Re: website

2008-05-16 Thread oryann9
On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Dr.Ruud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It contains a lot of bad advice too.

You have been helpful in the past so please be so kind to point out
the *bad Advice*... Just saying it's bad really helps no one on a
"beginners" list. The way I see it, people will read that information,
begin to code with it, then when they run into problems they come here
only to be chastised by using such examples. Why not end that loop by
good examples?


Horray, Horray! I agree with all stated here. I have been doing Perl for seven 
years now and still consider myself a beginner at many concepts.


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passing args to sub wanted

2008-05-20 Thread oryann9

I posted this question on perlmonks and received some great help, specifically 
from mirod but his recent suggestion is still not working.

Problem: This code only works when I hard-code the size to
search for in the routine. I try to pass arguments using @_, but it
does not work. How do I pass $size_input so wanted sees and uses it?

Mirod's help: 

You need to pass an additional parameter to wanted. The way to do this is to 
use a closure: File::Find::find({wanted => sub { wanted( $size_input); } }, 
$fs_input ) ;. This way wanted is called by the anonymous sub, and gets passed 
See Why I hate File::Find and how I (hope I) fixed it for more info.

I read the "why i hate" two and three times and yet still cannot get it to 
thank you in advance!

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;

my ( @root_files, @large_files, %mounts, @mounts, ) ;
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/ ;
*name   = *File::Find::name ;
*dir= *File::Find::dir ;
*prune  = *File::Find::prune ;

else {
print "USING LAST ELSE\n";
my $size_input = ( int 25 * ( 1024**2 ) ) ;
$size_input =~ tr /\000//d ;
my $wanted =  make_wanted ( \&wanted_1, $size_input ) ;
File::Find::find( $wanted, $fs_input ) ;
print "\n";

sub wanted_1 {

for my $key ( sort keys %mounts ) {
if ( $fs_input eq $key ) {
@mounts =
grep {$fs_input} @{ $mounts{$key} } ; ###-- HoA --###

if ( scalar @mounts > 0 ) {
die "cant search...foobarbay $!" ;
else {
my ( $size_input ) = shift @_ ;
print $size_input,"\n";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) ;
(( $dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid ) = lstat($_) ) &&
 ( $dev >= 0 ) &&
 !( $File::Find::prune |= ($dev != $File::Find::topdev ) ) &&
 ( int(((-s _) + 1023) / 1024 ) > $size_input ) &&
 push ((@large_files), $name ) ;

sub make_wanted {

my $wanted = shift ;# get the "real" wanted function
my @args   = @_;# "freeze" the arguments
my $sub = sub { $wanted->( @args ); } ;  # generate the anon sub
return $sub ;   # return it

print "\n",scalar @large_files,"\n";

$size_input is being printed correctly/accurately, but nothing in the array. 


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sysread, sysseek, sysopen

2008-07-11 Thread oryann9
Are any of these calls deprecated or not recommended?
If so, what is recommended regardless of context.

sysopen INFILE, \"/dev/vpathXXX\", 0; \$i=0; sysseek(INFILE, 0, 0); 
while(sysread INFILE, \$buf, 1) {sysseek(INFILE,268435456,1); 

thank you!


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Re: bash in perl

2009-02-07 Thread oryann9
- Original Message 
From: pouliakhina 
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2009 8:59:56 AM
Subject: bash in perl


I try to write the name of the current directory in $x:

$x = system ("pwd");

But it doesn't work. It also doesn't work in all these combinations:

$x = 'system("pwd")';
$x = system("`pwd`");

Can You help me to write the result of 'pwd' in $x?

Thank You, 


Ur Welcome!

$ perl -le '$x = system("pwd"); print $x;'

sm...@smith-laptop ~
$ perl -le '$x = qx(pwd); print $x;'

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Re: Turn off $ anchor greedy behavior

2009-04-17 Thread oryann9

Perl sucks...go Ruby...I did and I am much happier!

- Original Message 

From: Michael Alipio 
To: Perl Beginners ; John W. Krahn 
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:06:39 AM
Subject: Re: Turn off $ anchor greedy behavior

Aha, found it.. The split returned a list and you've just sliced it. giving 
[-1] means the list will start running through the elements backwards. 

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Michael Alipio  wrote:

> From: Michael Alipio 
> Subject: Re: Turn off $ anchor greedy behavior
> To: "Perl Beginners" , "John W. Krahn" 
> Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 10:02 PM
> > 
> > Or use split and return the last field:
> > 
> > $ perl -le'
> > my $string = "boy, pig, 123, 123:412adbd, d0g,
> > lajdlf134><<_ lkadsf !234,\n";
> > my $value = ( split /,\s+/, $string )[ -1 ];
> Another mind bogling example... :-)
> I thought I would do:
> my @value = ( split /,\s+/, $string );
> print $value[6];
> How could your example, have printed the last field using [
> -1 ]?
> Can I also print say, the 3rd field using this trick?
> > print $value;
> > '
> > lajdlf134><<_ lkadsf !234
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > John
> > -- Those people who think they know everything are a
> great
> > annoyance to those of us who do.-- Isaac
> Asimov
> > 
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2007-05-10 Thread oryann9
I have this block of text:

Node:  dudbqa02 Message group: MoM_OpC_ADM-m-s
Application:   OGTP Object:syslog Severity:   
  Critical Text:  WebSph

ere Broker v6003[2998366]:
(QWMB01.EG500)[8225]BIP2951I: Event generated by user
code. Additional information :


error has been reported by the BIPXML4C
component.:XML}' 'MS_Alert_E

SM_Integrator.InsertToSYSLOG' '{2}' '{3}' '{4}' '{5}'
'{6}' '{7}' '{8}' '{9}' :

158: SqlThrowExceptionStatement::execute:
ComIbmComputeNode: MS_Alert_ESM_Integrato



The strings I need out of this are:




utc={2007-04-26 18:01:59.472+00:00}






Message=5004:An error has been reported by the
BIPXML4C component.:XML


I have this test code but does not work:


use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

my $ovo= qq(/home/dbsmith/out);
my $msgagt = qr/(\w+\=\w+)/is;
open (my $out, "+<", $ovo) or die "file '$ovo' was not
opened $!";

while (<$out>) {
s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ## rid of newlines at
begin and end
next unless length $_;  ## skip line of length
print $_ if (/$msgagt/);

Any help/ideas?
thank you.

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Re: regexp ...

2007-05-10 Thread oryann9

> The strings I need out of this are:
> msgagt=ESM_WMB_AIX
> sec_id=Sec_id
> severity=Low
> utc={2007-04-26 18:01:59.472+00:00}
> om={
> UID=3a7affd6-f420-11db-80b1-
> AlertCode=AEM001
> AlertType=AEM-default
> AppName=AEM-CommonService2
> Message=5004:An error has been reported by the
> BIPXML4C component.:XML

Now I am trying to break up string into individual
chars, but this does not seem to work:

while (<$out>) {
   s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ## rid of newlines at begin and end
   next unless length $_; ## skip line of length undef
   push @chars, unpack ("A*" x length($_), $_);

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Re: regexp ...

2007-05-10 Thread oryann9
> > Now I am trying to break up string into individual
> > chars, but this does not seem to work:
> snip
> The idiomatic way is
> for my $chr (split //, $str) {
> }

ok thanks for this code, but that produces the same
output as the unpack. :)

The original code (\w+\=\w+,) seems work but is
grabbing all the garbage infront:

ere Broker v6003[2998366]:
(QWMB01.EG500)[8225]BIP2951I: Event generated by user
code. Additional information :
error has been reported by the BIPXML4C
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vi parse_4_ovo.plx 

Goal is:
utc={2007-04-26 18:01:59.472+00:00}
Message=5004:An error has been reported by the
BIPXML4C component.:XML

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Re: regexp ...

2007-05-11 Thread oryann9

> > > Now I am trying to break up string into
> individual
> > > chars, but this does not seem to work:
> > snip
> > 
> > The idiomatic way is
> > 
> > for my $chr (split //, $str) {
> > }
> Funny I had to explain split /|/, $str returning an
> array of characters.
> -- 
> Ken Foskey
> FOSS developer

Excellent Ken,

thank you, but why the pipe | and how does this differ
from ' ' or \s+.  I used Dumper and it showed the
array of chars, but want to understand.

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Re: regexp ...

2007-05-11 Thread oryann9

> Since you haven't provided the original data, it's a
> bit difficult to
> give advice. There's nothing here, for instance, to
> show what you hope
> to gain by splitting the string into characters. It
> looks to me like
> you have CSV and want to split on the commas:

Jay the original data I posted 3 or so emails ago, but
here it is, all on one line.

error has been reported by the BIPXML4C
component.:XML}' '[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Code is:


use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
use Data::Dumper;

my $ovo= qq(/home/dbsmith/out);
my (@chars,$char) = ();
my $msgagt = qr/(\w+\=\w+\,)/is;
open (my $out, "+<", $ovo) or die "file '$ovo' was not
opened $!";

while (<$out>) {
s/^\s+|\s+$//g;  # rid of newlines at begin and
next unless length $_; ## skip line of length
if (/$msgagt/) {
push @chars, $_;
## Have not coded last part to grab om{...

maybe best solution is a hash while splitting on /=/,
but I tried this and did not get it to work.

I only need out of this :




utc={2007-04-26 18:01:59.472+00:00}






Message=5004:An error has been reported by the
BIPXML4C component.:XML


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Re: regexp ...

2007-05-11 Thread oryann9
error has been reported by the BIPXML4C
component.:XML}' 'MS_Alert_E

Take that back...meant to say all I need it everything
between '=' and ',' then everything after utc{ and
om{, but these names are not static so \w+\{ may work,
but have not tried \w+\{

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Re: encode UTF8 -> MIME

2007-05-31 Thread oryann9
> Oddly, there's a uri_unescape_utf8 but no
> uri_unescape_utf8 provided
> by URI::Escape.
> However combining URI::Escape::uri_unescape() and
> Encode::decode_utf8()
> in one statement is not overly taxing.
> use Encode;
> use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
> my $e_accute = decode_utf8 uri_unescape '%C3%A9';
Is %C3 equal to à Capital A, tilde 
%A9 equal to © Copyright.


So you are trying to convert to HTML Flash found here


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flock question

2007-06-11 Thread oryann9
In this code:

  use Fcntl ':flock';
  open( DATA, qq(C\:\\temp\\file.txt) )
  or die "file handle was not opened: $!";
  for my $foo () {
  print $foo;
  flock DATA, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB or exit 0;  

Is there anything more one could add to this statement
from the Cookbook:

If you use LOCK_NB and are refused a LOCK_SH, then you
know that someone else has a LOCK_EX and is updating
the file. If you are refused a LOCK_EX, then someone
holds either a LOCK_SH or a LOCK_EX, so you shouldn't
try to update the file.

thank you


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Re: Getting a program pid

2007-06-13 Thread oryann9
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> my $program = "vi";
> my $status  = `/bin/ps cat | /bin/grep $program`;
> if ( length($status) > 0 ) {
> print "$status";   #extract
> pid from here
> }
> else { print "$program not running\n" }# start
> program

This will work, in the past I have used



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Re: Simple Encryption - what function/module could I use?

2007-06-20 Thread oryann9

> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> >
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> >
> > my $plaintext = do { local $/ = undef; <> };
> > my $pad = "X" x length $plaintext;
> >
> > my $encryptedtext = $plaintext  ^ $pad;
> > my $decryptedtext = $encryptedtext  ^ $pad;
> > print
> > "decryptedtext:\n$decryptedtext\n";
> >
> I like it! I just need a simple way to encypt text
> to store in a text
> file. To protect sensitive info.
> Thanks

I like it to, but dont understand how it is
Will you kindly expalin?


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Re: Simple Encryption - what function/module could I use?

2007-06-20 Thread oryann9

--- oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > >
> > > use strict;
> > > use warnings;
> > >
> > > my $plaintext = do { local $/ = undef; <> };
> > > my $pad = "X" x length $plaintext;
> > >
> > > my $encryptedtext = $plaintext  ^ $pad;
> > > my $decryptedtext = $encryptedtext  ^ $pad;
> > > print
> >
> > > "decryptedtext:\n$decryptedtext\n";
> > >
> > 
> > I like it! I just need a simple way to encypt text
> > to store in a text
> > file. To protect sensitive info.
> > Thanks
> > 

Please ignore last message and read this one.
So you are using the binary ^ to encrypt with XORED
together bit by bit?  Please explain?

thank you.

$ perl -le 'print "hello" ^ "X";'

$ perl encrypt.plx file2




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Re: Simple Encryption - what function/module could I use?

2007-06-20 Thread oryann9
> > 
> > > > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > > >
> > > > use strict;
> > > > use warnings;
> > > >
> > > > my $plaintext = do { local $/ = undef; <> };
> > > > my $pad = "X" x length $plaintext;
> > > >
> > > > my $encryptedtext = $plaintext  ^ $pad;
> > > > my $decryptedtext = $encryptedtext  ^ $pad;
> > > > print
> > >
> >
> > > > "decryptedtext:\n$decryptedtext\n";
> > > >
> > > 
> > > I like it! I just need a simple way to encypt
> text
> > > to store in a text
> > > file. To protect sensitive info.
> > > Thanks
> > > 
> Please ignore last message and read this one.
> So you are using the binary ^ to encrypt with XORED
> together bit by bit?  Please explain?
> thank you.
> $/etc/skel
> $ perl -le 'print "hello" ^ "X";'
> 0=447
> $ perl encrypt.plx file2
> plaintext:
> hello
> encryptedtext:
> 0=447R
> decryptedtext:
> hello

Also noticed I could use binary & and |

$ perl -le 'print "hello" & "X";'

$ perl -le 'print "hello" | "X";'

but these were not decrypted.  Why not?


