is something like :
> APC::Event=HASH(0x1a7f148) reference
>pointing to
> a hash
>tied to a
> Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference
>pointing to
> whatever data Tie::DBI needs to store.
> $obj->Foo()
>calls the APC::Event::Foo() subroutine and
> $val = $obj->{foo}
>calls Tie::DBI::FETCH() subroutine with the
>Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference and 'foo' parameters.

Damian Conway's Regexp::Common module does more or less exactly this.  I 
just finished reading the Perl Conference proceedings on it (yes, in places 
I am that far behind) and hope to make a full recovery :-)

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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extracting elements from arrays of arrays of arrays ;-)

2002-03-13 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hiya All,

I hope you'll forgive this oo perl rookie for asking a routine question.  I'm not new 
to perl, but
the bioperl module I'm working on is giving me a headache! ;-)

Let's say I have this:

my @array = qw(12 56 41 23);

my $array_ref = \@array;

# where $var1, $var2, and $var3 are other array references.
my $ref = [$var1, $var2, $array_ref, $var3 ];

my @object = ();

push @object, $ref;

QUESTION:  How do I obtain the array $array_ref refers to in this situtation?  Let's 
say I want to
give @new the values in @array.

Thank many thanks for your time and help!


Warmest Regards,

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."  - 
Albert Einstein

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Re: tie/bless interactions?

2002-03-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Dave Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've got a class called APC::Event.  The idea is that when you
> instantiate one of these objects, you are signalling that a particular
> event has happened; ergo, it takes the information you specified,
> deduces a bunch more stuff, and logs all of it to a database. 
> Afterwards it sticks around and provides an interface to that record
> (or the whole table, actually).
> I've just discovered the Tie::DBI modules, and they seem like exactly
> what I want here, but I'm wondering if the following is going to get
> me in trouble:
> sub new {
> my ($proto, %args) = @_;
> my %self;
> my $database_handle =$args{ dbh }
>   || DBH(\%default_database_params,
>  {PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1}
> );
> tie %self, Tie::DBI, { db   => $database_handle,
>CLOBBER  => 1,   #  Allow INSERT and
>#  but not DELETE
>  };
> my $class =ref $proto# Are we being called as a class or
> || $proto# instance method?
> || 'APC::Event';
> bless \%self, $class;
> }

I think this should be OK.

> I haven't done that much with tie in the past, and I've never
> done
> anything where I tied an object and then blessed it, so I'm not quite
> sure what the implications are.  Specifically,
> 1) As I understand it, tie() uses bless() under the hood; is this
> correct?

Yes, but ... when you tie a variable the 
constructs a data structure, creates a reference to that structure, 
bless()es the reference, returns the blessed reference and then perl 
ties the variable in question with that object.

So it's not the variable, but the hidden reference that's blessed.

> 2) I want the object to be an APC::Event, because there is more in the
> class than just a constructor.  Assuming that the answer to question 1
> is "yes", what happens when I rebless a reference?  I believe it
> "forgets" all about its original class, but I've never done it before
> (actually, I've tried very hard to avoid it).

Yes, if you rebless a reference it forgets about the original class 
and becomes an object of a different class. But this is not what 
happens at this time

> 3) If I bless %self out of the "Tie::Hash" space and into the
> "APC::Event" space, are the "Tie::Hash" functions going to stop
> working?  (I assume so.)

You can't bless a hash, you can only bless a reference.

What you end up with after your constructor is something like :

APC::Event=HASH(0x1a7f148) reference
pointing to 
a hash
tied to a 
Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference
pointing to 
whatever data Tie::DBI needs to store.



calls the APC::Event::Foo() subroutine and

$val = $obj->{foo}

calls Tie::DBI::FETCH() subroutine with the 
Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference and 'foo' parameters.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Reinitializing an Array

2002-03-13 Thread luke

you can always set it to undef also:


Luke Davison

- Original Message -
From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: Reinitializing an Array

> Barry Kingsbury wrote:
> >
> > I have an array that I wish to reuse. Before I reuse it, I want to clear
out all
> > elements. Both of the following seem to work:
> >
> > @an_array = "";
> This does not clear out all elements, it assigns one element to
> @an_array with the value of "".
> > and
> >
> > $#an_array = -1;
> This is one way to do it properly, another way is:
>  @an_array = ();
> This assigns an empty list to @an_array.
> John
> --
> use Perl;
> program
> fulfillment
> --
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Re: write to an Excel document

2002-03-13 Thread Garyl Erickson

The link is at:
(l not I)

"Tirthankar C. Patnaik" wrote:
> An excellent link for the task you have in mind, is:

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HP-UX 10.2 Tk install error

2002-03-13 Thread john . shea

I'm trying to install Tk (Tk800.024) but it fails with the text at the end of this 
e-mail.  I looked and /usr/lib/X11R6 and /usr/lib/X11R6/libX11.2 both exist.   So my 
question is what am I missing?  Or what am I doing wrong?


John T. Shea

jshea@cahp9>perl Makefile.PL
perl is installed in /opt/perl5/lib/5.6.0/PA-RISC1.1 okay
PPM for perl5.006
Test Compiling config/signedchar.c
Test Compiling config/unsigned.c
Test Compiling config/Ksprintf.c
Test Compiling config/tod.c
Generic gettimeofday()
Using -L/usr/lib/X11R6 to find /usr/lib/X11R6/libX11.2
Cannot find X include files via /include
Cannot find X include files anywhere at ./myConfig line 312.
Compilation failed in require at Makefile.PL line 17.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 19.

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tie/bless interactions?

2002-03-13 Thread Dave Storrs

I've got a class called APC::Event.  The idea is that when you instantiate
one of these objects, you are signalling that a particular event has
happened; ergo, it takes the information you specified, deduces a bunch
more stuff, and logs all of it to a database.  Afterwards it sticks around
and provides an interface to that record (or the whole table, actually).

