[boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the boost::signal sample crashes

2003-08-07 Thread Bohdan

E. Gladyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 --- Bohdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you mean your threads snipped: Yes i've seen it.
  IMO it is more complicated and YES it has compile
  time problems, unless you put traits implementation
  in cpp files and move #include OS headers  to
  cpp files, but in this case you have

 Yes, it was my suggestion. I have put traits
 implemenations in cpp file in my proposal.  #include
 OS headers are in cpp files as well.  Sorry if my
 description was not clear.  I hope you agree that in
 this case, there are not any performance issues?

  link-to-correct-library problems again.

 We have it anyway. My solution didn't claim to resolve
 it completely, did it?  However if I use thread_core.h
 directly and provide my own trait (my toy OS), it
 resolves the link-to-correct-library problems
 automatically, does it?

Not really. Example:
Link to static or dynamic (i mean import lib)
thread library problem. This decision can be made
only by linker option or by #pragma comment.
IMHO, traits can't help here.

 Win32 has really different thread models. I have
 mentioned it several times in my posts. They have
 normal threads and fibers, do they?

Ah ... sorry i've missed this point.
AFAIK fibers are present only on particular OSes.
If i don't mind they are supported for all windows
starting from win2k.  This means that they are
not portable to other OSes and boost::thread
has nothing to do with them. If i don't mind boost
main objective is portability.
Anyway, if your implementation can't fix link-to-correct-library
problems ... than what we are discussing ? :)
I was thinking that THIS was discussion subject.
Am i wrong ?


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Re: [boost] Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-07 Thread E. Gladyshev

--- Bohdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2. Finally your lib may become non-template ( i mean
 cpp files) ...

If it becomes not-template, I'll stop working on it
:). cpp files are allowed for the layer 1 code and
compilation-time optimization wrappers only, that's
it! Both has little to do with the library itself.

 What about simple boost::gui ?

I would like to have an unique name without the boost


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Re: [boost] Re: swappable user defined types and STLport libraries

2003-08-07 Thread Peter Dimov
Fernando Cacciola wrote:
 BTW, I have a question:
 According to BCB, the primary swap is hidden when some swap is
 declared directly in std even for ADL.
 That is, not even this works:
 using std::swap; swap(x,y);
 is this conformant?

Yes, declaring things in std is undefined behavior.
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[boost] Shifted ptr review

2003-08-07 Thread Thomas Witt
Hash: SHA1

could you please contact me in case you are still interested in
shifted_ptr being reviewed.


BOOST Review Wizard.

- --
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[boost] [regex] Escaping a search string?

2003-08-07 Thread Daniel Frey
Hi John, Hi .*,

Given that I have a string 's' from somewhere, I'd like to create a 
regular expression where some part must match that string. The problem 
is, the 's' could contain characters that have a special meaning in 
regular expressions. Is there some support function that can provide an 
escaped version of 's'? Something that transforms my.*string into 
my\.\*string? If there isn't, would it be possible/easy to provide one?

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey
aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: http://www.aixigo.de
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[boost] Gcc problem in variant library

2003-08-07 Thread Hartmut Kaiser

Hi all,

I've tried to use the variant library to implement some new
functionality inside the Boost.Spirit library. I must say, I'm
impressed. Very well done!

I've stumbled over a problem though: gcc (Cygwin: gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927
(prerelease)) reports:

In file included from D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant/variant.hpp:25,
 from D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant.hpp:22,
 from D:/cvs/spirit/boost/spirit/core.hpp:49,
 from grammar_tests.cpp:18:
D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant/detail/forced_return.hpp:57: default argument

   specified in explicit specialization

Is it my fault? Other compilers (VC7.1) work well.

Regards Hartmut

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Re: [boost] Re: the boost::signal sample crashes

2003-08-07 Thread Peter Dimov
From: Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 12:53 PM 8/6/2003, Russell Hind wrote:

  Beman Dawes wrote:
   I don't think people were against the idea of solving the problem, but
   rather there is a need for a unified prefix/suffix header solution

   as John is suggesting. Developers need a canned solution; they can't
   be asked to code #ifdefs and pragmas for compilers they know nothing
  I thought people were against it for reasons of setting up test cases
  and such, not because of the implementation.