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Re: Simple Encryption - what function/module could I use?

2007-06-21 Thread oryann9
So you are using the binary ^ to encrypt with XORED
together bit by bit?  Please explain?

 thank you.
 $ perl -le 'print "hello" ^ "X";'
 $ perl encrypt.plx file2

Also noticed I could use binary & and |

$ perl -le 'print "hello" & "X";'

$ perl -le 'print "hello" | "X";'

but these were not decrypted.  Why not?

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Re: Simple Encryption - what function/module could I use?

2007-06-21 Thread oryann9
ok must of missed it. sorry.


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Re: Uninstalling a PERL module

2007-06-22 Thread oryann9

--- a_arya2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, does anyone know what is the most effective
> way
> of uninstalling perl module? Thank you.
Why would you want to do such a thing?  Just take the
path to this module out of @INC by editing your
.profile and or PERL5LIB variable, unless you think
its corrupt.

perl -le 'print join("\n", @INC);'

If you really want to remove this module do a backup
first, tar cvf module.tar /path/to/module, 
then rm -rf /path/to/module

Here is a script to see what is installed.

##-- Show me all installed Modules --##
use File::Find 'find';
use File::Spec::Functions;

my $i=0;
print "Your installed modules on $^O are:\n";
print "-" x 38,"\n";
find { wanted => sub { print ++$i, "\t$_\n" if
/\.pm\z/ },
no_chdir => 1},
Hope that helps! :)


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Re: [PERL] Net::SFTP functions

2007-06-27 Thread oryann9

--- Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> You need to use:
> $ftp->get("/path/to/remote/file",
> "/path/to/local/destination_file");
> Octavian

Also you can use

$remotedir = qq(/path/to/remoteserver/dir/);
$sftp->cwd($remotedir) || die "CWD to folder outbound
failed!: $!",
## OHMONSTER here is the remote file
 foreach ( $sftp->ls() ) {
  if (/${$fref}\d+\w+/) {
   $OHMONSTER = $_;
   $sftp->get( $OHMONSTER, "$localdir/$OHMONSTER" )
 || die "SFTP get from .com failed!: $!",


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Re: CPU/Memory usage of a process on Windows machine

2007-06-29 Thread oryann9

> #!c:/perl/bin/perl.exe
> # This is a test scrip
> use Win32::Process::Info;
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my  $pi = Win32::Process::Info->new ();
> my @process_information  = $pi->GetProcInfo(4488);
> ## 4488 is pid of a
> particular process.
> foreach  $info (@process_information) {
>   foreach my $key (keys %{$info}) {
>   if ($key eq 
> "WorkingSetSize") {
>   my 
> $value = ${$info}{$key}/1024;
>   print 
> "$key:=>$value \n"
>   }
>   }
> }

I tried to use a regexp like so
and it prints nothing, however I use the PID of the
outlook process and it works??? 
Any help would be appreciated!

my $name qr(/out\w+/i);
my @process_information  = $pi->GetProcInfo($name);


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Re: CPU/Memory usage of a process on Windows machine

2007-06-29 Thread oryann9

You have to add UserModeTime and KernelModeTime then
divide by 10,000,000.


use Win32::Process::Info;
use Data::Dumper;

my $pi = Win32::Process::Info->new ();
my @process_information = $pi->GetProcInfo(3692);

foreach my $info (@process_information) {
foreach my $key (keys %{$info}) {
 if ($key eq "Name" or $key eq
"WorkingSetSize" or
$key eq "UserModeTime" or $key eq
"KernelModeTime") {
my $value = ${$info}{$key};
   print "\n$key: => $value \n";



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Re: foreach broken in my script

2007-07-05 Thread oryann9

--- "Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > ""Jeff" == "Jeff Pang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> "Jeff> May you need eval?Like,
> No.  Wrong direction for a solution.  Don't suggest
> things like this.  Plenty
> of proper answers elsewhere in the thread, so I
> won't repeat them.
> Until you understand why I said that. :)

Will you kindly explain the logic/reasoning behind
this EVER rule?

thank you...


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Re: "require" question

2007-07-05 Thread oryann9
> When I see code that starts with:
> require 5.6.0;
> Does that mean that the version of Perl can be 5.6.0
> and above or that 
> it *has to be* 5.6.0?

...that version and above 
see the output from;
perldoc -f require


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updating Bundle::CPAN in a cygwin XP env

2007-07-06 Thread oryann9
I am running this command:

$ perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::CPAN;'
and it hangs on the taint check. So I tried it
manually and was receiving permission denied errors.
See the bottom.


Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Cwd
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.65)


chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Cwd/
  /usr/bin/make -- OK
Running make test
/usr/bin/perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
7/50 skipped: various reasons
90/491 skipped: various reasons

$ make install
Warning: You do not have permissions to install into
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/Ex
tUtils/ line 114.
Cannot forceunlink
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/auto/Cwd/Cwd.dll: Permission
denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/
File/ line 907
make: *** [pure_perl_install] Error 13

Any help or ideas?

thank you

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Re: Timelocal's input parameters

2007-08-08 Thread oryann9

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Time::Local;
> my %month;
> @month{ qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
> Nov Dec/ } = 0..11;
> my $date = "Thu Mar  9 23:04:03 2006";
> my (undef, $month, $day, $h, $m, $s, $year) = split
> /\W+/, $date;
> my $time =
> timelocal($s,$m,$h,$day,$month{$month},$year);
> print $time,$/;
> print scalar localtime $time;
> (Prints)
> 1141963443
> Thu Mar  9 23:04:03 2006


Is this an array of hashes desingnated by { }?

my %month;
@month{ qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Nov Dec/ } = 0..11;


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Re: Timelocal's input parameters

2007-08-08 Thread oryann9

> No, it is a hash slice.
> my %foo;
> @foo{ qw / one two three / } = qw / uno dos tres / ;
> is equivalent to 
> my %foo = ( one   => 'uno',
> two   => 'dos',
> three => 'tres' );
> is equivalent to ...
> my %foo;
> $foo{one}   = 'uno';
> $foo{two}   = 'dos';
> $foo{three} = 'tres';

ok thanks...for clearing that up!


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2007-08-08 Thread oryann9
Trying to understand from perldoc perldata the diff
between these 3 CLIs and why the 2nd CLI has no

$ perl -le 'use Data::Dumper; @c = (0,1)[1]; print
$VAR1 = [

$ perl -le 'use Data::Dumper; @c = (0,1)[2]; print
$VAR1 = [];

$ perl -le 'use Data::Dumper; @c = (0,1)[0]; print
$VAR1 = [


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Re: How do you use Perl?

2007-08-09 Thread oryann9

> > Just be curious to see how do you guys use Perl
> for work.Would you be
> > pleased to give a vote below?
> >
> > [a] CGI/Web Development
> > [b] System Administration
> > [c] mod_perl -- write Apache handler
> > [d] write commercial products
> > [e] Biological analysis
> > [f] others

a and b I use Perl for at work as a Unix (HP, AIX,

Paul, what college?


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Re: Regular Expression Problem

2007-08-10 Thread oryann9

> > like to know why this isn't working. The snippet
> of code in question
> > is as follows
> >
> > 
> > if($ARGV[2] =~ /port/i && $ARGV[3] =~ /nick/i)
> > {
> > 
> Well, on a hunch I'd say that snippet returns false
> because either
> $ARGV[2] doesn't match /port/i, or because $ARGV[3]
> doesn't match /
> nick/i.
> If you want more help than that, perhaps you should
> post a short-but-
> complete script that demonstrates what you're doing.
> Paul Lalli

Another hunch looking at your syntax, ideally you
should be using the lesser precedence operator 'and'
instead of the higher precedence operator '&&'. Yes
plz show the command line string. :)

if($ARGV[2] =~ /port/i and $ARGV[3] =~ /nick/i)


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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-13 Thread oryann9

--- Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Aug 13, 2:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Hicks)
> wrote:
> > I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and
> "warn" statements to
> > "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places
> croak/carp are a little
> > better at telling you what and where than the
> standard die/warn.
> There is no right or wrong here.  croak() and die()
> are used for two
> different purposes.  You use each one when it's
> appropriate to use
> them.
> In a subroutine or method, you use croak/carp if the
> error is
> something the caller of your code did wrong.  You
> use die/warn if the
> error is something unexpected in your code.  For
> example:
> package MyClass;
> sub new {
>my $class = shift;
>my $name = shift or croak "Must pass name
> parameter to new()
> method!";
>open my $cfg_fh, '<', 'MyClass.cfg' or die
> "Unable to open config
> file: $!";
>chomp(my $attr = <$cfg_fh>);
>my $ref = { name => $name, attr => $attr };
>return bless $ref, $class;
> }
> If the user forgets to pass the name parameter to
> your class, you need
> to tell the user which call to new() it was that has
> the error.  The
> user doesn't care that it happened in line 4 of your
> module.
> If the configuration file cannot be opened, you want
> to know where in
> your module you attempted to open it so you can see
> if it has the
> right name or whatnot.  You don't care where in the
> calling code new()
> was called.
> Paul Lalli

>From the Perl Review and my understanding as well, use
Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
provide additional detail in your errors and warnings.
Also similar to stating 'use diagnostics;'


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Re: Is it wrong...croak vs die...carp vs warn

2007-08-14 Thread oryann9


> On Aug 13, 9:33 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oryann9)
> wrote:
> > From the Perl Review and my understanding as well,
> use
> > Carp with keywords carp and croak is supposed to
> > provide additional detail in your errors and
> warnings.
> Perl Review eh? That's foy isn't it? I'm just
> reviewing his book
> "Mastering Perl" at the moment and the section on
> carp/croak seems to
> be predicated on (or, at least, likely to impart)
> similar
> misconceptions.

Yes I was only stating what I read, but now I know the



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pittsburgh perl

2007-08-20 Thread oryann9
Anyone from this list going?
How much was it last year for entry? It does not say
how much it is yet at



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Re: manipulating csv file fields through perl

2007-08-28 Thread oryann9

> Something like
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use DBI;
> my $dbh =
> DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=/dir/with/the/csvs")
> or die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr;
> $dbh->{'csv_tables'}->{'SomeName'} = { 'file' => 
> 'SomeName20070827.csv'};
> # tie the table name to the filename
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE SomeName SET Foo =
> Foo * Bar');
> $sth->execute();
> # specify an execute the action
> __END__

I read the CPAN module DBD::CSV and still had some

1)Does this create a "in memory" database with data
from the spreadsheet for manipulation?

2)This is really cool! Does anyone have a working
example of inserting, deleting and substituting data
in cells?

In the doc it states:

$dbh->do("UPDATE $table SET id = 3 WHERE id = 1");


$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id > 1");

Would $table be the name of the csv file? 

thank you


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Re: manipulating csv file fields through perl

2007-08-28 Thread oryann9

--- Lawrence Statton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I read the CPAN module DBD::CSV and still had some
> > questions.
> > 
> > 1)Does this create a "in memory" database with
> data
> > from the spreadsheet for manipulation?
> What did reading the source tell you?
> > 
> > 2)This is really cool! Does anyone have a working
> > example of inserting, deleting and substituting
> data
> > in cells?
> Well, since it is a DBI driver, *any* DBI-aware
> program could use it,
> within the limitations of the subset of SQL that it
> supports.
> > 
> > In the doc it states:
> > 
> > $dbh->do("UPDATE $table SET id = 3 WHERE id = 1");
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id > 1");
> > 
> > Would $table be the name of the csv file? 
> > 


Thank you for replying but since I am trying to learn
your response did not help much. :(
Any add'l help?

Anyway here is what I have tried:


use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect
or die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr;

$dbh->{'csv_tables'}->{'data'} = { 'file' =>
# tie the table name to the filename

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM data");
$sth->execute() or die "Cannot execute: " .


DB<1> n

Execution ERROR: No such column 'PL.1,'.

 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/SQL/ line
'No such column \'PL.1,\'') call
ed at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/SQL/
line 1665
)', 'SQL::Eval=HASH(0x1096386c)', 'ARRAY(0x10852618)')
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/SQL/State line 778
'DBI::st=HASH(0x10953cf0)', 'ARR
AY(0x10957424)') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/SQL/ line 196
'DBI::st=HASH(0x10953cf0)', 'AR
RAY(0x10957424)') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/cygwin/DBD/ line
eval {...} called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/cygwin/DBD/ line
called at csv_manip.plx line 19
main::(csv_manip.plx:20):   $sth->finish();


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2007-10-24 Thread oryann9

Why is it when I turn off debug mode, I get no output?
I was expecting output similar to what nslookup shows for a simple query. My 
goal is to look up by NAME and by IP within 2 domains to determine success and 

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
nameservers => [qw(],
recurse => 0,
debug   => 1,

my $query = $res->query("CLIENT IP");

  if ($query) {
  foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
  next unless $rr->type eq "A"; ## Skip if not a host address record ##
  print $rr->address, "\n";
  else {
  warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";

thank you!

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Re: Net::DNS::Resolver

2007-10-24 Thread oryann9

> Why is it when I turn off debug mode, I get no output?

What output do you get when you don't turn off debug?

