Re: [CentOS] openldap mmr + heartbeat hot standby

2012-05-28 Thread Tait Clarridge

> Thanks Mark, that does make it more clear,
> i've made a setup and heartbeat does that by default,
> when heartbeat shuts down it's stops slapd as well and assignes the ip 
> to machine2 and starts slapd there ,
> what i want is that it already has slapd running on the failover but 
> still checks that service for availability. that way i won't have an 
> outdated database on the failover ldap server.
> would you know if there is a way of making heartbeat not sending the 
> stop command to a particular resource or do i need write a script to 
> (not) do this? i wouldn't mind a script but if that function is already 
> there  i'd rather use that one.
> Thanks, Wessel


Just pass heartbeat an IP, not a service.
If you use IPaddr2 it will also send a gratuitous ARP that will cut down
the failover time.

eg. IPaddr2::

All the services will stay running, if you want to do service checks to
watch slapd to see if it breaks you can use the "mon" project to kickoff
a heartbeat failover.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to prevent virtual machines running twice on the disk images?

2012-05-11 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Fri, 2012-05-11 at 12:51 +0200, Theo Band wrote:
> I use KVM on two identical centos5 hosts.
> I can live migrate the virtual machines from one to the other and it
> works great. Once I do this, I can see VM definitions on both hosts
> using virt-manager or virsh list --all
> On one machine the VM is running, on the other it reports "shut off".
> The disk images are accessible to both host machines and I want to have
> only one running a the time (of course). If the VM locks up, I could by
> mistake think that the machine is not running and try to start it on the
> wrong host.
> My question is, how can I prevent host A from starting a "shut off" VM
> that actually has been migrated to host B? The VM could actually be
> running on any another host. It could also have been crashed. The most
> simple solution would be some sort of lock file placed next to the disk
> image location, so seen by all hosts. But perhaps there is another way
> of working with virt-manager that I am not aware of?
> Theo

This may not be what you are looking for, but you could always dump the
xml of the domain to a file (so you could define/start it again if
needed), then undefine the domain using virsh. 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Floating VIP...

2012-05-11 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Fri, 2012-05-11 at 05:40 -0700, John Doe wrote:
> Hi,
> right now I am using only one external server as a gateway for the internal 
> servers.
> I would like to enable a fail-over on a second server.
> To implement the floating VIP, should I use heartbeat+pacemaker?
> Or is there something more "lightweight"?
> Basically, I just need server2 up the VIP when server1 is down, and server2 
> down the VIP when server1 is back up (or server 1 does not up the VIP seeing 
> server2 has it already).
> Thx,
> JD

Heartbeat is a pretty lightweight way of doing this. With any
failover/VIP setup there is always the possibility of a split-brain but
for the most part I haven't seen this happen in my environment.

Also, use IPaddr2 as the resource type as it will do an gratuitous arp,
significantly decreasing the failover time.

eg. [haresources file]

node.fqdn IPaddr2::

Substitute your IP, mask and network interface.

There are some options you can set as well that tell it not to fail back
automatically, just so you can check the box that failed before pushing
services back to it.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can only login as root

2012-05-03 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 13:47 +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I have a strange problem on a CentOS-5.8 machine.
> I can only login as root.
> If I try to login with one of the user's names,
> it hangs for a long time.
> I thought it hung forever, but I just found that
> I do login after "su tim" after 5 minutes.
> It seems that the problem lies in repeated messages in /var/log/messages
> ---
> May  3 12:14:13 helen su: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server 
> ldap:// Can't contact LDAP server
> May  3 12:14:13 helen su: nss_ldap: reconnecting to LDAP server 
>   (sleeping 64 seconds)...
> ---
> The openldap server is not running, and I don't see why
> this authentication is being sought.
> There is nothing in /etc/pam.d/su or /etc/pam.d/login
> or /etc/ssh/sshd_config to suggest that ldap needs to be invoked,
> unless it is a part of system-auth .

Have you also checked /etc/nsswitch.conf?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Host Machine and Iptables problem

