Re: Perl & Mysql

2003-12-06 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Wiggins" == Wiggins D'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Wiggins> But what are the reasons for choosing PostgreSQL over MySQL?  What's a
Wiggins> "real" database?  Without providing reasons this is just FUD.  I will
Wiggins> agree that if you are looking for a package closer to a "real
Wiggins> database" you will need to look past MySQL 3.x to the 4.x series.

But if you don't want to wait the next five years for MySQL to catch
up to where PostgreSQL is now, you might as well install PostgreSQL.

Don't quote the old "MySQL is faster" FUD, because that's not valid.
For example, SourceForge picked Pg over My based on *performance* as
one of the key factors, and the choice is well documented (see

In every category, Pg is technically superior to My.  The only way
My now wins is inertia or bolt-on compatibility with legacy apps
and legacy brains.

Wiggins> Regardless the OP should analyze the DB chosen based on their own
Wiggins> needs. Having a discussion about what makes a good DB is probably OT
Wiggins> for this group, so suggesting that a choice already made is inadequate
Wiggins> is as much OT.

I didn't see anything that insisted on MySQL.  I was just trying to steer
the OP toward a better choice to keep the knowledge entropy to a minimum,
and remove the chance for "one more legacy brain that will need rewiring".

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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Re: How to verify whether a directory exists

2003-12-06 Thread drieux
On Dec 6, 2003, at 5:27 PM, B. Fongo wrote:

I want to use mkdir(blah blah, o777), but want to first find out  
whether the directory "blah blah" exists.
I'm not if the -e option will bw right here. Let's say:

   unless (-e blah_blah) mkdir(blah_blah, 0777);
# Is this okay?
May I recommend File::Path and it's mkpath()
for general useage...
that having been said, you might want to check
the return condition on your mkdir().
unless ( -e $dir )
$dir_test = mkdir($dir, 0777);
# code to handle the failed to mkdir here

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Re: How to verify whether a directory exists

2003-12-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please don't cross post, if your question is CGI based then use that 
list, otherwise use the other...

B. Fongo wrote:
I want to use mkdir(blah blah, o777), but want to first find out  
whether the directory "blah blah" exists.
I'm not if the -e option will bw right here. Let's say:

   unless (-e blah_blah) mkdir(blah_blah, 0777);
# Is this okay?

In general -e checks for file existence, -d checks to see if an existing 
file is a directory (or complains that the file doesn't exist).

perldoc -f -e

So your above code leaves a condition, where blah_blah exists but is 
*not* a directory which is likely to cause you problems. But since you 
haven't told us what happens in this failure case it is hard for us to 
say, but,

if (-e blah_blah) {
unless (-d blah_blah) {
die "File exists but is not directory";
else {
# don't forget to check mkdir's failure
mkdir(blah_blah, 0777) or die "Can't make directory: $!";

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How to verify whether a directory exists

2003-12-06 Thread B. Fongo
I want to use mkdir(blah blah, o777), but want to first find out  
whether the directory "blah blah" exists.
I'm not if the -e option will bw right here. Let's say:

   unless (-e blah_blah) mkdir(blah_blah, 0777);
# Is this okay?
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Re: Replacing text

2003-12-06 Thread John W. Krahn
Dan Anderson wrote:
> I have a  script that reads text from a  file and inserts text
> into different  places depending on  what it needs  to do.  But  I use
> split to replace the text, i.e.:
> ($first_part, $second_part) = split "#INSERT#TEXT#HERE#", $document, 2;
> print FILEHANDLE $firstpart, $text_to_insert, $secondpart;
> Is  there a  replace function  in perl  that would  let  me do
> something like  replace "#INSERT#TEXT#HERE", $text_to_insert;?   I was
> going to  write my own  method but was  curious if perl  had something
> faster?

You could use the substitution operator:

$document =~ s/#INSERT#TEXT#HERE#/$text_to_insert/;

Or you could use a combination of substr(), index() and length():

my $text_to_find = '#INSERT#TEXT#HERE#';
substr $document, index( $document, $text_to_find ), length $text_to_find, 

use Perl;

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Re: Seeding a Random Number Generator

2003-12-06 Thread John W. Krahn
Pd Schloss wrote:
> Hi,


> I'm reviewing a perl script that someone wrote to do a statistical
> analysis.  I know it's bad form, but I was wondering if anyone knows
> what the default seed is for the random number generator in Perl.  They
> haven't seeded it with "srand" - what does this do?  It still seems to
> pick random numbers, any ideas?