I found what is causing this, $query is 'undef'

So was it the intent of the person who wrote this module to have this code act 
in this way?
Do you have a recommendation on how to make this more usable in terms of 
success/failure lookups for client nodes for each BIND server?

my $query = $res->query("CLIENT_IP");
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($query);

using Data::Dumper with debug off I get: $VAR1 = undef;

but with debug on, I seem to get an answer


;; query(x.x.x.x)
;; setting up an AF_INET() family type UDP socket
;; send_udp(x.x.x.x)
;; answer from x.x.x.x:53 : 43 bytes
;; id = 6637
;; qr = 1opcode = QUERYaa = 0tc = 0rd = 0
;; ra = 1ad = 0cd = 0rcode  = SERVFAIL
;; qdcount = 1  ancount = 0  nscount = 0  arcount = 0

;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;;   IN  PTR

;; ANSWER SECTION (0 records)

;; AUTHORITY SECTION (0 records)

RCODE: SERVFAIL; trying next nameserver
;; send_udp(x.x.x.x:53)
;; answer from x.x.x.x:53 : 474 bytes
;; id = 6637
;; qr = 1opcode = QUERYaa = 0tc = 0rd = 0
;; ra = 1ad = 0cd = 0rcode  = NOERROR
;; qdcount = 1  ancount = 0  nscount = 13  arcount = 13

;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;;   IN  PTR

;; ANSWER SECTION (0 records)

;; AUTHORITY SECTION (13 records)
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS
.   10302   IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION (13 records) 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A 10302   IN  A

$VAR1 = undef;

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Re: Net::DNS::Resolver

2007-10-24 Thread oryann9
What output do you get when you don't turn off debug?

I found what is causing this, $query is 'undef'

So was it the intent of the person who wrote this module to have this
 code act in this way?
Do you have a recommendation on how to make this more usable in terms
 of success/failure lookups for client nodes on each BIND server?

my $query = $res->query("CLIENT_IP");
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($query);

using Data::Dumper with debug off I get: $VAR1 = undef;

but with debug on, I seem to get an answer


;; query(x.x.x.x)
;; setting up an AF_INET() family type UDP socket
;; send_udp(x.x.x.x)
;; answer from x.x.x.x:53 : 43 bytes
;; id = 6637
;; qr = 1opcode = QUERYaa = 0tc = 0rd = 0
;; ra = 1ad = 0cd = 0rcode  = SERVFAIL
;; qdcount = 1  ancount = 0  nscount = 0  arcount = 0

;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;;   IN  PTR

;; ANSWER SECTION (0 records)

;; AUTHORITY SECTION (0 records)

RCODE: SERVFAIL; trying next nameserver
;; send_udp(x.x.x.x:53)
;; answer from x.x.x.x:53 : 474 bytes
;; id = 6637
;; qr = 1opcode = QUERYaa = 0tc = 0rd = 0
;; ra = 1ad = 0cd = 0rcode  = NOERROR
;; qdcount = 1  ancount = 0  nscount = 13  arcount = 13

;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;;   IN  PTR

;; ANSWER SECTION (0 records)

;; AUTHORITY SECTION (13 records)

$VAR1 = undef;

A manual nslookup does work :

# nslookup
Default Server:
Address:  10..xx.xx.xx

> server
Default Server:
Address:  xx.xx.xx.xx

> 10.8.xx.xx## Client IP
Address:  xx.xx.xx.xx
Address:  10.xx.xx.254

> server
Default Server:
Address:  10.220.xx.xx

> 10.8.xx.xx ## Client IP
Address:  10.8.xx.xx 

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Re: getting nth column of a string

2007-10-28 Thread oryann9
is there a way to get the "nth" column of a string in perl, similar to
awk '{print $col_no}' in awk ?


There are multiple ways, but here are two examples:
In the first example, split is what you need to pay attention to.
In the second example,  @F is the key here. 

$ perl -le 'my $string = qq(a b c d); print $string; print +(split)[2,3], for 
a b c d

$ echo "a b c d"| perl -nae 'print "@F[2,3]\n";'
c d

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outlook module

2007-11-01 Thread oryann9

I am looking for some humble advice. I keep getting annoying emails using the 
mail client 'Outlook 2003 SP2.' These messages are intended for another person 
in my company with the same name as I. Not to my surprise, the email support 
group decided to give this person an email address that only differs by one 
character, I was here prior to my clone.  I want to parse these .msg, files 
look for certain keywords, if these keywords are found compose a reply email 
that contains a pre-written message template to the original sender.

What module will fit my needs?

Thank you

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Re: outlook module

2007-11-01 Thread oryann9
> I am looking for some humble advice. I keep getting annoying emails
 using the mail client 'Outlook 2003 SP2.' These messages are intended for

> person in my company with the same name as I. Not to my
 surprise, the email support group decided to give this person an email address
 that only differs 

> by one character, I was here prior to my clone.  I
 want to parse these .msg, files look for certain keywords, if these
 keywords are found compose a reply 

> email that contains a pre-written
 message template to the original sender.

> What module will fit my needs?

>It seems to me that your network admins need to correct their faulty
>procmail routing recipes. It should not be your job to deal with this.
>Do the network admins have any idea how big a problem this is? Not only
>for your inconvenience, but for the other person not receiving



I have informed them, however they apparently do not care. As a courtesy, I do 
forward these specific emails on, but want to automate this "courtesy" process.
What module(s) do you recommended?

I am using cygwin 1.5.24 and Perl 5.8.8

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Re: outlook module

2007-11-01 Thread oryann9

- Original Message 
From: oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Perl List 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:02:35 PM
Subject: Re: outlook module

 > I am looking for some humble advice. I keep getting annoying emails
 using the mail client 'Outlook 2003 SP2.' These messages are intended  for

> person in my company with the same name as I. Not to my
 surprise, the email support group decided to give this person an email  address
 that only differs 

> by one character, I was here prior to my clone.  I
 want to parse these .msg, files look for certain keywords, if these
 keywords are found compose a reply 

> email that contains a pre-written
 message template to the original sender.

> What module will fit my needs?

>It seems to me that your network admins need to correct their faulty
>procmail routing recipes. It should not be your job to deal with this.
>Do the network admins have any idea how big a problem this is? Not  only
>for your inconvenience, but for the other person not receiving



I have informed them, however they apparently do not care. As a  courtesy, I do 
forward these specific emails on, but want to automate this  "courtesy" process.
What module(s) do you recommended?

I am using cygwin 1.5.24 and Perl 5.8.8


After some CPAN browsing it looks like Mail::Outlook Module Version:  0.13 fits 
the bill, unless someone has any trade-secrets?

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Re: Split string into array

2007-11-18 Thread oryann9


I thought taking a string and assigning it to an array would do it 
and I was wrong.

Here is a sample line of source;

  "2004-08-03  23:57 1,712,128 GdiPlus.dll" and the 
recommended split gives me 13 for the number of items. I would like 
an array that has "2004-08-03", "23:57","1,712,128","GdiPlus.dll"  as 
the elements of the array.


At 17:40 2007-11-17, Tom Phoenix wrote:
>On 11/16/07, AndrewMcHorney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I now got my directory listing into an array of strings. I would
> > to now split up the string into a an array of strings from the
> > original string. For example, I might have a string of "a b c d"
> > and  I now want a 4 element array containing "a", "b", "c", 'd".
> >
> > I did the following but it did not work.
> >
> > @new_dir = @string_array[$index];
>What's wrong with it? Was that just some Perl-like code that you typed
>at random, or was there some reason to think that it would do what you
> > The new_dir array is the string from the string array.
> >
> > Where did I go wrong?
>Do you want split?
>   my @pieces = split / /, "a b c d";
>I feel that I'm guessing (badly?) at what you want. Am I close? If
>you're not trying to break up a string on space, what are you trying
>to do?
>Hope this helps!
>--Tom Phoenix
>Stonehenge Perl Training

Tom is right as usual, so not sure what you are confused about.

/etc/skel$ perl -le 'my $string=q/2004-08-03 23:57 1,712,128 GdiPlus.dll/;print 
> my @array=split /\s/, $string; print @array;'

2004-08-03 23:57 1,712,128 GdiPlus.dll


/etc/skel$ perl -le 'my $string=q/2004-08-03 23:57 1,712,128 GdiPlus.dll/;print 
my @array=split /\s/, $string; print $array[2];'

2004-08-03 23:57 1,712,128 GdiPlus.dll


# The meaning of split  #
split / /, $foo;
split ' ', $foo;
are not the same thing.  
split ' ', $foo is a special case that means to split on all sequences of 
It means the same thing as split /\s+/, $foo; 


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Re: outlook module

2007-11-20 Thread oryann9

Why not just create a message filter or rule or whatever Outlook calls
it (or multiple ones for various criteria)?

I did and it I cannot get it to work.


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2008-01-04 Thread oryann9

In my code I call a find routine called xyz based on what the user enters which 
can be "/" or /\w+.
Instead of having one block of code and another block of the same code, but 
with $File::Find::prune = 1;
can't I just pass this $File::Find::prune = 1; to my single find routine based 
on their entry?

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find ;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_by_min_size) ;

chomp (my $fs = <>) ;

if ( $fs =~ m|\x2f{1}?|g ) {  ##-- if "/" is matched --#
$File::Find::prune = 1;
elsif ( $fs !~ m|\/\w+| ) {

find_me {
 my @directory = ($fs) ;
use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, }, @directory ) ;


thank you


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2008-01-07 Thread oryann9

In find2perl,  prune is set to 1 for true as in DO NOT desend dirs? From the 
man page "-prune"
Do not descend into the directory currently matched. 

Likewise for File::Find prune set to 1?

$ find2perl /dirname -size +4092k -ls -prune

thank you


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-07 Thread oryann9
oryann9> $ find2perl /dirname -size +4092k -ls -prune

Since -prune is *after* the condition of -size, you're setting
prune only for VERY VERY LARGE directories.  Is that your

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777  0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl  training!

No, but good point. My intent was to determine when -prune was set on the CLI 
what the De-parsed code told me, 1==true, 0==false because when I run this code 
below prune = 0 is not working, its descending down "/".

use strict ;
use warnings ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_by_min_size) ;

find_me ( $fs, 0 );

sub find_me {
use Data::Dumper;
my $fs = shift;
print "FS from sub\t$fs\n";
print Dumper(local $File::Find::prune = shift); ##-- localize prune to just 
this block --##
use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, }, $fs ) ;

@large_files = $list->() ;

@sorted_large_files =
sort { -s $b <=> -s $a }
@large_files ;

} ##-- End sub --##

thx for the reply!


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-09 Thread oryann9

oryann9> No, but good point. My intent was to determine when -prune was
 set on
oryann9> the CLI what the De-parsed code told me, 1==true, 0==false
oryann9> when I run this code below prune = 0 is not working, its
oryann9> down "/".

You're misusing it.  Set it within the wanted() routine when you're
 looking at
a directory that you don't want to descend.  It'll be cleared to 0
calling wanted(), so setting it before calling find() is completely

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.



main::(find_hog:47):if ( $fs eq "/" ) { # only if the root directory
  DB<1> print $fs
  DB<2> n
main::(find_hog:48):find_me ( $fs, 0 );
  DB<2> n

print caller find_me
main::(find_hog:61):my ( @sorted_large_files, @large_files ) ;
main::(find_hog:80):if (@sorted_large_files) {
  DB<2> print caller find_me
invalid top directory at /opt/perl/lib/5.8.2/File/ line 568, <> line 1.

  DB<3> print $fs
  DB<4> n
main::(find_hog:81):my %meta ;
  DB<4> n
main::(find_hog:82):for my $file (@sorted_large_files) {
DB<4> n
main::(find_hog:83):$meta{$file} = {
main::(find_hog:84): 'uid' => (stat($file))[4],
main::(find_hog:85): 'gid' => (stat($file))[5],
main::(find_hog:86): 'sz'  => (stat($file))[7],
main::(find_hog:87): 'mod' => (stat($file))[9],
  DB<4> print $file

/data/... should not be appearing if prune set to false, or 0.


Is this what you mean on line 9? I tried and it does not seem to work, meaning 
it still descending.

1 sub find_me {
2  use Data::Dumper;
3  my $fs = shift;
4  #local $File::Find::prune = shift; ##-- localize prune to just 
this block --##
5  #my @directory = ($fs) ;
6  use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
7  use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
8  my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
9  File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, prune => 
$File::Find::prune = shift}, $fs ) ;
10@large_files = $list->() ;
12@sorted_large_files =
13 sort { -s $b <=> -s $a }
14@large_files ;
16   } ##-- End sub --##


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Re: split then match, regex better?

2008-01-09 Thread oryann9
Happy New Year.

I have a series of values with the following form:


I would like to obtain the value 10, for accounting purposes:

my $chr = ( split /_/ , $value ) [ 1 ] ;
$chr =~ /chr/i ;

$chr = $' ;

This seems convoluted.  Could someone please criticize this approach or
offer a better one?

yes there is many ways, but I like this one.

$ perl -le 'my $str=qq(TO_Chr10_final.txt); my @arr = unpack("A2" x 
(length($str) >> 1), $str); print grep {/^\d+$/} @arr;'

Does that help?
: )


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-11 Thread oryann9
>You're misusing it.  Set it within the wanted() routine when you're
 >looking at
>a directory that you don't want to descend.  It'll be cleared to 0
>calling wanted(), so setting it before calling find() is completely

>Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
>Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.


