Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Well, I got it to work.  For all those who will run into this problem
in the future, this is what I gathered.

When you are using HABTM, it is very tricky to make manual saving of
data successful.  After you do it once, it seems to make sense

With my data variables set for my classifieds, all that was left was
to save the information into the join tables.

Here is what I added:

$this->data['Edition']['Edition']['id'] = (string)$ad->editions;
$this->data['Category']['Category']['id'] = (string)$ad->class;

I do not set these to the xmlID because, cake is smart enough to know
that the id of the classified ad was already in the first array above
these two.
The way I have my join tables set up should be obvious but, here it



So, if you follow the naming convention to the "T", it will work out
in the end.

Cake says:
I have a classified array and I have a classified table, insert this
stuff but, I see that we have an edition array and it is Edition/
Edition so this is a join table.  The join table I am looking for
would be classifieds_editions since I already have a classified
array.  So, the id for editions is being set, so that would be
editions_id, now let me grab the id for the array that I have already
which would be classified_id.  Oh, look, I have another array called
category.  It's naming convention is Category/Category so, I already
have classified.  Which comes first in the alphabet soup?  Category
does so, the table I am looking for is categories_classifieds.  So, I
have the id for classifieds so, now I just need an id for category.
Oh, there it is in Category/Category/id.  /insert /wash hands /repeat

The array that is being passed looks like this:
Array {
  [Classified] => Array {
[id] => '1'

[Edition] => Array {
   [Edition] => Array {
[id] => 'B,E,I,N,Y'

[Category] => Array {
  [Category] => Array {
[id] => '0650'

Very neat stuff.  I can't stress enough following the naming
conventions.  If you are having any problems, this would be the very
first place I would start looking.

My final code for this function looks like this:

function classified_xml(){
// Perform these actions if a file was actually uploaded
if (!empty($this->params['form']) && is_uploaded_file($this-
['tmp_name'], "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/app/tmp/".$this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->parse_classified("/var/
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_editions($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_dates($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_pictures($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_text($this-
$this->Classified->recursive = 0;
$this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getNumRows();
$this->MrClean = new Sanitize();
foreach($this->xml_data as $ad){
$this->matchResult = $this->Classified-
>findCount("Classified.text = '".
addslashes($ad->text)."' AND Classified.editions = '$ad-
>editions' AND Classified.category = '$ad->class'");
if($this->matchResult == 0){
$this->data['Classified']['id'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['itemno'] = (integer)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['acctcode'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['category'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['table'] = $ad->table;
$this->data['Classified']['start'] = $ad->start;
$this->data['Classified']['end'] = $ad->end;
$this->data['Classified']['editions'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['specials'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['dispname'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['dispnote'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['disptag'] = (string)$ad-
$this->data['Classified']['dispcols'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['text'] = $ad->text;
$this->data['Edition']['Edition']['id'] = 
$this->data['Category']['Category']['id'] = 

Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Ok, as it turns out, the array that AD7six suggested did not work for
me personally with or without addslashes(), magic quotes on or off or
any variation therein.  That is not to say that it doesn't work, it
just did not make a correct comparison for my purposes.

On the other hand, bernardo, your suggestion did work and it works
flawlesly as I had wanted.  I get 0 double entries out of 3
records.  I went ahead and left magic_quotes on for now.  I like not
having to deal with it.  Funny thing is, when I turned it off and used
cake to do my save without sanitizing for SQL, MySQL took the data,
apostrophes, ampersands and all without me having to specifically
addslashes before the save.  I am guessing cake does this
automagically when I call save().

Thanks a million for your help (both of you!)  Now for my second
question that i am not too clear on.  I have searched this group for
information on saving HABTM.  From what I have above, I have a
classifieds_editions and a categories_classifieds.

>From what I can gather from other posts, am I supposed to do?