I've just discovered the Tie::DBI modules, and they seem like exactly what
I want here, but I'm wondering if the following is going to get me in

sub new {
my ($proto, %args) = @_;

my %self;
my $database_handle =$args{ dbh }
  || DBH(\%default_database_params,
 {PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1}
tie %self, Tie::DBI, { db   => $database_handle,
   CLOBBER  => 1,   #  Allow INSERT and UPDATE,
#  but not DELETE

my $class =ref $proto# Are we being called as a class or
|| $proto# instance method?
|| 'APC::Event';

bless \%self, $class;

I haven't done that much with tie in the past, and I've never done
anything where I tied an object and then blessed it, so I'm not quite sure
what the implications are.  Specifically,

1) As I understand it, tie() uses bless() under the hood; is this correct?

2) I want the object to be an APC::Event, because there is more in the
class than just a constructor.  Assuming that the answer to question 1 is
"yes", what happens when I rebless a reference?  I believe it "forgets"
all about its original class, but I've never done it before (actually,
I've tried very hard to avoid it).

3) If I bless %self out of the "Tie::Hash" space and into the "APC::Event"
space, are the "Tie::Hash" functions going to stop working?  (I assume

4) If the answer to 3 is "yes", can I solve this by doing this:
my $rh_self = \%self;
unshift @{$rh_self->ISA}, 'APC::Event';

5) Given the above constructor code, am I likely to have any problems with
circular references?

Thanks in advance,

Dave Storrs

PS  If you wanted to rewrite the code snippet in question 4 without taking
a reference, how would you do it?  This doesn't seem right:

unshift @self{ISA}, 'APC::Event';

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Re: Reinitializing an Array

2002-03-13 Thread John W. Krahn

Barry Kingsbury wrote:
> I have an array that I wish to reuse. Before I reuse it, I want to clear out all
> elements. Both of the following seem to work:
> @an_array = "";

This does not clear out all elements, it assigns one element to
@an_array with the value of "".

> and
> $#an_array = -1;

This is one way to do it properly, another way is:

 @an_array = ();

This assigns an empty list to @an_array.

use Perl;

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Re: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread John W. Krahn

Jason Larson wrote:
> I'm still new to Perl myself, so I can't tell you exactly what's happening,
> but it looks like $result_value1 is undef when it gets to the if statement.
> I think a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do is simply:
>   my $result_value1;
>   if ($result_value) { #$result_value1 is defined
^^  ^^^
This is _NOT_ testing whether $result_value1 is defined or not (in fact
it is not testing $result_value1 at all :-), it is testing whether
$result_value1 is true or false which is not the same thing.

   if ( defined $result_value1 ) { #$result_value1 is defined

>  $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
>  $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
>  $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
>   } else { #$result_value1 is still undef
>  return (" ", " ", " ");
>   }

use Perl;

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Re: Microsoft Word Documents

2002-03-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Michael D. Risser [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>I have searched CPAN, but so far no luck. Does anyone know of a module or 
*>Perl script that can parse MS Word .doc files?
*>I'm trying to add the ability to display these files in a web browser to a 
*>document managment system I found on the web.



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Re: the scope of BEGIN {}

2002-03-13 Thread Michael Fowler

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 01:27:08PM -0500, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> Here is my question, $follow and $follow_skip I want to be a global variable
> in the scope of the perl script I am running.
> If I put a my in front of the declaration wouldn't it only be in the scope
> of BEGIN or would it be in the scope of the entire script? How can I declare
> it so that use strict; and use warnings; won't complain?

If you put the declaration within the BEGIN block, yes, it would be scoped
to just that block.  So place the declaration outside of the BEGIN block.

my($follow, $follow_skip);

Also, use strict is the only thing that complains about out-of-scope
variable usage, and it's more than just a complaint.

Programmer, System Administrator

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2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

grep in perl doesn't work exactly same way as grep in *nix. It functions
differently in perl, and has better uses in perl that the *nix's grep can't
perldoc -f grep

> -Original Message-
> From: James Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 3:06 PM
> Subject: TAIL
> is there a perl function equivalent to the *nix command 'tail'? 
> I don't mean like, a workaround through loops that will 
> produce the same sort 
> of result, just a function.
> Also, what are the benefits of using the function grep?  
> Doing a system call 
> to grep seems to run faster than the perl function!
> -- 
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Re: Mail::Sender Timeout

2002-03-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky

> Where in the file can I find the parameter for 
> timeout to the mail server?  I need to increase this.  I 
> keep getting a cannot connect error. 
> Thanks
> Grant 

Sorry, there is no such parameter. I'm using plain socket()s with 
connect() and stuff, maybe you can change the timeouts of these, 
but I don't know how.

But ... are you sure you want to connect to THAT server if your 
connection to it is so weak? You are supposed to pass the 
message to your LOCAL mailserver and leave the distribution and 
retries to the recipients' servers to it. Don't try to contact the 
recipients' mailservers, pass it to your own and forget about it.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Mail::Sender Timeout

2002-03-13 Thread gkhgkh

Where in the file can I find the parameter for 
timeout to the mail server?  I need to increase this.  I 
keep getting a cannot connect error. 



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RE: :telnet and read eof error

2002-03-13 Thread Craig Williams

solved my own problem reinstalled the net::telnet module, somebody
screwed with the module code

-Original Message-
From: Craig Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:31 PM
To: Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
Subject: net::telnet and read eof error

In my first attempt at telneting into sun box from win98, i've been
receiving the error message : pattern match read eof at line
xx--   where xx is the login line. Unable to resolve that error
through the usual methods I tried executing the rainmaker sample in the
documentation at the end of the net::telnet module and received the same
error (this time at the "$t->waitfor('/continue:*$/);) line. I'm guessing
it's a setup error on my machine but haven't a clue where to look.  Any

(sample from the net::telnet documentation that i ran)

#!perl -w

my ($forecast, $t);

use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet;

## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".

## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
$t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');

## Read and print the first page of forecast.
($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');
print $forecast;


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Microsoft Word Documents

2002-03-13 Thread Michael D. Risser

I have searched CPAN, but so far no luck. Does anyone know of a module or 
Perl script that can parse MS Word .doc files?

I'm trying to add the ability to display these files in a web browser to a 
document managment system I found on the web.

Thanks in advance

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RE: the scope of BEGIN {}

2002-03-13 Thread Jason Larson

> -Original Message-
> From: Nikola Janceski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: the scope of BEGIN {}
>   if ($^O =~ /^(ms)?(win|dos)(32|nt)?$/i){
>   eval q{ 
>   use lib "N:/xxx/perl_lib";
>   use Win32::Process;
>   use Win32::Event 1.00 qw(wait_any);
>   $follow = 0; # used in find command
>   $follow_skip = 0; # used in find command
>   }
>   } else {
>   eval q{ 
>   use lib "/xxx/perl_lib";
>   $follow = 1; # used in find command
>   $follow_skip = 2; # used in find command
>   }
>   }
> }
> Here is my question, $follow and $follow_skip I want to be a 
> global variable
> in the scope of the perl script I am running.
> If I put a my in front of the declaration wouldn't it only be 
> in the scope
> of BEGIN or would it be in the scope of the entire script? 
> How can I declare
> it so that use strict; and use warnings; won't complain?
> (This has to be a global variable for I use it several 
> subroutines and is OS
> dependent).

I think you can do:
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use vars qw($follow $follow_skip);

Hope this helps...


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PERL522 for Windows XP

2002-03-13 Thread Mandy F Lucas

Could someone help me with PERL522?  Thank you in advance.

Is there a certification process for PERL on supported platforms? 

We have PERL522 image on all our Clients (NT 4.0 with SP6, more than 8000 
clients) and Servers (NT 4.0 with SP6a; HP, AIX). We are wondering if 522 
is compatible/or certified for Windows XP (client), or if anyone has 
tested it on XP. If not compatible or certified, is there any plan in the 
near future?   I understand that 522 is an older version.  However, we 
can't upgrade PERL to 561 at this time due to organization 


net::telnet and read eof error

2002-03-13 Thread Craig Williams

In my first attempt at telneting into sun box from win98, i've been
receiving the error message : pattern match read eof at line
xx--   where xx is the login line. Unable to resolve that error
through the usual methods I tried executing the rainmaker sample in the
documentation at the end of the net::telnet module and received the same
error (this time at the "$t->waitfor('/continue:*$/);) line. I'm guessing
it's a setup error on my machine but haven't a clue where to look.  Any

(sample from the net::telnet documentation that i ran)

#!perl -w

my ($forecast, $t);

use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet;

## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".

## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
$t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');

## Read and print the first page of forecast.
($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');
print $forecast;


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the scope of BEGIN {}

2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

if ($^O =~ /^(ms)?(win|dos)(32|nt)?$/i){
eval q{ 
use lib "N:/xxx/perl_lib";
use Win32::Process;
use Win32::Event 1.00 qw(wait_any);

$follow = 0; # used in find command
$follow_skip = 0; # used in find command

} else {
eval q{ 
use lib "/xxx/perl_lib";

$follow = 1; # used in find command
$follow_skip = 2; # used in find command

Here is my question, $follow and $follow_skip I want to be a global variable
in the scope of the perl script I am running.
If I put a my in front of the declaration wouldn't it only be in the scope
of BEGIN or would it be in the scope of the entire script? How can I declare
it so that use strict; and use warnings; won't complain?

(This has to be a global variable for I use it several subroutines and is OS

Nikola Janceski

Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel,
even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) 

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RE: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Peter_Farrar

I've seen this effect when using data I copied off the internet (using
Explorer) into a text file in a Unix environment.  In my case the problem
was definitely a control character within the string causing a line return
without a line feed.  It didn't show up when I viewed the file with less or
cat, or notepad on Windows, just when I manipulated it with perl, and
printed the results to the screen.  It really drove me crazy for a while.
I don't remember exactly what crudgy solution I came up with, but it sounds
like the same kind of problem.




Subject: RE: How long can $_ be?  



06:51 AM   



Dear All,

the script I'm using is really very simple:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

while (<>) {
  print "\n\n$_\n\n";

>From the command line I start the script with "perl". Now I
have to enter some text. I just enter any text, either by typing or by
cutting and pasting. I do not enter any strange characters or
newlines. I just type in some text. I even take care to just use
normal characters - no numbers, umlaute or anything else strange.
As you can see, I did not play with $/.

As I wrote in my initial mail, the answer I get is not the answer I
expect. Whenever my input is more than 256 character, instead of
printing everything I entered, it prints only the last part of what I
entered, everything after character 256. The first part is chopped off.

I experimented with that and had the following results:

The first line I gave was 490 characters long, $_ contained the last
characters. The string was chopped off at character 257.

The second line I gave was 462 characters long, $_ contained the
last 205 characters. The string was chopped off at character 257.

The third line I gave was 253 characters long, $_ contained the
whole 253 characters. Nothing was chopped off.

The fourth line I gave was 839 characters long, $_ contained the
last 68 characters. The string was chopped off at character 771.

Nikola asked: "Exactly how long/big are we talking of making $_?"
The fourth line is already a very long line. I don't thing it will be
more than a 1000 characters per line.

The script above is the essence of the problem. I found the problem
when I wrote a script that reads in a line at a time from a file. The
script was supposed to find a url in each line with an regex, isolate
the url and do something with it. The script did not find the url in
lines that were longer than 256 characters, because it appeared
more in the beginning. I then found out that it was not my regex
that was wrong, but $_ did not give me what I wanted.

