Re: [Bitcoin-development] Building a node crawler to map network

2011-09-06 Thread Mike Hearn
Actually Steve, take a look at the bitcoinj mailing list today. Somebody has
already built this and has it running. It's accumulating data at the moment,
they'll announce it more widely soon. But I think there's no need to
duplicate work.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Request review: drop misbehaving peers

2011-09-15 Thread Mike Hearn
 If I think you're trying to DoS me, why would I be nice to you?

The issue is, what if I'm not trying to DoS you, but something went wrong?

 think response messages would just give an attacker another potential
 attack vector, and it is clear from the debug.log what triggers a ban.

Only clear to the node owner. Not the sender, who may in a better
position to debug.

It's pretty common for protocols to return useful errors even in DoS
conditions. Eg, http servers will often return 503 Service Unavailable
in overload conditions. Google actually sends a redirect telling you
why you got blocked.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Transaction Delivery and Storage

2011-10-05 Thread Mike Hearn
I imagine a lot of the things on the contracts page will be implemented by
specialized software that interacts with the Bitcoin network directly.
Transactions would then be moved around, for example, by having clients do
HTTP POSTs of protocol buffers to servers that are listening and know how to
interpret the received messages.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Determine input addresses of a transaction

2011-10-25 Thread Mike Hearn
 Interesting suggestion! So if I understand correctly, greensig would be
 the signature generated from signing the transaction with the key of a
 green address?

Sure. Or just a key. It wouldn't have to be an actual key used in
the block chain.

 Sounds good - I guess I never thought in this direction, as I always
 assumed doing anything 'non-standard' with the scripting language would
 create a number of knock-on problems.

It won't break the IsStandard checks, if that's what you mean. You can
put any data you like into a scriptSig. In practice only data is
useful, there's no purpose in having an actual script there (or at
least, I wasn't able to find one yet).

 1) Get something working reasonable fast to detect current green address
 style transactions. It's fine if it is a little bit of a hack, as long as
 it's safe, since I don't expect it to be merged with mainline anyway at
 this point.

You could easily change the bitcoin code to detect such transactions -
just look for scriptSigs that have 3 items instead of two, where the
3rd item is the right size to be a signature.

 Criticism ranging from 'unnecessary, as
 0-confirmation transactions are fairly safe today' to 'encourages too much
 centralization and therefore evil'

Heh, if that's a reference to my feedback, I definitely wouldn't
describe such a feature as evil, that's rather strong :-)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Detecting OP_EVAL scriptPubKeys that are to you

2011-10-25 Thread Mike Hearn
scriptPubKeys that use OP_EVAL contain a hash of a script. If I
understand correctly, that means to detect a transaction in a block
that is relevant to your wallet, that means you need to pre-calculate
every possible hash that might appear.

For the case of a single payment, that's not a problem. It means for
each key you now have to check for:

 - raw key
 - key hash
 - hash of script that contains key hash
 - hash of script that contains raw key

which isn't so bad.

What is the complexity like when multi-signing comes into the picture?
I *think* it's not an issue for the use cases currently envisioned,
but being unable to see into a script could complicate things later.

Specifically: for a wallet protection service, you have to make sure
the WPS keys are matched 1:1 with your own private keys. You must
never mix them up otherwise you have to check the block chain for the
cross-product. Deterministic wallets are one way to achieve that
without compromising privacy.

For escrow contracts, using OP_EVAL means you cannot detect them
unless the sender has told you the pubkey they are going to use,
because otherwise you can't recreate the hashed script. Escrow
protocols require some out of band communication anyway in order to
set up the escrow key, so this isn't inherently a problem.

Are there any use cases where you will want to recognize transactions
to you, where you can't predict the full script contents?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Lock protocol version numbers

2011-11-05 Thread Mike Hearn
BitCoinJ already sets the subver field to its name and version.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] multisig, op_eval and lock_time/sequence...

2011-11-12 Thread Mike Hearn
BIPs are either standards track (affects everyone, represents consensus),
informational (ie basically just summarizing the authors viewpoints on
things) or process.

My point is you can't have a credible standards track BIP until something
has been implemented end to end. I don't think it's a good plan to design
these things in isolation. You'll end up with bizarre user experiences
because of technical decisions taken months earlier that are now hard to
reverse. A working end to end implementation gives you the confidence to
say, yes, this is how it should work, because here's the demo and you can
see it works very well and the code is clean.

If your BIP is informational then no problems, but I don't think there's
much point in informational BIPs to be honest - it's easier to just write
an email or forum post summarizing your views on things. If you find it a
useful framework to write your thoughts in that's OK, but don't expect
implementors to follow what's written there just because it's a BIP. It
carries no more weight than any other document would.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] multisig, op_eval and lock_time/sequence...

2011-11-12 Thread Mike Hearn
Sure, of course, as long as it's clearly labelled as just your thoughts, no

For dispute mediation the way I'd start is playing around with some UI
design stuff and a toy protocol underneath. Once the process is smooth from
the users POV (no seeing binary blobs disguised as text) then it should
become clearer what steps the protocol needs and what order they need to
come in.

Specific feedback on this format - as far as I can tell the format
represents a subset of the regular bitcoin transaction format? Couldn't you
just serialize a Bitcoin CTransaction structure with the txins containing
the output scripts?
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] [RFC] BIP 14 - Protocol Version and User Agent

2011-11-12 Thread Mike Hearn
Looks pretty reasonable to me. If Gavin changes the mainline client to use
this format I'll change BitcoinJ as well. It'll need a bit of API work so
clients are sure to set it up properly.

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:


 Thanks to Gavin Andresen for proof reading and suggesting clarifications.
 Thanks to Patrick Strateman for suggesting the hierarchical format and
 pointing out some flaws of browser user-agents to me.

 The timeline is written in the past tense since BIPs are meant to be
 readable in the future for explaining why we took certain decisions with
 bitcoin. A nice cache for future historians when bitcoin is ubiquitous ;)

 The next version 0.6 should be the protocol version which becomes peeled
 off from the current client. There are still some changes migrating into
 the protocol that need to be finished.

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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

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[Bitcoin-development] [ANNOUNCE] BitCoinJ 0.3

2011-11-25 Thread Mike Hearn
Perhaps a bit off-topic for this list, maybe there should be a
software/services announcements list? Anyway ...

I'm happy to announce version 0.3 of the leading Java implementation of the
Bitcoin protocol. BitCoinJ is a widely used library that forms the
foundation of projects as diverse as the Android Bitcoin
the p2p network status graphs,
, PoolServerJ and more.

You can get it either from our Maven
repository the
section of the website.

New in this release:

   - Many bugfixes, robustness and test suite improvements.
   - Major optimizations to reduce parsing overhead, most protocol messages
   are now parsed on demand.
   - A new PeerGroup API that handles the management of multiple peer
   - Switched to using Maven for the build process, removed the bundled
   Bouncy Castle as a result. You can now depend on BitCoinJ using Maven if
   you don't need any special patches.
   - A bunch of new APIs to make writing Bitcoin apps easier.

This release would not have been possible without the major contributions

*Steve Coughlan*, who contributed many parsing improvements and
*Miron Cuperman*, who did significant work on the PeerGroup API
*Andreas Schildbach*, developer of the Android wallet, who as always
reported many bugs and useful suggestions for improvement
*Gary Rowe and Jonny Hegheim*, who set up the continuous build and Maven

What's next? The next release will focus on more of the same, that is,
fixing bugs and filling out missing features so projects using the library
don't feel any need to patch their local copy of the library. By popular
request we'll be switching from Subversion to git. We'll also introduce a
stable wallet format that isn't dependent on Java serialization, and
timestamp key creation to resolve some issues with clients that ship block
chain copies. And finally of course, whatever is contributed by the


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Version bytes 2.0

2011-12-13 Thread Mike Hearn
Why does anyone care what an address looks like?

If the user is seeing an address, that's a usability fail right there. It's
common today because AFAIK nobody finished off the  URL handling support in
the main client for browser integration. It'd be a much better use of time
to finish off that integration and make it easy for people to create links
containing a bitcoin: URL (like with copy/paste of text/html content).
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: [BIP 15] Aliases

2011-12-13 Thread Mike Hearn

 I was in brmlab and wanted to pay 1 BTC for a Club Mate. They had on the
 wall a picture of their QR code and a bitcoin address. I don't own a mobile
 phone so the QR code is

Fixed addresses like that are a temporary thing during Bitcoins maturation
period. They lead to merchants exposing data they probably don't realize
they're exposing, like their income, which is basically unacceptable for
any payment system.

There's no point trying to optimize a case where:

1) You are in the minority (no phone?)
2) The perfect experience leaks private data in such a way that would be
deemed a gross security breach by any serious payment processor.

OK, some thoughts on the general proposal, from the POV of what it'd take
for a large deployment, like for every Gmail or every Facebook user. In
terms of ease of implementation it is ordered HTTPS/HTTP then DNS trailing
by a large margin. Big sites, even small sites, typically have high-speed
load balancing and demuxing already implemented for HTTP[S] and it's
usually easy to add new endpoints. The same is *not* true of DNS, and
whilst coding up a custom DNS server is possible it's definitely a worse

FirstBits seems out of the question for the same privacy reasons as given
above. No banking system worth its salt would let everyone look up other
peoples income.

The simplest approach would be to request a full public key with an HTTPS
request like

   foo@domain -

If you then want to turn the resulting public key into an address before
creating a transaction you can obviously do that.

BTW the BIP is pretty hard to read. Your spec for the HTTPS proposal is a
big pile of source code. I think it's the same as above, but it's hard to
tell without more effort.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Version bytes 2.0

2011-12-13 Thread Mike Hearn

 Base58 was chosen not for human readability but to make it easy to

It was also chosen for hand-writeability, weirdly enough. That's why it
excludes some confusible characters. But Satoshi didn't really understand
how people would end up using Bitcoin, he originally imagined most
transactions being done directly between pairs of IP addresses.

 Copy/paste of HTML content is currently not possible. You *can* already
 dragdrop the bitcoin: link to the client. Bluematt has a pull request to
 automatically handle bitcoin: URLs when clicked in the browser.

That's cool. I hope Matts change gets merged soon. Then the issue becomes
how do people find out about this capability? Expecting people to learn how
to hand-craft Bitcoin links won't work. But all modern operating systems
support copy/paste and drag/drop of rich content. Qt probably makes it easy
to expose an UI like this:

   *Pay me*[Copy to clipboard]

Clicking the link in the UI would pop up an alert saying something like

   You can drag this link to an email, chat window or editing program.

Dragging it/pushing the copy button would just set the drag/clipboard data
as a bit of text/html content. So then you can just copy/paste into an
email or HTML editor. It wouldn't work for forums that use bbCode, though I
guess there's no particular reason the forum software can't turn a href
into [url=] automatically.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] [ANNOUNCE] BitCoinJ 0.4

2012-03-09 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm pleased to announce the release of BitCoinJ 0.4, the leading Java
implementation of the Bitcoin protocol. BitCoinJ implements simplified
payment verification, a lightweight mode in which no central server or
authority is needed but the resource requirements are still low enough to
be usable on smartphones.

This version of the library is used in the new releases of Android Wallet
and MultiBit.

New in this release

   - Ability to use getheaders to quickly catch up new users to the head
   of the chain. This is a big performance win.
   - ECKeys no longer require the private part, allowing for watching
   wallets that cannot spend, but still gather and track the transactions
   associated with the public keys.
   - A new API that implements transaction confidences. Get a quick summary
   or detailed information about how much confidence you can have that a given
   transaction won't be reversed.
   - A new DerbyBlockStore that stores block headers and related data in
   the Apache Derby relational database.
   - Protocol buffers are now a supported serialization format for the
   wallet. This means BitCoinJ based protobuf wallets can be read and
   manipulated by any language/platform with a protobufs implementation, which
   is most of them. There are extension points in the format to allow third
   parties to add new features.
   - Various new event listeners that help you learn when the state of the
   wallet or transactions change.
   - Support for post February 20th version handshakes (most library users
   already got this fix via backports)
   - All event listeners are now allowed to remove themselves during their
   own execution.
   - New APIs that allow you to create offline transactions and then
   broadcast them at a later point. Pending relevant transactions are recorded
   and announced to all newly connected nodes, ensuring a transaction won't
   get lost if there was flaky network connectivity at the time of creation.
   Pending transactions are supported much better in this release than in
   previous releases.
   - Wallet now can now take an invalid transaction and complete it by
   adding sufficient inputs and a change output. This enables the creation of
   multi-sends, as well as making experimentation with contracts easier.
   - Support for BIP 14: apps can now set their own user agent which will
   be put in the subVer field along with the library version.
   - Updated DNS seeds list.
   - A new WalletTool program for command line usage, and a ToyWallet app
   showing how to set everything up.
   - Support parsing and checking of alert messages.
   - New articles explaining how to use the library:
  - Working with
  - Working with the
   - The usual assortment of bugfixes, new APIs, robustness and test suite

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, in particular Andreas
Schildbach, Miron Cuperman, Roman Maneleil, Chris Rico and Vasile Rotaru.

In the next release cycle, I'll be focusing on the following areas:

   1. Real support for transaction fee calculations (most users apply a
   custom patch for this today)
   2. A better block chain API
   3. Have the library manage save points for the wallet itself
   4. Further chain download time optimizations
   5. More support for moving apps onto work done as a confidence

Of course contributors are welcome to work on whatever they want.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Adding a pong message

2012-03-13 Thread Mike Hearn
TCP keep-alives aren't reliably implemented.

I've got reports that sometimes we struggle to keep connection to the
network on mobile, eg, because we roam into an area with poor
connectivity but not poor enough for the network stack to drop access
entirely. Being able to quickly check if the connection is really
there with some kind of bounded, app layer deadline is probably useful
and besides, it's cheap.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] BIP 31

2012-04-11 Thread Mike Hearn
Jeff asked for a BIP for the pong message, so here it is:

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin TX fill-or-kill deterministic behavior

2012-04-13 Thread Mike Hearn
It sounds OK as long as you exclude nLockTimed transactions.

That said, if you broadcast a transaction that does not meet the fee
rules, you should be able to notice that it wasn't accepted by your
peers immediately. Today it's painful because the protocol isn't very
chatty - in bitcoinj I plan to do this by announcing to half the
connected peers and waiting to see if the transaction comes back on
the other half. Getting a response from a peer that the TX was dropped
for reasons {x,y,z} is a better design but needs another protocol

So having transactions expire would address the case where somebody
broadcasts a transaction that successfully propagates across the
network, but then isn't actually accepted by miners for some reason.
For instance due to a change in the default fee schedules. That risk
can be mitigated somewhat by being careful about such changes (timed
phase ins set multiple months out so people have time to upgrade,
alerts announcing it, etc).

I'm not sure we should be encouraging users to attach fees to
transactions though. Even if you can replace a transaction after a
couple of days, the user experience of trying to get the fee right
is atrocious. I don't think any sensible merchant will actually be
willing to put their customers through this nonsense. If somebody
broadcasts a transaction that successfully propagates across a big
chunk of the network but then gets stuck due to lacking sufficient
fees, the best fix is for the merchant to broadcast another
transaction that spends the first and increases the fees on it that
way. After this happens a few times, if I was a merchant I'd be
tempted to just ask buyers to submit the TX to me directly and I'll
handle keeping up with what miners currently charge and attaching
fees. I don't want my customers to have to think about this and have
trades spuriously fail when they forget.

That design requires a minor change to how fees are calculated inside
the memory pool, to include fees on un-included dependencies. But that
seems fairly uncontroversial to me. It's best for users, merchants and
miners to not leave chains of transactions in limbo when together
their fees add up to the minimum required amount.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new clients page

2012-05-02 Thread Mike Hearn
We're debating the descriptions on the thread. I provided rewritten
descriptions that try and keep with the theme per client goal, whilst
being less technical.

I think it's unclear how best to run this page. It's clear we need one
though. If everyone can just submit whatever they like then we'll end up
with 4 or 5 pick me! pick me! type descriptions, which avoids a lot of
arguing but doesn't really help our users make a decision. If we have a
Benign Dictator model we might end up with descriptions that are wrong or
don't highlight the strengths / weaknesses of each client properly.

