Problems generating ACL database

2008-09-12 Thread jeff aigner

I'm trying to generate the ACL database using the command below:

# bash cake schema run create DbAcl

And here is the errors I get:

PHP Notice:  Constant CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT already defined in Unknown
on line 0

Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.7296 RC2 Console
App : app
Path: /var/www/users/jeffdev/
Cake Schema Shell
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'CakeSchema' not found in /var/www/users/
jeffdev/ on line 78

Fatal error: Class 'CakeSchema' not found in /var/www/users/jeffdev/ on line 78

Has anyone else experienced this problem or know how to get passed it?


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Overriding Table Prefix

2008-06-17 Thread jeff aigner

I have an interesting problem. I am developing an application with
cakePHP, however the user login info is legacy data (my 'user' model
should be using the table `profiles` instead of `users`).

This normally wouldn't be a problem, because I could just set the
$useTable variable in the user model. However, in my core.php config
file, I have it set so that the application uses the prefix 'st_' for
all database tables. This is causing the problem because the
application wants to append 'st_' to the beginning of my user table
`profiles`. Is there a way I can override the table prefix for this
model alone and leave the rest of the application using table

Also, my old user data doesn't have encrypted passwords. Is there a
way to tell cakePHP to not use hashing for passwords or will I have to
write my own auth software?

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The GET problem

2008-06-03 Thread jeff aigner

If you are familiar with the GET problem, you can skip this next
paragraph straight to my question.

The GET problem was a hot debate recently about how web applications
are designed. When HTML was originally developed, there was a clear
distinction between HTTP GET and HTTP POST. The GET method was used to
request information from the server, and the POST method was used
create a change of state on the server. Web developers have generally
ignored this while the Internet grew. Any normal link, such as a
"Delete this item" link, uses the GET method to request a change. This
wasn't a problem for administration areas until google released it's
web accelerator software which crawls the current page you are on,
caching pages that it links to. If you were logged into an admin area,
it would crawl your delete links, effectively deleting your data,
without your consent.

So my question is: Is there anything currently in cakePHP that helps
to deal with this issue? For example, is there some sort of helper
that can quickly generate POST button to quickly make links in this
manor... if not how would I propose it be added to cakePHP?

 something like this:

$form->button_to('/node/delete/5', 'Delete This Item');

which would create a form, and the button:

There could also be a solution for generating links that use
javascript to create the POST request, and ignoring robots. If
javascript is disabled, it could simply create a secondary page that
asks "are you sure you want to delete this?" with a POST button there.

This should also be the default behavior of code generated by baking.


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Re: Email component problem

2008-05-27 Thread jeff aigner

You might want to check with your hosting company and make sure you
have a PTR record set up for your domain so that other people can do a
reverse lookup on your IP address and have it resolve to your mail
server's domain name.

Many email servers do a reverse lookup on the IP address of the
sending server to see if it resolves to the domain name of the message

Good Luck :)


On May 27, 11:11 am, bondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having problems using the native email component using templates.
> It only seems to send messages to certain email addresses. I'm not
> sure if this is a Cake problem or a web host (hostmonster) problem.
> For example, if I send to my gmail account it works fine. If I send to
> an alternate address, I get nothing. I've tried clearing the cache but
> that didn't help either.
> I have to use sendmail for this task.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been fighting with this
> for hours and no luck.
> Thanks.
> Bondo.

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Re: escaping values in $form->input

2008-05-27 Thread jeff aigner

Could you be a little more clear. I'm not sure what "escaping values
in $form->input" really means.

On May 27, 4:22 am, leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to do this, yet?
> I have tried:
> echo $form->input('nacionalitat', array('escape'=>false,'options'=>
> $nacionalitats ));
> Doesn't work, though.
> L

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