2012-05-01 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Tue, 2012-05-01 at 02:08 -0500, Cbulist wrote:
> On 05/01/2012 02:03 AM, Barry Brimer wrote:
> >> Yes, I thought the same but my confusion is that I don't see any rules of
> >> PREROUTING and POSTROUTING in the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file.
> >>
> >> [root@VS01]# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
> >> # Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
> >> # Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
> >> *filter
> >> :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
> >> :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0]
> >> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 631 -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 5353 -d -j
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 631 -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 631 -j ACCEPT
> >> -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
> >> -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
> >>
> >>
> >> But when I check the command iptables -L -t nat I can see the NAT rules
> >>
> >> [root@VS01]# iptables -L -t nat
> >> Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
> >> target prot opt source   destination
> >>
> >> Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
> >> target prot opt source   destination
> >> MASQUERADE  tcp  --! ports:
> >> 1024-65535
> >> MASQUERADE  udp  --! ports:
> >> 1024-65535
> >> MASQUERADE  all  --!
> >> MASQUERADE  tcp  --! ports:
> >> 1024-65535
> >> MASQUERADE  udp  --! ports:
> >> 1024-65535
> >> MASQUERADE  all  --!
> >>
> >> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> >> target prot opt source   destination
> >>
> >> am I missing something?
> > Maybe .. do you have IPv4 forwarding enabled?  What is the output of
> > "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ?? If it is 0, then edit
> > /etc/sysctl.conf .. find net.ipv4.ip_forward .. set it to 1 and then run
> > (as root) sysctl -p
> >
> In the Host machine the ip_forward is 1

If you restart libvirtd it should add in the IPTABLES rules you are

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mysql won't start with service, but starts with mysqld_safe

2012-02-05 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Sat, 2012-02-04 at 17:15 -0700, Larry Martell wrote:
> Just installed mysql on centos 6.2. When I try to start it with service I get:
> #service mysqld start
> MySQL Daemon failed to start.
> Starting mysqld:   [FAILED]
> Nothing at all is written to the error log.
> But if I start it with mysqld_safe it comes up and works fine.
> Anyone know what's going on here?

Did it hang while trying to start? Or was it an immediate failure.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] configure network bridge listing bridged intefaces

2012-02-03 Thread Tait Clarridge

On Fri, 2012-02-03 at 16:07 +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having a 4 NIC server, I want to bridge eth2 and eth3, with a bridge 
> named br0.
> Searching the web I only found about creating a file 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0, but did not find where to 
> explicitely list what ports will be bridged.

Do you mean bridging or bonding?

Bonding is where you are combining two NIC ports for speed or
reliability. Also known as link aggregation.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (no bridging)

2012-01-19 Thread Tait Clarridge

> But a new problem arises ... one of the m0n0wall instances needs to use 
> DHCP to get a dynamic IP from my ISP (the others are static, so they're 
> ok).  How do I get the bridge to proxy the DHCP request and forward the 
> response to the VM guest?  I brought up a test instance of m0n0wall but 
> when it asks for an IP on its WAN side, the result is  so it 
> would appear the request never makes it to the ISP.
> As a sanity check, I configured the WAN-side bridge to use DHCP and that 
> worked, but it's the m0n0wall VM guest that needs to make the request, 
> not the CentOS host.
> Suggestions anyone?  In the mean time, I'll keep looking for a solution.
> Thanks,
> Chuck

Hmmm. Is the bridge up and you can see the interface attached to it from
running "brctl show" and "ifconfig"? Could you attach that output?

If yes, then I would do a packet capture on the CentOS host on the eth
interface attached to the bridge to see if the request makes it out.

I'm running XEN at home and I have a very similar setup where I pass a
VLAN from my switch that a provider modem is connected to into a bridge
and it gets DHCP no problem (as long as the bridge and dot1q
subinterfaces show up in ifconfig).

The bridge should automatically send all the traffic out regardless of
protocol, I doubt ebtables would be actively blocking anything as well
and same goes for the ISP locking down with MAC addresses.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (no bridging)

2012-01-18 Thread Tait Clarridge
> My question is:  are the taps being used behind the
> scenes (is it something libvirt does for us) or are the tap interfaces
> obsolete now?
> Thanks,
> Jorge

Yes, as far as I know in Xen/KVM the tap devices are connected behind
the scenes to the bridge you specify in the config.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Connecting ethX devices directly to a KVM/QEMU guest OS (no bridging)

2012-01-18 Thread Tait Clarridge

> I've Googled until I'm blue in the face, but haven't found a clear 
> explanation of how I can assign each ethX device directly to the guest 
> OS rather than going thru the usual bridge configuration. I need to 
> allow the m0n0wall OS to assign the LAN and WAN IP addresses, if that's 
> possible without using a bridge.

I would think that it is a little easier to setup a bridge but not
assign an IP address for it on the CentOS host.




/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX (where X is the interface
number of one of your intel ports and the HWADDR is the MAC address)


Restart the network service, then run brctl show - the new bridges
should show up.

Create the 8 bridges that you need and go from there, you should be able
to assign them in Virtual Machine Manager to the VMs.

Then in your VM guests you should be able to assign the IPs that you

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering solutions - mail, www, storage.