Download the source code for Perl if you don't already have it and have
a look at the pp.c file.

use Perl;

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Re: Perl & Mysql

2003-12-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"Dan" == Dan Muey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Which modules i have to install in order to connect
perl with mysql ?, in what order ?, My perl

Dan> Excellent choice of combo!

I disagree.  The only reason to choose MySQL over PostgreSQL these
days is compatibility with an existing bolt-on (or your brain :).
Get PostgreSQL.  Get a real database.

But what are the reasons for choosing PostgreSQL over MySQL?  What's a 
"real" database?  Without providing reasons this is just FUD.  I will 
agree that if you are looking for a package closer to a "real database" 
you will need to look past MySQL 3.x to the 4.x series.

Regardless the OP should analyze the DB chosen based on their own needs. 
Having a discussion about what makes a good DB is probably OT for this 
group, so suggesting that a choice already made is inadequate is as much OT.

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Re: Perl & Mysql

2003-12-06 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Dan" == Dan Muey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Which modules i have to install in order to connect
>> perl with mysql ?, in what order ?, My perl

Dan> Excellent choice of combo!

I disagree.  The only reason to choose MySQL over PostgreSQL these
days is compatibility with an existing bolt-on (or your brain :).

Get PostgreSQL.  Get a real database.

Dan>  You'll want to install DBI
Dan> It should come witht the mysql driver automatically.

No, it doesn't.  Go to the CPAN shell, and ask for both DBI and DBD::mysql.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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Re: Reduce file size with Imager

2003-12-06 Thread R. Joseph Newton
Kevin Goodsell wrote:

> Third, only in relatively bad cases will GIF require a byte for every
> pixel. For example, I just created a solid white 200 by 200 image.
> That's 40,000 pixels. The file size is 345 bytes. One byte per pixel is
> what you would get if no compression was used at all (probably what
> happened in this case, but not what happens in general), or if the
> compression performed so badly that it might as well have not been used
> (which is rare for typical images).
> -Kevin

Thanks again for the correction.  It has spurred some new exploration.  I've
been looking at the published standard on the format, and it is not at all
like I had assumed.  I'm afraid I was lumping it in with BMP and TIFF.
Anyway, I am starting to untangle the coding:

Greetings! E:\d_drive\perlStuff>perl -w
open IN, 'fullhead.gif';
binmode IN;
local $/;
my $img = ;
my @bytes = split //, $img;
my $gif_type;
for (1..6) {
   $gif_type .= shift @bytes;
print "$gif_type\n";
my $width = ord(shift @bytes);
$width += 256 * ord(shift @bytes);
my $height = ord(shift @bytes);
$height += 256 * ord(shift @bytes);
print "Width: $width  Height: $height\n";
my $control_string = ord (shift @bytes);
my $is_map = $control_string / 128;
$control_string %= 128;
my $bit_resolution = int(($control_string / 16) + 1);
$control_string %= 16;
$control_string %= 2;
my $bits_per_pixel = $control_string;
my $background_color = ord(shift @bytes);
print "Background is $background_color\n";
my $color_map = ord(shift @bytes);
print "Color map is $color_map\n";
my @colors;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 2 ** $bit_resolution; $i++) {
   my $color_channels = {};
   $color_channels->{'red'} = ord(shift @bytes);
   $color_channels->{'green'} = ord(shift @bytes);
   $color_channels->{'blue'} = ord(shift @bytes);
   push @colors, $color_channels;
   print 'R:  ', sprintf ("%03d", $color_channels->{'red'}),
   '   G:  ', sprintf ("%03d", $color_channels->{'green'}),
   '   B:  ', sprintf ("%03d", $color_channels->{'blue'}), "\n";

foreach my $char (@bytes) {
   my $byte = ord($char);
   my $first_nibble = int($byte / 16);
   my $crumbs = $byte % 16;
   print "$first_nibble\n$crumbs\n";
print 'Data size was ', my $byte_size = @bytes, "\n";

Width: 30  Height: 16
Background is 0
Color map is 0
R:  000   G:  000   B:  000
R:  128   G:  000   B:  000
Data size was 117

Right now, I'm sort of tracking as I read the spec.  I swear to Gawd, I
couldn't find anything like this last time I went a-hunting!