Is this what you mean on line 9? I tried and it does not seem to work,
 meaning it still descending.

1 sub find_me {
2  use Data::Dumper;
3  my $fs = shift;
4  #local $File::Find::prune = shift; ##-- localize prune
 to just this block --##
5  #my @directory = ($fs) ;
6  use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
7  use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
8  my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
9  File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, prune =>
 $File::Find::prune = shift}, $fs ) ;
10@large_files = $list->() ;
12@sorted_large_files =
13 sort { -s $b <=> -s $a }
14@large_files ;
16   } ##-- End sub --##


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

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Re: find2perl

2008-01-16 Thread oryann9
- Original Message 
From: oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:32:11 PM
Subject: Re: find2perl

>You're misusing it.  Set it within the wanted() routine when you're
 >looking at
>a directory that you don't want to descend.  It'll be cleared to 0
>calling wanted(), so setting it before calling find() is completely

>Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777
>Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.


Will anyone help me with this issue? These three lines of code work, but work 
in a way that I am not expecting. When I tell this module to set no_chdir to 1 
it should NOT descend directories yet it does. Am I supposed to have a wanted 
routine other than whats below? Below are the 3 lines I have tried and below 
that is the entire script.

thank you!

1) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => $File::Find::no_chdir }, 
$fs ) ;

2) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => +shift }, $fs ) ;

3) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => $File::Find::no_chdir = 
shift}, $fs


use strict ;
use warnings ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_by_min_size) ;

##-- Begin Format Code --##

my ($key,$user,$grp,$mod,$sz) ;

format STDOUT_TOP =
Page @<<<

OwnerGroupOwner   LastMo
ate   Size
===  ===  ==

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<< @<<<<<<  @<<<<<
<<<   @##.###
$user,   $grp,date_m
, $sz

##-- End Format Code --##

sub date_me {

my $mod = shift @_ ;
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year,
undef, undef, undef) = localtime($mod) ;

( $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month+1, $day_of_month, $year+1900 ) ;

my $log = qq(/var/adm/find_hog.log) ;
my $logg ;
open ($logg, '>>', $log) or warn "file '$logg' was not opened $!" ;

print qq (\nPlease enter filesystem name in the form of /fsname or / just for 
root\n) ;
print "\n";
chomp (my $fs = <>) ;

if ( $fs eq "/" ) { # only if the root directory, do not descend.
find_me ( $fs, 0 );
elsif ( $fs =~ m|^/\w+|i ) { ## matches /var
find_me ( $fs, 1 );
elsif ( $fs =~ m|^[/.\w+]|i ) {  ## matches /.ssh
find_me ( $fs, 1 );
else {
 warn "\nFilesystem name does not match expression.\nPlease contact Unix on 
call and or try again\n
 goto START;

my ( @sorted_large_files, @large_files ) ;

sub find_me {
use Data::Dumper;
my $fs = shift;
#local $File::Find::prune = shift; ##-- localize prune to just this block 
#my @directory = ($fs) ;
use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => +shift }, $fs ) ;
@large_files = $list->() ;

@sorted_large_files =
sort { -s $b <=> -s $a }
@large_files ;

} ##-- End sub --##

if (@sorted_large_files) {
my %meta ;
for my $file (@sorted_large_files) {
$meta{$file} = {
 'uid' => (stat($file))[4],
 'gid' => (stat($file))[5],
 'sz'  => (stat($file))[7],
 'mod' => (stat($file))[9],
} ;

} ## END FOR ##

for $key ( keys %meta ) {
$user = getpwuid $meta{$key}->{'uid'} ;
$grp  = getgrgid $meta{$key}->{'gid'} ;
$mod  = $meta{$key}{'mod'} ;
$sz   = $meta{$key}{'sz'} / DIVISOR / DIVISOR ;
#print "\n$key => $user\t$grp\t\t" ;
#date_me($mod) ;
#printf("\t%0.3f Mb\n",$sz) ;
write ;

} ##-- End @sorted_large_files if --##

else {
warn "\nNo file(s) over twenty-five Mb found in $fs\n" ;
exit 0 ;

close ($logg) or warn "Log '$logg' failed to close $!" ;


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-17 Thread oryann9

Will anyone help me with this issue? These three lines of code work,
 but work in a way that I am not expecting. When I tell this module to set
 no_chdir to 1 it should NOT descend directories yet it does. Am I
 supposed to have a wanted routine other than whats below? Below are the 3
 lines I have tried and below that is the entire script.

thank you!

1) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir =>
 $File::Find::no_chdir }, $fs ) ;

2) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => +shift }, $fs )

3) File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir =>
 $File::Find::no_chdir = shift}, $fs


use strict ;
use warnings ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_by_min_size) ;

##-- Begin Format Code --##

my ($key,$user,$grp,$mod,$sz) ;

##-- End Format Code --##

sub date_me {

my $mod = shift @_ ;
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month, $year,
undef, undef, undef) = localtime($mod) ;

( $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month+1, $day_of_month,
 $year+1900 ) ;

my $log = qq(/var/adm/find_hog.log) ;
my $logg ;
open ($logg, '>>', $log) or warn "file '$logg' was not opened $!" ;

print qq (\nPlease enter filesystem name in the form of /fsname or /
 just for root\n) ;
print "\n";
chomp (my $fs = <>) ;

if ( $fs eq "/" ) { # only if the root directory, do not descend.
find_me ( $fs, 0 );
elsif ( $fs =~ m|^/\w+|i ) { ## matches /var
find_me ( $fs, 1 );
elsif ( $fs =~ m|^[/.\w+]|i ) {  ## matches /.ssh
find_me ( $fs, 1 );
else {
 warn "\nFilesystem name does not match expression.\nPlease contact
 Unix on call and or try again\n
 goto START;

my ( @sorted_large_files, @large_files ) ;

sub find_me {
use Data::Dumper;
my $fs = shift;
#local $File::Find::prune = shift; ##-- localize prune to just this
 block --##
#my @directory = ($fs) ;
use constant MAX_SIZE => (25*1024*1024) ;
use constant DIVISOR  => (1024) ;
my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size ( MAX_SIZE ) ;
File::Find::find ( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => +shift }, $fs )
@large_files = $list->() ;

@sorted_large_files =
sort { -s $b <=> -s $a }
@large_files ;

} ##-- End sub --##


Will / Can anyone help, pretty please?


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-17 Thread oryann9
- Original Message 
From: Randal L. Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:39:35 PM
Subject: Re: find2perl

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to perl.beginners as well.

>>>>> "oryann9" == oryann9  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

oryann9> Will anyone help me with this issue? These three lines of code
oryann9> but work in a way that I am not expecting.

Then you aren't reading the docs, or listening to anyone's help here.

Not only that, you've been rude by reposting your problem in another
<> without disclosing
you've been getting help here, but ignoring the answers.  This wastes
 the time
of people VOLUNTEERING their time in BOTH places.


The best thing you can do at this point is to hire a programmer, who
either know how to read the docs for you, or can ask us in a way that
ignore our answers.


The reason why I post here and at perlmonks is b/c both are good to learn from. 
Who say I have to disclose what I post at perlmonks??? Not everyone use both 
No one from perlmonks seems to know the answer either, likewise here.
I have read the docs and practiced, but with no success.
Sorry for asking for help, after all isn't that what this list is for?
I think you are the one being Rude, not me.


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Re: find2perl

2008-01-17 Thread oryann9
 Original Message 
From: Randal L. Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Perl List 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:04:40 PM
Subject: Re: find2perl

 >>>>> "oryann9" == oryann9  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

oryann9> No one from perlmonks seems to know the answer either,  likewise here.

This is a lie.  If you don't see that it's a lie, then no amount
of answering in EITHER place will HELP you.

Hire a programmer, please.


I am not a liar! I am a Christian and the only little help I have received is:

If you don't want to descend into any directories, then you are likely better 
off with opendir/readdir/closedir or glob. If you don't want to descend into 
certain directories, then you set $File::Find::prune to 1 inside your wanted 
subroutine when the current directory is one you do not want to descend into.

 First, there is no 'prune' option that you can pass in to File::Find::find().  
Second, you have to set $File::Find::prune to one (not zero). Third, you have 
to set it from within your "wanted" subroutine when the traversal gets to a 
directory that you don't want the traversal to descend into. 
 In your case, you appear to want to have your "wanted" subroutine always set 
$File::Find::prune= 1; so no subdirectories are traversed into.

So after this I practiced and tried with no success.

How does anyone in the community expect people to learn or like this language 
if there are responses in this way?
I will not argue, please do not respond. thank you.

P.S. Apologizes for not knowing I was supposed to disclose to this list I use 
perlmonks, gesz.


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undefined format error

2008-01-31 Thread oryann9
Hello List, 

I am hoping for some help with this. I did post this same question to PerlMonks.

Undefined format "STDOUT" called at find_hog.tdy line 173.
Line 173 is the 1st write statement, but since there are snips in there 173 is 
not the actual line in this email.
Just look for 1st write statement.

thank you.  :)


use strict ;
use warnings ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Find::Closures qw(find_by_min_size) ;
$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin) ;
delete @ENV{qw (IFS CDPATH KSH_ENV)} ;

my ( $key, $keys, $user, $grp, $gcos, $mod, $mod2, $sz, ) ;
my ( @sorted_large_files, @sorted_root_files, );

sub dateme {

##-- $mod is for modification time from file(s) --##
my $mod = shift @_ ;
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month,
$year,undef,undef,  undef
) = localtime( $mod ) ;

##-- $mod2 is like $mod, but does more, allows user to see mod time from 
sprintf --##
my $mod2 = sprintf(
(   $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month + 1,
$day_of_month, ( $year % 100 )
) ;

##-- Begin Main --##

print qq(\n) ;
my $fs   = $ARGV[0] ;
my $size = ( $ARGV[1] * 1024 * 1024 ) ;
$fs   =~ tr /\000//d ;##-- Clean user input --##
$size =~ tr /\000//d ;

die qq ( \nPlease enter filesystem followed by minimum file size to search.
Usage example: find_hog /var 25 will look in /var for files >= 25Mb\n\n ),
unless ( $fs and $size ) ;

my ( @root_files, @large_files, ) ;

if ( $fs eq "/" ) {## only if the root directory

elsif ( $fs =~ m|^/\w+|i ) {## matches /var
find_me( $fs, $size, 0 ) ;
elsif ( $fs =~ m|^[/.\w+]|i ) {## matches /.ssh
find_me( $fs, $size, 0 ) ;

sub find_me {
my $fs   = shift @_ ;
my $size = shift @_ ;
my ( $wanted, $list ) = find_by_min_size( $size ) ;
File::Find::find( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => +shift }, $fs ) ;
@large_files = $list->() ;

}   ##-- End sub --##

##-- Gather meta-data --##

use constant DIVISOR=> ( 1024 ) ;
use constant LINES_PER_PAGE => ( 44 ) ;

if ( @large_files ) {
my %meta ;
for my $file ( @large_files ) {
$meta{$file} = {
'uid' => ( stat( $file ) )[4],
'gid' => ( stat( $file ) )[5],
'sz'  => ( stat( $file ) )[7],
'mod' => ( stat( $file ) )[9],
} ;

}   ##-- End For --##

for $key ( keys %meta ) {
$user= qq(N/A)
unless $user = (getpwuid ( $meta{$key}->{'uid'} ) )[0]  ; ##-- uid 
name --##

$grp = qq(N/A)
unless $grp  = (getgrgid ( $meta{$key}->{'gid'} ) )[0]  ; ##-- gid 
name --##

$gcos= qq(N/A)
unless $gcos = (getpwuid ( $meta{$key}->{'uid'} ) )[6] ; ##-- gcos 

$mod = qq(N/A)
unless $mod = $meta{$key}{'mod'} ;

$sz  = qq(N/A)
unless $sz   = $meta{$key}{'sz'} / DIVISOR / DIVISOR ;

my $ofh = select( STDOUT ) ;
select( $ofh ) ;
$ofh = select( LOG ) ;
select( $ofh ) ;
write( $ofh ) ;

}   ##-- End For --##

##-- Sort values according to sz --##

@sorted_large_files =
sort { $meta{$b}->{'sz'} <=> $meta{$a}->{'sz'} } keys %meta;

}   ##-- End @large_files if --##

##-- Begin Format Code --##

$^L = q{};
format STDOUT_TOP =

Page @<<<

OwnerGroupOwner   Gecos LastModifiedDate   Size Mb
===  ===  ===  ===

format STDOUT =
@<<< @<<@<<<  @|  @##.##

   ##-- End Format Code --##

else {
warn "\nNo file(s) over $size Mb found in $fs\n" ;
exit 0 ;

#print "\n";
#print join("\n",@sorted_large_files);
#print join("\n",@sorted_root_files);

close( LOG ) or warn "Log '$log' failed to close $!" ;


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Re: undefined format error

2008-01-31 Thread oryann9

Please ignore the message below b/c I worked through this.

Basically my format code is not printing in a sorted order based off of 'sz' 
yet it is correctly sorted in @sorted_large_files as you can see below SORTED.

How can I tell format to print it sorted based off of 'sz'?

