[boost] stlport vc++ (was RE: [boost] stlport gcc support)

2003-08-20 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 are actively
  working on it though, see the forum on stlport.org.
 It seems, adding STLport/any recent gcc version to the tests makes
 only limited sense at the moment. I'm inclined not to add such a
 configuration, now.

Additionally, Visual C++ 7.1 (aka .NET 2003) also comes with decent
(working) implementation of standard library, and considering the
dynamics of new STLPort versions (quite slow lately), I don't see a
point in using STLPort any more for newer MS compilers.
VC 6 is another story as STLPort is the only sane standard library

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RE: [boost] Re: XMLUI (was Re: Re: UI++)

2003-08-18 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 May I come with a bit of scepticism? There's already XUL (see
 http://xulplanet.com for a start, and
 http://www.mozilla.org/catalog/architecture/xul/ for more details).
 I think Mozilla folks put some effort into it, so I wonder if 
 XMLUI offers
 something new/better?

I would say that targets of these two projects are somewhat different.
XML UI (IIUC) will support static definition of the layout and
functionality in the C++ source code itself, while XUL defines layout
(and some functionality) in the external XML file. It's like compile
time (XMLUI) vs run-time (XUL).
If you ask me, latter is a better approach if done right, but it is very
hard to make all this portable.

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RE: [boost] Re: How Do We Install the Boost FileSystem?

2003-08-14 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 You can use the parts independently
 There is no install required
 You have the complete code, you include the appropriate header!

Yes, for the 'header-only' libraries, filesystem library is not one of
 Boost isn't like most 3rd party libraries in the sense of a dll (or 
 similar) which you download or build and then have to ship 
 and an API to 
 use it.
 You have the complete code so you can use it as if it was your own!

In this case, one would need to either statically link to filesystem lib
(if(!) static library is one of the targets of the jamfile) or to link
to DLLs (which are for sure produced by jamfile). I would personally
always go with DLLs (if we are talking about Windows platform), and
building filesystem to DLLs with provided jamfiles is really easy...

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RE: [boost] Re: Re: GUI/GDI template library

2003-08-14 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
Now that the interest for this kind of library has been shown (or not,
whatever) could the interested parties please coordinate their efforts
using other means than boost mailing list? IIUC this list is for issues
with existing code (problems, usage patterns etc) and for submissions
that have some code. I am already having problems keeping up with the
list as is...


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RE: [boost] Inconsistency using BOOST_WORKAROUND in format library

2003-07-17 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
  There was a message few weeks ago that did not get 
 satisfactory answer
 hm, I may have missed this message.. 

Well, like my previous post it ended up with debate about
BOOST_TESTED_AT macro and not this case :)
 you're right there was an inconsistency.
 but the lines you're quoting are not in CVS anymore, I 

Good to hear that. In the meantime, we had for quite some time 1.30
version (without the fix), then we applied the same patch, then imported
current CVS version few weeks ago. I just wanted to make sure that
this is fixed, so that next time we import boost we can overwrite all
files safely (we had no other patches).

Thanks for the fix,

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[boost] Inconsistency using BOOST_WORKAROUND in format library

2003-07-16 Thread Drazen DOTLIC

There was a message few weeks ago that did not get satisfactory answer
IMHO. It's about compiler workaround in boost/format/feed_args.hpp (note
that we use VC7.1):

At the same time, in msvc_disambiguater.hpp:
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)  BOOST_MSVC = 1300 // this whole header is
specifically for msvc

The problem is that macro [working] is, well, working, but the
[original] doesn't, and they should work together (by design) - again,
all this with VC7.1. My proposal is that if we are all to use these
macros, we should use them consistently, and if we do, I'd rather see
the version marked as [fixed] above - it does the same thing (according
to the docs) and is more readable, or we fix the macro (or the compiler
:) I don't know who is to blame (macro or compiler or both), but after
reading boost/detail/workaround.hpp I don't see any advantage in using
[original] over [fixed], IMHO the [fixed] is more readable and clearly
states intent.

