Comparing information from two models

2012-05-16 Thread sdustinh
I'm not sure if this is where a question like this would go so if it is in 
the wrong place I apologize. 

My situation is that I have two tables with schemas similar to this:

>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `table_licenses_one` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>   `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
>   `ip_address` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`license_id`)
> ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci 
>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `table_licenses_two` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>   `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
>   `random_ip` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
> ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci 
What I'm trying to do is select IP's from "table_licenses_two" and use them 
to grab rows from "table_licenses_one". My initial reaction is to create 
some sort of an association (though I'm not sure which one I'd use) and 
after thinking about this for a while I decided it was probably better to 
ask about it. What do you guys recommend? I'm using Cake 2.1.2.

Thanks for the help!

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Where to start?

2008-07-25 Thread sdustinh

I'm new to CakePHP. I've just finished reading over the documentation
completely, I've been playing with the code, checked out the Bakery,
and downloaded example code to play with. I still feel like I don't
know what to do when I sit down to start a project. I'm converting
over a project that is sewn together with some PHP, and when I start
to set up my models and controls it seems like there is still a lot
that I don't know about it.

One of the big things about this project is I'm going to be using a
lot of ajax (as opposed to none in its current state), and I'm not
really sure where to start. How did you guys tackle your first Cake
project? I keep hearing how easy it is to use, and I'm sure that it is
(I've just started on this two days ago), but I'm just feeling a
little overwhelmed about it. I usually do best with tutorials and
visual examples, but I've not found too many on how to get started.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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