Here is how I am sorting 

@sorted_large_files =
sort { $meta{$b}->{'sz'} <=> $meta{$a}->{'sz'} } keys %meta ;

"hostname x"

Page 1

FileName Owner  
  GroupOwner   Gecos  LastModifiedDateSize Mb
===  ===  == =   ===
/var/opt/ignite/media/image.iso  root   
  sys  N/A17:01:21-09/27/06   98.84
  sys  N/A17:01:20-09/27/06   98.49
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x001321EAA5D2/recovery/2007-11-16,22:02/flist   bin
  sys  N/A01:03:24-11/17/07   33.47
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x001321EAA5D2/recovery/2007-10-16,23:39/flist   bin
  sys  N/A02:40:23-10/17/07   32.28
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x001321EAA5D2/recovery/2007-12-16,22:02/flist   bin
  sys  N/A01:03:16-12/17/07   36.58
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x00306E3842AF/recovery/2008-01-15,05:43/flist   bin
  sys  N/A05:44:15-01/15/08   34.33
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x00306E4B4C3A/recovery/2008-01-15,09:44/flist   bin
  sys  N/A09:46:49-01/15/08   28.84
  bin  N/A03:13:11-10/06/04   28.00
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x00306E3842AF/recovery/2007-12-15,07:49/flist   bin
  sys  N/A07:50:10-12/15/07   34.30
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x001321EAA5D2/recovery/2008-01-16,23:50/flist   bin
  sys  N/A02:50:59-01/17/08   37.92
/var/opt/ignite/clients/0x00306E4B2BA4/recovery/2008-01-16,06:16/flist   bin
  sys  N/A06:18:46-01/16/08   65.12


- Original Message 
From: oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Perl List 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:57:10 PM
Subject: undefined format error














2008-05-15 Thread oryann9
Does anyone know what happened to this website:
It says its not available.  I thought it was a great reference and explained 
the diffs between map and grep and even sort.
Does anyone have a softcopy of its data that you can send me?

thank you!


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Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-15 Thread oryann9
"Dr.Ruud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Lawrence Statton XE2/N1GAK schreef:

> @{$aref2}[0] is 'sun'


${$aref2}[0] is 'sun'

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."


  Ok everyone, I have thought about this one and tried various code changes but 
cannot get what I want.
  My problem: redundant UIDs in password files.
  My solution: 
  #1 store passwd files in a globbed array
  #2 create array reference from globbed array
  #3 open array ref, create hash with more than one value per key. Keys are 
regexps from filenames
  #4 read in every line of passwd files from reference. Values in hash need to 
be passwd entries
  For example: key => servernames.platform (dubhpr01.hpux)
  values => filelds from passwd file (name,uid,gid,comments)
  #5 Once hash is built, traverse through searching for usernames that have 
unlike UIDs from all files, then print these to an xls using 
  In my code I have completed 1,2 and 3. Started 4 but I am printing the array 
reference address as opposed to printing the actual values. What am I doing 
wrong and any tips would be nice?  thank you
  KEY dubhst14.hpux
  DUB VALUES  root
  KEY dubhdv05.hpux

  dubhst14.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002b0f8)
dubhdv05.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c9a4)
dubhadm3.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8f0)
dwhetls2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002c164)
dubhadm1.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8a8)
oftappp1.hpux => ARRAY(0x405a2084)
dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)
cic2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c6f8)

##-- Initialize environment --##
  use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
#use Data::Dumper;
  $ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin:/home/dbsmith:/home/dbsmith/McGaw);
  ##-- Central DIE routine --##
  open (LOG, ">>/tmp/uid_ck.log") or warn "uid_ck.log did not open $!";
  my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__};## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
   my $error = shift;   ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
   $overide->($error) if ( ref $overide );
   print LOG ($error);
  ##-- BEGIN MAIN --##
  my @dublinaray  = glob("/home/dbsmith/passwd.*");
my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my @mcgawaray   = glob("/home/dbsmith/McGaw/passwd.*");
my $mcgaw_aref  = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my (%dublin_hosts,%mcgaw_hosts) = ();
my ($dub_key,$dub_values,$mcg_key,$mcg_values);
  sub parse_file {
  foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
   { local *FILE;
open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
local $/  = undef;
($dub_key)= $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
($dub_values) = split /:/, ;
push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
print "KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n";
print "ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n";
print "DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n";
while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) = each %dublin_hosts ) {
print "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";
  #foreach my $host (sort keys %dublin_hosts) {
#print "$host: @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}\n";
#foreach my $element2 ( @{$mcgaw_aref} ) {
#   { local *FILE2;
# open (FILE2, "+<$element2") or die "mcgaw reference did not open: $!";
# local $/ = undef;
# ($mcg_key) = $element2 =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
# push (@{$mcgaw_hosts{$mcg_key}}, $mcg_values );
# print "\n$element2\n\n";
# print ;
#   }

  } ##-- END SUB --##

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-15 Thread oryann9
oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Dr.Ruud" wrote: Lawrence Statton XE2/N1GAK schreef:

> @{$aref2}[0] is 'sun'


${$aref2}[0] is 'sun'

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."


Ok everyone, I have thought about this one and tried various code changes but 
cannot get what I want.

My problem: redundant UIDs in password files.
My solution: 

#1 store passwd files in a globbed array
#2 create array reference from globbed array
#3 open array ref, create hash with more than one value per key. Keys are 
regexps from filenames
#4 read in every line of passwd files from reference. Values in hash need to be 
passwd entries
For example: key => servernames.platform (dubhpr01.hpux)
values => filelds from passwd file (name,uid,gid,comments)
#5 Once hash is built, traverse through searching for usernames that have 
unlike UIDs from all files, then print these to an xls using 

In my code I have completed 1,2 and 3. Started 4 but I am printing the array 
reference address as opposed to printing the actual values. What am I doing 
wrong and any tips would be nice? thank you


KEY dubhst14.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhst14.hpux

KEY dubhdv05.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhdv05.hpux

dubhst14.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002b0f8)
dubhdv05.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c9a4)
dubhadm3.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8f0)
dwhetls2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002c164)
dubhadm1.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8a8)
oftappp1.hpux => ARRAY(0x405a2084)
dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)
cic2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c6f8)


##-- Initialize environment --##
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
#use Data::Dumper;

$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin:/home/dbsmith:/home/dbsmith/McGaw);

##-- Central DIE routine --##
open (LOG, ">>/tmp/uid_ck.log") or warn "uid_ck.log did not open $!";
my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__}; ## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $error = shift; ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
$overide->($error) if ( ref $overide );
print LOG ($error);

##-- BEGIN MAIN --##

my @dublinaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/passwd.*");
my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my @mcgawaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/McGaw/passwd.*");
my $mcgaw_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my (%dublin_hosts,%mcgaw_hosts) = ();
my ($dub_key,$dub_values,$mcg_key,$mcg_values);

sub parse_file {
foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
{ local *FILE;
open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
local $/ = undef;
($dub_key) = $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
($dub_values) = split /:/, ;
push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
print "KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n";
print "ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n";
print "DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n";

while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) = each %dublin_hosts ) {
print "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

#foreach my $host (sort keys %dublin_hosts) {
# print "$host: @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}\n";

#foreach my $element2 ( @{$mcgaw_aref} ) {
# { local *FILE2;
# open (FILE2, "+<$element2") or die "mcgaw reference did not open: $!";
# local $/ = undef;
# ($mcg_key) = $element2 =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
# push (@{$mcgaw_hosts{$mcg_key}}, $mcg_values );
# print "\n$element2\n\n";
# print ;
# }

} ##-- END SUB --##

  Incorrect problem statement.  Should read 
  My Problem: unalike UIDs in password files for users. example joe.brown uid 
on server a is 1222 and uid on server b is 1198.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-15 Thread oryann9
oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Dr.Ruud" wrote: Lawrence Statton XE2/N1GAK schreef:

> @{$aref2}[0] is 'sun'


${$aref2}[0] is 'sun'

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."


Ok everyone, I have thought about this one and tried various code changes but 
cannot get what I want.

My problem: redundant UIDs in password files.
My solution: 

#1 store passwd files in a globbed array
#2 create array reference from globbed array
#3 open array ref, create hash with more than one value per key. Keys are 
regexps from filenames
#4 read in every line of passwd files from reference. Values in hash need to be 
passwd entries
For example: key => servernames.platform (dubhpr01.hpux)
values => filelds from passwd file (name,uid,gid,comments)
#5 Once hash is built, traverse through searching for usernames that have 
unlike UIDs from all files, then print these to an xls using 

In my code I have completed 1,2 and 3. Started 4 but I am printing the array 
reference address as opposed to printing the actual values. What am I doing 
wrong and any tips would be nice? thank you


KEY dubhst14.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhst14.hpux

KEY dubhdv05.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhdv05.hpux

dubhst14.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002b0f8)
dubhdv05.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c9a4)
dubhadm3.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8f0)
dwhetls2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002c164)
dubhadm1.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8a8)
oftappp1.hpux => ARRAY(0x405a2084)
dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)
cic2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c6f8)


##-- Initialize environment --##
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
#use Data::Dumper;

$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin:/home/dbsmith:/home/dbsmith/McGaw);

##-- Central DIE routine --##
open (LOG, ">>/tmp/uid_ck.log") or warn "uid_ck.log did not open $!";
my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__}; ## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $error = shift; ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
$overide->($error) if ( ref $overide );
print LOG ($error);

##-- BEGIN MAIN --##

my @dublinaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/passwd.*");
my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my @mcgawaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/McGaw/passwd.*");
my $mcgaw_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my (%dublin_hosts,%mcgaw_hosts) = ();
my ($dub_key,$dub_values,$mcg_key,$mcg_values);

sub parse_file {
foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
{ local *FILE;
open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
local $/ = undef;
($dub_key) = $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
($dub_values) = split /:/, ;
push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
print "KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n";
print "ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n";
print "DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n";

while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) = each %dublin_hosts ) {
print "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

#foreach my $host (sort keys %dublin_hosts) {
# print "$host: @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}\n";

#foreach my $element2 ( @{$mcgaw_aref} ) {
# { local *FILE2;
# open (FILE2, "+<$element2") or die "mcgaw reference did not open: $!";
# local $/ = undef;
# ($mcg_key) = $element2 =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
# push (@{$mcgaw_hosts{$mcg_key}}, $mcg_values );
# print "\n$element2\n\n";
# print ;
# }

} ##-- END SUB --##

  Incorrect problem statement.  Should read 
  My Problem: unalike UIDs in password files for users. example joe.brown uid 
on server a is 1222 and uid on server b is 1198.


  I looked in the cookbook and as I tried to implement is below.  Am I on the 
right road?
  5.7. Hashes with Multiple Values Per KeyProblem   You want to store more 
than one value for each key.

Solution  Store an array reference in $hash{$key}, and put the values into 
that array.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-18 Thread oryann9
  I have thought about this one and tried various code changes but cannot get 
what I want.

My problem: mismatched UIDs in password files.
My solution: 

#1 store passwd files in a globbed array
#2 create array reference from globbed array
#3 open array ref, create hash with more than one value per key. Keys are 
regexps from filenames
#4 read in every line of passwd files from reference. Values in hash need to be 
passwd entries
For example: key => servernames.platform (dubhpr01.hpux)
values => filelds from passwd file (name,uid,gid,comments)
#5 Once hash is built, traverse through searching for usernames that have 
unlike UIDs from all files, then print these to an xls using 

In my code I have completed 1,2 and 3. Started 4 but I am printing the array 
reference address as opposed to printing the actual values. What am I doing 
wrong and any tips would be nice? 

KEY dubhst14.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhst14.hpux

KEY dubhdv05.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhdv05.hpux

dubhst14.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002b0f8)
dubhdv05.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c9a4)
dubhadm3.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8f0)
dwhetls2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002c164)
dubhadm1.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8a8)
oftappp1.hpux => ARRAY(0x405a2084)
dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)
cic2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c6f8)


##-- Initialize environment --##
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
#use Data::Dumper;

$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin:/home/dbsmith:/home/dbsmith/McGaw);

##-- Central DIE routine --##
open (LOG, ">>/tmp/uid_ck.log") or warn "uid_ck.log did not open $!";
my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__}; ## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $error = shift; ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
$overide->($error) if ( ref $overide );
print LOG ($error);

##-- BEGIN MAIN --##

my @dublinaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/passwd.*");
my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my @mcgawaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/McGaw/passwd.*");
my $mcgaw_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my (%dublin_hosts,%mcgaw_hosts) = ();
my ($dub_key,$dub_values,$mcg_key,$mcg_values);

sub parse_file {
   foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
   { local *FILE;
 open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
 local $/ = undef;
 ($dub_key) = $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
 ($dub_values) = split /:/,  ;
 push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
 print "KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n";
 print "ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n";
 print "DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n";

while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) = each %dublin_hosts ) {
 print "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

#foreach my $host (sort keys %dublin_hosts) {
#print "$host: @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}\n";

#foreach my $element2 ( @{$mcgaw_aref} ) {
   # { local *FILE2;
   # open (FILE2, "+<$element2") or die "mcgaw reference did not open: $!";
   # local $/ = undef;  
   # ($mcg_key) = $element2 =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
   # push (@{$mcgaw_hosts{$mcg_key}}, $mcg_values );
   # print "\n$element2\n\n";
   # print ;
# }

} ##-- END SUB --##


  I looked in the cookbook and as I tried to implement is below.  Am I on the 
right road?
  thank you
  5.7. Hashes with Multiple Values Per KeyProblem   You want to store more 
than one value for each key.

Solution  Store an array reference in $hash{$key}, and put the values into 
that array.