Funny enough, I am able to find the url using index and substring.
In this way I was able to do what I wanted to do, but it does not
help solving the problem I have. The subroutine  that worked was:

  open DATEI, "$_" or die "Kann die Datei $_ nicht öffnen ($!)\n";

  foreach my $line () {
chomp $line;

if ($line =~ /\/i) {
   my $begin_url = index $line, "http";
   my $end_url = index $line, "\" ";
   my $length = ($end_url - $begin_url) ;
   my $url = substr ($line, $begin_url, $length);

and so on.

I would be really grateful for an answer to the puzzle.

Kind regards


> Perl 5.004_04 on my Solaris 5.6 machine had no problems making $_ of
> length 178956970. Of course I have an elephant crap load of memory on
> this sucker.
> Exactly how long/big are we talking of making $_?
> -Original Message-
> From: David Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:06 AM
> Subject: RE: How long can $_ be?
> > Is there some limit in how long the contents of the variable $_ can
> > be?
> Not that I'm aware of, no.
> > I encounter this problem on Solaris machines running Perl 5.005. On
> > Windows with Perl 5.6.1. no such problem was encountered.
> >
> > What could cause the problem?
> I suppose it might be a a configuration problem of some sort, but I

Re: Mail::Sender

2002-03-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky

> I am using Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3 and encounter the 
> following error when running a script.
> Use of uninitialized value 
> at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/ 
> line 944,  chunk 5.
> Can't use an undefined value as filehandle reference 
> at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/ 
> line 944,  chunk 5.
> I have used this on other sysystem without any 
> problems.  Does anyone know if there are any issues with 
> Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3?

It's not caused by the version of OS, but of perl. Sorry for this.
Please install the 0.7.13 version uploaded to CPAN and today.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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uploading multiple files over http

2002-03-13 Thread A Taylor

Can anyone help me - I am new to perl (and I love it) and I am trying to 
write a script that alows me to upload pictures for the web (.jpg and .gif) 
over http.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance

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RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread Ho, Tony

Hi Nikola/Jason
Thanks for the help.
The variable $result_value1 is declared within the subroutine and is never
used outside the subroutine.
I originally had the following piece of code (which I forgot to show you
guys in the previous email):

$result_value1 = $database1{$input_key1}

But I changed the above code to the following and it worked ("Use of
uninitialized value" error message" did not appear):

$result_value1 = $database1{$input_key1} || " "; 
if ($result_value1 ne " ") {
 $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
 $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
 $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
 return ($a, $b, $c);
else {
 return (" ", " ", " ");


-Original Message-
From: Nikola Janceski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 March 2002 17:16
To: 'Jason Larson'; 'Ho, Tony'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

that actually won't get rid of the warning. but you are right the
declaration at the top of the script of the varible goes out of scope when
it reaches the if.

you are using -w or 
use warnings; in your script that is causing the warning.

perhaps attaching the code would help but we can't tell where the varible
goes out of scope.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:06 AM
To: 'Ho, Tony'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

> -Original Message-
> From: Ho, Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: "Use of uninitialized value" error message
> Hi guys
> I was wondering if you could help me with the following problem.
> I am getting the following error message:
> Use of uninitialized value in string ne at 
> line 257.
> line 257 and beyond consist of the following:
> if ($result_value1 ne " ") {
>   $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
>   $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
>   $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
>   return ($a, $b, $c);
> }
> else {
>   return (" ", " ", " ");
> }
> I declare the variable result_value1 at the begining of the method as
> follows
> my $result_value1 =" ";
> Any ideas why ?

I'm still new to Perl myself, so I can't tell you exactly what's happening,
but it looks like $result_value1 is undef when it gets to the if statement.
I think a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do is simply:

  my $result_value1;
  if ($result_value) { #$result_value1 is defined
 $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
 $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
 $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
  } else { #$result_value1 is still undef
 return (" ", " ", " ");

Hope this helps...


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2002-03-13 Thread gkhgkh

I am using Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3 and encounter the 
following error when running a script.

Use of uninitialized value 
at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/ 
line 944,  chunk 5.
Can't use an undefined value as filehandle reference 
at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.005/Mail/ 
line 944,  chunk 5.

I have used this on other sysystem without any 
problems.  Does anyone know if there are any issues with 
Mail::Sender on AIX 4.3.3?


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RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread Jason Larson

  Original Message-
From: Ho, Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Subject: RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

Hi Nikola/Jason 
Thanks for the help. 
The variable $result_value1 is declared within the subroutine and is never
used outside the subroutine. 
I originally had the following piece of code (which I forgot to show you
guys in the previous email): 
 $result_value1 = $database1{$input_key1}  
 But I changed the above code to the following and it worked ("Use of
uninitialized value" error message" did not appear):
 $result_value1 = $database1{$input_key1} || " ";  

ahh... that would do it, though I don't think that's the preferred way to
solve your problem.
You are getting the "Use of uninitialized value" warning message because
$database1{$input_key1} is undef.  You are simply bypassing that by making
$result_value1 a " " if it would otherwise return undef.  By using your
original code ( $result_value1 = $database1{$input_key1}; ) with "if
($result_value1);" you do what you want and avoid the warning because you
are now checking to see if $result_value1 is defined.  I know that Nikola
says you will still get the warning, but it always works for me...  :)
Hope this helps...


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RE: Processing Large Files

2002-03-13 Thread RArul

One of the primodial reasons for me to chop the file and see it was to see
what it looks like! Since it worked for you for a 1GB sized file, within a
wink of the eye,I am sure that I have strong suspicion in the line length. I
guess, it might be one large 300 MB file with a single line content! That
explains it. Let me investigate and if that is what it turns out to be, I
guess I should use read(), tell() functions.