 Well, some of us are trying to get out of doing additional work:-)

Not really. Prefix/suffix headers certainly work well for self-contained
libraries (i.e. regex). The problem is that we have both inline and
out-of-line libraries that depend on each other, and some of our users (
e.g. me :-) ) only need the first category.

To make out-of-line libraries plug and play we may have to prefix/suffix
all* inline libraries as well, making their users pay for something they do
not need.

* Under the assumption that they are potential future dependencies.

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[boost] Re: Wrong version.hpp in Boost 1.30.1 download

2003-08-07 Thread David Abrahams
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 01:13 PM 8/5/2003, Daryle Walker wrote:

  On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 11:27 PM, David Abrahams wrote:
   Alisdair Meredith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   version.hpp still claims to be version 1.30.0
   Oh well.  I guess there are some details missing from the release
   manager's responsibilities on the release procedure page.
  Can you (or Beman, who I think usually does the releases) add these
  directions to CVS?  You may want to ask Beman if there are any other
  details not yet mentioned in the docs.

 I'll try to update it. The problem is that the actual checklist I use
 is quite a bit longer, and a lot of the steps are specific to my
 environment. For example, it gives the steps needed to run the
 particular graphical FTP program I use.

A good argument for scripting all of this stuff as Daryle suggested,

http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/lib/module-ftplib.html wink

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: the boost::signal sample crashes

2003-08-07 Thread Russell Hind
Peter Dimov wrote:
The main problem with shared_ptr 1.30.x and below is that the single- and
multithreaded versions are incompatible. The CVS version is now binary
compatible on Windows, so 1.31 will work across different threading
models; still, the correct default for Borland should probably be to do a
multithreaded build.
By the way, this can't be fixed with prefix/suffix headers.

No, you still need single/multi-threaded builds, but with out headers, I 
then need to add in 4-byte alignment builds, 8-byte alignment builds, 
different builds for different calling conventions etc.  It doesn't get 
easy, especially for existing projects.  We either end up making a 
custom build of the boost libs for each project?  That would become a 
maintanence nightmare.

How would you feel if you had to re-build your compiler's RTL just so 
you could change some project options?

But I don't want to enforce a set. I want (for example) shared_ptr to use
whatever set the user has specified and not to override his settings.
Then we put options in to ignore the pre-post config headers so users 
can user there own settings if they wish, but it appears to me that most 
people don't care what options are set, they would just rather have it 
work, and currently, its very easy to break things as soon as you use a 
compiled lib.



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[boost] using graphviz with the BGL

2003-08-07 Thread Trevon Fuller
Is there documentation anywhere that explains how to build and link graphviz
for MSVC .NET for use with the BOOST graph library?

I am trying to compile the example ospf-example.cpp from the BOOST graph
library in MSVC .NET. I am using BOOST 1.30.0. I built the graphviz library
using bjam with the vc7 toolset. I am getting a compile error:

error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand
of type 'const
roperty,EdgeProperty,GraphProperty,EdgeListS::config::edge_iterator' (or
there is no acceptable conversion)



I think this error is due to the fact that MSVC does not support partial
template specialization. Also, when I comment out all of the code except for
the first 3 lines of the main, I get the error :

dijkstra_link_state_routing error result returned from 'cl.exe'

(dijkstra_link_state_routing is the name of the solution that contains the
file ospf-example.cpp).

Any suggestions anyone could offer would be appreciated. Below is the code
for ospf-example.cpp. It is the same as the code on the BOOST website.