It's not very often that you'll see me writing this much flush-left scrit,
but right now I just want to follow a file through sequentially, and deal
with each part as it comes.


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Re: Reading from log

2003-12-06 Thread Rob Dixon
Danield wrote:
> I am looking for help with creating a digest of a log file. I have found
> a nice tutorial that should help on
> However, this tutorial
> expects to have values in list separated by |   :
> he Rock|Cheer|Rock Bottom
> Triple H|Boo|Pedigree
> Stone Cold|Cheer|Stone Cold Stunner
> And I do have a log file, that looks like:
> ...
> Format count
> a 100
> b 51
> c 130
> d   5
> e   6
> Total: ---
> 292
> ...
> And I need to go through that log and find that 292 and store it into
> variable. If it was something like 'total: 292', I might be able to do it,
> however the value is on completely new line and nothing precedes it.
> Is anyone willing to help me?
> I am a completely newbie in programming.

First you need to be able to read from a file, but since that
part isn't the substance of the question, let's just assume that
your data is coming in on the STDIN filehandle. The following
should be partly self-explanatory. Keep reading lines from STDIN
until we find a line containing 'Total:'. Read the next line into
$total and exit the loop. (Beware that $total will then contain
the entire record, including the trailing newline character. It
may well need more massaging before you can use it.)

  my $total;
  while () {
if (/Total:/) {
  $total = ;



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Re: Frustrated newbie question

2003-12-06 Thread Rob Dixon
Stuart Clemons wrote:
> Help. I'm a frustrated newbie who wants to use Perl to make my life easier.
> The following simple task is only one small part of a program I'm trying to
> put together to automate some things I currently do manually.
> I have a file whose format looks like this:
> name1  name2  name3
> name4  name5  name6, etc.
> The names are separated by spaces.   I need the names to be one name per
> line, like this:
> name1
> name2
> name3, etc.
> I currently use a macro with a text editor to clean up the file into the
> one name per line format.  I can do this very quickly in contrast to the
> the last two hours I've spent trying to figure out how to get Perl to do
> this very simple task.  Arrggh !
> To simply things, I just tried to take the following string and print it
> out one name per line.
> my $x = "name1 name2 name3";
> I've tried various schemes using regex's and the ///s operator.  Most of
> the time I get syntax errors and the few times I get anything to work, it's
> not what I want.
> I did get this array structure to work:
> my @names = qw(name1 name2 name3);
> print "$names[0] \n";
> print "$names[1] \n";
> print "$names[2] \n";
> So I then spent time unsuccesfully trying to figure out how to get my
> string split into the array. I couldn't get that to work either. More
> Arrggh !
> Anyway, any help at this point will be appreciated.  I'm hoping that in the
> long run the time I spend learning Perl will pay off, which it will if I
> can automate some of the tasks I do manually (with the help of macros in a
> text editor).
> My next Perl task after I get my list of one name per line, is to sort the
> list and eliminate duplicate names.

Hi Stuart.

A lot of people have posted the solution

  split /\s+/, $string;  # or similar

which is fine, but has the pitfall that if $string
contains leading spaces then it will return an initial
empty field. The special case

  split ' ', $string;  # (which is also the default)

returns just a list of all sets of contiguous
non-whitespace characters in $string, which is probably
what you want. If your data is well-behaved and never has
any leading whitespace then the two are identical, but
it's something to beware of as it can cause obscure bugs.

HTH (somebody at least)


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Re: Seeding a Random Number Generator

2003-12-06 Thread Rob Dixon
Pd Schloss wrote:
> I'm reviewing a perl script that someone wrote to do a statistical
> analysis.  I know it's bad form, but I was wondering if anyone knows
> what the default seed is for the random number generator in Perl.  They
> haven't seeded it with "srand" - what does this do?  It still seems to
> pick random numbers, any ideas?

Hi. I wrote this back in March. I assume I was right :)

Rob Dixon wrote:
> Interesting. Digging into the code for Perl v5.6.1, 'srand' will try to read four
> bytes from the /dev/urandom device. If that fails, then it will read the current
> time of day and mix it up with the PID, a Perl stack pointer and a few arbitrary
> constants.

