"E. Gladyshev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Sorry, you are wrong.  This discussion subjects were
> the link problem and be able to to use boost::thread
> with my toy OS and/or with different threading models
> without mocking with boost sources.

  Now i see. I suppose 'link' question is closed ... ?
About your OS support : i don't beleive boost developers
will change current implemenatation design ... porting to
some new OS isn't too frequent operation.
   If you really
have problems on porting boost::thread to your
library i can propose to organize current boost::thread
sources to make ports more easy. I mean better organization
of code/files. Ex: put os implemenatations is separate
folders like 'posix', 'win32' ....
Additionaly it would be nice to add some guidelines on
how to do port (patching files and build system).
IMHO, this solution is almost identical to implementing
custom ThreadTraits and it is pleasant for lazy
programmers soul :).


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