$this->data['Edition']['Edition']['classified_id'] = (integer)$this-
$this->data['Edition']['Edition']['edition_id'] = (integer)$ad-

I am pretty confused on this part.  Like I said, I have read the
manual, looked at the API checked this group and google.  I am at a

On Feb 28, 3:28 am, "bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 7:50 am, "AD7six" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Feb 28, 10:15 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > > I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize->sql()
> > > did
> > > .  Maybe I am mistaken.
> > If you use a string constraint, you are basically on your own from
> > cake's perspective. If you use an array constraint, cake should take
> > care of it for you. I bet this works, or at the very least does not
> > generate errors:
> > $this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount(array(
> > "Classified.text" = $ad->text,
> > "Classified.editions" => $ad->editions)
> > );
> I don't think this works because it cuts the string at the first
> newline.
> > HTH,
> > AD

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

On Feb 28, 7:50 am, "AD7six" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 10:15 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize->sql()
> > did
> > .  Maybe I am mistaken.
> If you use a string constraint, you are basically on your own from
> cake's perspective. If you use an array constraint, cake should take
> care of it for you. I bet this works, or at the very least does not
> generate errors:
> $this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount(array(
> "Classified.text" = $ad->text,
> "Classified.editions" => $ad->editions)
> );

I don't think this works because it cuts the string at the first

> HTH,
> AD

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread bernardo

On Feb 28, 6:15 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize->sql()
> did

If you look at the definitio of sanitize->sql():

function sql($string) {
if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
$string = addslashes($string);
return $string;

So my guess is that you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled and addslashes
is not being called.
Note that in cake 1.2 sanitize->sql has been deprecated and has
sanitize->escape instead, which in the case of mysql calls

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread AD7six

On Feb 28, 10:15 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize->sql()
> did
> .  Maybe I am mistaken.
If you use a string constraint, you are basically on your own from
cake's perspective. If you use an array constraint, cake should take
care of it for you. I bet this works, or at the very least does not
generate errors:

$this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount(array(
"Classified.text" = $ad->text,
"Classified.editions" => $ad->editions)



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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-28 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

I will try that as well.  I thought that's what the sanitize->sql()
.  Maybe I am mistaken.

On Feb 27, 6:22 pm, "bernardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't need to escape html characters. In fact doing that will give
> you incorrect results because the escaped string will never match.
> Html escaping will convert html special chars(< > & " ') into
> entities, but what you want is adding backslashes to the characters
> that are illegal in the query.
> So, I think you just need to use addslashes:
> $this->Classified->findCount("Classified.text = '" . addslashes($ad->text) . 
> "' AND
> Classified.editions = '$ad->editions'");
> On Feb 27, 10:03 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hrmm, I seem to have fixed it.
> > The first time I tried this code, before I posted, it didn't work but,
> > now it does.  Maybe I had a typo. /shrug
> > Here is what I changed:
> > [...]
> > $this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getNumRows();
> > ++$this->xmlID;
> > [...]
> > $this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount("text = 
> > '".$this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text))."' AND editions = 
> > '".
> > $ad->editions."'");
> > [...]
> > $this->data['Classified']['text'] = 
> > $this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text));
> > [...]
> > My conclusion is that the sanitize->sql() really doesn't help if you
> > have any html characters in your text.
> > So, I convert the special characters using html() and the escape with
> > sql().
> > I do the same thing on insert so, when I match the text, it should
> > compare exactly.  There a few snags.  Some ads get by but, I can live
> > with it.  I will just use strip slashes and html_special_chars
> > functions to convert the text back to my original HTML formatted.
> > Sorry for the bother and long posts

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-27 Thread bernardo

You don't need to escape html characters. In fact doing that will give
you incorrect results because the escaped string will never match.
Html escaping will convert html special chars(< > & " ') into
entities, but what you want is adding backslashes to the characters
that are illegal in the query.