So although it's messy I think the right path is probably the middle one -
have some descriptions that try to be neutral, then improve them based on
feedback from users and developers. They need to be flexible and evolve
over time as the clients evolve too. At some point every client will
support deterministic wallets so easy backups won't be worth mentioning
any more, but there'll be new distinguishing features. And we all need to
try and be honest about our own work.

Here is the current content. Like I said, the descriptions are *not* set in
stone at all.


The original software written by Satoshi Nakamoto, the project's founder.
If you aren't sure which program to pick, this is a good bet. This
application is a peer-to-peer client that builds the backbone of the
Bitcoin network. It is suited for enthusiasts, merchants, miners,
developers and people who want to help support the project. People who run
Bitcoin-Qt are first class network citizens and have the highest levels of
security, privacy and stability. However, it can be very resource intensive
and you should be willing to leave it running in the background so other
computers can connect to yours. If your computer is low powered or you
aren't willing to tolerate a 24-hour+ initial start time, you should
consider other clients. Cutting edge features tend to be implemented in
other clients first.



MultiBit's primary focus is being fast and easy to use, even for people
with no technical knowledge. It has a YouTube channel to help you learn the
software, and includes helpful features such as an exchange rate ticker.
MultiBit supports many languages such as German, Spanish and Greek.
MultiBit synchronizes with the network much faster than Bitcoin-Qt and
should be ready for you to use within a few minutes. This is a good choice
for non technical users who want an easy to use experience, especially if
you use a Mac.



Armory focuses on advanced wallet management features, such as the ability
to construct transactions whilst disconnected from the internet. It
operates in conjunction with a Bitcoin-Qt install. It requires a large
amount of RAM to operate and if you use Windows, it requires a 64 bit
version. It is a good choice for tech-savvy enthusiasts or merchants who
want to try out cutting edge ideas in the Bitcoin world. Armory was partly
funded by a community donation drive which raised over $4000.




Electrum's focus is speed, with low resource usage and making wallet
backups easy. It operates in conjunction with remote servers that handle
the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, which is why it's fast.
However, by running this client you don't contribute your computer's
resources to the core network, and the remote servers that help give it
good performance have the ability to see all your transactions and tie them
together. Whilst you need provide no personal information to use Electrum
(as is true for all Bitcoin clients), this means the privacy level is lower
than for other clients. Merchants are recommended to use other p2p clients.
Electrum is not quite user friendly yet - currently it is more suited for
tech-saavy individuals.


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new clients page

2012-05-02 Thread Mike Hearn

 What computer is the initial start time 24-hours+ now?   On normal
 systems initial sync-up now takes a couple hours.

OK, I haven't tried a full block chain sync for a while. If it's only a
couple of hours that's great. Let's change that.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] new clients page

2012-05-02 Thread Mike Hearn

 Bitcoin-qt is translated into a pretty broad set of languages (now— I
 cant tell you how many of them are _good_). Listing language just
 under multibit makes it sound like a distinguishing characteristic.

Fair enough then, let's take that out.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 33 - Stratized Nodes

2012-05-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks for getting this started.

With regards to the specific proposal, I don't believe it's the best option
and still plan to eventually implement the original design outlined more
than a year ago in this thread:

Namely that you use a new protocol command to set a Bloom filter on a
connection. Only transactions matching that filter will appear in relayed
inventory. Blocks that are requested will arrive as a header plus
transaction/merkle branch pairs. Clients are expected to maintain and track
the block chain as per usual, but instead of downloading the whole chain
and then dropping the irrelevant transactions, that filtering is done
server side. By strengthening or weakening the Bloom filters you can choose
your preferred point on the privacy/bandwidth-usage spectrum. It is a
fairly simple change to the Satoshi and BitcoinJ codebases but still allows
clients to gain confidence in their balance by examining the chain, and
this is true even in the presence of a hijacked internet connection (you
can't trust pending transactions that way, but you can still trust
confirmed transactions).

The filters would be applied to each data block in each script rather than
having a specific knowledge of addresses. In this way you can select for
things like multisig outputs or outputs which don't use addresses / pubkeys
to authenticate.

I could write a BIP for this alternative protocol if somebody else wants to
implement it. I was going to wait until I had time to do both BIP and
implementation, but I think some simple optimizations to BitcoinJ can keep
its performance good enough for the short term.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] [ANNOUNCE] BitCoinJ 0.5 released

2012-05-30 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm pleased to announce the release of BitCoinJ 0.5, the library that
powers Android Wallet, SatoshiDice, Bitcoin Status, the server side part of
BCCAPI and much more.

This release focusses on bug fixes, making the build more standard and
completing the transition to the protobuf wallet format. It also includes
the first preview of the native API, allowing you to access bitcoinj from
C++/Objective-C++ using a straightforward, intuitive mapping from the Java
API. Much easier than JNI and no JVM is required, just the libgcj support
library. Examples of a native Cocoa app for OS X and a command line hello
world app are included. Because it's not fully finished/documented yet,
this work is available on a branch rather than in the main release.

We now have a Google+ page where we'll post announcements and developer

New in this release:

   - Address.getParameters() and Address.getParametersFromAddress() let you
   figure out for what network the address is for (test, production, etc).
   BitcoinURI no longer requires a NetworkParameters for the same reason.
   - Updated to latest bouncy castle version, remove the need for the
   Android artifact by using the SpongyCastle build
   - Receives pending transactions much faster than before
   - Update to the testnet2 rules
   - Wallets now store the current chain head
   - wallet-tool can now create and broadcast transactions from the command
   - Wallets will now be auto-migrated to protobuf format if they were
   previously serialized Java objects
   - Now uses the standard Maven directory layout
   - Many important bugfixes

I'd like to thank Jim Burton, Miron Cuperman, Andreas Schildbach and Gary
Young for their contributions to this release.

You can get it from the download page on
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bootstrapping full nodes post-pruning

2012-06-11 Thread Mike Hearn
 Actual BDB files are absolutely not deterministic. Nor is the raw
 blockchain itself currently, because blocks aren't always added in the
 same order (plus they get orphans in them)

That's true. Though if you prune up to the last checkpoint, orphans
before that point can be safely thrown away.

I wonder if swapping out bdb for LevelDB might make sense at some
point. I'm not sure how deterministic that is either though :)

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[Bitcoin-development] Near-term scalability

2012-06-15 Thread Mike Hearn
I had to hit the sack last night as it was 2am CET, but I'd like to
sum up the discussion we had on IRC about scalability and SatoshiDice
in particular.

I think we all agreed on the following:

- Having senders/buyers pay no fees is psychologically desirable even
though we all understand that eventually, somebody, somewhere will be
paying fees to use Bitcoin

- In the ideal world Bitcoin would scale perfectly and there would be
no need for there to be some winners and some losers when it comes
to confirmation time.

There was discussion of some one-off changes to address the current
situation, namely de-ranking transactions that re-use addresses. Gavin
and myself were not keen on this idea, primarily because it just
avoids the real problem and Bitcoin already has a good way to
prioritize transactions via the fees mechanism itself. The real issue
is that SatoshiDice does indeed pay fees and generates a lot of
transactions, pushing more traditional traffic out due to artificial

The following set of proposals were discussed:

(1) Change the mining code to group transactions together with their
mempool dependencies and then calculate all fees as a group. A tx with
a fee of 1 BTC that depends on 5 txns with zero fees would result in
all 6 transactions being considered to have a fee of 1BTC and
therefore become prioritized for inclusion. This allows a transition
to receiver pays model for fees. There are many advantages. One is
that it actually makes sense ... it's always the receiver who wants
confirmations because it's the receiver that fears double spends.
Senders never do. What's more, whilst Bitcoin is designed to operate
on a zero-trust model in the real world trust often exists and it can
be used to optimize by passing groups of transactions around with
their dependencies, until that group passes a trust boundary and gets
broadcast with a send-to-self tx to add fees. Another advantage is it
simplifies usage for end users who primarily buy rather than sell,
because it avoids the need to guess at fees, one of the most
problematic parts of Bitcoins design now.

The disadvantages are that it can result in extra transactions that
exist only for adding fees, and it requires a more modern payment
protocol than the direct-IP protocol Satoshi designed.

It would help address the current situation by avoiding angry users
who want to buy things, but don't know what fee to set and so their
transactions get stuck.

(2) SatoshiDice should use the same fee algorithms as Bitcoin-Qt to
avoid paying excessive fees and queue-jumping. Guess that's on my

(3) Scalability improvements seem like a no brainer to everyone, it's
just a case of how complicated they are.

(4) Making the block size limit float is better than picking a new
arbitrary threshold.

On the forums Matt stated that block chain pruning was a no-go because
it makes bitcoin more centralized. I think we've thrashed this one
out sufficiently well by now that there should be a united opinion on
it. There are technical ways to implement it such that there is no
change of trust requirements. All the other issues (finding archival
nodes, etc) can be again addressed with sufficient programming.

For the case of huge blocks slowing down end user syncing and wasting
their resources, SPV clients like MultiBit and Android Wallet already
exist and will get better with time. If Jeff implements the bloom
filtering p2p commands I'll make bitcoinj use them and that'll knock
out excessive bandwidth usage and parse overheads from end users who
are on these clients. At some point Bitcoin-Qt can have a dual mode,
but who knows when that'll get implemented.

Does that all sound reasonable?

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] New P2P commands for diagnostics, SPV clients

2012-06-15 Thread Mike Hearn
 Need to specify the format of how these arrive. It means that when a
 new block is found instead of inv-getdata-block we'd see something
 like  inv-getdata-merkleblock where a merkleblock structure is a
 header + list of transactions + list of merkle branches linking them
 to the root.

Thinking about it some more and re-reading the Scalability wiki page,
I remembered that a nice bandwidth optimization to the protocol is to
distribute blocks as header+list of tx hashes. If a node has already
seen that tx before (eg, it's in the mempool) there is no need to send
it again.

With the new command to download the contents of the mempool on
startup, this means that blocks could potentially propagate across the
network faster as download time is taken out of the equation, and
indeed, with the signature cache the hard work of verifying is already
done. So this could also help reduce orphan blocks and spurious chain

Are you planning on implementing any of this Jeff? I think we have the
opportunity to kill a few birds with one or two stones.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] New P2P commands for diagnostics, SPV clients

2012-06-15 Thread Mike Hearn
 Yes, the format is something that must be hashed out (no pun
 intended).  Need input from potential users about what information
 they might need.

Matts point that a branch-per-transaction may duplicate data is well
made, that said, I suspect a format that tries to fix this would be
much more complicated.

How about see this project as a three part change?

First step - add the mempool command and make nodes sync up their
mempools on startup.

Second step - if protocol version = X, the block message consists
of a header + num transactions + vectorhash  instead of the full
transactions themselves.

On receiving such a block, we go look to see which transactions we're
missing from the mempool and request them with getdata. Each time we
receive a tx message we check to see if it was one we were missing
from a block. Once all transactions in the block message are in
memory, we go ahead and assemble the block, then verify as per normal.
This should speed up block propagation. Miners have an incentive to
upgrade because it should reduce wasted work.

Third step - new message, getmerkletx takes a vectorhash and returns
a merkletx message: merkle branch missing the root + transaction data
itself for each requested transaction. The filtering commands are
added, so the block message now only lists transaction hashes that
match the filter which can then be requested with getmerkletx.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] New P2P commands for diagnostics, SPV clients

2012-06-16 Thread Mike Hearn
The bottleneck for the android Bitcoin Wallet app is rapidly becoming
bandwidth and parse time.

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:
 Why though? The bottleneck is not network traffic but disk space 
 usage/blockchain validation time.

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Hearn
 To: Jeff Garzik
 Cc: Bitcoin Development
 Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 3:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [Bitcoin-development] New P2P commands for diagnostics, SPV 

 Yes, the format is something that must be hashed out (no pun
 intended).  Need input from potential users about what information
 they might need.

 Matts point that a branch-per-transaction may duplicate data is well
 made, that said, I suspect a format that tries to fix this would be
 much more complicated.

 How about see this project as a three part change?

 First step - add the mempool command and make nodes sync up their
 mempools on startup.

 Second step - if protocol version = X, the block message consists
 of a header + num transactions + vectorhash  instead of the full
 transactions themselves.

 On receiving such a block, we go look to see which transactions we're
 missing from the mempool and request them with getdata. Each time we
 receive a tx message we check to see if it was one we were missing
 from a block. Once all transactions in the block message are in
 memory, we go ahead and assemble the block, then verify as per normal.
 This should speed up block propagation. Miners have an incentive to
 upgrade because it should reduce wasted work.

 Third step - new message, getmerkletx takes a vectorhash and returns
 a merkletx message: merkle branch missing the root + transaction data
 itself for each requested transaction. The filtering commands are
 added, so the block message now only lists transaction hashes that
 match the filter which can then be requested with getmerkletx.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] After compressed pubkeys: hybrid pubkeys

2012-06-17 Thread Mike Hearn
 * 0x04 [32-byte X coord] [32-byte Y coord]: uncompressed format
 * 0x06 [32-byte X coord] [32-byte Y coord]: hybrid format for even Y coords
 * 0x07 [32-byte X coord] [32-byte Y coord]: hybrid format for odd Y coords

So what's the actual difference in format? Is there any at all, or
it's just the first number that's different?

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[Bitcoin-development] LevelDB benchmarking

2012-06-18 Thread Mike Hearn
I switched the transaction database to use the Google LevelDB library,
which is a refactored out part of BigTable.

Here are my results. All tests are done on this hard disk:

which has an average 8.9msec seek time. It is a 6 core Ubuntu machine.

I used -loadblock on a chain with with 185127 blocks in it, so it has
lots of SatoshiDice traffic.

8.9 ms (average) seek time

 Regular BDB as we have today:
sys 2m29.850s

Throughput usually 4-5MB/sec according to iotop, pauses of 8-10
seconds for “Flushing wallet ...”. 611mb of blkindex.dat

 BDB without sig checking
Throughput, 12-17mb/sec
sys 2m36.590s

Disabling EC verification halves running time.

 LevelDB no customized options
(I ran the wrong time command here, hence the different format)
3184.73user 181.02system 51:20.81elapsed 109%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
1104inputs+125851776outputs (293569major+37436202minor)pagefaults 0swaps

So, 50 minutes. Throughput often in range of 20-30mb/sec. 397MB of data files.

 LevelDB w/ 10 bit per key bloom filter
sys 3m4.990s

424mb of data files

No change.

 LevelDB w/ 10 bit per key bloom filter + 30mb cache (up from 8mb by default)
sys 3m10.720s

No change. The reason is, signature checking is the bottleneck not IO.

 LevelDB w/10 bit per key bloom filter, 30mb cache, no sigs
sys 2m5.670s

12 minutes vs 42 minutes for BDB on the same benchmark.

Conclusion: LevelDB is a clear win, taking a sync in the absence of
network delays from 95 minutes to 50, at which point signature
checking becomes the bottleneck. It is nearly 4x as fast when
signature checks are not done (ie, when receiving a block containing
only mempool transactions you already verified).

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] LevelDB benchmarking

2012-06-19 Thread Mike Hearn

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 In addition to the ECDSA caching,  ECDSA can can easily be run on
 multiple cores for basically a linear speedup.. so even with the
 checking in place once ECDSA was using multiple threads we'd be back
 to the DB being the bottleneck for this kind of case.

Maybe ... looking again I think I may be wrong about being IO bound in
the last benchmark. The core running the main Bitcoin thread is still
pegged and the LevelDB background thread is only spending around 20%
of its time in iowait. An oprofile shows most of the time being spent
inside a std::map.

OK, to make progress on this work I need a few decisions (Gavin?)

1) Shall we do it?

2) LevelDB is obscure, new and has a very minimalist build system. It
supports make but not make install, for example, and is unlikely
to be packaged. It's also not very large. I suggest we just check the
source into the main Bitcoin tree and link it statically rather than
complicate the build.