-Original Message-
From: Nikola Janceski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: Processing Large Files

I cut and paste your code. Used a file 1070725103 (~1 Gb) bytes big with
about 100 bytes per line.
and it ran in split second.

Are the lines in your file giant sized (>1Mb/line)?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Processing Large Files


I need to process 300+ MB text files. I tried to open one such file; read 10
lines (line by line) and output those 10 lines to a new text file. Despite
reading line by line, it was taking a very long time for processing. Is
there anything that I can try to speed it up!!

Here is my pronto code:

use strict;
my $from= "humongous.txt";
open(INP, $from) or die "cannot open input file $!";
open(OUT, ">sample.txt") or die "cannot open input file $!";
print("trying to read input file\n");
print STDOUT;
print OUT;
last if($. >= 10);


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RE: getOpt::long?

2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

$ perldoc Getopt
No documentation found for "Getopt".
However, try
perldoc Getopt::Long
perldoc Getopt::Std
perldoc Getopt::Long.html
perldoc Getopt::Std.html

-Original Message-
From: Jason Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:28 AM
To: 'michael'
Subject: RE: getOpt::long?

answers your questions, though running perldoc -f getopt didn't return
anything for me, so you might have to check some of the other sources.

Hope this helps...


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RE: getOpt::long?

2002-03-13 Thread Jason Larson

> -Original Message-
> From: michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Re: getOpt::long?
> >
> > > I am a true perl newbie.
> >
> > If you continue like this you will stay one.
> >
> :-) Thanks for all the feedback. I had intended to send the 
> assignment as an
> attachment and ask about:
> 1) Configuring my win2k box so that I could use the command 
> line to run a
> perl program without having to type 'perl' before the name of 
> the program in
> order to execute it, and

All the information you should need about the AS install of Perl should be
on your start menu as: Start | Programs | ActiveState ActivePerl 5.6 |
Documentation.  To answer your specific question, you can open the html
file: file:///C:/Perl/html/faq/Windows/ActivePerl-Winfaq4.html and select
"How do I associate Perl scripts with perl?"  I'd detail the answer for you,
but it's already been done, so it'll be easier for both of us if you read
the documentation.

> 2) How to access perl documentation.

a) Start | Programs | ActiveState ActivePerl 5.6 | Documentation
b) You can also go to C:\Perl\bin, and run perldoc from there (it is a batch
file that emulates perldoc on Unix)
d) Install cygwin

> C:\>cd perl
> C:\Perl>perldoc -f getopt
> 'perldoc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

Need to be in C:\Perl\bin directory

> C:\Perl>perl -v
> 'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

Need to be in C:\Perl\bin directory

> I have installed ActiveState Perl 5.6.1 build 631 on this 
> machine, some time
> ago, and have previously written perl scripts on it ( small ones!).
> I also have this problem on my laptop.

The aforementioned answers should resolve the issue on your laptop as well.

> So I installed Mandrake Linux 8.2 last night, and am even 
> able to find the
> info on the getopt module.
> Now I just have to buy a supported printer so I can print it out!
> Sorry to have bothered.

Understand that we are here to help.  The feedback you got was based on the
information that was sent.  It was not meant to be degrading, but you have
to look at it from our perspective.  Now that you've re-posted, I hope this
answers your questions, though running perldoc -f getopt didn't return
anything for me, so you might have to check some of the other sources.

Hope this helps...


The information contained in this ELECTRONIC MAIL transmission
is confidential.  It may also be privileged work product or proprietary
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Re: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Anette Seiler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>>From the command line I start the script with "perl". Now I 
*>have to enter some text. I just enter any text, either by typing or by 
*>cutting and pasting. I do not enter any strange characters or 
*>newlines. I just type in some text. I even take care to just use 
*>normal characters - no numbers, umlaute or anything else strange. 
*>As you can see, I did not play with $/.
*>As I wrote in my initial mail, the answer I get is not the answer I 
*>expect. Whenever my input is more than 256 character, instead of 
*>printing everything I entered, it prints only the last part of what I 
*>entered, everything after character 256. The first part is chopped off.

I believe you :) It's a 'feature' of Sun's terminal driver which only
allows lines of 256 characters.

A workaround would be to force a linewrap at 74 chars or read $_ from a


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Re: getOpt::long?

2002-03-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   "michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> :-) Thanks for all the feedback. I had intended to send the assignment as an
> attachment and ask about:
> 1) Configuring my win2k box so that I could use the command line to run a
> perl program without having to type 'perl' before the name of the program in
> order to execute it, and

Add .pl and whatever other extensions you want to the PATHEXT 
system variable (Rightclick "My Computer" and select 
Properties\Advanced\Environment Variables)

You might need to set up the file extension mapping as well. 

> 2) How to access perl documentation.
> C:\>cd perl
> C:\Perl>perldoc -f getopt
> 'perldoc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> C:\Perl>perl -v
> 'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

The perldoc.bat and perl.exe are in c:\perl\bin. You should have 
this path in your PATH system variable.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE: Processing Large Files

2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

I cut and paste your code. Used a file 1070725103 (~1 Gb) bytes big with
about 100 bytes per line.
and it ran in split second.

Are the lines in your file giant sized (>1Mb/line)?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:20 AM
Subject: Processing Large Files


I need to process 300+ MB text files. I tried to open one such file; read 10
lines (line by line) and output those 10 lines to a new text file. Despite
reading line by line, it was taking a very long time for processing. Is
there anything that I can try to speed it up!!

Here is my pronto code:

use strict;
my $from= "humongous.txt";
open(INP, $from) or die "cannot open input file $!";
open(OUT, ">sample.txt") or die "cannot open input file $!";
print("trying to read input file\n");
print STDOUT;
print OUT;
last if($. >= 10);


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Processing Large Files

2002-03-13 Thread RArul


I need to process 300+ MB text files. I tried to open one such file; read 10
lines (line by line) and output those 10 lines to a new text file. Despite
reading line by line, it was taking a very long time for processing. Is
there anything that I can try to speed it up!!