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-18 Thread oryann9

"D. Bolliger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
I guess the reason why you got no answer when you posted the identical 
question in a recent thread is because, at least

- your question(s) is/are unclear
- your code is not trimmed - even not from comments

Anyway. When you print $dub_values and it shows up as an array ref as 


and you want the values of this arrayref, you have to dereference it in some 

Start with printing out @$dub_values.

Or assign it before if you want bigger freedom to format the values:

# handle @dub_values_arr

Hope this helps


How are my quesitons unclear???  Man I take a beating from this help list.  I 
have seen many questions asked that are just "bone-headed" questions or people 
are too lazy to research and I do not feel my questions fall in these 
  I stated " I am printing the array reference address as opposed to printing 
the actual values. 
What am I doing wrong and any tips would be nice?"
  How is that unclear?  

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Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-19 Thread oryann9
"D. Bolliger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 am Montag, 18. Dezember 
2006 19:52:
> "D. Bolliger" wrote:
> How are my quesitons unclear???

I answered offlist. Sorry to all for the noise of this notice.

  thank god!

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-19 Thread oryann9

Anyway. When you print $dub_values and it shows up as an array ref as 


and you want the values of this arrayref, you have to dereference it in some 

Start with printing out @$dub_values.

Or assign it before if you want bigger freedom to format the values:

# handle @dub_values_arr

Hope this helps

  I don't mean to sound negative, but did you even look at my code?  I know how 
to dereference and I was just printing this in my debugging efforts.
  dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Again, @dublin_arry contains a glob like so: glob("/home/oryann9/passwd.*)
  dub_values are the values within the hash %dublin_hosts while dub_key is the 
regexp from the filenames that is the key within the hash %dublin_hosts.
  As an example, each key is the regexp of each file name from the array 
reference: passwd.dubhpr01.hpux after being parsed by my regexp I get 
  Each values are the various fields in the passwd files.
  My Goal is below
  Here is the snippet of code I am working on now:
  1 use strict;
  2 use warning;
  3 use diagnostics;
  5 my @dublinaray  = glob("/home/oryann9/passwd.*");
6 my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
7 my (%dublin_hosts) = ();
8 my ($dub_key,$dub_values,);
10 parse_file();
  13 sub parse_file {
  14   foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
15   { local *FILE;
16   open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
17   local $/  = undef;
18($dub_key)= $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
19   ($dub_values) = split /:/, ;
20push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
21print Dumper("KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n");
22print Dumper("ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n");
23print Dumper("DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n");
24   }
  26while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) =  each %dublin_hosts ) {
27print Dumper("$dub_key => $dub_values\n");
30 } ##-- END SUB --##
  Here is my question
  I have a line of code like so: "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

that prints 
  dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)

but I want to have printed out the values contained in the $dub_values 
arrayref instead of its address.

What do I have to change to achieve this?
  thank you

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Re: reg exp continued need pulled from reference

2006-12-19 Thread oryann9

oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is my question

I have a line of code like so: "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

that prints 

dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)

but I want to have printed out the values contained in the $dub_values 
arrayref instead of its address.

What do I have to change to achieve this?

thank you

  I got it working...never mind.
  I shall be back... : )
  thank you

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

pdf to excel

2006-12-20 Thread oryann9
I have a scanned PDF file and I want to convert its data so I can store it in 
an xls file.  What module(s) do you recommened?
  I saw File::Extract::PDF ??

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

KSH and Perl output

2006-12-21 Thread oryann9
I am trying to get the equivalent in KSH to work in Perl and I cannot seem to 
get the same output.  I need from /etc/passwd name, uid, gid and gecos for each 
passwd files.
  for i in `ls /var/tmp/passwd.*`
   print $i;
   print "\n";
   awk 'FS=":" {print $1,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5}' $i;
   print "\n";

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  my @array  = glob("/var/tmp/passwd.*");
my ($file,@name,@uid,@gid,@cmts);
  foreach $file (@array) {
   { local $/  = undef;
 open (FILE, "+<$file") or die $!;
 (@name,@uid,@gid,@cmts) = (split /:/,  ) [0,2,3,4],"\n";
 print ("@name\n");
 print ("@uid\n");
 print ("@gid\n");
 print ("@cmts\n");
  Perl Output:
  root 0 3
root 0 3 NS2 Root
  root 0 3 tpgdrpp1 Root
  Desired and KSH output :
root 0   3
daemon   1   5
bin  2   2
sys  3   3
adm  4   4
uucp 5   3
lp   9   7
nuucp11  11
hpdb 27  1   ALLBASE
nobody   -2  -2
www  30  1
webadmin 40  1
smbnull  101 101 DO NOT USE OR DELETE - needed by Samba
jgardner 142020  xxx
jchow151620  xxx
  jwang151220  x
ctegarde 176020  xxx
  sshd 102 102 sshd privsep
rcollins 164020  x
dstephen 151520
veritas  635220  veritas support account
kurathb  103 2017xx
baccelb  20082017x
krahnd   224 2017x
gladant  510 2017x
tyleryo  194820  
  nguyenhe 192920  xx
  patelru  194920  
camposi  195020  
brandom  193020  xx
  panti194520  xxx
dwilkins 20372017xxx
  hpase163920  HP Support
rdittmer 21682017xx
baxadmin 50000
gonzalea 219620  

  thank you

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: pdf to excel

2006-12-21 Thread oryann9

Daniel Kasak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 wrote:

> I have a scanned PDF file and I want to convert its data so I can store it in 
> an xls file. What module(s) do you recommened?
> I saw File::Extract::PDF ?

If you've scanned it, chances are the PDF doesn't contain any text that 
you can extract. It will just be 1 image per page. You have to do OCR on 
it ... and possibly convert the PDF into TIFF of jpeg images or 
something first. There are a number of open-source OCR engines around, 
including one that IBM bought and open-sourced. I haven't look at any of 
them in years though, so I don't know what state they're in.


  Mmm interesting. No I have not scanned it yet.  Actually it's my wife's X-mas 
address book that needs re-written so I was thinking of scanning it then 
editing it then re-printing it and finally savintg it to an xls file.

  was considering 
Routines to produce formatted pages of mailing labels in PDF 

  thx for the info! ...was not aware of that.

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: KSH and Perl output

2006-12-22 Thread oryann9

Boga Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 wrote:
> I am trying to get the equivalent in KSH to work in Perl and I cannot seem to 
> get the same output. I need from /etc/passwd name, uid, gid and gecos for 
> each passwd files.
> for i in `ls /var/tmp/passwd.*`
> do
> print $i;
> print "\n";
> awk 'FS=":" {print $1,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5}' $i;
> print "\n";
> done
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my @array = glob("/var/tmp/passwd.*");
> my ($file,@name,@uid,@gid,@cmts);
> foreach $file (@array) {
> { local $/ = undef;
> open (FILE, "+<$file") or die $!;
> (@name,@uid,@gid,@cmts) = (split /:/, ) [0,2,3,4],"\n";
> print ("@name\n");
> print ("@uid\n");
> print ("@gid\n");
> print ("@cmts\n");
> }
> }
> Perl Output:
> root 0 3
> root 0 3 NS2 Root
> root 0 3 tpgdrpp1 Root
> ...
> Desired and KSH output :
> /var/tmp/passwd.admbakp1.hpux
> root 0 3
> daemon 1 5
> bin 2 2
> sys 3 3
> adm 4 4
> uucp 5 3
> lp 9 7
> nuucp 11 11
> hpdb 27 1 ALLBASE
Try this,


open( PASSWD, "/etc/passwd" );

@arr = split (/:/);
print "\n @res";


Boga Srinivas
System Engineer

  cool, thanks!
  I modified it so it will work on multiple files.

  use strict;
use warnings;
  my @glob = glob("/cygdrive/c/temp/passwd.*");
my (@arr,@res,$file) = ();
  foreach $file (@glob) {
open (FILE, "+<$file") or die "file: '$file' did not open $!";
{ local $/ = undef;
 my $contents = ;
 chomp $contents;
 @arr = split (/:/, $contents);
 print "\n @res";
print "\n";
close (FILE);

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2007-01-09 Thread oryann9
I have a HoHoH structure that looks like after running print Dumper (\%hash);
'prlhNSSA' => {
  '1499' => {
  'gecos' => 'First Name Last 
  'host' => '/var/tmp/passwd.tgpdrpp1.hpux',
  'gid' => '205'

  My 1st hash is keyed by name, that accesses 2nd hash keyed by UID,  that 
accesses a 3rd hash keyed by remaining items: gid,gecos and hostname.
   The snippet of code is: 
  my %hash;
  my ($name, $uid, $gid, $gecos);
  my $regexp= qr/(\w+|\w+\.\w+|\w+\-\w+|\w+\_\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/i ;
  elsif (/$regexp/) {
  ($name, $uid, $gid, $gecos) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$hash{$name}{$uid} = { # User data keyed by uid
gid => $gid,
gecos => $gecos,
host=> $host,

  my question is how do I access and print all values? I am trying:
  foreach  (keys %dub_hash) {
print %{$dub_hash->{$name}->{$uid}->{%gid}->{$gecos} };

  Do I need three loops? What am I doing wrong?
  thank you

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Re: HoHoH

2007-01-09 Thread oryann9

> my question is how do I access and print all values? I am trying:
> foreach (keys %dub_hash) {
> print %{$dub_hash->{$name}->{$uid}->{%gid}->{$gecos} };
> }
> Do I need three loops? What am I doing wrong?

Yup, three loops. I'll get you started:

for my $name (keys %dub_hash) {
for my $uid (keys %{$dub_hash{$name}}) {
# do stuff, note the %{...} above to force precedence
  Ok thank you!  So if I have a HoHoHoH I would need 4 loops and so on?
  Is there a good tutorial for hashes with real world examples b/c I seem to 
struggle with comples data structures as the above took me longer than expected.

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Re: remove duplicate lines

2007-01-11 Thread oryann9

"Dr.Ruud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   beast schreef:

> a 100
> a 102
> c 100
> a 102
> b 111
> c 100
> c 102
> c 100
> c 100
> a 102
> ...
> I would like to have a list (either array or hash) with unique line .

perl -ne'$_{$_}||=print' datafile 


perl -pe'$_ x=!$$_++' datafile

Affijn, Ruud
what are these exactly doing in plain english?
  1st line is not printing and second it is, but gets confusing at ||= in the 
1st line and at !$ in 2nd line.
  thank you

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HoH and HoHoH

2007-01-11 Thread oryann9
  'jblow' => {
 'uid' => '2195',
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

   ( $name, $p, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $s ) = split( ':' );
$hash1{$name} -> {'uid'} = $uid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gid'} = $gid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gecos'} = $gecos;

$VAR1 = {
  'jblow' => {
 '2195' => {
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

$hash2{$name}{$uid} = {
   gid => $gid,
   gecos => $gecos,

  so that I grasp hashes and understand them more, in the first printed dump of 
HoH, there are 2 hashes called "hash1 and "name".  Hash hash1 has a key of name 
with values of uid,gid and gecos? uid,gid and gecos are accessed only through 
  in the printed dump of HoHoH, there are 3 hashes called "hash2", "name" and 
"uid". Hash hash2 has keys of name and uid with values of gid and gecos?  gid 
and gecos are only accessible through hash uid?
  thank you

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HoH and HoHoH

2007-01-11 Thread oryann9
  'jblow' => {
 'uid' => '2195',
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

   ( $name, $p, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $s ) = split( ':' );
$hash1{$name} -> {'uid'} = $uid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gid'} = $gid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gecos'} = $gecos;

$VAR1 = {
  'jblow' => {
 '2195' => {
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

$hash2{$name}{$uid} = {
   gid => $gid,
   gecos => $gecos,

  so that I grasp hashes and understand them more, in the first printed dump of 
HoH, there are 2 hashes called "hash1 and "name".  Hash hash1 has a key of name 
with values of uid,gid and gecos? uid,gid and gecos are accessed only through 
  in the printed dump of HoHoH, there are 3 hashes called "hash2", "name" and 
"uid". Hash hash2 has keys of name and uid with values of gid and gecos?  gid 
and gecos are only accessible through hash uid?
  thank you

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Re: remove duplicate lines

2007-01-11 Thread oryann9

"Dr.Ruud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 schreef:
> "Dr.Ruud" wrote: beast schreef:
>> beast:

>>> a 100
>>> a 102
>>> c 100
>>> a 102
>>> b 111
>>> c 100
>>> c 102
>>> c 100
>>> c 100
>>> a 102
>>> ...
>>> I would like to have a list (either array or hash) with unique line
>> perl -ne'$_{$_}||=print' datafile
> what are these exactly doing in plain english?
> 1st line is not printing and second it is, but gets confusing at ||=
in the 1st line and at !$ in 2nd line

First see the output of

perl -MO=Deparse -ne'$_{$_}||=print' datafile

which returns:

LINE: while (defined($_ = )) {
$_{$_} ||= print($_);

See `perldoc perlrun` for the meaning of the -n option.

Let me simplify the code, to this equivalent:

while ( )
$d{$_} ||= print($_);

For every unique line of the input (the datafile) an entry to the
hash-table %d is added, with the whole line as the key-value. The
belonging value is set to the return value of print, which is 1 (if the
print went OK).

But if the key already exists, this is all skipped, because of the ||=
operator, see `perldoc perlop`. This operator sets the lvalue to the
rvalue, but only if the lvalue isn't true. So the loop is similar to

while ( )
next if $d{$_};
$d{$_} = 1;

And that was my explanation of perl -ne'$_{$_}||=print'.