3) As the DB format would change and a slow migration period
necessary, any other tweaks to db format we could make at the same
time? Right now the key/values are the same as before, though using
satoshi serialization for everything is a bit odd.

We'd need UI for migration as well.

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[Bitcoin-development] Enforcing inflation rules for SPV clients

2012-06-24 Thread Mike Hearn
I've been having a discussion with d'aniel from the forums about how
to handle the possibility of a majority-miner conspiracy to raise
inflation, if most economic actors use SPV clients.

Because of how blocks are formatted you cannot check the coinbase of a
transaction without knowing the fees in the block, and the fees can
only be calculated if you have all the input transactions for every
transaction in that block. Because the attack scenario is an attempted
takeover of the economy by miners, attempting to put hints into the
blocks won't work - we have to assume the hardest chain is in fact
wrong according to the rules signed up to by the Bitcoin user.

The most obvious goal for a cartel of miners is to change the
inflation formula, either for purely selfish reasons (they want more
money than can be obtained by fees) or due to coercion by
governments/central banks who still subscribe to the inflation is
good idea.

Whilst good nodes (still on the old ruleset) won't relay blocks that
violate the rules no matter how hard they are, in a situation where an
SPV client DOES hear about the bad best chain, it would switch to it
automatically. And who knows how the network might look in future -
perhaps most nodes would end up run by miners, or other entities that
upgrade to the new ruleset for other reasons.

d'aniel made a good proposal - having good nodes broadcast
announcements when they detect a rule that breaks the rules, along
with a proof that it did so. Checking the proof might be very
expensive, but it would only have to be done for split points,
limiting the potential for DoS. If a node announces that it has a
weaker chain and that the split point is a rule-breaker, the SPV
client would download the headers for the side chain to verify the
split, then download all the transactions in the split block along
with all their inputs, and the merkle branches linking the inputs to
the associated block headers. In this way the fee can be calculated,
the inflation formula applied and the coinbase value checked.

If the block is indeed found to be a rule-breaker, it'd be blacklisted
and chains from that point forward ignored.

Miners may decide to allow themselves to create money with
non-index-zero transactions to work around this. In that case the good
node can announce that a given tx in the rule-breaker block is
invalid. The SPV node would then challenge nodes announcing the longer
chain to provide the inputs for the bad tx all the way back to a
pre-split coinbase.

Doing these checks would be rather time consuming with huge blocks,
but it's a last resort only. In the absence of bugs, the mere presence
of the mechanism should ensure it never has to be used.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Enforcing inflation rules for SPV clients

2012-06-25 Thread Mike Hearn

It was a private conversation for some reason.

 I also proposed this on this list (see the response in the tree
 datastructures thread) along with more elaboration on IRC.

Ah OK. I wasn't paying much attention to those threads.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] LevelDB benchmarking

2012-06-25 Thread Mike Hearn
I've added some more commits:

It's still not ready for a pull req but is a lot closer:

1) Auto-migration is there but not well tested enough (I only tested
with empty wallets).
2) Migration progress UI is there so you have something to watch for
the few minutes it takes. Script execution is disabled during
3) LevelDB source is checked in to the main tree,
updated to use it
4) LevelDB is conditionally compiled so if there's some unexpected
issue or regression on some platform it can be switched back to BDB

Still to go:

1) More testing, eg, with actual wallets :-)
2) Update the non-Qt makefiles
3) On Windows it's currently de-activated due to some missing files
from leveldb + I didn't test it

If you want to help out, some testing and makefile work would be
useful. I may not get a chance to work on this again until next week.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 Two days ago on #bitcoin-dev:
 21:01:19 sipa what was CTxDB::ReadOwnerTxes ever used for?
 21:01:31 sipa maybe it predates the wallet logic

 (read: it's not used anywhere in the code, and apparently wasn't ever, even 
 in 0.1.5)

 Great, in that case Stefan is right and I'll delete that code when I
 next work on the patch.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Random order for clients page

2012-07-09 Thread Mike Hearn
 I strongly agree, but this is *why* I suggested moving it to the wiki. I
 recently had to choose an XMPP client and I looked on - after a
 frustrating experience with their listing [1]

Probably because their listing is even more useless than any of the
proposals that were presented here. Thank goodness it didn't end up
like that. Their table doesn't even attempt to list features or
differentiating aspects of each client.

I think the XMPP guys have pretty much given up on directly marketing
the system to end users.

 - more up-to-date (anyone can update them)

Fortunately reasonable clients don't appear/disappear/change that often.

 - more in touch with users:

I think by users you mean, geeks who understand wiki syntax. Because
that's what it'll end up trending towards. I don't believe a wiki
would reflect the needs of your average person. It's still better to
have these arguments here and try to find a user-focussed consensus
than hope one will converge from a wiki.

 If you want to see the result of
 internal politics, the current client page is a good example. We
 couldn't agree on the columns for a feature matrix, so now we just have
 walls of text.

Inability to agree on columns isn't why the page looks like that. I
know because I'm the one who argued for the current design.

It looks like that because feature matrices aren't especially helpful
for newbies to make a decision, especially when the features in
question were often things like how they handled the block chain or
which protocol standards they support, ie, things only of interest to

It's much easier to communicate the differences to people with a short
piece of text, and maybe if there is no obvious way to explain why
you'd want to use a given client, that's a good sign it's not worth
listing there. Otherwise you end up like

 Some of the options that are de-facto the most popular
 with users like or just using your MtGox account are not
 mentioned at all.

It's true that needs to be conservative. That said, I'd
like there to be sections for them too, actually. I agree that risk
isn't purely about how it's implemented and that whilst we might like
to push particular ideologies around protocols or code licensing, that
isn't especially relevant to end users who have different priorities.
Track record counts for a lot as well.

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[Bitcoin-development] Accepting broken QRcodes

2012-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Hi bitcoin-development, generates non-BIP-compliant URIs in its QRcodes, as
does its iPhone app. They are of the form bitcoin://address not

I asked Ben to fix this (social networks don't parse QRcodes after
all), but after explaining that social networks don't parse URLs
without :// in them, he stopped responding to my emails. So I've gone
ahead and added support for reading these types of URLs to bitcoinj,
in the interests of just works interoperability.

This mail is just a heads up in case anyone else wants to do the same
thing. Hopefully at some point, Ben will stop generating such QRcodes
and we can remove these hacks and get back to BIP compliance.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reconsidering block version number use

2012-07-24 Thread Mike Hearn
 That'd be 7 bytes of nonce in the block header, which is
   72,057,594,037,927,936  ~ 72 petahashes = 72,000 terahashes

 So: the changes for version 2 blocks would be has height in the
 coinbase, and has a 1-byte version number with a 3-byte extranonce.

I don't understand why more nonce bits are necessary. Is it really
impossible for a multi-core CPU to keep up with the merkle root
re-calculation and keep an ASIC miner fed, or is this working around a
performance bottleneck somewhere else?

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reconsidering block version number use

2012-07-24 Thread Mike Hearn
My point is that stuffing nonces into whatever spaces we can find to
eke out a bit more scalability in pools seems like a very short term
fix with potentially very long term consequences.

Although it may sound harsh, if your pool is struggling to keep up
with calculating merkle roots (which is cheap!) then it's time to
either upgrade your pool or for some of those users to migrate to
p2pool and handle creation of work themselves. Trying to squash more
nonce bits out of fields that were never meant for that seems like a
bad precedent with no real motivation beyond making running
centralized pools a bit cheaper.

What I'm interested in is, can a powerful server-class machine really
not keep up with work generation for things like the BitForce SC
devices? How many devices would you need to exhaust the ability to
generate work for them? You'll need powerful machines just to run a
node at all sooner or later.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Scalability issues

2012-07-24 Thread Mike Hearn
 The Satoshi client uses a pure reentrant mutexes model

As you presumably already know, the reference client doesn't attempt
to parallelise most operations at all. Chain download is entirely
single threaded.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin script opcode counts

2012-07-26 Thread Mike Hearn

I'm interested to see what scripts were using OP_DEPTH and
OP_CODESEPARATOR, as the latter appears to be useless to my eyes.

Could you give some tx ids which use unusual opcodes?

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[Bitcoin-development] Signing release binaries

2012-07-29 Thread Mike Hearn
MacOS X 10.8 makes application signing borderline mandatory, in that
you cannot run unsigned apps unless you tweak your settings via the
control panel. You must sign with a certificate issued by Apple via
their identified developer program.

Windows allows but does not require signing. However, anti-virus
systems tend to use signers with good reputation as a whitelisting
signal. Signing Bitcoin releases makes sense because it may lead to,
at minimum, higher performance if AV engines ignore file reads/writes
by Bitcoin. And it can also shield us from false positives. You only
need to see the mess that the mining tools world has become to
understand why this is important.

As I don't take part in the release process, I can't help out with
this directly, but I believe it's important and would be willing to
throw some money in towards buying the signing certs for both
platforms. I guess Gavin would be the final signer.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP: Custom Services

2012-08-13 Thread Mike Hearn
I think it's pretty reasonable, although people will want to use node
flags to get into the addr broadcasts anyway.

That said, I suspect (based on previous discussions) that there would
be quite some pushback against putting extra functionality into the
core Bitcoin network. Most likely people will re-use the code with
different peer discovery seeds and bootstrap similar but unrelated P2P
networks for doing new applications.

For instance, what if we want to do the language translation app I've
talked about a few times before? You need a way to floodfill broadcast
invalid transactions to interested parties. The pubsub mechanism in
the Bitcoin protocol was an interesting way to do that, but I think it
got removed. To broadcast to interested nodes now, you'd have to find
them via addr broadcasts and then connect directly. And if you're
going to do that, you may as well just form an entirely independent

More elaboration of the use cases might therefore be useful.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 35: add mempool message

2012-08-17 Thread Mike Hearn
I think MSG_TX is fine. Simply sending an inv to the other node at startup
would work, but it's better to request it explicitly as it will let the
connecting peer configure a bloom filter before requesting mempool
contents. It's already too heavy for mobile clients to download the entire
mempool contents at startup so I probably wouldn't implement/activate
support for this on the bitcoinj side until bloom filtering is done, and
then this BIP would have to be updated to reflect that the response from
mempool is filtered.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote:

 On MSG_MEMTX:  The current version has a much higher Just Works value.

 On empty inv:  It is generally better to do something
 unconditionally, than have a response generated only under certain

 And Alan is correct to note that unknown messages are ignored
 (intentionally, for expansion).  However, unconditionally returning a
 response has little to do with feature probing/discovery.  It is
 simply a clear, deterministic indication that processing is complete,
 for each invocation.

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Atomic coin swapping?

2012-09-22 Thread Mike Hearn

 Why Signing the input scripts as well would obviously make it
 impossible to construct a transaction?

As it states in the source code, signatures cannot sign themselves.  If
scriptSigs were included in the data that is being signed, the act of
inserting the newly calculated signature for one input would break the
signatures for all the others.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Large backlog of transactions building up?

2012-09-23 Thread Mike Hearn
 Sounds good— my only concern is that nodes will repeat their own
 transactions but not the unconfirmed parents.

Nodes repeat wallet transactions and any previous transactions that
are not yet included in the chain (see
CWalletTx::RelayWalletTransaction). So I don't think it's an issue.

(ok, bitcoinj clients don't do that, they just announce their own transactions)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.6 now available

2012-09-24 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.6 of bitcoinj, the leading
Java implementation of Bitcoin. You can download the source from Google
Code, or use the release-0.6 branch from git. Our Nexus repository will be
updated soon.

This release focuses on improved compliance with the protocol, improved and
more scalable network handling, a more flexible send API, other misc API
improvements and of course, a large pile of bug fixes. You should upgrade
your software to use bitcoinj 0.6 as soon as possible, if only to benefit
from the fixes - the API changes are minimal so it should be easy.

In more detail:

   - Thanks to Jim Burton, the wallet now stores the depth and work done
   for all transactions, and coinbase transactions are now processed
   correctly. The ability to handle pubkey-only outputs was added, so these
   are now spendable. Migration from 0.5 wallets that don't store this is
   supported, but only for depth, by using
   - Made some more APIs documented and public.
   - Improved block chain download handling.
   - Added compatibility with the broken URIs generated by,
   meaning that the iPhone app and Android apps can now read each others
   - Wallets can now auto-save themselves, taking the hassle of managing
   wallet persistence away from your app. See the javadocs for
   Wallet.autoSaveToFile() for information on this.
   - The network layer was rewritten on top of Netty to be more robust,
   more scalable and to remove flakyness in the unit tests. Thanks to Miron
   Cuperman for this work.
   - Thanks to Matt Corallo the ping/pong protocol is now supported. Also
   various protocol conformance issues and other misc bugs were resolved.
   - WalletTool now has a RAW_DUMP option that prints the raw protocol
   buffer form as text.
   - You can now explicitly set fees on a created transaction using the fee
   member of SendRequest. Please note that the correct fees for a
   transaction are still not auto-calculated or minimized. This will come in a
   future release.
   - Many bug fixes.

API changes:

   - TransactionConfidence.OVERRIDDEN_BY_DOUBLE_SPEND is now called DEAD
   - PeerGroup.broadcastTransaction now returns a Guava ListenableFuture (which
   is a subclass of Future, so it's compatible). The future completes when the
   transaction has been heard back from the network, instead of just being
   written out.
   - Wallet.sendCoins() now returns a SendResult that contains both the
   transaction, and the future returned by PeerGroup.broadcastTransaction(),
   so it will no longer block. As a result sendCoinsAsync() has been
   - Various send methods on Wallet now take a SendRequest object that lets
   you customize the created transactions. The methods that let you explicitly
   set the change address are removed, you should set the changeAddress member
   of the SendRequest instead.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Payment protocol thoughts

2012-10-02 Thread Mike Hearn
I've been thinking about the requirements for a payment protocol
lately. It seems we have consensus that we need one of these. Pieter
has a gist on the topic here:

IMHO we'll want to move away from send X BTC to address Y and more
towards upload to me transactions that send X BTC to outputs
A,BF,G. In this context by output I mean the obvious
interpretation of script+value.

The reasons are privacy and security. Privacy: you don't want people
to find out if you have an unexpectedly large balance (from the block
chain). Example worst case scenarios

- in a hypothetical Bitcoin-using country, as most people receive
income exactly once a month from their employer, you could potentially
find out other peoples salaries. Drama ensues.

- business partners could find out their counterparty has an
unexpectedly good financial position, messing up negotiations


- some of the outputs could be in a hot wallet, others in cold
wallets, helping you maintain correct balances between them in real

- the outputs can be multi-sig scripts

Wallets would then craft a series of transactions to try and somewhat
balance the size of inputs vs outputs. Because they are separate
transactions and all the keys are fresh, there's no way to link them
together into a single payment, especially not if they're broadcast in
random order with some jitter.

The upside of this is better privacy. The downside is obviously more
transactions and therefore more overhead. In theory the sum of tx
outputs would end up converging to a reasonable coin size for the
recipients, eg, businesses might be happy to receive a lot of money in
a single output, individuals less, children or very poor people maybe
much less.

Let's call payment requests invoices. Here is a brainstorm on other
features that may be desirable. I'm not suggesting they're all in v1,
just that we think about them a bit to ensure we don't paint ourselves
into a corner.

- Optional list of {signature, certificate} pairs. SSL certs can be
embedded into the payment request file itself so they can be checked
instantly for wallets that want to show a verified identity, but you
can also provide other certificates issued outside the regular SSL CA
system. For example maybe MtGox issues you a trusted vendor
certificate. Maybe the better business bureau issues you a cert, etc.

- Optional expiry time (from sipas gist) so outputs that were never
sent to can be recycled

- Upload target (URI), where to send the created transactions

- Optional message and branding image/icon that a wallet can display
to make the transaction history a bit prettier

- Opaque token that the wallet is supposed to copy into the payment.
The merchant can use to link invoice with payment. It's technically
redundant, the output set would identify the invoice too, as could a
token in the upload target URL, but it may be simpler for some
merchant implementations

- Ability to specify payment amount[s] in terms of other currencies.
If the amount is specified statically it can just be recorded in the
wallet for informational purposes. If there's a URL provided also, it
is an endpoint where quotes can be obtained. This allows merchants to
make long-lived invoices which are protected against FX volatility.
Downside: complicates wallets. Upsides: invoices can be kept around
for longer.