2012-01-10 Thread Tait Clarridge

> I am currently working for a hosting provider in a 100+ linux hosts'
> environment. We have www, mail HA solutions, as storage we mainly use
> NFS at the moment. We are also using DRBD, Heartbeat, Corosync.
> I am now gathering info to make a cluster with:
> - two virtualization nodes (active master and passive slave);
> - two storage nodes (for vm files) used by mentioned virtualization
> nodes (also active/passive).
> For virtualization I am thinking to use OpenVZ or KVM. For storage NFS
> or iSCSI. Could you please share your experiences with these
> technologies? Which one would you use and why? Are there any good
> alternatives in CentOS?
> Thanks for the info,
> Rafal.

I mainly go with Xen for a virtualization platform but KVM will work as
well assuming that your hardware supports it.

For a storage platform I'm assuming you are going to use servers with
disk exporting as either NFS or iSCSI. If you are going this route I
would suggest spending the money on a redundant storage array (one with
redundant heads, power supplies, etc) that serves NFS as that I have
found the easiest to deal with for migrations and everything else.

If you can't do that, I would use servers with enough disk storage to
make a decent array, setup DRBD in master/slave and export via NFS to
your virtualization hosts.

If money is really tight you could setup just two servers that act as
virtualization hosts and storage platforms with an active/active
two-node cluster using master/master DRBD + GFS. Be warned that you will
lose quite a bit of performance due to the overhead of the cluster VS a
dedicated purpose-built storage array... but we've been running this for
a while without issue in some areas.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No sound over HDMI using nvidia graphics card

2012-01-09 Thread Tait Clarridge


My mistake, the correct link is here:

Forgot I was testing my redesign and had the wrong server in my host
file :)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No sound over HDMI using nvidia graphics card

2012-01-09 Thread Tait Clarridge

> Under gnome control panel, all seems ok: under sound preferences, sound
> output is configured to use HDMI channel.
> I am using nvidia drivers from (nvidia-x11-drv-290.10
> and kmod-nvidia-290.10). Somebody knows where can I find some doc to
> resolve this? Any idea?

I recall doing this on Fedora 14 for my HTPC so it should be similar or
at least point you in the right direction. I wrote something for it
(GeForce 210) here:

I remember having to update the alsa-driver package to something newer
than what was default via ATrpms repo. I believe you need version 1.0.23
or newer for it to work (version can be checked by looking
at /proc/asound/version).

Then I had to go into alsamixer and unmute the line.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-06 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 16:39 +0100, Khusro Jaleel wrote: 
> I've found that if I'm on an Ubuntu machine and SSHing to a Centos 5.4 
> machine, it does the same thing, i.e. it sort of hangs for a while then 
> comes back after about 10-15 secs with a login prompt.
> I've found that editing the /etc/ssh/ssh_config (note ssh_config, NOT 
> sshd_config) file on the Ubuntu box and *commenting out* the following 
> fixes it immediately, without needing to restart anything:
> GSSAPIAuthentication yes
> GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
> Change the above 2 lines to
> #GSSAPIAuthentication yes
> #GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
> and try again.
> On 06/05/10 13:25, ann kok wrote:
> > but I put this to no
> >
> > the ssh is still slow
> >
> > any hints
> >
> > thank you
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Try disabling both reverse DNS and GSSAPIAuthentication


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Release 6?

2010-03-31 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 19:22 +0100, Paul Stuffins wrote:
> > Has it become usable again?
> Not sure, I don't use Fedora, I use CentOS on my servers and Linux
> Mint on my desk and laptop's.
> _

I use F12 on my laptop. I have to say it runs very well (definite
improvement from F10 and previous). I also use it for my netbook (with a
few tweaks) and everything is fine.. No fires or explosions to report
of :)

And to add something useless to the thread.. as far as I've heard, RHEL6
is going to be a while. The only things I have heard is that it will be
based on F11/F12 (I think).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Get VNCserver to only listen on a particular IP address

2010-03-15 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 12:12 +, Keith Beeby wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if possible to get vncserver to only listen on one 
> particular Ip address?
> Have two network interfaces (public + private) and just want the vncserver to 
> listen on the private IP address 192.168.10 for example
> Thanks
> Keith
> __

If there is no way for the actual server to only listen on the private
IP. Consider blocking the port on the external interface that your VNC
server is listening on with iptables.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KVM management tools.....

