Re: [JOB] CakePHP, XHTML, and Ajax developer needed for prototype

2006-07-26 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


I don't have loads of free time but am always open to work. How can I contact 
you? IRC? Email? Phone?


Sorry for the SPAM. I'm looking to base a prototype on CakePHP and am
looking for a good CakePHP developer. If you know of someone who may be
interested, please let them know about this posting.

Thanks in advance!

Prototype Info:
I'm looking for someone who is really passionate about writing clean 
efficient code. The prototype I'm looking to build is not very large
scale, but it will be fairly cool and cutting edge. The developer can
be based anywhere.

The work itself is a prototype of a new web application. The prototype
will require experience with the following: CakePHP, Ajax (and/or
Cajax), Active Record, and XHTML/CSS (actual styling will be handled
separately). While the scope of the prototype will be limited, the UI
will need to be slick and highly interactive.

I don't care if the person has loads of real world experience, but they
need to show a body of work using the above.

Prototype Expectations:
I am happy for this project to be developed in off hours, or at a
steady pace. However I do expect the developer to deliver to a set
target date of their choosing. End to end, I believe there is about
80-100 hours of work to be done. Please keep in mind this is my first
Cake project, so it may be less.

About Me:
As you guessed, this prototype is being funded by a person (me), not an
agency. However, the funding needed for this project is in place, and I
am happy to pay by Paypal, Wire transfer, etc. Also I have accounts
with web hosts in the US (on both coasts), so I'd be happy to barter in
free hosting if you have a personal project/site of some kind.

If you've read this far, then I thank you. Even if this project is not
for you, I would greatly appreciate you passing this on to someone who
might be. 

Any questions, please let me know. 

Thanks All,



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Re: ACM front-end to ACL -- lots of php errors?

2006-07-19 Thread Ryan J. Peterson

The last ACM release has not been tested with the most recent releases 
of CakePHP.  We are working on getting out release 1.0 to work with the 
latest version and hope to have it done mid august. My best guess is 
that ACM is not compatible with your CakePHP version.


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Re: n00b with ACM questions

2006-06-24 Thread Ryan J. Peterson

We are looking to get 1.0 out sometime in July. :-)



When is 1.0 coming out?

thx :)


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Re: n00b with ACM questions

2006-06-14 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


 ... the current users don't show up on the Users or
Groups page of ACM even though I set up the users and roles settings
in config.php.  

Make sure you have the Cake ACL Tables created, ACM 1.0 will have a 
setup wizard as well as documentation. if you need to contact me, just 
get me email from the IRC chat using ~rpeterson and it will give you my 
email.  We have gotten some great feedback on ACM's pre-release and are 
working towards the 1.0 release. Let me know if you could use help 
implementing anything.


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Re: ACL and AUTH

2006-06-06 Thread Ryan J. Peterson

An easy ACL Administration system is being developed by myself as an 
Open Source project, and my company is working on a commercial User 
Mangment and Permission system for CakePHP as well. It's in the works.



I was curious why there is no AUTH setup or easy method of implementing
it in CakePHP.   CakePHP seems to be based loosley upon Ruby on Rails
and they have the ability to easily implement it.  The link for one
such application is listed below.  All of the methods and information
that I can find for the CakePHP seems to be overly complicated and
incomplete.  Please advise.  Thanks!!!


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson

The best place I would be able to help you is if you could jump on the 
irc channel #CakePHP , but if not I will attempt to assist you in 
getting ACM running. I am really excited to get it as easy to install 
and setup as possible.

First, what version of Cake are you using? Just so I have a record of 
what install people are having issues with.

Have you loaded any controllers into the system yet? I may need to make 
some adjustments on the order by lft query to see if ACO or AROS exist.

I will get back to you with more information once I have lookied into it 
a little further.


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


I just realized I was working with cake 0.1 so I am working on fixing it 
up to make sure it all works with 1.0


Hi Ryan,

I'm running cake_1.0.1.2708

I'm not sure why my plugins dir wouldn't be readable by my webserver,
it's below the site root and I'm pretty sure everything gets permission
masked upon creation and upload.  open_basedir certainly has access to
it if that's what you mean?

Maybe I can take a peek at the documentation in the source if it's on
the index page ;)

Thanks much for your help (and for putting this together in the first


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


I found some issues, I just realized I was still running 0.1 of cake so 
I am working on getting some bugs worked out of it here with 1.0 and 
will get it updated as soon as I get it all working.


I would jump on IRC if I weren't at work :) Ports blocked and all that.
I just downloaded cake from the website today, so I'm
guessing I'm running the most recent -

I created an empty user and permission model because the first errors
were looking for models for those 2 tables (i have a permissions table
rather than a roles table). Those are the only files I have in addition
to the ACM folder in plugins.

Now, I'm not sure if this would affect anything, but I'm running cake
from a subdirectory rather than the documentroot. I can change this to
test if you like.



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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


done by cake


Is there something that has to be done to initialize the session? or is
that done automatically by cake?


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


Yes as I note in the doc, I didn't test that script it was just a 
sample. Here is the same script actually implemented into an app of 
mine. This is put in the app_controller.php or your App. You will have 
to set the session information to whatever you use for your user 


  var $components = array('Acl');
   var $beforeFilter = array('checkAdmin');
function checkAdmin()
$aco = $this-name . : . $this-action;
if($this-Session-read('User.logged') === true)

if($this-_checkAccess($this-Session-read('User.username'), $aco))
if($this-_checkAccess('User', $aco))
function _checkAccess($aro, $aco)
 // Check access using the component:
$access = $this-Acl-check($aro, $aco, $action = *);

//access denied
if ($access === false)
return false;
//access allowed
return true;

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Re: Multi-User Permission Control

2006-05-04 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


Try using ACM, the pre release is all that is out right now but I hope 
to fix up some bugs and have a better release out later today.



thanks for your elaborate reply!

so, restricting user-access on per-item basis would require storing an
ACO for each user-item-connection, right? thats a lot of
data/queries... :/

guess i'll have to dig through the whole ACL-topic a bit more to see if
this actually fits my needs better than (unflexible but simple)
beforeFilter()-hooks and controller-based access-arrays.



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Re: Multi-User Permission Control

2006-05-04 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


ACM is the new name for ACL Admin. We just figured it would be a little 
better description as Access Control Manager then Access Control List 
Admin. I should remove the ACL Admin from the repository.

As for your error, ACM is plug-in, just drop the ACM folder into the 
plug-ins dir of your app. 

I am on IRC here if you need me.



thanks for the hint - I downloaded the latest ACM from the repository.
btw, it took me some minutes to actually find out what you meant with
ACM - to everybody else: take a look at
I still don't understand the difference between ACM and ACL Admin -
they are both web-interfaces to build ACL-structures, right?

Currently I'm trying to figure out this error:
Class 'AcmAppModel' not found in .../app/models/acm_privilege.php on
line 2
i tried to inherit it by the app_model.php and included it manually,
with no success?
any ideas?


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