- Web/human-usable URL for the order so users can, eg, send messages
to the merchant specific to an order, post a review of the merchant,

- Support for setting up 2-of-3 dispute mediation. Invoices should be
able to name a list of acceptable mediators and the wallet software
can intersect this with a list of mediators acceptable to the user, to
find one that works best. The whole mechanism by which merchants and
users agree on mediators isn't designed yet but we can at least think
about it now. It may be there's a simple design everyone agrees on

- Support for requesting recurring payments. Eg, I should be able to
provide N sets of M outputs, one set for each payment with a payment
schedule. Wallets can then ensure they run at the appropriate times to
keep up the subscription.

- Suggested tip/service charge. Wallet would give a simple UI to
adjust this up/down by X percentage points

- Request to sign inputs with SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY, allowing the
payment to be a pledge for an assurance contract

- Ability to specify minimum confirmation level of coins that will be
spent. Some merchants may be OK with you immediately re-spending
unconfirmed coins. Other merchants will care more and might want you
to take on the burden of getting your transactions into the chain.

On the payment upload side:

- An optional signature under a stable user key that lets users
optionally link their payments across merchants. In this way a user
can build cross-market reputation which may help them in future, by
relaxing confirmation requirements or reducing the chance of being
asked to enter dispute 

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment protocol thoughts

2012-10-02 Thread Mike Hearn
I think it's worth pondering the different things we may want in
future, even if that future is quite far out, just to ensure we have a
robust design that won't box us in later. Brainstorming feature ideas
now doesn't commit anyone to implementing them, but it may help
improve the final v1 design.

 + Bitcoin addresses by themselves are insecure against man-in-the-middle

A simple way to solve this problem is just use the SSL identity of the
server that is taking part in the protocol, but it's not much harder
to embed a signature + cert chain into the invoice itself. And once
you're doing that, allowing several different sigs/cert chains is
pretty easy. It means you keep the design open to cases where SSL may
not be appropriate. Eg, you could create invoices signed by your
web-of-trust identity, or some non-SSL Bitcoin specific verification

None of those things have to actually be implemented, but by
considering them now we can make the protocol more future prooof.

 + After sending payment I should have a receipt that proves I followed the
 payee's instructions, so if the payee says they never received the funds I
 can prove that it wasn't my fault.

A signed invoice + the blockchain transactions does this, BUT with a
major caveat: if you have not set up dispute mediation, there is
nobody to prove faultlessness to.

So I'm not sure this would be very useful. Supporting real dispute
mediation seems more practical, but also more work.

 + Protocol for gathering signatures from multiple devices
 (extension/variation of the basic payment protocol, I think).

This would be nice, I think invoices could be wrapped by another
protocol that handles it. I'm not sure it needs to be a part of the
core payment protocol. There are lots of different ways to implement
this and I'm not sure there's agreement on what it should look like -
somebody needs to build a proprietary implementation first.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Electrum security model concerns

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Hearn

 Electrum also has a daemon for merchants.

Well, I suggest taking it up with Thomas directly. A thread here won't do much.

 Considering the dislike of
 Java that exist reflexively in much of the non-java community and the
 greater ease of deployment and the integration of type-2 split key

I'm hoping that MultiBit Merchant will provide something similar based
on bcj, ie, you don't have to actually be a Java developer to use it,
it can just talk to your app via POSTs and GETs.

WRT deterministic wallets, yes, right now that's indeed a competitive
advantage of Electrum. So much code to write, so little time.

 Generally for thin clients— a lying server can make clients think
 they've received confirmed payments they haven't, and unless the
 client is constructed to be a bit less thin a lying server can lie
 about input values and cause thin clients to spend large values to

Yes indeed. This also gives [hacked] server operators a way to steal
money from users without private keys, they can get clients to create
some very high fee transactions and then provide them directly to a
miner who promises to cut them in (or they can mine themselves, of

 Beyond that the protocol between the clients and servers is
 unauthenticated cleartext JSON in TCP.

I thought it used SSL. Maybe I'm thinking of BCCAPI which is a similar approach.

 that the payment is unconfirmed. There is a pro mode, that shows
 'processing' for unconfirmed transactions

I think communicating transaction confidence to users is something of
an open UI design problem right now. I agree that hiding it entirely
seems suboptimal, but in reality explaining what the risks are for a
given number confirmations is difficult. Given the lack of actually
reported double-spends against unconfirmed transactions, I can
understand this choice, even if I wouldn't recommend it.

 My only question is will they know this because we as a community and
 the authors of the thin clients provided clear explanations and
 appropriate caution

Well, I pushed for English-text explanations of clients on
rather than a feature matrix, for this kind of reason :) Unfortunately
the current texts are too small to really give a detailed explanation
of the security models involved. It may be worth adding one-liners
that link to a page explaining different security models (full, SPV,

One thing I'm really hoping we can find and get agreement on is
somebody clueful and trustworthy to work on the website.
Bitcoin, the project, needs a stronger voice than it currently has,
partly to speak about such issues. For instance, an FAQ that isn't on
the wiki would be good. And a simple Welcome to Bitcoin flow on the website that guides people to appropriate clients, teaches
them the security basics, etc, would be excellent.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Public key and signature malleability

2012-10-21 Thread Mike Hearn
No objections.

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Gavin Andresen wrote:
 Any objections from other transaction-validating implementations?

 I strongly support more precisely defining the transaction validity
 rules by changing the reference implementation.

 Gavin Andresen

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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Hearn
I've written a draft BIP describing the bloom filtering protocol
extension developed by myself and Matt.

(yes I know there's some kind of process around getting allocated a
number - it seems overkill for this).

Please read it and let me know if there are any missing details or
things which sound wrong.

Design-wise, it occurred to me as I wrote the BIP that the method of
delaying reception of invs is a bit ad-hoc. It may be better to have a
bloom filter be sent in the version message itself. On the other hand,
having a flag to delay invs means that the filter can be calculated in
parallel to bringing up the network connections. Whilst actually
making a Bloom filter is fast, with deterministic wallets you may need
to do a lot of calculations to find the keys to scan for.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Hearn
 Some questions:
 * why limit the number of matching transactions to 255?

Copy/paste error in the does :(

 * what does each hash and key in the output script mean exactly? what
about the output script in its entirety?

It's an informal way to say data elements. If you insert a key then it
matches both single and multi sig outputs regardless of location.

 * is sharing parts of the merkle branches not worth it?

We think probably not.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Hearn
 What is the worst-case for an attacker interested in trying to get you
 to saturate your upstream bandwidth or use lots of memory?  Set a
 bloom filter that matches everything, and then start requesting old
 blocks in the chain?

It would be slightly worse than shipping a full block but not seriously so.

If you just want to saturate bandwidth or disk IOPS you could probably
just request random blocks over and over again.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-26 Thread Mike Hearn
 Presumably these components will just get implemented a few times in
 some carefully constructed library code, so I don't see an
 implementation complexity argument here— except the fact that it isn't
 what Matt has implemented so far.

Well, yes, that is basically the implementation complexity argument :)
Engineering time isn't free.

I don't feel I understand the effort required to do some kind of
partial tree encoding. Having a kind of custom compression whereby
branches are represented as varint indexes into a dictionary, I can
feel how much work that involves and maybe I can make time over the
next few weeks to implement it. Has anyone got example code for
representing partial Merkle trees?

 Also, it's not mentioned in the page— but the hash function used is
 not cryptographically strong,  so what prevents a complexity (well,
 bandwidth in this case) attack?  someone could start using txids and
 txouts that collide with the maximum number of other existing txouts
 in order to waste bandwidth for people.  Is this avenue of attack not
 a concern?

If you just want to waste bandwidth of nodes you can connect to nodes
and repeatedly download blocks, or fill the network with fake nodes
that spam random generated transactions to whoever connects. I don't
see how to avoid that  so it seems odd to worry about a much more
complicated attack.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2012-10-26 Thread Mike Hearn
 Because I can potentially waste bandwidth of all nodes forever (well as long
 as users are still scanning blocks with my transactions in them) with O(1) 

And this gets you what?

Users who have active wallets will have their bandwidth wasted for as
long as you keep up the attack. Once you stop active wallets won't be
rescanning that part of the chain and new users won't be scanning it
either, as they skip blocks before their earliest key time using
getheaders. So basically you can waste the bandwidth of active users
for a while, by spamming transactions. This is not a new attack.

Anyway, it's trivial to DoS the entire Bitcoin network today. It
hasn't ever happened. Maybe one day it will, but the only rationale
people can come up with for such an attack beyond random griefing is
governments, and complexity attacks are really not their style. Much
easier to just pass a law.

I'm not saying DoS should be ignored, but I do feel there are limits
to how far down that rabbithole it's worth going.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] IRC meeting agenda, 18:00 UTC Thursday

2012-11-08 Thread Mike Hearn
I won't be able to make it this time.  My feeling is IRC is a good place to
bounce ideas around when time and people happen to be available, but having
meetings there will inevitably lead to decision making that's better done
in a slower manner via email.


   BIP process: are we happy with how it is working? What can we do to improve

Needing some kind of process to allocate a number is over the top. I
skipped this for the bloom filtering BIP. We should take off the part of
the {{BIP}} template that says don't just pick a number and add a bip -
that's exactly what people should do. I'm not sure there's any need for an
editing role either.

Is it time to feature-freeze 0.8

I'd like more time to get the bloom filtering work in. It'll be easier to
promote the 0.8 release if we can sell it as important
scalability/performance improvement for the network, upgrade to help
Bitcoin keep growing, as whilst there's no real auto update or organized
people who religiously update promotion is very important. I think
ultraprune + bloom filtering is the two major scalability improvements we
have right now.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Electrum security model concerns

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Hearn
BTW have you checked the code? I took a quick look and didn't see things I
was expecting to see. In particular I couldn't find any code that manages
wallet state in the presence of re-orgs. It appears to check that
transactions appeared in the block chain, but if there's a chain switch
it's not clear to me the wallet will be in the right state.

I saw a message from Thomas on his thread saying something like can't
spend coins bug happens when there's a re-org and the server gives you the
wrong histories, to fix it reset your wallet and switch to a new server
 which to me rather implies there's no re-org handling at all.

If Electrum does end up doing all SPV work correctly, how is it different
to MultiBit? Just the deterministic wallet seeding?

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Great to hear that.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-27 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Michael Gronager wrote:
 * What if the SignedReceipt is not received AND the transactions IS posted on 
 the p2p.

I think this is a problem with confusing terminology rather then the
spec itself.

The original formulation had a receipt being something generated
purely by the buyer. The signed Invoice message  + the Bitcoin
transactions paying to the outputs + the merkle branches showing
acceptance by the network *is* the receipt.

The SignedReceipt message is useful in the sense that it shows
confirmation by the merchant, but if you don't get one, you can still
prove you paid the invoice. So from this perspective perhaps
SignedReceipt should be renamed to Acceptance or something like that,
and then the spec should call out that a signed invoice plus accepted
Bitcoin transactions is mathematically a proof of purchase.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-27 Thread Mike Hearn
 That hash would then be reported via some secure channel outside of bitcoin's

OK, I see. I guess that could be a reasonable fallback for the case
where you have a secure channel.

 I don't understand what the relevance of multi-factor is to invoices?

Yes, exactly. It's about paying who you think you're paying (when you
confirm on a second uncompromised device).

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Hearn
 I'd still like to understand the rationale for having the merchant
 broadcast the transaction

There are several reasons for this:

1) P2P network sockets are a limited resource and bringing up
connections to the network, whilst somewhat fast today, is not
guaranteed to be fast in future. Passing transactions to the merchant
for broadcast reduces the load on the P2P nodes because lots of thin
clients aren't any longer connecting and disconnecting when sending.
They only need to talk to the network when the user has received

2) Some users may not have network connectivity at all. For example,
this happens quite often whilst traveling at Bitcoin conferences ;)
The solution, which Andreas and I prototyped in Berlin together, is
for the buyer to communicate only with the seller which can be done
over Bluetooth or WiFi Direct or some other mobile radio protocol.
Again, send only, but for the common case where you load up your
wallet before setting out and then buy things, it works OK.

4) A longer term reason - in time, people may choose to not broadcast
transactions at all in some cases. I think how network speed will be
funded post-inflation is still an open question. Assuming the simplest
arrangement where users pay fees, getting transactions into the chain
has a cost. In cases where you trust the sender to not double spend on
you, you may keep a fee-less transaction around in your pocket. Then
when it's your turn to pay, you use some unconfirmed transactions to
do so. People pass around longer and longer chains of un-broadcast
transactions until a payment crosses a trust boundary, at which point
the receiver adds on their own transaction that spends back to himself
but with a fee, and broadcasts them all together as a unit. In this
way only people who genuinely need to fear double spends pay for

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Has anyone compiled under MacOS 10.8?

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Hearn
I found that the problem is the version of the Qt SDK I used didn't
like the new MacOS version. Re-installing Qt fixed it.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 It appears that something about Boost doesn't play nicely with the default
 build instructions (possibly the switch to clang++?).

 I will dig in eventually but for now, if anyone has a recipe that fixes
 things, let me know.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Chain dust mitigation: Demurrage based Chain Vacuuming

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
 The main source for these 1 Satoshi payouts is Sahtoshi Dice.

Because people are making 1 satoshi bets, or is this part of their
messaging system?

Pieter is right, getting consensus behind your proposal is too hard
and it's not likely to ever happen (I wouldn't support it, for one).

Outputs that never get spent are simply using disk space, the working
set is really defined by the coins that are moving. Disk space is
cheap. So this problem doesn't feel that urgent to me. Now if people
were routinely spending those 1 satoshi outputs, it'd be less great as
it'd increase the working set size.

I suspect some of these coins can be cleared over time by adjusting
wallets to consolidate outputs into the change outputs when a
transaction that has spare space before reaching the next size/fee
level takes place.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Chain dust mitigation: Demurrage based Chain Vacuuming

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
 It's part of their messaging system. Every losing play results in a
 new 1e-8 output being created.

Every losing play? That's ... not excellent.

Well, this why the payment protocol spec has a way for merchants to
reply to customers with text instead of outputs.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Chain dust mitigation: Demurrage based Chain Vacuuming

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Hearn
 Perhaps it could be improved by cleaning up dust from any address by default
 (not just ones already included in the tx), with the option for the user to
 disable that behavior.  After all, anonymity was never a core feature of the

It's cool that Armory already does this. I never had time to implement
good coin selection for bitcoinj :(

Just a couple of points: as this is primarily a side effect of
SatoshiDice, and a successful payment protocol will stop them doing
it, code put in place to do temporary cleanup now probably won't
seriously affect peoples privacy over the long term. Most people
aren't going to end up with lots of tiny outputs.

Second thing, it's best to carefully separate anonymity from
privacy. Privacy is supposed to be a feature of the system (it says
so in Satoshis paper) because people demand it. If I loan a tenner to
my friend and he is able to find out what I earned last month, then
that trade was neither anonymous nor private. In this case I want
privacy but anonymity isn't useful. Mixing up anonymity with privacy
is not only a public relations problem, but can lead to confusion from
users when they, eg, try and buy Bitcoins from an exchange and are
asked to provide ID proofs.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Hearn
 So, if a bitcoin client is getting Invoice messages via email or from
 a web server, the version will be specified as part of the MIME type;
 for example:
Content-Type: application/x-bitcoin-invoice; version=1
 The version= syntax is part of the MIME standard.

I think that's OK. However, you should only be getting the version you
expect because when you request an invoice, your client should be
telling the merchant what protocol version you implement.

Does it make sense to have this spec not include the details of
bootstrapping? It's not complicated - we extend the URI spec in a
backwards compatible way:


When a compatible client sees the invoice param, it ignores the rest
of the URI and downloads the URL

A server on sees that the client expects a version 1.0
invoice and vends it. If ver=2.0 or whatever, it knows it can use 2.0
features. If extensions are supported, add new query params.

