Cake console with WAMP

2009-03-18 Thread pengo

I've installed Cake 1.2 with WAMP. PHP works, MySQL works and (most
importantly) data-driven pages built manually with Cake work.But
despite my best efforts I can't get the console to behave.

My system path includes:
 - C:\wamp\www\cakephp\cake\console
 - C:\wamp\bin\php\php4.4.6\cli
 - C:\wamp\bin\php\php4.4.6
 - C:\wamp\www\cakephp\cake\console\libs

The cake console launches consistently whichever directory I'm in, but
there are two show-stopper issues.


Whatever directory I launch cake from, it can't load schema.php:

01: C:\wamp\www>cake
04: Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.1.8004 Console
05: ---
06: Current Paths:
07:  -app: app
08:  -working: C:/wamp/www/cakephp/app
09:  -root: C:/wamp/www/cakephp
10:  -core: C:\wamp\www\cakephp
12: Changing Paths:
13: your working path should be the same as your application path
14: to change your path use the '-app' param.
15: Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/
17: Available Shells:
19:  ROOT\app\vendors\shells:
20:  - none
22:  CORE/vendors\shells:
23:  - none
25:  CORE/cake\console\libs:
26:  acl
27:  api
28:  bake
29:  console
30:  i18n
31:  schema
32:  testsuite
34: To run a command, type 'cake shell_name [args]'
35: To get help on a specific command, type 'cake shell_name help'
38: C:\wamp\www>cake acl initdb
41: Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.1.8004 Console
42: ---
43: App : app
44: Path: C:/wamp/www/cakephp/app
45: ---
46: Cake Schema Shell
47: ---
48: Error: schema.php could not be loaded

Note lines 31 and 48. I get the same error message for the command:
 - cake schema run create Dbacl

A search reveals two schema.db files in my Cake installation:
 - C:\wamp\www\cakephp\cake\console\libs
 - C:\wamp\www\cakephp\cake\libs\model


Manually created pages work fine with the configured database ...

01: var $default = array(
02: 'driver' => 'mysql',
03: 'persistent' => false,
04: 'host' => 'localhost',
05: 'login' => 'acluser',
06: 'password' => 'resulca',
07: 'database' => 'acltest'
08: );

... but the console gives me this response:

01: C:\wamp\www>cake bake
04: Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.1.8004 Console
05: ---
06: App : app
07: Path: C:/wamp/www/cakephp/app
08: ---
09: Interactive Bake Shell
10: ---
11: [D]atabase Configuration
12: [M]odel
13: [V]iew
14: [C]ontroller
15: [P]roject
16: [Q]uit
17: What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/Q)
18: > m
19: ---
20: Bake Model
21: Path: C:/wamp/www/cakephp\app\models\
22: ---
23: Use Database Config: (default/test)
24: [default] > default
25: Error: Your database does not have any tables.

There are six tables, all of which work with the manually-created Cake

I've pretty much exhausted my own efforts on this. My next step would
be to try installing XAMPP. After that? I'll have to look more closely
at running the console on a remote server with Cygwin or whatever.

To take a higher level view of the issue: without the console, much of
the efficiency that would be gained from using Cake is lost. Perhaps
some systematic diagnostic documentation would be a prudent
investment. I'd even volunteer to write them ... but not until I get
the console running.

Thanks folks,


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Re: 'cake bake' having mysql connection problem with MAMP

2009-03-17 Thread pengo

I have a similar problem cake baking with WAMP.

In my situation the warnings in bearlee's message were caused by the
password encryption change that happened in MySQL 4.1.1, and they were
easily overcome. Now I just have the one issue: Error: Your database
does not have any tables.

Because it's all my ISP provides, I'm using older versions of PHP and
MySQL. Still, CakePHP seems quite happy. The default page tells me it
can connect to my database. Everything else is sweet ... but still
cake bake insists I have no tables in the database (there are

Any thoughts on how to address this would be appreciated. It's really
putting a damper on my migration to CakePHP.


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2009-03-17 Thread pengo

Oh my. This is a wonderful tool - thank you so much for the effort
you've put into creating it.

I'd love to see it available as a plugin for CakePHP ... this would
allow the output to be straightforwardly integrated into a site. I
don't mind the unzipping and uploading, but it would be easier.

Thank you again, and do continue the wonderful work.


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