Here is my pronto code:

use strict;
my $from= "humongous.txt";
open(INP, $from) or die "cannot open input file $!";
open(OUT, ">sample.txt") or die "cannot open input file $!";
print("trying to read input file\n");
print STDOUT;
print OUT;
last if($. >= 10);


RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

that actually won't get rid of the warning. but you are right the
declaration at the top of the script of the varible goes out of scope when
it reaches the if.

you are using -w or 
use warnings; in your script that is causing the warning.

perhaps attaching the code would help but we can't tell where the varible
goes out of scope.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:06 AM
To: 'Ho, Tony'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

> -Original Message-
> From: Ho, Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: "Use of uninitialized value" error message
> Hi guys
> I was wondering if you could help me with the following problem.
> I am getting the following error message:
> Use of uninitialized value in string ne at 
> line 257.
> line 257 and beyond consist of the following:
> if ($result_value1 ne " ") {
>   $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
>   $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
>   $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
>   return ($a, $b, $c);
> }
> else {
>   return (" ", " ", " ");
> }
> I declare the variable result_value1 at the begining of the method as
> follows
> my $result_value1 =" ";
> Any ideas why ?

I'm still new to Perl myself, so I can't tell you exactly what's happening,
but it looks like $result_value1 is undef when it gets to the if statement.
I think a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do is simply:

  my $result_value1;
  if ($result_value) { #$result_value1 is defined
 $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
 $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
 $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
  } else { #$result_value1 is still undef
 return (" ", " ", " ");

Hope this helps...


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RE: "Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread Jason Larson

> -Original Message-
> From: Ho, Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: "Use of uninitialized value" error message
> Hi guys
> I was wondering if you could help me with the following problem.
> I am getting the following error message:
> Use of uninitialized value in string ne at 
> line 257.
> line 257 and beyond consist of the following:
> if ($result_value1 ne " ") {
>   $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
>   $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
>   $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
>   return ($a, $b, $c);
> }
> else {
>   return (" ", " ", " ");
> }
> I declare the variable result_value1 at the begining of the method as
> follows
> my $result_value1 =" ";
> Any ideas why ?

I'm still new to Perl myself, so I can't tell you exactly what's happening,
but it looks like $result_value1 is undef when it gets to the if statement.
I think a better way to accomplish what you're trying to do is simply:

  my $result_value1;
  if ($result_value) { #$result_value1 is defined
 $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
 $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
 $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
  } else { #$result_value1 is still undef
 return (" ", " ", " ");

Hope this helps...


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Re: getOpt::long?

2002-03-13 Thread michael

- Original Message -
From: "Jenda Krynicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: getOpt::long?

> From:   Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I am a true perl newbie.
> If you continue like this you will stay one.
:-) Thanks for all the feedback. I had intended to send the assignment as an
attachment and ask about:
1) Configuring my win2k box so that I could use the command line to run a
perl program without having to type 'perl' before the name of the program in
order to execute it, and
2) How to access perl documentation.

C:\>cd perl

C:\Perl>perldoc -f getopt
'perldoc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Perl>perl -v
'perl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I have installed ActiveState Perl 5.6.1 build 631 on this machine, some time
ago, and have previously written perl scripts on it ( small ones!).

I also have this problem on my laptop.

So I installed Mandrake Linux 8.2 last night, and am even able to find the
info on the getopt module.

Now I just have to buy a supported printer so I can print it out!

Sorry to have bothered.


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RE: Reinitializing an Array

2002-03-13 Thread Nikola Janceski

proper way:

@an_array = ();


undef @an_array; # doesn't really free up the memory it used but the array
is uninitialized

-Original Message-
From: Barry Kingsbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: Reinitializing an Array

I have an array that I wish to reuse. Before I reuse it, I want to clear out

elements. Both of the following seem to work:

@an_array = "";


$#an_array = -1;

I then go on to do something like:

foreach (@foo_array) {
   push (@an_array, $_);

Neither seems completely correct although I like the second. Is the second
portable or did I just luck out?

Is there a better way?

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FW: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Richard Smith

Hi Folks,
This got me wondering.  Is the behavior you see caused by limitations for $_, or by 
limitations of the print function?  You might try:
print strlen( $_ ), "\n";

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Reinitializing an Array

2002-03-13 Thread Barry Kingsbury

I have an array that I wish to reuse. Before I reuse it, I want to clear out all

elements. Both of the following seem to work:

@an_array = "";


$#an_array = -1;

I then go on to do something like:

foreach (@foo_array) {
   push (@an_array, $_);

Neither seems completely correct although I like the second. Is the second legal
portable or did I just luck out?

Is there a better way?

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Matching key values from more than one hash

2002-03-13 Thread J . Hourihane

--aplogies forgot Subject line

Hi guys I am having trouble trying to figure out how to do a match between
two hashes
basically I have the $login and $gid from the passwd file and the $gid and
$gname fields from 
the group file. (I got these from getpwent and getgrent)

#!/util/perl5.static -w
# Build phash
%phash = ();
$gid => $login
@gid = keys( %phash );

# Build ghash
%ghash = ();
$gname => $gid

# Match $login to $group
foreach $gid (@gid) {

if ($gid =~ / /;   ) {
#Build $login => $gname Hash



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"Use of uninitialized value" error message

2002-03-13 Thread Ho, Tony

Hi guys
I was wondering if you could help me with the following problem.
I am getting the following error message:
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at line 257.

line 257 and beyond consist of the following:
if ($result_value1 ne " ") {
  $a= substr($result_value1, 0, 8);
  $b= substr($result_value1, 8, 2);
  $c= substr($result_value1, 10, 2);
  return ($a, $b, $c);
else {
  return (" ", " ", " ");
I declare the variable result_value1 at the begining of the method as
my $result_value1 =" ";
Any ideas why ?
Thanks in advance


2002-03-13 Thread J . Hourihane

Hi guys I am having trouble trying to figure out how to do a match between
two hashes
basically I have the $login and $gid from the passwd file and the $gid and
$gname fields from 
the group file. (I got these from getpwent and getgrent)

#!/util/perl5.static -w
# Build phash
%phash = ();
$gid => $login
@gid = keys( %phash );

# Build ghash
%ghash = ();
$gname => $gid

# Match $login to $group
foreach $gid (@gid) {

if ($gid =~ / /;   ) {
#Build $login => $gname Hash



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Re: getOpt::long?