We should define a simple mechanism for extending the protocol now, so
people who want to make proprietary extensions don't conflict. The
simplest is to just say, if you want to add new fields to an Invoice
message, please update a wiki page with the tag numbers you're going
to use, and start from number X. Protobufs have a simple way to
formalize this in the language:

message Invoice {
  extensions 1000 to max;

The point of this is to allow you to define new parts of the messages
in separate .proto files. It's only a minor convenience but it means
if you want to use, say, two extensions that weren't yet folded into
the main spec, you can more easily do so without having to do a manual
merge of the message definitions together.

For instance, if you wanted to extend the protocol to support
specification of recurring billing, you could make a file called
recurring-invoices.proto containing:

message Recurrences {
  required uint32 every_seconds = 1;
  optional uint32 start_time = 2;

extend Invoice {
  optional Recurrences recurrences = 1005;

then you update the wiki page to claim tag number 1005 and apps can
easily use your new features. If/when the feature gets standardized
via a BIP, the core .proto definition can be extended to include these
messages and the extensions can go away.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Roadmap to getting users onto SPV clients

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Hearn
 It sounds to me that you're insisting that you're asking people who
 oppose degrading our recommendations to commit to a costly rushed
 development timeline. I think this is a false choice.

Hardly. I don't have any particular timeline in mind. But I disagree
we have forever. New ideas have a certain time window to take off
and become credible. If they never overcome their problems in that
time window, eventually people just give up and move on. Does anyone
take desktop Linux seriously anymore? No. The year of desktop Linux
is a joke. People took it seriously in 2001 but despite great progress
since, the excitement and attention has gone. There were steady
improvements over the last 10 years but nobody is creating desktop
Linux startups anymore - Bitcoin shouldn't go the same way.

It's unclear we need to have every man and his dog run a full node.
Tor is a successful P2P network where the number of users vastly
outstrips the number of nodes, and exit nodes in particular are a
scarce resource run by people who know what they're doing and commit
to it.

The Tor guys could have said every node should be an exit if
possible, but that would have been a short term optimization at the
cost of long term stability, and anyway doesn't seem to have been
necessary so far. Even with no incentives, they were able to obtain
the resources they need.

So why should Bitcoin be different? If there are a million users
supported by 50,000 full nodes, that wouldn't sound unhealthy to me.
We can easily send a clear and consistent this is important, please
help message without complicated auto-upgrade/downgrade schemes that
risk annoying users.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Roadmap to getting users onto SPV clients

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Hearn
 I was under the impression that connectedness was the real metric of

I think the real thing we need full nodes for is sockets where by
socket I mean resources needed to serve another node.

Last year we actually ran out of sockets and it took forever for new
nodes to connect because so many existing nodes were full. We don't
want to be in that situation again. So we need full nodes, nobody
disputes that.

The question is, if you have a node on your average desktop machine
that gets switched off at night, has a stupid virus scanner that
insists on checking every database write, has users who go from a bit
of light word processing to watching HD video and expect no stutters
or slowdowns - how valuable is such a node, really? Also has to be
weighed against the risk of eventual user frustration when they
discover Bitcoin is slowing their computer down and go around telling
their friends how much it sucks.

Ultraprune+LevelDB+other optimizations are great. They aren't game
changers for two reasons:

1) Eventually network traffic should increase to use up the additional
performance unlocked by optimizations

2) Users demand instant on not just at first start, but any time they
open their wallet. I don't think it ever makes sense for a regular end
user to have their wallet integrated with a full node because it means
if you get an email saying oh hey I sent you the money and you start
your wallet so you can see it/spend it, you still have to wait a while
until it catches up from whenever it was last quit. I've done this a
bunch of times and it really sucks to wait.

The only time it makes sense to have a wallet integrated with a full
node is if that node never shuts down, ie, it's a merchant node.

If a casual user has to be using an SPV wallet all the time no matter
what, then it's not a big leap to simply have both an SPV client and a
full node running in parallel for users who want to support the
network. And how do we recruit such users? Well I've got nothing
against light wallets noticing that the system seems to have high
uptime, external connectivity etc and putting a notice on the screen
asking users to take part. For Windows users you could have a
one-click install that sets up a background service (I think .NET
OneClick makes this possible), so getting a full node is totally easy
and transparent.

Going back to the Tor analogy, whilst I agree with Gregorys arguments
that they aren't quite the same, the Tor guys have wanted to
automatically opt users in to being relays for a while. But the
technical complexity of doing it well is really high. It's still on
their wishlist even though Tor is quite old. A good first base to
reach is simply having accurate recommendations. If users start
complaining that they were asked to run a full node but when they did,
performance suffered unacceptably, then we know we need better
heuristics before automatically opting users in.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-06 Thread Mike Hearn
Escrow/multisig is complicated enough to wait for another day. But
certainly having a payment protocol is an important step towards it
On 6 Dec 2012 07:32, Andreas Petersson wrote:

 During/before the Payment Request there should be a method to exchange
 the public keys to be able to generate a common multisig address.
 Should this be handled in a different protocol, or be included in this
 Or is there a method for the customer to verify that the specified BIP16
 Output contains his address and the one from an escrow service?


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 Bitcoin-development mailing list

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-06 Thread Mike Hearn
Re: the newest spec. Rather than make the signature over the
concatenation of, why not just make it a signature over the
serialized protobuf minus the signature field (as I did in my demo
code). Otherwise it seems like we'd need more code than really
necessary. We can state explicitly tags must be ordered if you want,
even though all implementations should do that already.

 Thumbnail sketch:  escrow service or participant sends around an
 EscrowProposal, gets EscrowProposalACK's with public keys to use, then sends
 all participants an EscrowEstablished message with the final multisig script
 or address.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Not that we should really design it now,
but let's use the term mediation rather than escrow, which has
connotations of depositing funds with the escrow service.

I think it's best to see the existing payment messages as structures
that'll get filled out with more features over time. So rather than
have a separate EscrowProposal message, you would integrate it with
payment requests. Older clients that don't understand mediation would
just ignore the extra data they don't recognize.

message PaymentRequest {

  // One per mediator acceptable to the seller.
  repeated MediationProposal mediation_data = 10;

message MediationProposal {
  required SignedMediatorIdentity identity = 2;

  // Opaque bytes that the mediator can be asked to turn into a human
readable description
  // of how disputes will be mediated. The merchant sets this to
describe whatever policy it
  // is willing to go along with, so policies may be arbitrarily complicated.
  required bytes policy = 3;

message SignedMediatorIdentity {
  required MediatorIdentity identity = 1;
  // If the identity data is signed ...
  optional string pki_type = 2;
  optional bytes pki_data = 3;
  optional bytes pki_signature = 4;

message MediatorIdentity {
  // Name of the mediator to be displayed to the user.
  required string friendly_name = 1;
  // PNG image that can be used to represent the mediator to the user.
  optional bytes logo = 2;
  // Some text shown to the user under the name explaining the
mediators policies, why they should be chosen, etc.
  optional string blurb = 3;

  // An HTTP URL where a mediator can be reached to do things like
prove ownership of pubkeys, initiate the protocols, etc.
  required string contact_url = 4;

... etc 

So the user experience would be that when a payment request is received:

- older clients ignore the mediation_data field and do a direct
payment as normal
- newer clients ask the user to pick a mediator (if they want to) and
if mediation is requested, the PaymentRequest is then discarded and
the next step of the mediation protocol begins.

The old request has to be discarded because the outputs would have
been written on the assumption of no mediation being in use (for
backwards compatibility).

Anyway, though I'm awfully guilty, let's not get off track. Just that
this is how I imagined new payment features being done - as new
extensions to the payment protocol, which would be a living document
amended by BIPs.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Hearn
 OK. I want to keep the signature field required, though, so how about:

 signature: digital signature over a protocol buffer serialized variation of
 the SignedPaymentRequest message where signature is a zero-byte array and
 fields are serialized in numerical order (all current protocol buffer
 implementations serialize fields in numerical order), using the public key
 in pki_data.

Looks good to me.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Hearn
Yet more comments (I guess at some point we need to stick a fork in it
- or at least move on to implementing a prototype version).

Maybe don't require the payment URI to be HTTPS. If you want to pay a
Tor hidden service then HTTPS just adds unnecessary complexity. Just
recommend to merchants that they use an encrypted connection and leave
it at that.

Though it's not strictly necessary, it'd be nice to have defined
behavior for if you want to pay more than the requested amount, for a
tip. Perhaps rather than zero value outputs will be ignored say, if
some outputs have value and others don't, the user will be given the
option of overpaying and the extra money will be split evenly between
the zero valued outputs. That way a waitress can have the phone add a
zero-valued output to her own wallet and that would prompt the wallet
software to display some convenient UI for adding on 10% or whatever.

receiptURI - receipt_url ? technically it has to be resolvable so
uri isn't quite right.

Display the proposed Outputs in as human-friendly a form as possible
 ??? Surely you'd just display the total amount requested? I don't
think it ever makes sense to try and display outputs to the user

Re: the UI TODO - agreed but let's take it out of the BIP and maybe
make it an alternative document. Or just replace it with a
recommendation that the user interface should be designed to ensure
users understand the difference between an unsigned and signed payment
request, for best practices see here

serialized_paymentrequest - serialized_payment_request? Otherwise
languages that use CamelCase will look odd 

The question of root CAs still needs resolution. I stick with my
recommendation to support all CAs that browsers support. Obviously,
it's better for a merchant to obtain an EV cert than a domain
verification cert - the UI can reflect the higher level of

I doubt there's a need to specify a max number of certs in a chain.
But if you want to, go for something high, like 256. There's no point
in trying to put DoS mitigations into something like this, for the
same reason HTML doesn't impose a maximum page size. It's in the
message builders interest to ensure it gets read by all users.
Crashing their clients doesn't achieve anything as long as the crash
isn't exploitable.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 OK. I want to keep the signature field required, though, so how about:

 signature: digital signature over a protocol buffer serialized variation of
 the SignedPaymentRequest message where signature is a zero-byte array and
 fields are serialized in numerical order (all current protocol buffer
 implementations serialize fields in numerical order), using the public key
 in pki_data.

 Looks good to me.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Hearn
 yeah... I had similar thoughts on what to do if some Outputs specify an
 amount and others don't. I'm still waffling on whether or not I like
 allowing repeated Outputs; a single Output would make the spec a fair bit

Yes, but at the cost of privacy. Generators of payment requests always
have the option of just adding a single output and being done with it.
But in future they'll probably want to keep their income in unlinkable
chunks of a size that's up to them, and multi-outputs are needed for
this (the idea being, the users wallet tries to keep a
close-as-possible match between the requested outputs and their own).

OK, let's punt on tipping for now.

 If a bitcoin client accepts unsigned payment requests (a couple of people
 have asked if that would be possible so I think that is desired), then it
 doesn't have the payer's identity-- all it has is the Outputs that will be

I see. If I were to implement a wallet I'd just display nothing
(except the size of the request). Showing an address doesn't really
help the user in any way.

 I still like the idea of only including the root CAs who have jumped through
 the hoops needed to get the allowed to issue EV certs blessing.

The hoops only actually apply for EV certs though, they aren't
required to do that verification for DV certs.

The main reason to use the browser root CAs is that merchants are
guaranteed to be able to re-use their existing certs. Otherwise they
might have to buy new ones, which would be annoying.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol Proposal: Invoices/Payments/Receipts

2012-12-20 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks for the thoughts. For those who don't know, Stephen works for BitPay.

 My first observation is that the proposal is too heavily oriented around a
 merchant/customer interaction.

The term merchant is just being used to mean the entity requesting
the payment. I'm hopeful that in future mobile wallets will be
creating these messages where today they'd make URLs and QRcodes. So
it's definitely intended for person to person payments too.

 you may find yourself in a situation needing to parse a protobuf
 message in a web browser

Nothing stops you converting them into whatever form you want on the
server side. If you don't care about the signature checking then it's
no problem to use a server. If you do then you'd need to ship all the
code for verifying signatures that to the client anyway, at which
point a small protobuf parser is hardly a deal killer. what about the casual user that wants to create a payment request to
 send to their friend over email

They can send an unsigned payment request. Note that if you mail it as
an attachment from a competent, up to date email provider then the
attachment isn't really unsigned. The whole thing is covered by the
emails DKIM signature which is applied transparently by the ESP. If
the signature fails to verify then the mail client can show that or
treat the mail differently (as Gmail does). This is easy to use for
the end user - they don't have to think about cryptography or PKI. As
long as their email account is secure then they can send signed mails
asserting to their identity.

 Refund addresses...this is not going to be as useful as people might
 think...most refunds that bitpay needs to process happen days or even months
 after the initial purchase

Useful feedback, thanks. Still, there may be other types of merchants
for whom it's useful, and many users won't change their wallet. It
certainly simplifies things if you can present the refund address and
give a one-click option to use it. If the user wants to use a
different address, then they can go onto the slow/complicated path.

This current spec deliberately punts on the topic of identifying end
users. It's a difficult problem. Whereas many merchants have SSL
certs, most end users don't have published keys in any useful form. By
far the easiest way for 99% of people to generate a signed message is
to send email that's signed by DKIM (from gmail, hotmail, yahoo, other
providers etc). Then it's all transparent and behind the scenes. Their
identity is their email address.

So for BitPays scenario, you could require an email to be sent by the
end user containing new instructions. Your MTA can show you whether
the mail is correctly DKIM signed or not when deciding whether to
follow the instructions.

 But, if the recipient never cashes the check, the sender could pull those
 funds back after a certain period of time.

Yeah, I like the term check/cheque for that concept of a reversible payment.

 I like the use of merchant_data...this means that you no longer will need a
 unique bitcoin address for every invoice.

It's still a good idea to use one for privacy reasons. The merchant
data is there so you can stuff whatever state you want into it. So
it's like cookies. You don't have to keep state on the server side.
Just encrypt/sign it, put it in the invoice, and when you get a
payment message back there's no need to do database lookups or
anything, you can just do some crypto and know who is submitting it.

 Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of embedding things like that

What's wrong with it? Isn't your proposal more complex? I don't see
why it's better than just embedding it.

 The Receipt should be could be used as proof of payment by

There's no Receipt message, a SignedPaymentRequest + transactions that
pay to the requested outputs are together the proof of payment.

Re a new URI scheme. Interesting idea, thanks for the suggestion. It
seemed like it'd be easier for merchants to integrate if a single
linked worked for all wallet implementations/versions. But I guess we
could do both schemes, even.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Has anyone compiled under MacOS 10.8?

2012-12-27 Thread Mike Hearn
The problem mysteriously resurfaced. The magic incantation this time is to add:

unix:*-g++*: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive

to the top. I suspect this may be related to how I am using qmake. To
make it spit out a real makefile instead of an xcode project, I have
to run it like gmake -spec macx-g++, which perhaps ends up making
gcc stricter than it's supposed to be.

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 8:34 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 I found that the problem is the version of the Qt SDK I used didn't
 like the new MacOS version. Re-installing Qt fixed it.

 On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 It appears that something about Boost doesn't play nicely with the default
 build instructions (possibly the switch to clang++?).

 I will dig in eventually but for now, if anyone has a recipe that fixes
 things, let me know.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-01-10 Thread Mike Hearn
Here's a quick update on where we're up to.

Thanks to Matts excellent work, I was able to test his bitcoinj and
bitcoin-qt work together today. There are a few minor tweaks needed,
but I feel like we're maybe a week away from having all the code in a
mergeable state. Here is the remaining work:

- There are a couple of bugfixes needed on the bitcoinj side: the
fallback to downloading full blocks is problematic and needs to be
deleted, there's an API change we want

- Adjust the default FP rate requested by BCJ to be 0.0001, this is
appropriate for the latest blocks in the chain and yields 0-5 false
positives per block

- Introduce a new part to the filter protocol that allows clients to
control auto-expansion. This turned out to be very volatile, we saw
jumps from 0-3 FPs per block to 500 in the space of 1 block, perhaps
if a SatoshiDice transaction got into the filter. A simple yes/no flag
can suffice for now, but a better solution would be for the client to
submit templates for output scripts that would trigger auto-adding the
matched outpoint - autoexpansion is only needed in the case where the
input script doesn't contain any predictable data. For pay-to-address
and P2SH it does, so expansion doesn't help. Matt said he'd hopefully
try to look at this soon.