So, I think you just need to use addslashes:

$this->Classified->findCount("Classified.text = '" . addslashes($ad-
>text) . "' AND
Classified.editions = '$ad->editions'");

On Feb 27, 10:03 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> Hrmm, I seem to have fixed it.
> The first time I tried this code, before I posted, it didn't work but,
> now it does.  Maybe I had a typo. /shrug
> Here is what I changed:
> [...]
> $this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getNumRows();
> ++$this->xmlID;
> [...]
> $this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount("text = 
> '".$this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text))."' AND editions = '".
> $ad->editions."'");
> [...]
> $this->data['Classified']['text'] = 
> $this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text));
> [...]
> My conclusion is that the sanitize->sql() really doesn't help if you
> have any html characters in your text.
> So, I convert the special characters using html() and the escape with
> sql().
> I do the same thing on insert so, when I match the text, it should
> compare exactly.  There a few snags.  Some ads get by but, I can live
> with it.  I will just use strip slashes and html_special_chars
> functions to convert the text back to my original HTML formatted.
> Sorry for the bother and long posts

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-27 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Hrmm, I seem to have fixed it.

The first time I tried this code, before I posted, it didn't work but,
now it does.  Maybe I had a typo. /shrug

Here is what I changed:
$this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getNumRows();
$this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount("text = '".$this-
>MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text))."' AND editions = '".
$this->data['Classified']['text'] = $this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean-

My conclusion is that the sanitize->sql() really doesn't help if you
have any html characters in your text.
So, I convert the special characters using html() and the escape with
I do the same thing on insert so, when I match the text, it should
compare exactly.  There a few snags.  Some ads get by but, I can live
with it.  I will just use strip slashes and html_special_chars
functions to convert the text back to my original HTML formatted.

Sorry for the bother and long posts

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Re: findCount SQL errors

2007-02-27 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

PS - I have tried every variation of the findCount I can think of,
sanitizing with sql, using real_escape_string using just text instead
of Classified.text

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findCount SQL errors

2007-02-27 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Hello fellow Bakers,

I am having a problem with some of my code, specifically the findCount

I have an AdminToolController that I use to upload an XML file, parse
it and add the resulting classified ads into the database.  Because,
the system we use is ancient, the XML files could contain an exact
copy of a classified ad.  I am trying to add code to compare what the
actual text is and in which editions the ad will run in.  So, I
thought the findCount function would fit perfectly.  If there is a
match, do not insert the double entry.  Only problem is, I get SQL

Without doing the check, all of the ads from each XML file insert
flawlessly into the database.

Here is a snippet of the error:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `classifieds` AS `Classified` WHERE
``.`` ``.`` ``.```Classified ``.```text ``.`` ``.``
ad for ``.`` `weeks ``.`` ``.``.$37. AND `Classified`.`editions` ``.``
``.`` ``.`` ``.`` ``.`` ``.`` ``.``

error--->1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
use near '`.`` ``.```Classified ``.```text ``.`` ``.``

I am wondering why I get all the extra ``.`` ``.``s in the SQL?

Here is my controller:

params['form']) && is_uploaded_file($this-
['tmp_name'], "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/app/tmp/".$this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->parse_classified("/
['name'], $this->params['form']['File']['size']);
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_editions($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_dates($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_pictures($this-
$this->xml_data = $this->AdminTool->fix_text($this-
$this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getLastInsertId();
$this->MrClean = new Sanitize();
foreach($this->xml_data as $ad){

TROUBLE MAKER-->$this->matchResult =
$this->Classified->findCount("Classified.text = $ad->text AND
Classified.editions = $ad->editions");

if(empty($this->matchResult) || $this->matchResults
== 0){
$this->data['Classified']['id'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['itemno'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['acctcode'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['class'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['table'] = $ad->table;
$this->data['Classified']['start'] = $ad->start;
$this->data['Classified']['end'] = $ad->end;
$this->data['Classified']['editions'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['specials'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['dispname'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['dispnote'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['disptag'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['dispcols'] = 
$this->data['Classified']['text'] = 
$this->matchResult = 0;
unset($this->xml_data, $this->xmlID);

Here is some sample XML:



\BBRING A PICTURE\A Of any personal
item you would like to sell and we'll
run it with 15-20 words in a 2" column
ad for 2 weeks..$37.

Any ideas?

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