So, as it should be, there is no 'default' seed.

This probably doesn't help, but at least should end your search!



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Seeding a Random Number Generator

2003-12-06 Thread PD Schloss

I'm reviewing a perl script that someone wrote to do a statistical
analysis.  I know it's bad form, but I was wondering if anyone knows
what the default seed is for the random number generator in Perl.  They
haven't seeded it with "srand" - what does this do?  It still seems to
pick random numbers, any ideas?


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Re: formats

2003-12-06 Thread drieux
On Dec 5, 2003, at 6:39 PM, Jose Malacara wrote:
write TYPE_1;
that's the sticky bit, where tom is
talking about not writing to a filehandle...

To expand on tom's comments a bit:

which generates

Type: type1Gateway: cow Acct ID: lost_id
Start Date: 2003.12.2Start Time: 1400
Type: type2Gateway: pig Acct ID: new
Start Date: 2003.12.2Start Time: 1400
Disconnect Date: 2003.12.3Disconnect Time: 1600
one needs to be thinking in terms of

$~ = 'TYPE_1';
$~ = '';
print "#---\n";


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Re: Newbe needs help

2003-12-06 Thread drieux
On Dec 5, 2003, at 11:20 PM, sadman wrote:
i have lert a few basics but still im stuck on a problem ;-(
What i need to do now is instaed of having the text in the code,
have it open up another txt file read the whole txt file and then
add all the text from that said file to the end of the outfile,
im sure this is simple but ive obviously missed something somewere ;-(
Now we are moving into the land of choices.

we need an input file, and an output file
to append it to???
say something like

	cat inputfile >> outputfile

but in perl in the form
	append_file inputfile outputfile

my ($input_file , $output_file)  = @ARGV;
open(IN, "$input_file") or die "problem with inputfile: $!\n";
open(OUT, ">>$output_file") or die "problem with output_file: $!\n";

print OUT $_ while();



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Re: Pattern matching

2003-12-06 Thread drieux
On Dec 5, 2003, at 3:48 PM, B. Fongo wrote:

I went back to my books to refresh my memory on how to use references.
Your suggestion help a lot, but the subroutine returns wrong values.
It was intent upon demonstrating an idea to see how
much work were we really into. The following
actually sorta explains that we have a bit more
work to deal with.
I did some small modifications on the codes below
, and tried it.  It return perl-5.8.0-80.3.i386.rpm and 
samba-2.2.7-5.8.0.i386.rpm, which is wrong because:
1. The perl version available on the ftp server is higher.
2. The samba version already installed is higher than the one on the 
ftp server.
my @remote_packages = qw(perl-5.8.0-88.3.i386.rpm
samba-2.2.7-5.7.0.i386.rpm bob- xml-;
my @installed_packages = qw(perl-5.8.0-80.3.i386.rpm
 samba-2.2.7-5.8.0.i386.rpm  bob-;

Given these two lists,

Since the local host has no 'xml' it would not care about
picking up the "OS" independent version that could be installed.
At which point we are down to sorting out how to deal
with the basic naming schema that appareas to be

which of course works for our two canonical bits,
but not for bob or xml... Bob we have and will need
to check the server - those seem to be of the form

eh no? now all we need is a Hash Of Hashes?

something that would look like say

$VAR1 = {
  'perl' => {
  'version' => '5.8.0',
  'full_name' => 'perl-5.8.0-88.3.i386.rpm',
  'subversion' => '88.3'
  'xml' => {
 'version' => '',
 'full_name' => 'xml-'
  'samba' => {
   'version' => '2.2.7',
   'full_name' => 'samba-2.2.7-5.7.0.i386.rpm',
   'subversion' => '5.7.0'
  'bob' => {
 'version' => '',
 'full_name' => 'bob-'


caveat Emptor, remember in these days
of highten security having a version is
one thing, but having subversion may be
a crime...