With auto-expansion disabled, the FP rate adjusted and a bugfix on the
bcj side I was able to sync a wallet using a bloom filtered chain.

Although it's tight, I think this work should go into 0.8 - it'll be
much more compelling to advertise it this way, we can say Upgrade to
0.8 and help network performance for everyone. And in the case that
we discover a showstopper problem, we just don't deploy the code that
uses the new messages into clients.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-01-11 Thread Mike Hearn
Oh, one last stat - syncing the entire chain with a wallet containing
two keys and a 0.0001 FP rate (one or two FPs every 5 blocks or so)
resulted in a download of about 46mb of data.

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
 I did some very rough initial performance tests.

 Syncing from a local peer gives me about 50 blocks per second in the
 later parts of the chain (post SD), which is about a 10-20x speedup
 over what I could do before. This is on a MacBook Pro. But at those
 points it's clearly bottlenecked by bitcoind which has saturated its
 CPU core. This makes sense - the filtering is much more server than
 client intensive because every transaction in every block has to be
 loaded and checked.

 I think filtering can be fairly well parallelized on the server side.
 So the current 10-20x speedup could potentially be larger if the
 server becomes more efficient at scanning and filtering blocks. It's
 still a very nice win for now, especially bandwidth wise. And if Matt
 makes the mempool command filtered it solves a common usability
 problem as well.

 Once we get this code in, merged and rolled out I think what we need
 for bloom v2 is clear:

  - Multi-thread the filtering process in bitcoind so transactions can
 be checked in parallel. A 4-core server would then get 4x faster at
 filtering blocks and assuming it's not too busy doing other stuff we
 could maybe sync at more like 200 blocks per second, which is cool ...
 more than a days worth of history for each second of syncing.

  - Make the client smarter so the FP rate is adapted during the sync
 process. An FP rate that makes sense post-SD results in no false
 positives pre-SD, more or less.

  - Make the client shard its wallet keys over multiple peers, for
 better privacy.

  - Make the client suck down filtered blocks in parallel from multiple
 peers, for better speed.

 As it seems the bottleneck for chain sync is now CPU time, the latter
 point may be the most important from a practical perspective.

 On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:02 AM, Jeff Garzik wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Matt Corallo 
 Ive been missing lately, when is 0.8 targeted for freeze?

 0.8rc1 will probably happen when the core ultraprune/leveldb stuff is stable.

 Jeff Garzik
 exMULTI, Inc.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-01-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Matts latest code has been tested by Andreas and seems to work
correctly. He had to extend the client a bit to refresh the filter
every 25k blocks because even with the extra flag, eventually the
filter degrades into uselessness, but it did still improve the
situation quite a bit.

Because it's unit tested, been reviewed by me several times, has an
interoperable implementation that has also been tested by Andreas in a
build of his smartphone app,  I'm going to ACK the current code and
request that it be merged in to 0.8. What do you say Gavin?

The next step after that would be profiling. It's a big performance
improvement for SPV clients already, but not as much as I anticipated.
I suspect there's a simple bottleneck or missed optimization
somewhere. But that can obviously come post-0.8

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-01-18 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm thinking we should actually make the change we talked about before
and have the filtered block sent before the transaction data.

For one, it's not intuitive (API wise) that you'd get a callback
saying new pending tx immediately before another callback saying tx
was confirmed, but that's what the current setup makes most natural.
To fix it we'd have to notice that a tx message wasn't requested by
us, buffer it, and wait for the corresponding filteredblock message.
It seems cleaner to receive a filteredblock and then for any tx that
matches it, attach it to the FilteredBlock object and wait until it is
full up, then pass it to the wallet code all at once.

Another issue is that to risk analyze unconfirmed transactions you
really have to download all dependencies. That has to be triggered by
seeing an unconfirmed transaction. It's dumb to start this process for
a tx that is actually in the chain, so you need to have some notion of
whether it came from a filtered block anyway. I only realized this

I think when we discussed this before, the justification for having it
work the current way was that it was simpler to integrate with the SPV
client code if it was done this way around. But I don't think it's
really simpler. There are enough odd side effects of doing it this
way, that I feel it'd be better to tweak the protocol now whilst we
have the chance.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Matt Corallo wrote:
 Actually, there is one more minor algorithmic change I would like to
 make to the way the hash function is computed really quick before it
 gets merged, I'll have that finished up by the end of today.


 On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 11:43 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
 Matts latest code has been tested by Andreas and seems to work
 correctly. He had to extend the client a bit to refresh the filter
 every 25k blocks because even with the extra flag, eventually the
 filter degrades into uselessness, but it did still improve the
 situation quite a bit.

 Because it's unit tested, been reviewed by me several times, has an
 interoperable implementation that has also been tested by Andreas in a
 build of his smartphone app,  I'm going to ACK the current code and
 request that it be merged in to 0.8. What do you say Gavin?

 The next step after that would be profiling. It's a big performance
 improvement for SPV clients already, but not as much as I anticipated.
 I suspect there's a simple bottleneck or missed optimization
 somewhere. But that can obviously come post-0.8

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-01-30 Thread Mike Hearn
Sorry, to clarify, these are test builds available here:

It's not on the Play store yet. It probably makes sense to release after
some more testing and after Bitcoin 0.8 comes out, as otherwise there's a
risk that 0.7 snapshot nodes will get overloaded.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Andreas has uploaded Android builds that use the new bloom filtering and
 peer selection code (also, dependency analysis of transactions).

 The performance gain is very cool. The app feels dramatically faster to
 start up and sync. Because the app syncs on charge when I opened it around
 lunchtime it had only 7 hours of data to sync (42 blocks) and it brought up
 6 peer connections, found a 0.7.99 node and synced all in 2 seconds. That
 was on wifi.

 The next lowest hanging perf fruit is almost certainly to optimize disk
 accesses. Flash on Android devices seems to be much slower than laptop
 flash storage, and current bitcoinj is very inefficient in how it writes
 (one write per block header!). This matters a lot when doing fast catchup
 for first time users.

 The BIP is now a little bit stale, but only slightly.

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Matt Corallo bitcoin-l...@bluematt.mewrote:

 Actually, there is one more minor algorithmic change I would like to
 make to the way the hash function is computed really quick before it
 gets merged, I'll have that finished up by the end of today.


 On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 11:43 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
  Matts latest code has been tested by Andreas and seems to work
  correctly. He had to extend the client a bit to refresh the filter
  every 25k blocks because even with the extra flag, eventually the
  filter degrades into uselessness, but it did still improve the
  situation quite a bit.
  Because it's unit tested, been reviewed by me several times, has an
  interoperable implementation that has also been tested by Andreas in a
  build of his smartphone app,  I'm going to ACK the current code and
  request that it be merged in to 0.8. What do you say Gavin?
  The next step after that would be profiling. It's a big performance
  improvement for SPV clients already, but not as much as I anticipated.
  I suspect there's a simple bottleneck or missed optimization
  somewhere. But that can obviously come post-0.8

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-02-06 Thread Mike Hearn
Can somebody please unlock the BIP wiki page? I don't know why it was
locked but it's stale.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Sorry, to clarify, these are test builds available here:

 It's not on the Play store yet. It probably makes sense to release after
 some more testing and after Bitcoin 0.8 comes out, as otherwise there's a
 risk that 0.7 snapshot nodes will get overloaded.

 On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Andreas has uploaded Android builds that use the new bloom filtering and
 peer selection code (also, dependency analysis of transactions).

 The performance gain is very cool. The app feels dramatically faster to
 start up and sync. Because the app syncs on charge when I opened it around
 lunchtime it had only 7 hours of data to sync (42 blocks) and it brought up
 6 peer connections, found a 0.7.99 node and synced all in 2 seconds. That
 was on wifi.

 The next lowest hanging perf fruit is almost certainly to optimize disk
 accesses. Flash on Android devices seems to be much slower than laptop
 flash storage, and current bitcoinj is very inefficient in how it writes
 (one write per block header!). This matters a lot when doing fast catchup
 for first time users.

 The BIP is now a little bit stale, but only slightly.

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Matt Corallo 

 Actually, there is one more minor algorithmic change I would like to
 make to the way the hash function is computed really quick before it
 gets merged, I'll have that finished up by the end of today.


 On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 11:43 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
  Matts latest code has been tested by Andreas and seems to work
  correctly. He had to extend the client a bit to refresh the filter
  every 25k blocks because even with the extra flag, eventually the
  filter degrades into uselessness, but it did still improve the
  situation quite a bit.
  Because it's unit tested, been reviewed by me several times, has an
  interoperable implementation that has also been tested by Andreas in a
  build of his smartphone app,  I'm going to ACK the current code and
  request that it be merged in to 0.8. What do you say Gavin?
  The next step after that would be profiling. It's a big performance
  improvement for SPV clients already, but not as much as I anticipated.
  I suspect there's a simple bottleneck or missed optimization
  somewhere. But that can obviously come post-0.8

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] RFC: empty scriptPubKeys and OP_RETURN for marking unspendable txouts

2013-02-13 Thread Mike Hearn
 So what exactly was the OP_RETURN bug anyway? I know it has something to
 do with not executing the scriptSig and scriptPubKey separately
 ( but
 commit 7f7f07 that you reference isn't in the tree, nor is 0.3.5 tagged.

It was fixed by Satoshi long ago, back when we used CVS I think.

The problem was how scripts were executed. They were concatenated together
and then run as a single unit. The now obsolete OP_CODESEPARATOR was put
between them to control what was hashed and what wasn't.

The obvious problem with that arrangement being that scriptSig ran first
(it has to, to push the signatures onto the stack), so nothing stopped you
setting a scriptSig to OP_RETURN and making the script evaluate to true,
always. A pretty amazing oversight given the thought and care that went
into Bitcoin generally, and its robustness since then.

The fix was to move to the current system whereby the two scripts are
executed independently but sharing a stack, and it's only the return value
of the scriptPubKey that matters.

The scripting system always struck me as a rather late addition to the
design. Satoshi admitted as much when he said that he added it after
encountering an explosion of special cases as he designed various types of
contracts. The fact that there's an obvious bug in CHECKMULTISIG is more
evidence of this part being a general rush job, along with Satoshis
willingness to disable much of its functionality later with the IsStandard
checks. Also the design of CHECKSIG is an obvious retrofit, it would have
made far more sense to decompose it, and we never found a use case for 99%
of the opcodes despite having successfully designed (redesigned?) all the
contract types he ever mentioned.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.7 released

2013-02-19 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.7 of the bitcoinj Java
library for working with Bitcoin. Bitcoinj forms the foundation of
MultiBit, Bitcoin Wallet for Android, SatoshiDice and more.

To get bitcoinj 0.7, check out our source from git and then run *git reset
--hard a9bd8631b904*. This will place you on the 0.7 release in a secure
manner. This paragraph was written on Tuesday 19th February 2013 and is
signed with the following key, which will be used in all release
announcements in future: 16vSNFP5Acsa6RBbjEA7QYCCRDRGXRFH4m.

Signature for the last

If you want to, you can check that the original announcement mail sent to is correctly signed with the DKIM key,
to establish a full chain of trust.

*Release notes*

   - Thanks to Matt Corallo, we now support a* fully verifying mode* in
   addition to simplified verification. This is a tremendous amount of work
   that wouldn't have happened without Matt! Right now, we strongly discourage
   anyone from using it for mining (which is not supported out of the box
   anyway). Use it in a production environment only if you know what you're
   doing and are willing to risk losing money. If you do use it, let us know
   so we can contact you when problems are discovered. Read the documentation
   carefully before you begin.
   - Also thanks to Matt, *Bloom filtering* is now implemented and
   activated by default. When bitcoinj connects to a peer that supports Bloom
   filtering, only transactions relevant to the wallet will be downloaded
   which makes bandwidth usage scale with the size of your wallet, not global
   system activity. A configurable false positive ratio allows you to trade
   off bandwidth vs privacy. App developers don't need to do anything to take
   advantage of this, it is enabled automatically.
   - PeerGroup now pings its peers and calculates moving averages of the
   ping times. Ping time, versions and block heights are taken into account
   when selecting the peer to download the chain from.
   - You can now customize which outputs the wallet uses to create spends.
   The new default coin selector object allows you to spend unconfirmed change
   as long as it's been seen propagating across the network, addressing a
   common end-user pain point in wallet apps.
   - Optimized networking code for faster startup.
   - A new PeerMonitor example app shows how to put properties of connected
   peers into a GUI.
   - The Wallet is now decoupled from the BlockChain using the new
   BlockChainListener interface. This will simplify the development of some
   apps that want to process transactions but not maintain an actual wallet.
   - The dependencies of broadcast transactions are now downloaded and risk
   analyzed. At the moment they are only being checked for having a timelock.
   In future we may also analyze tree depth. The goal is to make certain kinds
   of protocol abuse harder. Wallets will reject timelocked transactions by
   default, this can be overridden via a property.
   - You can now create timelocked transactions with
WalletTool? if
   you want to.
   - Compressed public keys are now used by default.
   - Support testnet3
   - Support bitcoin-qt compatible message signing and verification.
   - ECDSA key recovery is now implemented and allows you to obtain the
   public key from an extended signature. If the signature is not extended
   then there are multiple key possibilities returned.
   - Many bugfixes and minor improvements

API changes:

   - ECKey.sign() now takes a Sha256Hash as an argument and returns an
   ECDSASignature object in response. To get DER encoded signatures, use
   the encodeToDER() method of ECDSASignature.
   - ECKey.publicKeyFromPrivate now takes an additional compressed
   - PeerGroup.start()/PeerGroup.shutDown() now run asynchronously and
   return futures you can use to wait for them. You cannot restart a
   PeerGroup once it has been shut down any more.

Thanks to Matt Corallo (a.k.a. BlueMatt) for his huge contributions to this

As always, thanks to Andreas Schildbach for his thorough testing, ideas and
high volume of quality bug reports. Also thanks to Jim Burton for the same

Finally thanks to Ben (piuk) of for funding the ECDSA key
recovery feature.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for Bloom filtering

2013-02-20 Thread Mike Hearn
I paid the new anti-spam deposit and updated the BIP 37 page to the latest
version of the protocol, then marked it as accepted. High fives all round,
but especially to Matt for doing the heavy lifting on this feature.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
  Can somebody please unlock the BIP wiki page? I don't know why it was
  but it's stale.

 I asked for permissions to unlock it but haven't heard back— will prod.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Large-blocks and censorship

2013-03-07 Thread Mike Hearn
To summarize your post - it's another go at arguing for strongly
limited block sizes, this time on the grounds that large blocks make
it easier for $AUTHORITY to censor transactions? Is that right?

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Large-blocks and censorship

2013-03-07 Thread Mike Hearn
As an aside, there's a paper coming out in perhaps a few months that
describes a new way to provide Chaum-style privacy integrated with
Bitcoin, but without the use of blinding and without any need for
banks. It's quite smart, I was reviewing the paper this week.
Unfortunately the technique is too slow and too complicated to
actually integrate, but you'd probably get a kick out of it. It's
based on zero knowledge proofs. You can talk to Ian Miers if you like,
perhaps he'll send you a copy for review.

Back on topic.

This idea is not new. I proposed the idea of regulating miners to
freeze certain outputs two years ago:;topic=5979.0

I concluded that it was not a real risk because both mining and
transactions can be done anonymously.

Your argument rests on the assumption that you can't mine large blocks
anonymously because Tor doesn't scale. Even if we go along with the
idea that Tor is the only way to escape regulation (it's not), you
should maybe take up its inability to move data sufficiently fast with
the developers. Given that they routinely push two gigabits/second
today, with an entirely volunteer run network, I think they'll be
surprised to learn that their project is doomed to never be usable by

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Blocking uneconomical UTXO creation

2013-03-11 Thread Mike Hearn
Why does demurrage even still come up? The base rules of Bitcoin will
not be changing in such a fundamental way.