2002-03-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am a true perl newbie. 

If you continue like this you will stay one.

> I am supposed to:
> Write a program that finds lines in an input file and copies them to an 
> output file . The program takes the following arguments:
>an input file name (a mandatory argument)
>an output filename (an optional argument, set to STDOUT if omitted), 
>a starting position number that marks the beginning of the offset (an  
>optional argument, set to the beginning of the input file if omitted) 
>an ending position number that marks the end of the offset (an optional
>argument, set to the end of the input file if omitted)
> If any mandatory argument is omitted or the command is followed by a help 
> switch, your program prints out a usage on the screen (Hint: use to 
> verify the conditions).
> ...

But this is really cool. This guy's even too lazy to at least reword 
the request, he copies the whole homework assignment over here 
without changing a single word. I'm surprised he did not leave the 
name & email of his profesor at the end.

Listen Michael, we don't do homeworks here. We are here to help 
people learn Perl, to help people finish their projects, but we are 
not here to do their work for them. How do you expect to learn 
anything if someone else does everything for you?


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE: how to pass 2 variables

2002-03-13 Thread David Gray

Hi Jorge,

It looks like you want to create a reference data structure to create
your links from.

I would suggest something like:

# filename of link to create on disk
my $path1 = "$RegValue\\InstallOXE.lnk";
# LINK attribute to set => value
my %lnk1 =
( 'Path' => "$CMPath/Active_Perl/Bin/",
  'WorkingDirectory' => "$CMPath/Active_Perl/Bin/",

And then:


sub createScut {
  # I think this line works, haven't tested it
  my %link_info = %{$_[0]};
  my $path = $_[1];
  my $LINK = new Win32::Shortcut;
  for(keys %link_info) {
$LINK->{$_} = $link_info{$_};

Hope that helps,


> -Original Message-
> From: Jorge Goncalvez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Subject: RE:how to pass 2 variables

> Hi, I have this but it is a bit repeating I wonder how to 
> pass 2 variables and 
> use only function createScut.My code:
> my $path="$RegValue\\InstallOXE.lnk";
>   &createScut($path);
>   my $path2="$RegValue\\remove.lnk";
>   &createScut2($path2);I 
>   sub createScut() {
>   my $CMPath = GetMyRegPath::GetCygwinMountsPath();
>   my $lnkLocation = shift;
>   $LINK=new Win32::Shortcut();
>   $LINK->{'Path'}=qq($CMPath\\Active_Perl\\Bin\\);
>   $LINK->{'WorkingDirectory'}="$CMPath/Active_Perl/Bin/";
>   $LINK->{'Description'}=" Serveur d'installation CS OXE ";
>   $LINK->{'IconLocation'}="$CMPath/Active_Perl/Bin/ras.ico";
>   $LINK->Save($lnkLocation);
>   $LINK->Close();
> }
> sub createScut2() {
>   my $CMPath = GetMyRegPath::GetCygwinMountsPath();
>   my $lnkLocation = shift;
>   $LINK=new Win32::Shortcut();
>   $LINK->{'Path'}=qq($CMPath\\);
>   $LINK->{'WorkingDirectory'}="$CMPath";
>   $LINK->{'Description'}=" Désinstallation de cygwin ";
>   $LINK->{'IconLocation'}="$CMPath/Active_Perl/Bin/cygwin.ico";
>   $LINK->Save($lnkLocation);
>   $LINK->Close();
> }
> Thanks.
> -- 
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FW: Perldoc question

2002-03-13 Thread Collins, Joe (EDSI\\BDR)

If new to unix and you want to find perldoc (or any module),
try this:

find . -name perldoc* -print

That will locate perldoc and show you the path to it.
You could also try:
whence perldoc

That may also work (works for me under ksh)

Hope that helps,


-Original Message-
From: Tyler Longren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 2:24 PM
To: Joe Echavarria; Hanson, Robert; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Perldoc question

type this at your command line:
echo $PATH

That should display a few folders (/usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, etc...).

your perldoc executable should be located in a folder listed in your $PATH.

Good luck,

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Echavarria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: Perldoc question

> I really don ' t understand what you mean. I am new to
> Unix  and Perl.
>   Please help me out here. What i should to ?, read or
> what ?
>  Thanks. 
> --- "Hanson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > perldoc isn't in your path most likely.
> > 
> > Check your path environment variable (echo $PATH),
> > and make sure that
> > perldoc is in one of those directories.  If I had to
> > guess you probably have
> > a symlink to the perl executable in your path, but
> > not the actual bin/
> > directory of perl.
> > 
> > Rob
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Joe Echavarria
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:48 PM
> > Subject: Perldoc question
> > 
> > 
> > hi there,
> > 
> >   On my unix box when i try to get perl help from
> > the
> > command line using "perldoc print" or "perlfunc" i
> > get
> > these errores.
> > 
> > perlfunc: not found
> > perldoc: not found
> > 
> >  How can i fix this problem ?
> > 
> >   Thanks.
> > 
> >   Joe.
> __
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RE:how to pass 2 variables

2002-03-13 Thread Jorge Goncalvez

Hi, I have this but it is a bit repeating I wonder how to pass 2 variables and 
use only function createScut.My code:
my $path="$RegValue\\InstallOXE.lnk";
my $path2="$RegValue\\remove.lnk";

sub createScut() {

  my $CMPath = GetMyRegPath::GetCygwinMountsPath();
  my $lnkLocation = shift;
  $LINK=new Win32::Shortcut();

  $LINK->{'Description'}=" Serveur d'installation CS OXE ";


sub createScut2() {

  my $CMPath = GetMyRegPath::GetCygwinMountsPath();
  my $lnkLocation = shift;
  $LINK=new Win32::Shortcut();

  $LINK->{'Description'}=" Désinstallation de cygwin ";



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RE: How long can $_ be?