In my company we have fixed this in our own CVS, but I feel uneasy
patching external libraries like this, so if someone with full access to
boost CVS could fix this, we would very much appreciate it.


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RE: [boost] Re: Inconsistency using BOOST_WORKAROUND in formatlibrary

2003-07-16 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 No it does *not*.  Please re-read the docs.

OK, mea culpa, I've read them again.

 I have no opinion on which one is better for this case, but they are

Good, goes along well with my point - boost code for format uses
_different_ macros to detect the same thing. The result is that code
wants to use msvc_disambiguater (wrongly) and then can't see it's
definiton (correctly).

For BOOST_TESTED_AT to do anything useful, we MUST define
BOOST_DETECT_OUTDATED_WORKAROUNDS, otherwise fix stays even if new
compiler obsoletes workaround, which is what happened in this case. On
the other hand, without BOOST_TESTED_AT, assumption is that new compiler
_always_ obsoletes the workaround, so I see that for some cases it
(BOOST_TESTED_AT) is useful.

But for this particular case, it should at least be the same macro for
two dependent places in the code, no?

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RE: [boost] Re: mpl/loki

2003-07-12 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 That's because void_ is for MPL internal use only; it's not a type
 you should manipulate (I think Aleksey doesn't believe me, but I'm
 about to prove it... wink).

It's quite all right - my code does not use that other type, I just
need a type. I could have just as well used my own class null_type
{};, but mpl's void_ looked like good enough choice. Anyway, I want to
use null or void in the name of the type just for readability of my
 Observe the definition of identity (comments added for exposition

Well, what can I say - this is not visible from the header, as many
things are wrapped in macros, so reading the code is much harder. Now
that you've shown it the way it really is, I can see the problem. But
since I didn't need void_ in the first place, all is good.


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[boost] mpl/loki

2003-07-11 Thread Drazen DOTLIC

I've recently discovered that mpl provides all the functionality I was previously 
using from loki, so I decided to switch. There is one small thing driving me crazy, 
and I was wondering if I missed something...
I was using loki's TypeAtNonStrict algorithm to give me type from type list at a 
specified position, or NullType (loki's internal null class) if not found. Now, I 
need the same for mpl:vector, and I tried the following 'naïve' approach:

[TypeVector is boost::mpl::vectorbool]
enum { numParams = boost::mpl::sizeTypeVector::type::value };
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c(numParams  2), typename 
boost::mpl::at_cTypeVector, 2::type, boost::mpl::void_::type Param1;

I was expecting to get Param1 to be boost::mpl::void_, but to my great surprise, my 
compiler (VC7.1) decided to fully evaluate then branch of if_c as well, even though 
the expression numParams  2 was false, and failed.

What would be the right way to express my intention? Btw, I would like to 
congratulate authors of mpl on the job well done, I am most impressed not only with 
the features that mpl provides but also with the errors I get when something goes 
wrong - they are far more readable than most of the STL errors I am used to seeing.

Thanks in advance,

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RE: [boost] Re: mpl/loki

2003-07-11 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
 Just a note: Loki (generic programming applied to design patterns) and
 MPL (C++ template metaprogramming) preally have a different focus; you
 may yet find some Loki components that are useful to you.

That's possible, but hasn't happened up to now. Actually, I had to replace loki with 
several of the boost libraries, not only mpl, but the sum of these seems to be enough 
 Uh, formatting, please!

Uh, sorry, I didn't know it matters to you so much.
 You have two confusion is about the way template instantiation
 works.  Whenever you write something of the form:
 template_name ... ::nested_name
 The template is instantiated.

Damn :), I need to brush up on my template skills.