With regards to trying to minimize the size of the UTXO set, this
again feels like a solution in search of a problem. Even with SD
abusing micropayments as messages, it's only a few hundred megabytes
today. That fits in RAM, let alone disk. If one day people do get
concerned about the working set size, miners can independently set
their own policies for what they confirm, for instance maybe they just
bump the priority of any transaction that has fewer outputs than
inputs. An IsStandard() rule now that tries to ban micropayments will
just risk hurting interesting applications for no real benefit. It's
like trying to anticipate and fix problems we might face in 2020.

There are lots of less invasive changes for improving scalability,
like making transaction validation multi-threaded in every case,
transmitting merkle blocks instead of full blocks, moving blocking
disk IO off the main loop so nodes don't go unresponsive when somebody
downloads the chain from them, and finishing the payment protocol work
so there's less incentive to replicate the SD transactions as
messages design.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Blocking uneconomical UTXO creation

2013-03-11 Thread Mike Hearn
 This would be bloating UTXO data at a speed of 52 GB/year. That's a very
 big memory leak. And this is just the unspendable outputs.

Firstly, the UTXO set is a LevelDB, it's not stored in memory. Outputs
that never get spent are not in the working set by definition, after a
while they just end up in the bottom levels and hardly ever get
accessed. If need be we can always help LevelDB out a bit by moving
outputs that we suspect are unlikely to get spent into a separate
database, but I doubt it's needed.

Secondly, if an output can be proven unspendable it can be pruned
immediately. We already reached consensus on adding some standard
template using OP_RETURN that results in insta-pruning. So people who
want to create unspendable outputs can do so with the only side-effect
being long term chain storage. It would be effectively free to
pruning nodes.

So the issue is not really with unspendable outputs but with low-value
spendable outputs. Wallets with lots of tiny outputs end up generating
large transactions that take a long time to verify, in situations
where the network redlines those transactions would end up at the
bottom of the priority queue and might take longer to confirm. So
wallet apps already have incentives to try and find a good balance in
output sizes and defragment themselves if their average output gets
too low in value, eg, by send-to-self transactions at night.

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Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and remains a good choice in the  
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Warning: many 0.7 nodes break on large number of tx/block; fork risk

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Hearn
Just so we're all on the same page, can someone confirm my
understanding  - are any of the following statements untrue?

BDB ran out of locks.
However, only on some 0.7 nodes. Others, perhaps nodes using different
flags, managed it.
We have processed 1mb sized blocks on the testnet.
Therefore it isn't presently clear why that particular block caused
lock exhaustion when other larger blocks have not.

The reason for increasing the soft limit is still present (we have run
out of space).
Therefore transactions are likely to start stacking up in the memory
pool again very shortly, as they did last week.
There are no bounds on the memory pool size. If too many transactions
enter the pool then nodes will start to die with OOM failures.
Therefore it is possible that we have a very limited amount of time
until nodes start dying en-masse.
Even if nodes do not die, users have no way to find out what the
current highest fees/bids for block space are, nor any way to change
the fee on sent transactions.
Therefore Bitcoin will shortly start to break for the majority of
users who don't have a deep understanding of the system.

If all the above statements are true, we appear to be painted into a
corner - can't roll forward and can't roll back, with very limited
time to come up with a solution. I see only a small number of

1) Start aggressively trying to block or down-prioritize SatoshiDice
transactions at the network level, to buy time and try to avoid
mempool exhaustion. I don't know a good way to do this, although it
appears that virtually all their traffic is actually coming via
blockchain.infos My Wallet service. During their last outage block
sizes seemed to drop to around 50kb. Alternatively, ask SD to
temporarily suspend their service (this seems like a long shot).

2) Perform a crash hard fork as soon as possible, probably with no
changes in it except a new block size limit. Question - try to lift
the 1mb limit at the same time, or not?

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:01 AM, Pieter Wuille wrote:
 Hello again,

 block 015c50b165fcdd33556f8b44800c5298943ac70b112df480c023
 (height=225430) seems indeed to have cause pre-0.8 and 0.8 nodes to fork (at
 least mostly). Both chains are being mined on - the 0.8 one growing faster.

 After some emergency discussion on #bitcoin-dev, it seems best to try to get
 the majority mining power back on the old chain, that is, the one which
 0.7 accepts (with
 01c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606b8e797f065b130575932 at height
 225430). That is the only chain every client out there will accept. BTC
 Guild is switching to 0.7, so majority should abandon the 0.8 chain soon.

 Short advice: if you're a miner, please revert to 0.7 until we at least
 understand exactly what causes this. If you're a merchant, and are on 0.8,
 stop processing transactions until both sides have switched to the same
 chain again. We'll see how to proceed afterwards.


 On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Pieter Wuille

 Hello everyone,

 Í've just seen many reports of 0.7 nodes getting stuck around block
 225430, due to running out of lock entries in the BDB database. 0.8 nodes do
 not seem to have a problem.

 In any case, if you do not have this block:

   2013-03-12 00:00:10 SetBestChain: new
 height=225439  work=853779625563004076992  tx=14269257  date=2013-03-11

 you're likely stuck. Check debug.log and db.log (look for 'Lock table is
 out of available lock entries').

 If this is a widespread problem, it is an emergency. We risk having
 (several) forked chains with smaller blocks, which are accepted by 0.7
 nodes. Can people contact pool operators to see which fork they are on?
 Blockexplorer and seem to be stuck as well.

 Immediate solution is upgrading to 0.8, or manually setting the number of
 lock objects higher in your database. I'll follow up with more concrete

 If you're unsure, please stop processing transactions.


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endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the 

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Warning: many 0.7 nodes break on large number of tx/block; fork risk

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Hearn
However, most nodes are not running in such a loop today. Probably
almost no nodes are.

I suppose you could consider mass node death to be more benign than a
hard fork, but both are pretty damn serious and warrant immediate
action. Otherwise we're going to see the number of nodes drop sharply
over the coming days as unattended nodes die and then don't get

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and remains a good choice in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Warning: many 0.7 nodes break on large number of tx/block; fork risk

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Hearn
 We just saw a hard-fork happen because we ran into previously unknown
 scaling issues with the current codebase.

Technically, it with the previous codebase ;)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Warning: many 0.7 nodes break on large number of tx/block; fork risk

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm not even sure I'd say the upgrade went wrong. The problem if
anything is the upgrade didn't happen fast enough. If we had run out
of block space a few months from now, or if miners/merchants/exchanges
had upgraded faster, it'd have made more sense to just roll forward
and tolerate the loss of the older clients.

This really reinforces the importance of keeping nodes up to date.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Pieter Wuille wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:13:09AM +0100, Michael Gronager wrote:
 Yes, 0.7 (yes 0.7!) was not sufficiently tested it had an undocumented and 
 unknown criteria for block rejection, hence the upgrade went wrong.

 We're using 0.7 as a short moniker for all clients, but this was a 
 limitation that all
 BDB-based bitcoins ever had. The bug is simply a limit in the number of lock 
 that was reached.

 It's ironic that 0.8 was supposed to solve all problems we had due to BDB 
 (except the
 wallet...), but now it seems it's still coming back to haunt us. I really 
 hated telling
 miners to go back to 0.7, given all efforts to make 0.8 signficantly more 

 More space in the block is needed indeed, but the real problem you are 
 describing is actually not missing space in the block, but proper handling 
 of mem-pool transactions. They should be pruned on two criteria:

 1. if they gets to old 24hr
 2. if the client is running out of space, then the oldest should probably be 

 clients are anyway keeping, and re-relaying, their own transactions and 
 hence it would mean only little, and only little for clients. Dropping free 
 / old transaction is a much a better behavior than dying... Even a scheme 
 where the client dropped all or random mempool txes would be a tolerable way 
 of handling things (dropping all is similar to a restart, except for no user 

 Right now, mempools are relatively small in memory usage, but with small 
 block sizes,
 it indeed risks going up. In 0.8, conflicting (=double spending) transactions 
 in the
 chain cause clearing the mempool of conflicts, so at least the mempool is 
 bounded by
 the size of the UTXO subset being spent. Dropping transactions from the 
 memory pool
 when they run out of space seems a correct solution. I'm less convinced about 
 deterministic time-based rule, as that creates a double spending incentive at 
 time, and a counter incentive to spam the network with your 
 transaction as well.

 Regarding the block space, we've seen the pct% of one single block chain 
 space consumer
 grow simultaneously with the introduction of larger blocks, so I'm not 
 actually convinced
 there is right now a big need for larger blocks (note: right now). The 
 competition for
 block chain space is mostly an issue for client software which doesn't deal 
 with non-confirming transactions, and misleading users. It's mostly a 
 usability problem
 now, but increasing block sizes isn't guaranteed to fix that; it may just 
 make more
 space for spam.

 However, the presence of this bug, and the fact that a full solution is 
 available (0.8),
 probably helps achieving consensus fixing it (=a hardfork) is needed, and we 
 should take
 advantage of that. But please, let's not rush things...


Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and remains a good choice in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin pull requests

2013-04-04 Thread Mike Hearn
My general hope/vague plan for bitcoinj based wallets is to get them all on
to automatic updates with threshold signatures. Combined with regular
audits of the initial downloads for new users, that should give a pretty
safe result that is immune to a developer going rogue.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:12 PM, grarpamp wrote:

  Users will have available multisig addresses which require
  transactions to be signed off by a wallet HSM. (E.g. a keyfob

 Hardware is a good thing. But only if you do the crypto in the
 hardware and trust the hardware and its attack models ;) For
 instance, the fingerprint readers you see everywhere... many
 of them just present the raw fingerprint scan to the host (and
 host software), instead of hashing the fingerprint internally and
 using that as primitive in crypto exchanges with the host. They
 cheaped out and/or didn't think. So oops, there went both your
 security (host replay) and your personal privacy (biometrics),
 outside of your control. All with no protection against physical
 fingerprint lifting.

  This doesn't remove the need to improve repository integrity. ... but
  repository integrity is a general problem that is applicable to many
  things (after all, what does it matter if you can't compromise Bitcoin
  if you can compromise boost, openssl, or gcc?)

 Yes, that case would matter zero to the end product. However
 having a strong repo permits better auditing of the BTC codebase.
 That's a good thing, and eliminates the need to talk chicken and

  It's probably best
  that Bitcoin specalists stay focused on Bitcoin security measures, and
  other people interested in repository security come and help out
  improving it.  An obvious area of improvement might be oddity
  detection and alerting:  It's weird that I can rewrite history on
  github, so long as I do it quickly, without anyone noticing.

 If no one is verifying the repo, sure, even entire repos could be
 swapped out for seemingly identical ones.

 Many repos do not have any strong internal verification structures
 at all, and they run on filesystems that accept bitrot.
 Take a look at some OS's... OpenBSD and FreeBSD, supposedly
 the more secure ones out there... both use legacy repos on FFS.
 Seems rather ironic in the lol department.

 Thankfully some people out there are finally getting a clue on these
 issues, making and learning the tools, converting and migrating
 things, working on top down signed build and distribution chain, etc...
 so maybe in ten years the opensource world will be much farther
 ahead. Or at least have a strong audit trail.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoin pull requests

2013-04-04 Thread Mike Hearn
By the way, I have a download of the Bitcoin-Qt client and signature
verification running in a cron job.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 My general hope/vague plan for bitcoinj based wallets is to get them all
 on to automatic updates with threshold signatures. Combined with regular
 audits of the initial downloads for new users, that should give a pretty
 safe result that is immune to a developer going rogue.

 On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:12 PM, grarpamp wrote:

  Users will have available multisig addresses which require
  transactions to be signed off by a wallet HSM. (E.g. a keyfob

 Hardware is a good thing. But only if you do the crypto in the
 hardware and trust the hardware and its attack models ;) For
 instance, the fingerprint readers you see everywhere... many
 of them just present the raw fingerprint scan to the host (and
 host software), instead of hashing the fingerprint internally and
 using that as primitive in crypto exchanges with the host. They
 cheaped out and/or didn't think. So oops, there went both your
 security (host replay) and your personal privacy (biometrics),
 outside of your control. All with no protection against physical
 fingerprint lifting.

  This doesn't remove the need to improve repository integrity. ... but
  repository integrity is a general problem that is applicable to many
  things (after all, what does it matter if you can't compromise Bitcoin
  if you can compromise boost, openssl, or gcc?)

 Yes, that case would matter zero to the end product. However
 having a strong repo permits better auditing of the BTC codebase.
 That's a good thing, and eliminates the need to talk chicken and

  It's probably best
  that Bitcoin specalists stay focused on Bitcoin security measures, and
  other people interested in repository security come and help out
  improving it.  An obvious area of improvement might be oddity
  detection and alerting:  It's weird that I can rewrite history on
  github, so long as I do it quickly, without anyone noticing.

 If no one is verifying the repo, sure, even entire repos could be
 swapped out for seemingly identical ones.

 Many repos do not have any strong internal verification structures
 at all, and they run on filesystems that accept bitrot.
 Take a look at some OS's... OpenBSD and FreeBSD, supposedly
 the more secure ones out there... both use legacy repos on FFS.
 Seems rather ironic in the lol department.

 Thankfully some people out there are finally getting a clue on these
 issues, making and learning the tools, converting and migrating
 things, working on top down signed build and distribution chain, etc...
 so maybe in ten years the opensource world will be much farther
 ahead. Or at least have a strong audit trail.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] A mining pool at 46%

2013-04-05 Thread Mike Hearn
51% isn't a magic number - it's possible to do double spends against
confirmed transactions before that. If Michael wanted to do so, with the
current setup he could, and that's obviously rather different to how
Satoshi envisioned mining working.

However, you're somewhat right in the sense that it's a self-defeating
attack. If the pool owner went bad, he could pull it off once, but the act
of doing so would leave a permanent record and many of the people mining on
his pool would leave. As he doesn't own the actual mining hardware, he then
wouldn't be able to do it again.

There are also other mining protocols that allow people to pool together,
without p2pool and without the pool operator being able to centrally pick
which transactions go into the block. However I'm not sure they're widely
deployed at the moment. It'd be better if people didn't cluster around big
mining pools, but I think p2pool still has a lot of problems dealing with
FPGA/ASIC hardware and it hasn't been growing for a long time.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Melvin Carvalho

 There was some chat on IRC about a mining pool reaching 46%

 What's the risk of a 51% attack.

 I suggested that the pool itself is decentralized so you could not launch

 On IRC people were saying that the pool owner gets to choose what goes in
 the block

 Surely with random non colliding nonces, it would be almost impossible to
 coordinate a 51% even by the owner

 Someone came back and said that creating random numbers on a GPU is hard.
 But what about just creating ONE random number and incrementing from there

 It would be great to know if this is a threat or a non issue

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Integration testing for BitCoin

2013-04-06 Thread Mike Hearn
In bitcoinj we desperately need integration tests to exercise the wallet
code, and I think if it was done well the tests would be applicable to
bitcoind as well. There have been a series of bugs in bitcoinj that boiled
down to the unit tests were not realistic enough, either because they
stopped simulating too early or they weren't combining multiple different
things together in the same ways as happens on the real network. Sometimes
timing was an issue too.

Examples of what I mean - ensure that re-orgs are handled correctly and
update the wallet properly in every case, etc.

Something else that would be really useful, a standalone tool that
stress-tests the system. If we had a tool that randomly generated chains of
transactions we might have caught the bdb lock limit bug earlier. You could
write such a tool using bitcoinj easily, or the raw transaction APIs on

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 8:29 PM, Adam Ritter wrote:

 Thanks guys, it sounds great.
 Testing the JSON-RPC is/was not the main goal, just an interface for
 I didn't know that the bitcoinj implementation is getting close to a
 full sounds interesting, as it's much easier to
 understand and work with. I'll look at the test cases.