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Re: Reduce file size with Imager

2003-12-06 Thread R. Joseph Newton
Kevin Goodsell wrote:

> Third, only in relatively bad cases will GIF require a byte for every
> pixel. For example, I just created a solid white 200 by 200 image.
> That's 40,000 pixels. The file size is 345 bytes. One byte per pixel is
> what you would get if no compression was used at all (probably what
> happened in this case, but not what happens in general), or if the
> compression performed so badly that it might as well have not been used
> (which is rare for typical images).
> -Kevin

Seriously?  I guess I was going by what I have seen in full-color images.  I
may have dismissed the GIF protocol too quickly, when I was doing a lot of
graphics work.  I'll take another look at it.  I notice now that I can
easily raise information on the format through Google, which wasn't really
the case when I last looked for background on graphics encoding.


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RE: Reading from log

2003-12-06 Thread Tom Kinzer
Typically I'm against just doing something for somebody, but you caught me
at a good time.

Here is an example to get you started:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $input  = shift;
my $total;
die "Usage: Arg1: Input File to Scan."
unless $input;

open IN, "< $input" or die "Unable to open $input for reading, $!, stopped";

while ( defined() ) {
while (  ) {
if ( /Total:/ ) { last };

while (  ) {
if ( /^\s*\d+/ ) {
   $total = $_;
   printf "Total: %010s", $total;

close IN;

-Original Message-
From: danield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 9:49 PM
Subject: Reading from log

Hello all,

I am looking for help with creating a digest of a log file. I have found
a nice tutorial that should help on However, this tutorial
expects to have values in list separated by |   :

he Rock|Cheer|Rock Bottom
Triple H|Boo|Pedigree
Stone Cold|Cheer|Stone Cold Stunner

And I do have a log file, that looks like:

Format  count
a   100
c   130
d 5
e 6
Total:  ---

And I need to go through that log and find that 292 and store it into
If it was something like 'total: 292', I might be able to do it, however the
is on completely new line and nothing precedes it.

Is anyone willing to help me?

I am a completely newbie in programming.

Thank you for your time.


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Re: Perl & Mysql

2003-12-06 Thread Bryan Harris

>  Which modules i have to install in order to connect
> perl with mysql ?, in what order ?, My perl
> installation is on solaris 9.  I already have mysql
> installed.  Thanks for the help.

Here's what I wrote up while installing under OS X, should be pretty

> To install perl support for MySQL:
> - Make sure you have the OS X developer tools installed
> - Go to  and download the latest
> released DBI (1.38 as of this writing).  Read the associated readme for
> installation instructions.
> - Then go to  and download a mysql
> version of the DBD that looks good (mysql-2.1028 as of this writing).  Try the
> instructions, but if they don't work, you may need to fix the Makefile (likely
> necessary for OS X 10.3).  To do this:
> % perl Makefile.PL --testdb=test --testuser=testuser --testpassword=testuser
> --testhost=localhost --cflags=-I/usr/local/mysql/include/
> --libs="-L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lz"
> % perl -pi -e's/MACOSX/env MACOSX/' Makefile
> (or replace -r MACOSX 'env MACOSX' Makefile)
> % make
> % make test
> % sudo make install
> Now remove both source directories and you're all set!

- B

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Re: Newbe needs help

2003-12-06 Thread sadman
Tim Johnson wrote:

I would recommend getting a strong grasp of Perl before you start trying to
make one-liners for problems like this, since you can end up making a simple
problem much more complicated.  What's wrong with this:

use strict;
use warnings;
open(OUTFILE,">>script1") || die "Couldn't open script1 for writing!\n";
print OUTFILE "ddd\n";
close OUTFILE;

-Original Message-
From: sadman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:56 PM
Subject: Newbe needs help

Hi all can anyone help with a direct command line syntax for the following
im trying to add text to the end of the last line in a text file like so
Wishing to add ddd on the end of this list.
I have tried the following but it doesnt have quite the desired effect 
any help would be good.

perl -pi -e s/'$'/'ddd'/g script1

This gives me this



Hi Tim
 i have lert a few basics but still im stuck on a 
problem ;-( maybe you could help.
Using the code yyou sent me it will add the exact text stated at the 
bottom of the file it opens.
What i need to do now is instaed of having the text in the code, have it 
open up another txt file read the whole txt file and then add all the 
text from that said file to the end of the outfile, im sure this is 
simple but ive obviously missed something somewere ;-(
any help would be great

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Re: Reduce file size with Imager

2003-12-06 Thread Kevin Goodsell
R. Joseph Newton wrote:

Eamon Daly wrote:

Hi, all. I'm using Imager to create gifs, but the resultant
file sizes are /huge/. I'm writing the files out like so:

Are you doing animations?  If not, skip the GIFs.  You can get much
better depth [16 million] in a lot less space with JPEG files.
Some of the compression algorithms avaiable are loss-free, too.  No
matter how small the color table, each pixel is still going to take
its one byte when using GIF.  I see that you set a
gif_eliminate_unused flag, but I am sort of sceptical about how
effective this will really be.  I have never heard of a GIF making
such optimizations.