2002-03-13 Thread Anette Seiler

Dear All,

the script I'm using is really very simple:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

while (<>) {
  print "\n\n$_\n\n";

>From the command line I start the script with "perl". Now I 
have to enter some text. I just enter any text, either by typing or by 
cutting and pasting. I do not enter any strange characters or 
newlines. I just type in some text. I even take care to just use 
normal characters - no numbers, umlaute or anything else strange. 
As you can see, I did not play with $/.

As I wrote in my initial mail, the answer I get is not the answer I 
expect. Whenever my input is more than 256 character, instead of 
printing everything I entered, it prints only the last part of what I 
entered, everything after character 256. The first part is chopped off.

I experimented with that and had the following results:

The first line I gave was 490 characters long, $_ contained the last 
characters. The string was chopped off at character 257.

The second line I gave was 462 characters long, $_ contained the 
last 205 characters. The string was chopped off at character 257.

The third line I gave was 253 characters long, $_ contained the 
whole 253 characters. Nothing was chopped off.

The fourth line I gave was 839 characters long, $_ contained the 
last 68 characters. The string was chopped off at character 771.

Nikola asked: "Exactly how long/big are we talking of making $_?"
The fourth line is already a very long line. I don't thing it will be 
more than a 1000 characters per line.

The script above is the essence of the problem. I found the problem 
when I wrote a script that reads in a line at a time from a file. The 
script was supposed to find a url in each line with an regex, isolate 
the url and do something with it. The script did not find the url in 
lines that were longer than 256 characters, because it appeared 
more in the beginning. I then found out that it was not my regex 
that was wrong, but $_ did not give me what I wanted.

Funny enough, I am able to find the url using index and substring. 
In this way I was able to do what I wanted to do, but it does not 
help solving the problem I have. The subroutine  that worked was:

  open DATEI, "$_" or die "Kann die Datei $_ nicht öffnen ($!)\n";
  foreach my $line () {
chomp $line;

if ($line =~ /\/i) {
my $begin_url = index $line, "http";
my $end_url = index $line, "\" ";
my $length = ($end_url - $begin_url) ;
my $url = substr ($line, $begin_url, $length);

and so on.

I would be really grateful for an answer to the puzzle.

Kind regards


> Perl 5.004_04 on my Solaris 5.6 machine had no problems making $_ of
> length 178956970. Of course I have an elephant crap load of memory on
> this sucker.
> Exactly how long/big are we talking of making $_?
> -Original Message-
> From: David Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:06 AM
> Subject: RE: How long can $_ be?
> > Is there some limit in how long the contents of the variable $_ can
> > be? 
> Not that I'm aware of, no.
> > I encounter this problem on Solaris machines running Perl 5.005. On
> > Windows with Perl 5.6.1. no such problem was encountered.
> > 
> > What could cause the problem?
> I suppose it might be a a configuration problem of some sort, but I
> doubt that. Could you show us the exact code you're using to load the
> lines from your file into $_ ?
>  -dave
> -- 
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anette Seiler

Geschäftsbereich Digitale Bibliothek 
Tel.: +49-221-40075-196
Fax: +49-221-40075-190


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Re: Save image to disk

2002-03-13 Thread victor

You probably don't need a perl script for this, there's this command call wget
in linux which you can use to mirror a site, and using the -A option you can
make it download file with specified extention (gif, jpg..etc).


Gary Hawkins wrote:

> Would like to save images to disk using their URL's.  Hoping someone can give
> me a jump start on it.
> Gary
> --
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Save image to disk

2002-03-13 Thread Gary Hawkins

Would like to save images to disk using their URL's.  Hoping someone can give
me a jump start on it.


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Re: regex question

2002-03-13 Thread Boris Zentner

Hi Martin,

> i have a long text file. in this text file several strings of the form: 
> ### filename.jpg ### are embedded.
> how should a regex look that takes following:
>  ### filename.jpg ### 
> and returns

try this.

s/### (\w+\.jpg) ###//;

the filename is in $1

> and the filename.jpg saved in a $
> :o)
> martin

cu boris

Wenn ich nur mehr Zeit gehabt hätte, hätte ich Dir einen kürzeren
Brief geschrieben.
  -- Pascal

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Re: regex question

2002-03-13 Thread victor

Try this regexp.



> hi
> i have a long text file. in this text file several strings of the form:  ### 
>filename.jpg ### are embedded.
> how should a regex look that takes following:
>  ### filename.jpg ### 
> and returns
> and the filename.jpg saved in a $
> :o)
> martin
> --
> --
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regex question

2002-03-13 Thread Martin A. Hansen


i have a long text file. in this text file several strings of the form:  ### 
filename.jpg ### are embedded.

how should a regex look that takes following:

 ### filename.jpg ### 

and returns


and the filename.jpg saved in a $



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2002-03-13 Thread Jorge Goncalvez

Hi, I use Win32::Shortcut with a perl /tk apllication to make a shortcut on the 
windows Desktop it works  but when I double click my icon my application get a 
littele time to come and I wonder it is possible to add a hourglass when i 
double click my icon to make waiting the user.
thanks .

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