Trevon Fuller

// Copyright 2001 Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee,
// This file is part of the Boost Graph Library
// You should have received a copy of the License Agreement for the
// Boost Graph Library along with the software; see the file LICENSE.
// If not, contact Office of Research, Indiana University,
// Bloomington, IN 47405.
// Permission to modify the code and to distribute the code is
// granted, provided the text of this NOTICE is retained, a notice if
// the code was modified is included with the above COPYRIGHT NOTICE
// and with the COPYRIGHT NOTICE in the LICENSE file, and that the
// LICENSE file is distributed with the modified code.
// By way of example, but not limitation, Licensor MAKES NO
#include fstream  // for file I/O
#include boost/graph/graphviz.hpp // for read/write_graphviz()
#include boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp
#include boost/lexical_cast.hpp
  using namespace boost;
  GraphvizDigraph g_dot;
  read_graphviz(figs/ospf-graph.dot, g_dot);

  typedef adjacency_list  vecS, vecS, directedS, no_property,
property  edge_weight_t, int   Graph;
  typedef graph_traits  Graph ::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
  Graph g(num_vertices(g_dot));
  property_map  GraphvizDigraph, edge_attribute_t ::type
edge_attr_map = get(edge_attribute, g_dot);
  graph_traits  GraphvizDigraph ::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
  for (tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g_dot); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
int weight = lexical_cast  int (edge_attr_map[*ei][label]);
property  edge_weight_t, int edge_property(weight);
add_edge(source(*ei, g_dot), target(*ei, g_dot), edge_property, g);

  vertex_descriptor router_six;
  property_map  GraphvizDigraph, vertex_attribute_t ::type
vertex_attr_map = get(vertex_attribute, g_dot);
  graph_traits  GraphvizDigraph ::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
  for (tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g_dot); vi != vi_end; ++vi)
if (RT6 == vertex_attr_map[*vi][label]) {
  router_six = *vi;

  std::vector  vertex_descriptor  parent(num_vertices(g));
  // All vertices start out as there own parent
  typedef graph_traits  Graph ::vertices_size_type size_type;
  for (size_type p = 0; p  num_vertices(g); ++p)
parent[p] = p;

#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)  BOOST_MSVC = 1300
  std::vectorint distance(num_vertices(g));
  property_mapGraph, edge_weight_t::type weightmap = get(edge_weight, g);
  property_mapGraph, vertex_index_t::type indexmap = get(vertex_index, g);
(g, router_six, parent[0], distance[0], weightmap,
 indexmap, std::lessint(), closed_plusint(),
 std::numeric_limitsint::max(), 0, default_dijkstra_visitor());
  dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, router_six, predecessor_map(parent[0]));


[boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the boost::signal sample crashes

2003-08-07 Thread Bohdan

E. Gladyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Sorry, you are wrong.  This discussion subjects were
 the link problem and be able to to use boost::thread
 with my toy OS and/or with different threading models
 without mocking with boost sources.

  Now i see. I suppose 'link' question is closed ... ?
About your OS support : i don't beleive boost developers
will change current implemenatation design ... porting to
some new OS isn't too frequent operation.
   If you really
have problems on porting boost::thread to your
library i can propose to organize current boost::thread
sources to make ports more easy. I mean better organization
of code/files. Ex: put os implemenatations is separate
folders like 'posix', 'win32' 
Additionaly it would be nice to add some guidelines on
how to do port (patching files and build system).
IMHO, this solution is almost identical to implementing
custom ThreadTraits and it is pleasant for lazy
programmers soul :).


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[boost] Re: boost::fs?

2003-08-07 Thread David Abrahams
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 03:59 PM 8/5/2003, David Abrahams wrote:
  Why are we using such a cryptic namespace name?  I mean, I can
  understand wanting to abbreviate template_metaprogramming, but
  filesystem doesn't seem too bad and you could use filesys; people
  will use namespace aliases anyway.

 The Filesystem Library is in namespace boost::filesystem.

 A namespace alias of fs:: is used in an example on one of the doc
 pages, and in some of the test and implementation code. Is that a

Yes!  People will be very confused, IMO.  I clearly was.

Sorry to complain, but fs has
  been rubbing me the wrong way since I started using it.