 Thanks very much,

 On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Gregory Maxwell
  On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Adam Ritter wrote:
  Hey guys,
  I just bought some BitCoins after being lazy to do it for the last few
  years, but also looked at the client code and the messages that are
  going on this mailing list.
  I saw that there are quite some unit tests, but I didn't find
  integration test for BitCoin, and I believe that it's quite important
  for the future of BitCoin (making the current code more stable,
  testing attack scenarios, refactoring and extending code).
  Tests that simulate multiple bitcoin users and can verify that the
  whole network of bitcoin clients work together
  to achieve the goals of Bitcoin. Also maybe [System
  would be a better name for the tests, but I'm not sure.
  I prefer to call them system tests.
  We use a system called blocktester that Matt Corallo wrote,
  It's based on BitcoinJ and works by simulating a peer against a
  slightly instrumented copy of Bitcoin(d/-qt) (modified to avoid
  computationally expensive mining).  The tests simulates many
  complicated network scenarios and tests the boundaries of many
  (hopefully all) the particular rules of the blockchain validation
  protocol.  We can use these tests to compare different versions of the
  reference software to each other and to bitcoinj (or other full node
  implementations) as well as comparing them to our abstract
  understanding of what we believe the rules of the protocol to be.
  These tests are run as part of the automated tests on every proposed
  patch to the reference software. Via a robot called pulltester which
  comments on github requests and produces logs like this:
  Pulltester also performs automatic code coverage measurements.
  Additionally, we run a public secondary test bitcoin network called
  'testnet', which can be accessed by anyone by starting the reference
  software with testnet=1.  Testnet operates the same as the production
  network except it allows mining low difficulty blocks to prevent it
  going for long times without blocks, and some of the protective
  relaying rules against non standard transaction types are disabled.
  Most of this testing work has been centered around validating the
  blockchain behavior because thats what has serious systemic risk.
  Measuring the json rpc behavior is strictly less interesting, though
  interesting too.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Who is creating non-DER signatures?

2013-04-07 Thread Mike Hearn
It'd help to know how the signatures are invalid.

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Pieter Wuille pieter.wui...@gmail.comwrote:

 (cross-post from

 Hello all,

 as some may know, Bitcoin uses DER-encoded signatures in its transactions.
 However, OpenSSL (which is used to verify them) accepts more than just the
 strict DER specification (it allows negative numbers, extra zero padding,
 extra bytes at the end, and perhaps more). As we don't like the de-facto
 specification of the Bitcoin block validity rules to depend on OpenSSL,
 we're trying to introduce a rule to make such non-standard signatures
 invalid. Obviously, that can't be done as long as any significant amount of
 clients on the network is creating these.

 I've monitored all transactions the past weeks (1.4M transactions), and it
 seems 9641 of them contain at least one non-standard signature. See for a list of the top
 addresses that had coins used as inputs in such transactions. If you
 recognize any of these addresses, or have an idea of who owns them or what
 software they are using, please let me know.



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Re: [Bitcoin-development] On-going data spam

2013-04-09 Thread Mike Hearn
OK, as the start of that conversation is now on the list, I might as well
post the other thoughts we had. Or at least that I had :)

It's tempting to see this kind of abuse through the lens of fees, because
we only have a few hammers and so everything looks like a kind of nail. The
problem is the moment you try to define abuse economically you end up
excluding legitimate and beneficial uses as well. Maybe Peters patch for
uneconomical outputs is different because of how it works. But mostly it's
true. In this case, fees would never work - Peter said the guy who uploaded
Wikileaks paid something like $500 to do it. I guess by now it's more like
$600-$700. It's hard for regular end users to compete with that kind of
wild-eyed dedication to the cause.

The root problem here is people believe the block chain is a data structure
that will live forever and be served by everyone for free, in perpetuity,
and is thus the perfect place for uncensorable stuff. That's a reasonable
assumption given how Bitcoin works today. But there's no reason it will be
true in the long run (I know this can be an unpopular viewpoint).

Firstly, legal issues - I think it's very unlikely any sane court would
care about illegal stuff in the block chain given you need special tools to
extract it (mens rea). Besides, I guess most end users will end up on SPV
clients as they mature. So these users already don't have a copy of the
entire block chain. I don't worry too much about this.

Secondly, the need to host blocks forever. In future, many (most?) full
nodes will be pruning, and won't actually store old blocks at all. They'll
just have the utxo database, some undo blocks and some number of old blocks
for serving, probably whatever fits in the amount of disk space the user is
willing to allocate. But very old blocks will have been deleted.

This leads to the question of what incentives people have to not prune. The
obvious incentive is money - charge for access to older parts of the chain.
The fewer people that host it, the more you can charge. In the worst case
scenario where, you know, only 10 different organizations store a copy of
the chain, it might mean that bootstrapping a new node in a trust-less
manner is expensive. But I really doubt it'd ever get so few. Serving large
static datasets just isn't that expensive. Also, you don't actually need to
replay from the genesis block to bring up a new code, you can copy the UTXO
database from somewhere else. By comparing the databases of lots of
different nodes together, the chances of you being in a matrix-like sybil
world can be reduced to beyond reasonable doubt. Maybe nodes would charge
for copies of their database too, but ideally there are lots of nodes and
so the charge for that should be so close to zero as makes no odds - you
can trivially undercut someone by buying access to the dataset and then
reselling it for a bit less, so the price should converge on the actual
cost of providing the service. Which will be very cheap.

There was one last thought I had, which is that if there's a shorter team
need to discourage this kind of thing we can use a network/bandwith related
hack by changing the protocol. Nodes can serve up blocks encrypted under a
random key. You only get the key when you finish the download. A blacklist
can apply to Bloom filtering such that transactions which are known to be
abusive require you to fully download the block rather than select the
transactions with a filter. This means that people can still access the
data in the chain, but the older it gets the slower and more bandwidth
intensive it becomes. Stuffing Wikileaks into the chain sounds good when a
20 line Python script can extract it instantly. If someone who wants the
files has to download gigabytes of padding around it first, suddenly
hosting it on a Tor hidden service becomes more attractive.
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] On-going data spam

2013-04-09 Thread Mike Hearn
 However, there should be some metrics and heuristics that take care of
 this problem.  Notably the dev consensus (sans you, Mike :)) seems to
 be that uneconomical outputs should be made non-standard.

I think that patch is ok as it doesn't really have any fixed concept of
what is uneconomical. But I haven't thought about it much. As Gavin says,
there's an obvious backwards compatibility problem there. It should
probably wait until the payment protocol work is done, so the major user of
micropayments-as-messages  can migrate off them.
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[Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.8

2013-04-09 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm happy to announce the release of bitcoinj 0.8, a Java library for
writing Bitcoin applications. Both simplified and full verification are
supported. BitcoinJ has been used to create everything from end-user wallet
apps to network crawlers to SatoshiDice.

To get bitcoinj 0.8, check out our source from git and then run *git fetch
--all; git checkout **cbbb1a2bf4d1*. This will place you on the 0.8 release
in a secure manner. This message was written on Tuesday 9th April 2013 and
is signed with the following key, which will be used in all release
announcements in future: 16vSNFP5Acsa6RBbjEA7QYCCRDRGXRFH4m.

Signature for previous

You can also verify the DKIM signature on the official

I'm especially happy about this release because for the first time, we have
an SPV implementation that is competitive performance-wise with more
centralised solutions that rely on custom servers. Wallets based on
bitcoinj 0.8 complete first time setup for new users in only a few seconds,
eliminating the last source of significant delays. Every operation except
key import now completes more or less immediately.

*New in this release*

   - Thanks to Jim Burton, encryption of private keys in the wallet is now
   supported. Keys are encrypted using an AES key derived using scrypt.
   - A new SPVBlockStore provides dramatically better performance and
   bounded disk usage by storing block headers in an mmapped ring buffer. This
   makes syncing headers for new chains/wallets network limited instead of
   disk io limited.
   - A new tool is provided to create lists of block header checkpoints
   that can then be used to initialize a new block store. This allows most
   headers to not be downloaded when initializing a new chain/wallet, making
   first-run of new wallets much faster.
   - Bloom-filtering capable nodes are now queried for transactions at
   startup, meaning you can receive payments that weren't confirmed yet even
   if your wallet wasn't running at the time.
   - Many static analysis warnings have been cleared.
   - All event listeners except transaction confidence listeners now run
   unlocked and core objects have been converted to use cycle detecting locks.
   Multiple lock inversions were fixed.
   - DNS seeds are now supported for testnet.
   - PeerEventListener now lets you catch and process exceptions thrown
   during peer message processing. This is useful for reporting crashes that
   don't take out your entire app, but just result in disconnection of a peer.
   - Matt Corallo's bitcoind comparison tool was merged in. It runs a large
   set of regression tests that compares the behaviour of bitcoinj in full
   verification mode against bitcoind.
   - The vast bulk of the changes in this release are bug fixes,
   optimizations and minor API improvements. They are too numerous to list
   here, please refer to the commit logs for details.

*API changes:*

   - Event listeners were previously locked before being called, and the
   object being listened to was also locked. This is no longer true - your
   event listeners must be thread safe and the objects that triggered the
   event may be changing in parallel.
   - IrcDiscovery is now deprecated, as LFnet has gone offline and DNS
   seeding can be used for both test and production networks. The code is
   still there in case you want to use IRC bootstrapping for a private
   experimental network.
   - BoundedOverheadBlockStore is now deprecated. It was replaced by
   SPVBlockStore. The file format has changed, so BOBS will stick around
   for a while so users can be upgraded.
   - The Derby based block store has been deleted. It only supported SPV
   mode and wasn't used much.
   - The static NetworkParameters methods now vend singleton objects.
   - WalletEventListener.onCoinsSent is no longer run when a transaction
   sends to self but the balance doesn't change.

*Known issues:*

   - Transaction confidence listeners are still run with the wallet lock
   held, which means it's possible to trigger unexpected lock inversions by
   doing certain things inside them. Also, confidence listeners sometimes run
   in places where the wallet code is not fully re-entrant, meaning that
   modifying the wallet whilst inside a confidence listener may cause
   problems. A simple fix is to run your listener code in a separate thread. A
   future release will fix this by ensuring that listeners only ever run at
   the end of wallet mutating operations and with the wallet unlocked. Core
   objects will also switch to using non-reentrant locks so unexpected
   reentrancy deadlocks early and reliably.
   - If multiple peers disconnect simultaneously it's possible for the
   system to deadlock due to Netty allowing uncontrolled reentrancy when
   sending outbound 

[Bitcoin-development] Anti DoS for tx replacement

2013-04-16 Thread Mike Hearn
This was previously discussed on the forums a bunch of times, but in
particular here:

BTW, I don't think all this has to be solved to re-activate replacement on
testnet. It's useful for people to be able to develop apps that use this
feature, indeed, it helps build the case for re-activating it on the main
network after the necessary work is done. Otherwise there'll inevitably be
people who say why re-activate something even though we think it's safe
when there are no use cases for it. Letting people develop and deploy
interesting prototypes in parallel solves that catch-22.


Refresher: since the first release Bitcoin has had the ability to replace
transactions that sit in the memory pool if the transaction is non-final,
the inputs are the same and the replacement is newer than the replacee.
Being non-final means not having reached the nLockTime threshold, and
having at least one input with a sequence number  UINT_MAX. Around the
time of the bugs in various opcodes being found, Satoshi disabled the
feature because nothing was using it - it was something he'd planned for
the future, it had no utility in the Bitcoin of 2010.

The purpose of tx replacement is to implement high frequency trading,
according to material Satoshi sent me when I asked him what it was all for
(I wanted to know why sequence numbers were a property of inputs not the

It's very important to understand that this does *NOT* mean high-frequency
from the networks perspective. In normal operation, tx replacement is not
actually intended to be used at all. Sort of like double-spending
protection, it's a code path that's only meant to be triggered when one or
the other party is maliciously trying to roll back a negotiated contract.
And when a party is trying to do that, you don't need lots of replacements.
A single replacement is enough.

To see why this is the case please review the micropayment channel protocol

This isn't the only use of contractual HFT in Bitcoin, it's a deliberately
simplified and stripped down example (eg, that only uses two parties). The
example Satoshi gave me was more abstract and actually had N parties in it
- it left me puzzled for a while and struggling to see practical
application. The billing for a metered resource use case is easier to

Now the obvious problem is that even though the feature is only intended to
be used occasionally or never, nothing in the existing code stops you using
it as fast as possible and exhausting nodes CPU time and bandwidth.

What's more, solving this is not as easy as it looks. Most proposed
solutions will not work:

1) Requiring higher fees for each replacement means that a channel/contract
has to be torn down and rebuilt much, much faster than before because
otherwise the amount of money lost to fees quickly becomes the entire size
of the channel (or you can't update it very often). Remember, you'd have to
increase the fee for each replacement regardless of whether it's presented
to the network or not. As the whole point of the setup is to avoid putting
lots of transactions on the network, anything that pushes you back towards
doing that undermines the entire utility of the system.

2) Refusing to update the transaction after certain thresholds are reached,
having cooldown periods, etc also won't work because the replacement
mechanism is there to protect each counter-party in the HFT contract.
Simply converting a DoS on the network to a DoS on the participants means
one malicious party can break the mechanism that protects all the others by
broadcasting the initial set of updates all at once and deliberately
tripping the thresholds.

OK, let's take a step back. What is the purpose of abusing this feature?
It's to mount a denial of service attack - either against the entire
Bitcoin network, or against the other participants in the contract. But
someone, somewhere has to be denied service, otherwise the attack is

We can exploit this fact by realising that typically anti-DoS is a
prioritisation problem. It doesn't usually matter if you serve some abusive
traffic if all legitimate traffic gets served first because it removes the
denial of service from the attack, and usually there are lots of ways to
attack someone with methods that don't work - real world experience
indicates that people don't pointlessly mount attacks over and over again
if there's nothing to be gained by doing so.

So we can do the following - multi-thread verification of transactions that
are trying to enter the memory pool, and order them such that high priority
transactions are verified first, low priority next, and then replacements
of transactions sorted by age of last replacement. Same thing for relaying
- faced with getdatas, service the new transactions first, replacements
with whatever is left 

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Anti DoS for tx replacement

2013-04-17 Thread Mike Hearn
 Or are you talking about some sort of new decentralized high frequency
 trading system that is self-matching and self-clearing? (I'd be very
 interested in hearing more if this is the case).

I'm using the term high frequency trading because Satoshi did. Like the
way he used the word contract it is perhaps a bit misleading, but we lack
anything better to describe this new concept.

Today HFT typically means companies that submits tons of micro-trades to
centralised asset exchanges to try and exploit statistically expected
correlations. HFT using tx replacement has nothing to do this with - it is
instead a way that N parties can negotiate amongst themselves as fast as
they can compute and verify signatures.

Here is how Satoshi explained it to me, in his words:

An unrecorded open transaction can keep being replaced until nLockTime.  It
may contain payments by multiple parties.  Each input owner signs their
input.  For a new version to be written, each must sign a higher sequence
number (see IsNewerThan).  By signing, an input owner says I agree to put
my money in, if everyone puts their money in and the outputs are this.
 There are other options in SignatureHash such as SIGHASH_SINGLE which
means I agree, as long as this one output (i.e. mine) is what I want, I
don't care what you do with the other outputs..  If that's written with a
high nSequenceNumber, the party can bow out of the negotiation except for
that one stipulation, or sign SIGHASH_NONE and bow out completely.

The parties could create a pre-agreed default option by creating a higher
nSequenceNumber tx using OP_CHECKMULTISIG that requires a subset of parties
to sign to complete the signature.  The parties hold this tx in reserve and
if need be, pass it around until it has enough signatures.

One use of nLockTime is high frequency trades between a set of parties.
 They can keep updating a tx by unanimous agreement.  The party giving
money would be the first to sign the next version.  If one party stops
agreeing to changes, then the last state will be recorded at nLockTime.  If
desired, a default transaction can be prepared after each version so n-1
parties can push an unresponsive party out.  Intermediate transactions do
not need to be broadcast.  Only the final outcome gets recorded by the
network.  Just before nLockTime, the parties and a few witness nodes
broadcast the highest sequence tx they saw.
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