I'm sorry, but there are numerous errors here.

First of all, I know nothing about this Imager package (and indeed, very 
little about Perl), but I suspect the other reply was correct. Check the 
documentation and you will probably find that the package simply does 
not do compression of GIF images. It will write uncompressed GIFs, but 
not compressed ones. The reason is that GIF uses the LZW compression 
algorithm, which is patented in some countries (the patent only recently 
expired in the US), and threats of royalty fees and legal action have 
caused MANY free software packages to stop supporting GIF compression.

Second, JPEG (actually JFIF) is a very poor replacement for GIF. JPEG 
compression is good for photographs and other realistic images, but not 
for icons, cartoons, and other things that GIF works well for (things 
that have relatively few colors and/or large blocks of the same color). 
When attempting to compress a cartoon, for example, you'll find that 
JPEG/JFIF will give *lower* quality and a *larger* file size than GIF. 
For this type of image, PNG-8 would be a better choice than GIF, and a 
much better choice than JPEG/JFIF.

Third, only in relatively bad cases will GIF require a byte for every 
pixel. For example, I just created a solid white 200 by 200 image. 
That's 40,000 pixels. The file size is 345 bytes. One byte per pixel is 
what you would get if no compression was used at all (probably what 
happened in this case, but not what happens in general), or if the 
compression performed so badly that it might as well have not been used 
(which is rare for typical images).

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Can't find package AutoLoader in CGI::Application program

2003-12-06 Thread Jon Seidel
Hi... I have what I hope is an easy question.

I've got perl 5.8.0 installed, and have installed CGI, CGI::Application, 
HTML::Template and am creating some simple test files for CGI::Application. 
I've created and run some other applications using CGI and have implemented 
a simple OO package which AUTOLOADs get/set methods.

However, when I try to run the application program that I created with 
CGI::Application, it gives me the following error messages:

[Fri Dec  5 02:25:38 2003] GroupRank.cgi:
Can't locate package AutoLoader for @GroupRank::ISA
at /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/GroupRank.cgi line 7.
[Fri Dec  5 02:25:38 2003] GroupRank.cgi:
Can't locate package AutoLoader for @GroupRank::ISA
at /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/GroupRank.cgi line 7.
Can't locate object method "new" via package "GroupRank"
at /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/GroupRank.cgi line 7.

The CPAN module (r command) says that is installed;
AutoLoader 5.59  5.60  

The AutoLoader module is located in:

My .cgi file (instance script) looks like this:
#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;

use GroupRank;

my $grouprank = GroupRank->new();

The beginning of my file looks like this:
package GroupRank;
use base 'CGI::Application';
use AutoLoader;
#use DBI;

use strict;
NOTE: I added the 'use AutoLoader;' line to see if it could be found and 
this generates no error.

I'm sure it's obvious, but I can't figure out why CGI::Application can't 
find AutoLoader and gives me that error... any pointers would be much 

thanks...jon seidel

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Re: Frustrated newbie question

2003-12-06 Thread Fred Nastos
On December 5, 2003 12:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Help. I'm a frustrated newbie who wants to use Perl to make my life easier.
> The following simple task is only one small part of a program I'm trying to
> put together to automate some things I currently do manually.
> I have a file whose format looks like this:
> name1  name2  name3
> name4  name5  name6, etc.
> The names are separated by spaces.   I need the names to be one name per
> line, like this:
> name1
> name2
> name3, etc.

Try the following.  It should get you on your way.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @array;
my $array_element;


while() {
 @array = split;
 foreach $array_element (@array) {
   print $array_element, "\n";

To sort the resulting list, I would first save the output and pipe it into 
another script.

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