 Why are you using it then? I just double checked, and it doesn't
 appear in any of the filesystem headers.

Ah, I haven't compiled anything yet. ;-

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: GUI sublanguage ?

2003-08-07 Thread Philippe A. Bouchard
Bohdan wrote:


 There are a lot of good reasons why we would not always want to have
 total control.

 Not always means sometimes not ?
 According to this logic your gui language is
 layer built on top of interface proposed by me
 ... just for convenience. Right ?

I looks like a competition between the two of you...

 I want my applications to be as simple as possible, and
 to all look the same.

 Generally GUI applications are semantically complicated.
 Forget about universal cure from this. Everithing you can
 do is to symplify development in some cases.

It doesn't make sense to start positionning every widget manually like this.
What if you find you're interface ugly (p = 0.90) the first time and you
have found a better idea?  You are going to retype the position of every
widgets in the whole application?!?  If you are planning to do this, I
suggest to use another GUI application which will generate the spaghetti
part of you're code.

 If the GUI library picks the 'best' settings for
 the platform automatically, the individual programmer doesn't have to
 think about it.  Everything just works like it should.  To take a few
 things from your snippet that are suspect to me:

 w.width( 400 );
 w.height( 200 )

 Where do 400 and 200 come from?  This seems arbitrary to me.  The GUI
 system should be able to tell how to size itself.

 Have you invented universal algorithm for window size/position ?

It is possible to use horizontal / vertical / grid layout recursively which
will deduce the position of your widgets given your criterias.  Another
container-like widget; i.e. container oriented design.  With experience it
becomes easy.


 Generally runtime gui styles (flat, 3d ...) can be more helpful,
 because changing look-and-feel in application options is very
 frequent situation for serious GUI applications. Please don't be too
 obsessed by compile
 time, it is not very good way for GUI toolkit.

I agree, you should draw some line between compile-time / run-time.  Not to
much run-time though.


 - GUI code is difficult, tedious, and error prone even for simple
 I want to make it simple (for simple tasks)

 Agree! But only for simple tasks.

You mean the opposite...  The time required for complex applications would
be exponential.



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[boost] [Boost-bugs] [ boost-Bugs-784698 ] date_time MSVC: no__declspec(dllexport)

2003-08-07 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #784698, was opened at 2003-08-07 04:07
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: date_time  MSVC: no __declspec(dllexport)

Initial Comment:
Microsoft compiler specific.

The date and time library doesn't declare any of its
classes for export, which means that they get stripped
from the DLLs that are produced.

Temporary workaround is to use the static library,
however for those of use wanting to make a big ol' bag
o' boost everything-included dll, this is a problem.



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[boost] Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-07 Thread Bohdan

Brock Peabody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   That sounds good.  What if we called the lower layer
   boost::gui and the
   upper layer boost::sgtl?

 It stands for 'standard'.  Maybe that's a little pretentious for us at
 this early stage :)  gtl would probably be better.  I suspect that if we
 get to a review some people may request something more verbose.

IMO, gtl can be mixed up with boost graph library. May be guitl ?


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[boost] Re: Filesystem: create_directories

2003-08-07 Thread rasmus ekman
David Abrahams wrote:
void create_directories( const path  ph );

Precondition: ph.empty() || 
forall p: p == ph || is_parent(p, ph): is_directory(p) || !exists( p ) 

Postcondition: exists(ph)  is_directory(ph)

void establish_directory( const path  ph );

has the right mix of senses.

(5th attempt to post this useless suggestion,
guess the issue has decomposed by now...
i gotta read a book about this internet thing someday)
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Re: [boost] Release Manager's Checklist added

2003-08-07 Thread Beman Dawes
At 02:10 PM 8/7/2003, Joerg Walter wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Monitor inspection report to verify problems are being dealt with.

Unsure about that. I remember some mails from a wizard ;-)
Yes, but the release manager has to help too. Or at least monitor progress.

 * Monitor regression tests to verify that errors are dealt with.