Affijn, Ruud

  cool!  thanks, now I understand.

Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.

HoH and HoHoH

2007-01-12 Thread oryann9

  'jblow' => {
 'uid' => '2195',
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

   ( $name, $p, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $s ) = split( ':' );
$hash1{$name} -> {'uid'} = $uid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gid'} = $gid;
$hash1{$name} -> {'gecos'} = $gecos;

$VAR1 = {
  'jblow' => {
 '2195' => {
 'gecos' => 'Joe Blow,,,',
 'gid' => '20'

$hash2{$name}{$uid} = {
   gid => $gid,
   gecos => $gecos,

  so that I grasp hashes and understand them more, in the first printed 
dump of HoH, there are 2 hashes called "hash1 and "name".  Hash hash1 
has a key of name with values of uid,gid and gecos? uid,gid and gecos 
are accessed only through name?
  in the printed dump of HoHoH, there are 3 hashes called "hash2", 
"name" and "uid". Hash hash2 has keys of name and uid with values of gid 
and gecos?  gid and gecos are only accessible through hash uid?
  please provide any corrections.
  thank you

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port blocking on a wintel box

2007-01-26 Thread oryann9
Is there a way to block certain ports using Perl?
  If so please send me snippet sample code and or recommend module name to get 
me started.
  thank you

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2007-01-31 Thread oryann9
In this regexp
  my $regexp  = qr/(\d+\x3a1108
  |\w+\x3a1108{1,} ) /;
  my $regexp1  = qr/(\d+\x3a1108
  |\w+\x3a1108){1,} /;
  does the {1,} construct outside the parens () mean the entire string 1 or 
more times and within the parens mean only the last string \x3s1180 1 or more 
  What is the diff?
  thank you. 

Don't pick lemons.
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Re: regexp

2007-01-31 Thread oryann9

"John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:oryann9 wrote:
> In this regexp
> my $regexp = qr/(\d+\x3a1108
> |\w+\x3a1108{1,} ) /;
> vs.
> my $regexp1 = qr/(\d+\x3a1108
> |\w+\x3a1108){1,} /;
> does the {1,} construct outside the parens () mean the entire string 1
> or more times and within the parens mean only the last string \x3s1180
> 1 or more times?
> What is the diff?

Modifiers affect the preceding character or grouping so in the first example
the modifier is attached to the character '8' and in the second example the
modifier is attached to the parentheses which will affect the entire contents
of the enclosing parentheses.

Also note that \d is a subset of \w so anything that matches \w will also
match \d.


  ok did not know the subset info.  
  thx agn!

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regexp... weird results

2007-02-01 Thread oryann9
Hello Perl list, 
  I need to grab from an intel machine all lines with :5101 from netstat -a.
  If I dont group the regexp using parens then it prints all the needed lines.
  If I group the regexp using parens then it does not print all the needed 
  Any help and an explanation...I am confused now.
  thank you
  my $regexp =  qr/.*\x3a5101.*/;
  open (NS, "$ns -|")  or die "system call netstat '$ns' failed: $!";
  print "Looking for 3191\t1026\t5051\t5101\n\n";
while () {
next if m|local\w+\x3a\d+|i;
if (/$regexp/) {
print $_;
while () {
next if m|local\w+\x3a\d+|i;
if (m|(.*\x3a5101.*)|g) {
print ($1);

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Re: regexp... weird results

2007-02-01 Thread oryann9
oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hello Perl list, 

I need to grab from an intel machine all lines with :5101 from netstat -a.
If I dont group the regexp using parens then it prints all the needed lines.
If I group the regexp using parens then it does not print all the needed lines.
Any help and an explanation...I am confused now.
thank you

my $regexp = qr/.*\x3a5101.*/;
open (NS, "$ns -|") or die "system call netstat '$ns' failed: $!";
print "Looking for 3191\t1026\t5051\t5101\n\n";

while () {
next if m|local\w+\x3a\d+|i;
if (/$regexp/) {
print $_;


while () {
next if m|local\w+\x3a\d+|i;
if (m|(.*\x3a5101.*)|g) {
print ($1);

  I was able to figure it out.  The solution was /s.
  my $regexp = qr/.*\x3a5101.*/s;

  However, when I put multiple port numbers in the regexp it does NOT work.
  I want to store them in memory for later use which is why I am using 
  my $regexp = qr/(.*\x3a5101.*)(.*\x3a5051.*)(.*\x3a3191.*)(.*\x3a1026.*)/s;
   any help please?

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Re: regexp... weird results

2007-02-02 Thread oryann9
Jay Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On 2/1/07, oryann9 wrote:
> oryann9 wrote: Hello Perl list,
> I was able to figure it out. The solution was /s.
> my $regexp = qr/.*\x3a5101.*/s;
> However, when I put multiple port numbers in the regexp it does NOT work.
> I want to store them in memory for later use which is why I am using 
> 1,2,3,4...
> my $regexp = qr/(.*\x3a5101.*)(.*\x3a5051.*)(.*\x3a3191.*)(.*\x3a1026.*)/s;

Take another look at perlre and perlretut.

That says, roughly:

You haven't included an "or" method anywhere; in order for a string to
match your pattern, it has to contain all four complete elements.

Also, why '\x3a' instead of ':'? and finally, if you're looking
anywhere in the string, you don't need '.*' on both sides of the

You're probably looking for something like

# or to capture the port number:

perlre has the details on '|'.


  Jay, thanks for the reply.  I am aware of the bit | operator and I tried 
using that prior to posting this message, but was having issues then.  I will 
try again.

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using ssmtp to send mail from Intel cygwin platform

2007-02-07 Thread oryann9
Hello...: )
  I am having issues sending mail from within a perl script on an intel using 
the cygwin platform; the code is simply not sending email.
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 laptop 1.5.23(0.156/4/2) 2006-12-19 10:52 i686 Cygwin
  qx(/usr/sbin/ssmtp $user < $log);
  system("/usr/sbin/ssmtp $user < $log") or warn "email did not send $!";
  'ssmtp $user < $log`;
  I then tried to just type in the email recipient and file w/out using 
variables and this did not work.
  I did verify the log and user variables were being parsed correctly via print 
  I have tried using qx, system, ` ` and require calling a file that has the 
ssmtp command in it to no success. I receive no warnings or errors.
  I then tried using MIME::Lite and it does not send and no errors or warnings.
  However, the command alone from my cygwin prompt does send mail after 
configuring ssmtp via /usr/bin/ssmtp-config.
  ssmtp [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /cygdrive/c/temp/test.txt
  Does anyone know what it could be or know of any known issues with this 
action of having Perl send mail using ssmtp on an cygwin platform?
  thank you

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cgi calander

2007-02-26 Thread oryann9
Any hints or pointers would be appreciated! thank you

When the dates change my calendar gets thrown off. The
daynames and dates are not matching up. I tested this
by simply adding and subtracting 1 from the SQL call
curdate() +1 or curdate() -1. Shouldn't I be able to
manipulate the @weeks_anonymous array using the SQL
call select dayofweek(curdate()); rather than using
hardcoded undef's?

Here is my code: 


use strict;
use warnings;

require "";  
use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/,
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
local $sth;

# Function calls   #


# Begin Main #

print $cgi->header(),
  $cgi->start_html ('SQL Lesson11'),  

  $cgi->h1 ({-style=>'Color:blue'},'SQL Class');
  print "",$cgi->strong('Date/Time CGI
  print $cgi->caption('MySQL calendar table
output, Lesson 11:');
  print "";
  run_statement( "select date_format(curdate(),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
  my $today = $sth->fetchrow;

  run_statement("select dayofweek(curdate() );" );
  my $dayofweek = $sth->fetchrow;
  print $dayofweek;
  #&run_statement( "select
date_format(curdate()-2,'%W');" );
  #my $twodayago = $sth->fetchrow;
  #print "$twodayago ";

my @WeekDays = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday);
my ($day,$week,)   = (0,0);
my (@weeks, @weeks_anonymous,) = ((),());

foreach $day ('-15' .. '15') {
run_statement( "select
date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval '$day' day),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
push (@weeks, $sth->fetchrow);

## Begin Table ##

print table({border=>undef});
print Tr ({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'}, td
@weeks_anonymous = ( 
 [ undef, undef, $weeks[0], 
$weeks[1],  $weeks[2],  $weeks[3] 
 [ $weeks[4],  $weeks[5], 
$weeks[6],  $weeks[7],  $weeks[8],  $weeks[9], 
$weeks[10]  ],
 [ $weeks[11], $weeks[12],
$weeks[13], $weeks[14], $weeks[15], $weeks[16],
$weeks[17]  ],
 [ $weeks[18], $weeks[19],
$weeks[20], $weeks[21], $weeks[22], $weeks[23],
$weeks[24]  ],
 [ $weeks[25], $weeks[26],
$weeks[27], $weeks[28], $weeks[29], $weeks[30],
$weeks[31]  ],

foreach $element (@weeks_anonymous) {
print Tr({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'});
for $date (@{$element}) { 
if (! defined $date) { 
print td ('');
elsif ($date eq $today) {   
print td(strong($date));  
else {
print td ($date);
print $cgi->end_Tr;

print $cgi->end_html;


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cgi calender

2007-02-27 Thread oryann9

I am having an issue getting my cgi calender to print
correctly. Any help or hints would be appreciated!
I was thinking of manipulating the @weeks_anonymous
array with select dayofweek(curdate()) rather than
using hardcoed undef's

Problem: cgi calender daynames are not matching up
with dates. For example: Todays date 02/27/2007 is
being printed under Thursday instead of Tuesday.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 
Feb 12, 07 Feb 13, 07 Feb 14, 07 Feb 15, 07 
Feb 16, 2007 Feb 17, 2007 Feb 18, 2007 Feb 19, 2007
Feb 20, 2007 Feb 21, 2007 Feb 22, 2007 
Feb 23, 2007 Feb 24, 2007 Feb 25, 2007 Feb 26, 2007
Feb 27, 2007 Feb 28, 2007 Mar 1, 2007 
Mar 2, 2007 Mar 3, 2007 Mar 4, 2007 Mar 5, 2007 Mar 6,
2007 Mar 7, 2007 Mar 8, 2007 
Mar 9, 2007 Mar 10, 2007 Mar 11, 2007 Mar 12, 2007 Mar
13, 2007 Mar 14, 2007  

wherein today the 27th lines up with Thursday when
executing this code.  I need it to correctly line up
with Tuesday.  Finally, I am unable to use
HTML::Calander modules so this is not an option.


use strict;
use warnings;

require "";  
use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/,
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
local $sth;

# Function calls   #


# Begin Main #

print $cgi->header(),
  $cgi->start_html ('Oreilly SQL Class, Lesson
11'),   # Header
  $cgi->h1 ({-style=>'Color:blue'},'Derek\'s SQL
Class');  # Body

  print "",$cgi->strong('Date/Time CGI
  print $cgi->caption('MySQL calendar table
output, Lesson 11:');
  print "";
  run_statement( "select date_format(curdate(),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
  my $today = $sth->fetchrow;

  run_statement("select dayofweek(curdate() );" );
  my $dayofweek = $sth->fetchrow;
  print $dayofweek;
  #&run_statement( "select
date_format(curdate()-2,'%W');" );
  #my $twodayago = $sth->fetchrow;
  #print "$twodayago ";

my @WeekDays = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday);
my ($day,$week,)   = (0,0);
my (@weeks, @weeks_anonymous,) = ((),());

foreach $day ('-15' .. '15') {
run_statement( "select
date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval '$day' day),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
push (@weeks, $sth->fetchrow);

## Begin Table ##

print table({border=>undef});
print Tr ({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'}, td
@weeks_anonymous = ( 
 [undef, undef, $weeks[0], $weeks[1], $weeks[2],
$weeks[3] ],
[$weeks[4], $weeks[5], $weeks[6], $weeks[7],
$weeks[8],  $weeks[9],  $weeks[10] ],

 [$weeks[11], $weeks[12], $weeks[13], $weeks[14],
$weeks[15], $weeks[16], $weeks[17] ],

 [$weeks[18], $weeks[19], $weeks[20], $weeks[21],
$weeks[22], $weeks[23], $weeks[24]  ],

 [$weeks[25], $weeks[26], $weeks[27], $weeks[28],
$weeks[29], $weeks[30], $weeks[31] ],

foreach $element (@weeks_anonymous) {
print Tr({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'});
for $date (@{$element}) { 
if (! defined $date) { 
print td ('');
elsif ($date eq $today) {   
print td(strong($date));  
else {
print td ($date);
print $cgi->end_Tr;

print $cgi->end_html;



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Re: cgi calender

2007-02-27 Thread oryann9

--- oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All, 
> I am having an issue getting my cgi calender to
> print
> correctly. Any help or hints would be appreciated!
> I was thinking of manipulating the @weeks_anonymous
> array with select dayofweek(curdate()) rather than
> using hardcoed undef's
> Problem: cgi calender daynames are not matching up
> with dates. For example: Todays date 02/27/2007 is
> being printed under Thursday instead of Tuesday.
> Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 
> Feb 12, 07 Feb 13, 07 Feb 14, 07 Feb 15, 07 
> Feb 16, 2007 Feb 17, 2007 Feb 18, 2007 Feb 19, 2007
> Feb 20, 2007 Feb 21, 2007 Feb 22, 2007 
> Feb 23, 2007 Feb 24, 2007 Feb 25, 2007 Feb 26, 2007
> Feb 27, 2007 Feb 28, 2007 Mar 1, 2007 
> Mar 2, 2007 Mar 3, 2007 Mar 4, 2007 Mar 5, 2007 Mar
> 6,
> 2007 Mar 7, 2007 Mar 8, 2007 
> Mar 9, 2007 Mar 10, 2007 Mar 11, 2007 Mar 12, 2007
> Mar
> 13, 2007 Mar 14, 2007  
> wherein today the 27th lines up with Thursday when
> executing this code.  I need it to correctly line up
> with Tuesday.  Finally, I am unable to use
> HTML::Calander modules so this is not an option.