[solution for my problem, snipped]

Thanks for the solution, it has given me more insight into ways in which mpl can be 

 Might I suggest you get ahold of Leor Zolman's latest STLFilt package
 (www.bdsoft.com)?  It contains some great features for formatting
 nested templates so that they are readable.

Thanks, I knew about Leor's package and used it in the old days (VC6), but since I 
switched to VC7.1, reading errors in SL code became MUCH easier.

Thanks again for the help,

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RE: [boost] Re: mpl/loki

2003-07-11 Thread Drazen DOTLIC
  Btw, VC7.1 does not seem to like identity in this (and 
 David's) scenario
  - it complains that it does not have inner typedef to type, 
 even though
  it does. 
 Can you please post a small example which fails?

Well, your own :) from few hours ago, used something like this (btw, I
am using CVS snapshot as of, say, 2 weeks ago):

templatetypename Result, TypeVector
class Useful
  typedef typename type_at_non_strict_cTypeVector, 0::type Param1;
  typedef typename type_at_non_strict_cTypeVector, 1::type Param2;
  typedef typename type_at_non_strict_cTypeVector, 2::type Param3;

Blatant copy from your mail plus small typo (size_t_c to size_t only)

template class S, class N
struct type_at_non_strict
  : mpl::apply_if
  , mpl::atS,N
  , mpl::identitympl::void_


template class S, std::size_t N
struct type_at_non_strict_c
  : type_at_non_strictS, mpl::size_tN 

If I do not replace identity with void_ only, I get the following (nice
VC71 elaborate error report):
c:\projects\tools\boost\boost\mpl\apply_if.hpp(39) : error C2039: 'type'
: is not a member of 'boost::mpl::identityboost::mpl::void_'
c:\projects\tools\boost\boost\mpl\identity.hpp(44) : see declaration of
c:\projects\mylib\MetaProgramming.h(26) : see reference to class
template instantiation 'boost::mpl::apply_ifC,F1,F2' being compiled
c:\projects\mylib\MetaProgramming.h(34) : see reference to class
template instantiation 'type_at_non_strictTypeContainer,N' being
c:\projects\mylib\Useful.h(37) : see reference to class template
instantiation 'type_at_non_strict_cTypeContainer,N' being compiled
c:\projects\mylib\Used.h(45) : see reference to class template
instantiation 'UsefulResult,TypeVector' being compiled

I tried to replace company/project specific names with generic ones,
hope I did not ruin the example.


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[boost] Current CVS Snapshot or...?

2003-06-25 Thread Drazen DOTLIC

My company is using boost and we would very much like to use variant
library immediately and not wait for the next official release of boost.
Now, we know that this might not be sensible, but we are ready to take
the risk. At the same time, we don't want to break anything else in the
boost (and by chain reaction in our code). It seems that variant lib is
dependent on (branch of?) mpl, so what I would like to know is:  what is
the most sane branch/snapshot we should take from the cvs to get
reasonably stable boost (overall) with variant in whatever state it is


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[boost] lexical_cast and VC 7.1 (aka VS.NET 2003)

2003-06-05 Thread Drazen DOTLIC

I am using boost 1_30_0 (NOT current cvs snapshot) and Visual Studio.NET
2003. There is a strange problem with lexical_cast in the following
scenario (rough aproximation of my code, all in one header):
std::ostream operator(std::ostream out, const ConcreteType v);

namespace foo
namespace bar
template class T class Formatter
std::string getFormattedValue(const T)
return boost::lexical_caststd::string(T);

When I try to use
FormatterConcreteType::getFormattedValue(objOfConcreteType), the
lexical_cast fails with compiler claiming that there is no operator
that accepts const ConcreteType (or no acceptable conversion).

Now, even more funny is that if I put the operator in boost namespace,
everything is fine (??). Anyone else seeing this? For the moment I am
assuming this is a compiler bug, but if I missed some dusty (or not so
dusty :) corners of C++ that explain this (in favor of compiler),
someone please enlighten me, this is driving me nuts.


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