Unsure about that. ublas has some test failures (for ICC on windows for
example) which nobody is going to fix probably. OTOH this is the only
verification if cvs is consistent.
The actual process for future releases is going to be more sophisticated 
than in the past. For key compilers (those on major platforms with few 
enough bugs that it is possible to look at errors in detail), we can try to 
account for failures (as boost problems, compiler bugs, whatever). For 
example, see the random library tests at 

There are seven failures. Jens has looked each failure, and each has been 
classified. (Except Borland classification which will show up tomorrow.) 
You could say each failure has been accounted for.

Thus the release manager can see at a glance that this library is ready for 

 * Monitor mailing lists to verify that patches are being dealt with.

Doesn't sf have a tracker for patches?

 * Monitor mailing lists and bug tracker to verify that bug reports are
 being dealt with.

Doesn't sf have a tracker for bugs?
Yes, to both but we aren't using them fully and/or properly. Also, people 
post patches and bug reports direct to the mailing lists. Sometimes they 
get handled promptly, sometimes not. I've got at least a dozen email 
messages to the main list flagged as awaiting response, plus lots of S/F 
reports too.

I keep meaning to research the best way to track bugs/patches, but haven't 
found the time. Note that the best way may just mean learning to use 
existing SourceForge features better.

 * Monitor CVS commits to verify content gets committed as planned.

Yep, seems like this one is a problem. Prereleases?
Some kind of task list is more what I had in mind. SourceForge has such a 
feature already; we aren't using it.

Thanks for the questions. Even though programming is much more fun, we need 
to do a certain amount of management to ensure release quality.


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Re: [boost] GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-07 Thread E. Gladyshev

--- Gregory Colvin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perhaps Perseus, who slew the Medusa, the
 snake-haired monster of
 so frightful an aspect that no living thing could
 behold her without
 being turned into stone.
 Perseus avoid being turned to stone by clever use of
 indirection --
 he avoided looking directly at Medusa, instead
 looking only at her
 reflection in the mirror of his polished shield.

Perseus is cool.
Unfortunately it is taken on sourceforge and there are
already a lot of s/w stuff with this name.


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RE: [boost] Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-07 Thread E. Gladyshev

--- Brock Peabody [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   What about simple boost::gui ?
  I would like to have an unique name without the
 I think the boost namespace is a requirement for any
 boost library.

Sorry, I didn't mean to put the library out of the
boost namespace. The namespace will be boost::sgtl. I
just wanted the name itself to be uniq w/o attaching
boost:: to it.



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RE: [boost] Re: Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-07 Thread E. Gladyshev

--- Drazen DOTLIC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now that the interest for this kind of library has
 been shown (or not,
 whatever) could the interested parties please
 coordinate their efforts
 using other means than boost mailing list? IIUC this
 list is for issues
 with existing code (problems, usage patterns etc)
 and for submissions
 that have some code. I am already having problems
 keeping up with the
 list as is...

I am sorry for plaguing your mail box. We are going to
open a sourceforge project and move this discussion
there. Please bear with us for couple more days,
please...  Basically we just need to agree on the


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[boost] UI++ [was: GUI sublanguage; Re: Re: Re: Re: GUI/GDI template library]

2003-08-07 Thread Philippe A. Bouchard
I am sorry but I am having trouble following the discussion; it is spreaded
everywhere in my newsreader recursively.

What is the new name you have finally found?  I would like to suggest adding
an adjective or symbol that represents something clean and / or efficient
with hidden features (secondary effects of a powerful design).

Do you have a sourceforge branch set up yet?



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[boost] Re: Wrong version.hpp in Boost 1.30.1 download

2003-08-07 Thread Daryle Walker
On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 11:27 PM, David Abrahams wrote:

Alisdair Meredith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

version.hpp still claims to be version 1.30.0
Oh well.  I guess there are some details missing from the release
manager's responsibilities on the release procedure page.
Can you (or Beman, who I think usually does the releases) add these 
directions to CVS?  You may want to ask Beman if there are any other 
details not yet mentioned in the docs.


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