Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's how I solved the problem:


class TestController extends AppController
var $uses = array();
var $layout = 'test';
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript');
var $components = array('Json');

function index()

function getText()
$this-set('text', $this-Json-encode(array('text' = 'Hello
$this-render('json', 'ajax');


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;

html xmlns=;
?php print $html-charsetTag('UTF-8') ?
?php print $javascript-link('prototype') ?

?php echo $content_for_layout ?

pThe text below is retrieved asynchronously from the server:/p
div id=sometext/div

script type=text/javascript
// ![CDATA[

new Ajax.Request('?php echo $html-url('/test/getText'); ?',

function displayText(response, json)
document.getElementById('sometext').innerHTML = json.text;

// ]]

?php header(X-JSON: $text); ?

I'm using the JsonComponent I just added to snippets:

To use JsonComponent you also need the JSON-PHP library JSON.php in
your /vendors directory.

So basically in client-side javascript an Ajax.Request calls the
getText action in TestController, which creates a PHP array of some
text and uses the JsonComponent to encode it in JSON format.  That
action then renders a json view that just sends a X-JSON header with
the JSON text.  Then back on the client-side, the onSuccess handler
gets a 2nd argument that Prototype magically sticks the JSON data in.
You can then use that json object to display the data you got from the

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The point of the original post (and my solution) was to send JSON
formatted data back to the client, not just HTML to be inserted in a
div.  Maybe I should've created a less trivial example...

Anyhow my original solution wasn't good, the json.thtml view should be:

?php echo $text; ?

instead of sending X-JSON headers, there appears to be a limit as to
how much data you can stuff in a header.  So then you also need a JSON
decoder on the javascript side (unless you trust your data, then just
do an eval()) - just use the one at

So if you just wanted the controller method called once instead of
repeatedly, is that what AjaxHelper::remoteFunction() method does?
Does it just generate a Prototype Ajax.Request?

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread nate

Personally, I think putting JSON data in the header is a poor solution,
especially when you consider that all Prototype adds is doing the eval(
) for you.  It's better to just embed the data in your own custom JS

And yes, AjaxHelper::remoteFunction is used to generate Ajax.Request
and Ajax.Updater calls.

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-01 Thread nate

Um, I would guess that you can't see anything because it's all in the

As far as RequestHandler goes, it just detects when a call was made via
Ajax, and it switches from the 'default' layout to the 'ajax' layout
(which is just a blank layout).

If you're making the Ajax call via the Prototype library, just put this
in your view:
?=$javascript-object($data, true, 'var data = ', ';'); ?

Then, the code will be evaluated on the client side, and the JavaScript
'data' variable will be set with the contents of your array.

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