I added some code to address this issue, a hash and an
array to store dayofweek numbers, but still trying to
figure out how to merge these two code additions to
solve the dates with dayname problem.


use strict;
use warnings;

require "";  
use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/,
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
local $sth;

# Function calls   #


# Begin Main #

print $cgi->header(),
  $cgi->start_html ('Lesson 11'),
  $cgi->h1 ({-style=>'Color:blue'},'SQL Class');

  print "",$cgi->strong('Date/Time CGI
  print $cgi->caption('MySQL calendar table
output, Lesson 11:');
  print "";
  run_statement( "select date_format(curdate(),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
  my $today = $sth->fetchrow;

  run_statement("select dayofweek(curdate() );" );
  my $dayofweek = $sth->fetchrow;

  #run_statement( "select
date_format(curdate()-2,'%W');" );
  #my $twodayago = $sth->fetchrow;
  #print "$twodayago ";

my %WeekDays = (
Sunday=> 1,
Monday=> 2, 
Tuesday   => 3, 
Wednesday => 4,
Thursday  => 5, 
Friday=> 6,
Saturday  => 7

my ($day, $day1, $week,)= (0,0,0);
my (@weeks, @weeks1, @weeks_anonymous,) = ((),(),());

## Set up array with dates minus 15 days and plus 15
days from current date ##

foreach $day ('-15' .. '15') {
run_statement( "select
date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval '$day' day),
'%b %e, %Y');" );
push (@weeks, $sth->fetchrow);

## Match up dates with dayofweek #'s ##

foreach $day1 ('-15' .. '15') {
run_statement( "select
dayofweek(date_add(curdate(), interval '$day1' day));"
push (@weeks1, $sth->fetchrow);

## Begin Table ##

print table({border=>undef});
#print Tr ({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'});
@weeks_anonymous = ( 
 [$weeks[0], $weeks[1], $weeks[2], $weeks[3],
$weeks[4], $weeks[5], $weeks[6] ],
 [$weeks[7], $weeks[8], $weeks[9], $weeks[10],
$weeks[11], $weeks[12], $weeks[13] ],
 [$weeks[14], $weeks[15], $weeks[16], $weeks[17],
$weeks[18], $weeks[19], $weeks[20] ],
 [$weeks[21], $weeks[22], $weeks[23], $weeks[24],
$weeks[25], $weeks[26], $weeks[27] ],
 [$weeks[28], $weeks[29], $weeks[30], $weeks[31],
undef, undef, undef ], 

foreach $element (@weeks_anonymous) {
print Tr({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'});
for $date (@{$element}) { 
if (! defined $date) { 
print td ('');
elsif ($date eq $today) {   
print td(strong($date) );  
else {
print td ($date);
print $cgi->end_Tr;

print $cgi->end_html;


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Re: cgi calender

2007-02-28 Thread oryann9
--- Tom Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2/27/07, oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Problem: cgi calender daynames are not matching up
> > with dates. For example: Todays date 02/27/2007 is
> > being printed under Thursday instead of Tuesday.
> Is the problem that you need to determine the day of
> the week for a
> given date, or that you need to get something to
> line up vertically
> with something else?
> From looking briefly at your code, you seem to be
> using SQL to
> manipulate dates and times. In Perl, it's generally
> easier to use a
> module to do that. (Unless, of course, using SQL is
> part of the
> homework assignment.)
> --Tom Phoenix
> Stonehenge Perl Training

Tom, thank you for replying.  Well I solved the first
issue, determining the day of week for a given date
using select dayofweek(curdate()), so yes I am having
issues lining these days line up with dates b/c as the
days move forward the foreach $day ('-15' .. '15')
loop alters the table.  This is a homework assignment
for an online SQL class I am taking through O'reilly
for continuing education even though I work as a Unix Engineer.


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Re: cgi calender

2007-02-28 Thread oryann9
--- oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Tom Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/27/07, oryann9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Problem: cgi calender daynames are not matching
> up
> > > with dates. For example: Todays date 02/27/2007
> is
> > > being printed under Thursday instead of Tuesday.
> > 
> > Is the problem that you need to determine the day
> of
> > the week for a
> > given date, or that you need to get something to
> > line up vertically
> > with something else?
> > 
> > From looking briefly at your code, you seem to be
> > using SQL to
> > manipulate dates and times. In Perl, it's
> generally
> > easier to use a
> > module to do that. (Unless, of course, using SQL
> is
> > part of the
> > homework assignment.)
> > 
> > --Tom Phoenix
> > Stonehenge Perl Training
> > 
> Tom, thank you for replying.  Well I solved the
> first
> issue, determining the day of week for a given date
> using select dayofweek(curdate()), so yes I am
> having
> issues lining these days line up with dates b/c as
> the
> days move forward the foreach $day ('-15' .. '15')
> loop alters the table.  This is a homework
> assignment
> for an online SQL class I am taking through O'reilly
> for continuing education even though I work as a
> Unix Engineer.

Will anyone offer some kind help?


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Re: cgi calender

2007-03-01 Thread oryann9

--- zentara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:10:36 -0800 (PST),
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (oryann9)
> wrote:
> >Will anyone offer some kind help?
> See:
> Or for "perl html cgi calendar".
> zentara
> -- 

Why did you send me that link? That does not help me.
I use both sites to seek help when needed. I thought
this was a list to get help because people here like
to offer help after all we all love Perl?!  I did
google cgi calender, but I am not going to copy
someones code because that defeats the purpose of


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Re: remove line if field one is duplicate

2007-03-01 Thread oryann9
--- Chas Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2/27/07, Keenan, Greg John (Greg)** CTR **
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have to combine several Unix password files and
> remove any duplicate
> > accounts - putting this into LDAP.
> >
> > I have the following code that will remove any
> duplicate whole lines but
> > I need to remove lines only if the first field of
> the password file is a
> > duplicate.
> This should work
> perl -ne 'print unless $h{(split/:/)[0]}++'

This is creating a anonymous hash, correct?


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Re: remove line if field one is duplicate

2007-03-01 Thread oryann9
--- Chris Charley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This is creating a anonymous hash, correct?
> This is saying
> print unless the first field has been seen before
> which is what he wants his code to do.
> $h is a good short notation - but using %seen
> instead of %h may make it clearer for you.
> perl -ne 'print unless $seen{(split/:/)[0]}++'
> Chris

I understand what its doing, but just wanted make sure
if its creating a anonymous hash b/c of the { }. So is
it b/c u never said yes or no? 

thank you


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Re: cgi calender

2007-03-02 Thread oryann9

> >Why did you send me that link? That does not help
> me.
> Because you specifically said
> "Will anyone offer some kind help?"
> >I use both sites to seek help when needed. I
> thought
> >this was a list to get help because people here
> like
> >to offer help after all we all love Perl?!  I did
> >google cgi calender, but I am not going to copy
> >someones code because that defeats the purpose of
> >learning.

> Sorry if I aggravated you, but you sounded like
> someone
> begging for a free coding service, which this
> maillist is not.
> Once again, sorry,
> zentara

No apologies needed! I was not aggravated at all and
yes I do want to learn not just copy which is why I
use and watch this list.  Sorry for any misconceptions
and sorry for pissing anyone off.  I am a nice person
who has a drive to master Perl, but at the same time I
feel as if this list is against me b/c I do not write
my questions in the most ideal way.

derek (oryann9 => my all white cats name)


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Re: cgi calender

2007-03-02 Thread oryann9

> More than this I cannot offer. I don't know what
> range of values your
> $dayofweek variable holds so I can't even guess what
> to code.
> Rob
No abuse was intended. Sorry.  I like to send my
thoughts on what to do for code to the list to see if
I get any feedback regardless of whether they are
right or wrong.


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Re: confused about a regex

2007-03-08 Thread oryann9
> $_=abc.e.i;
> This is short for:
> $_ = 'abc' . 'e' . 'i';
> Which is the same as saying:
> $_ = 'abcei';

Why is $_=abc.e.i short for 
$_ = 'abc' . 'e' . 'i';

Is it b/c each group of characters is a 'token'
including the periods? 

abc   => token 
. => token 
e => token 
. => token 
i => token

>From the Perl CD:
the lexical analyzer breaks it down into three tokens:
print, "Hello, world!\n", and the final semicolon/


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Re: confused about a regex

2007-03-08 Thread oryann9

Yes I understand now. For some reason I missed the
missing quotes in the original post and the word token
came to mind.

$ perl -MO=Deparse foo.plx
BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
use diagnostics;
sub abc {
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
sub e {
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
sub i {
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
$_ = abc() . e() . i();
print "$_\n";
foo.plx syntax OK


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cgi Calendar continued.

2007-03-09 Thread oryann9
My goal is to correlate the data in 2 arrays into a
HoH or a HoA so that when I print this data in an HTML
table so it comes out correctly.


my (@weeks, @weeks1, @weeks_AoA,) = ((),(),());

## Set up array with dates minus 15 days and plus 15
days from current date ##

foreach $day ('-15' .. '15') {
 run_statement( "select date_format(date_add(curdate 
(), interval '$day' day), '%b %e, %Y');" );
push (@weeks, $sth->fetchrow);

## Match up dates with dayofweek numbers with above
array ##

foreach $day1 ('-15' .. '15') {
 run_statement( "select dayofweek(date_add(curdate(), 

interval '$day1' day));" );
push (@weeks1, $sth->fetchrow);

I then setup this hash:

my %WeekDays = (
1 => Sunday, 
2 => Monday,
3 => Tuesday, 
4 => Wednesday,
5 => Thursday, 
6 => Friday,
7 => Saturday

But my problem is figuring out which data structure to
use considering the following: correlate/match-up the
two array's data elements. For example, in @week an
element is 'Mar 9 2007' and its correlated element in
@weeks1 is '6' and 6 in %WeekDays is 'Friday.'
I see a HoH or a HoHoH ?

## To build:
my %HoH = ();
foreach my $dates (@weeks) {
foreach my $daynums (@weeks1) {
$HoH{$dates} = {
   daynums   => $daynums

## To print:
for my $a ( keys %HoH ) {
for my $e ( keys %{ $HoH{ $a } } ) {
print $HoH{ $a }{ $e };

but its printing all 7's and 7 = Saturday in ODBC

Any advise?

thank you


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template toolkit

2007-03-19 Thread oryann9

Is the Perl template toolkit a popular tool to use for
mid tier to senior Perl developers?
Reason I ask is because from the description it states

"And because it has its own simple templating
language, templates can be written and edited by
people who don't know Perl."

Among the many different approaches to "templating"
with Perl--such as Embperl, Mason, HTML::Template, and
hundreds of other lesser known systems--the Template
Toolkit is widely recognized as one of the most
versatile. Like other templating systems, the Template
Toolkit allows programmers to embed Perl code and
custom macros into HTML documents in order to create
customized documents on the fly. But unlike the
others, the Template Toolkit is as facile at producing
HTML as it is at producing XML, PDF, or any other
output format. And because it has its own simple
templating language, templates can be written and
edited by people who don't know Perl. In short, the
Template Toolkit combines the best features of its
competitors, with ease-of-use and flexibility,
resulting in a technology that's fast, powerful and
extensible, and ideally suited to the production and
maintenance of web content and other dynamic document


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Re: template toolkit

2007-03-20 Thread oryann9
> oryann9> All, 
> oryann9> Is the Perl template toolkit a popular tool
> to use for
> oryann9> mid tier to senior Perl developers?
> I'm about as senior as they get for Perl developers
> {grin}, and it's clearly
> my templating language of choice.

OK great, Thx for responding! I read the CPAN module
and was a bit thrown for a minute b/c it has its own
sort of syntax and stanzas. see

My next question is of those people that use is, how
sucessful has it been, meaning was mgmt happy with it,
were the developers happy with it?


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perldoc -q "How can I make my Perl program run faster?"

2007-03-22 Thread oryann9
On this FAQ I read:

If you're currently linking your perl executable to a
shared, you can often gain a 10-25%
performance benefit by rebuilding it to
link with a static libc.a instead.  This will make a
bigger perl exe-cutable, but your Perl programs (and
programmers) may thank you for it.
See the INSTALL file in the source distribution for
more information.

All I found in the INSTALL file was this block of

On some systems that support dynamic loading, it may
be possible to
replace libperl.a with a shared  If you
anticipate building
several different perl binaries (e.g. by embedding
libperl into
different programs, or by using the optional compiler
extension), then
you might wish to build a shared so that
all your binaries
can share the same library.

Is this libc.a linking still true for Perl version
5.8?From perl -V I see:
Am I linked to libc.a?

 Linker and Libraries:
   ld='ld2', ldflags =' -s -L/usr/local/lib'
   libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
   libs=-lgdbm -ldb -lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
   perllibs=-lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
   libc=/usr/lib/libc.a, so=dll, useshrplib=true,

thank you...


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