2010-01-12 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 09:13 -0600, Tom Bishop wrote:
> Looking at what my best options for managing KVM via a gui.  Running
> Centos 5.4 and have several machines and want to migrate off of vmware
> server 2.x.  So far it appears that the management tools haven't quite
> cought up to Vmware but are gaining and closing.  I have been looking
> at convirt, and others.  I like what I see in Ovirt but I'm not sure
> it is available for centos 5.4, or is it?  Is there anyone running
> ovirt in centos?  Also, what are folks using for their management
> tools for KVM, Thanks. 
> __

For GUI I use virt-manager from my Fedora laptop connected to the KVM

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Laptop for CentOS-5

2010-01-08 Thread Tait Clarridge
> How about Thinkpad W500 ? It is a bit expensive, but .. with UBuntu or 
> OpenSUSE os.
> --
> Eero

I can second this, I recently obtained a Thinkpad W500 and it has been
working flawlessly under Fedora 12. I will hazard a guess that the
wireless may not work out of the box in CentOS, but everything else
*should* be fine.

Plus, with a screen that gets to 1900x1200 I no longer require a second

The one I have has:

Core2Duo T9900 @ 3.06GHz
6GB PC3-6500 DDR3
320GB 7200 RPM drive

Fedora 12 is nice because it supports almost everything out of the box,
sounds works 100%, network 100%... etc. The only thing that doesn't work
is the fingerprint reader because fprintd doesn't have support for the
device (I had the same problem on my Toshiba Tecra A10).

Also, as far as I have read, Fedora 11/12 will be the base for the
upcoming RHEL 6 and therefore CentOS 6.x so theoretically if it works in
F12, you will be alright for the next CentOS release.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-28 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 21:17 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
> nate wrote:
> > Tait Clarridge wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Steve: What module does your Dell Perc use? I don't have access to my
> >> server to check.
> >> 
> >
> > megaraid_sas is what my PERC 5i and 6i use
> >   
> I'm pretty sure the PERC 5i/6i are more than just the 1068E SAS chip, 
> although they very well could include that.

I agree. 

Billy, did you email Supermicro? I think they might be able to send you
a driver disk to use during install if you didn't get one initially.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 22:10 -0500, Billy Huddleston wrote:
> I just read the user manual on it.. It says the following...
> IT Mode (Initiator and Target Mode)
> This is a Non-RAID mode. To use this mode, be sure to fl ash an IT
> mode firmware to the EEPROM and to install an IT Mode driver to the
> system OS. 
> So, I'm confused, what point is a RAID controller that doesn't support
> RAID ? 
> Thanks, Billy

Probably for compliance, might as well give it a try if you can... 

The Perc 4i/5i stuff that Steve was talking about is definitely
supported as I have a server that uses this. They may be exposed and use
different drivers than the straight LSI SAS 1068E.

Steve: What module does your Dell Perc use? I don't have access to my
server to check.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 21:18 -0500, Billy Huddleston wrote:
> JBOD a bust. It doesn't see any hard drives that way either. Anyone
> have any other ideas?

Ask Supermicro for the IT mode of your firmware if it exists. They are
usually really good at answering support questions if you email them,
I've normally heard back from them within 24 hours.

You can also ask supermicro for a driver disk (if you did not get one)
to use during the install if you pass "linux dd" to the command line
while booting the CD/DVD.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 18:57 -0500, Steve Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009, Billy Huddleston wrote:
> > Great, which driver did you use and where can I get it... and was this for 
> > a 
> > 32bit or 64bit CentOS install?
> It was 64-bit; I just used the regular CentOS installation CD's; no 
> special drivers at all.
> Steve

Steve, did you configure RAID in the BIOS or use JBOD and create a SW
raid in CentOS? I noticed from a previous post that you said it was
working, the info may help Billy.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.4 on Acer Aspire One

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 17:43 -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 15:06 -0800, MHR wrote:
> > Again, I'm no expert here, but if you can get a livecd image written
> > on a USB flash drive to boot, you should be able to get a netinstall
> > cd image to boot just as well, from a USB drive.  That "should" do the
> > trick (if it will boot at all).
> I think that's the next thing I'm going to try.  The netinstall would be
> handier than the livecd, if I can make it work.
> I was going for the Centos livecd simply because that's what I did to
> get Fedora on it and I figured I could just do the same thing again.
> Apparently not.

I sent a message about using unetbootin to get regular CD and DVDs
bootable off of USB without much work needed... if you didnt want to try
and round up an external DVD drive to use.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 18:11 -0500, Billy Huddleston wrote:
> Yes, their is a RAID 10 volume setup in the controller BIOS.

A previous response suggested using JBOD mode. But maybe someone has
installed CentOS with the 1068E controller using a RAID mode.

If I understand the problem correctly, the CentOS installer is unable to
see your RAID volume?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.4 on Acer Aspire One

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge

> Again, experts, please correct me if I'm off-base here.  I'm not
> familiar with Fedora images, though I imagine that they operate the
> same general way as RH/CentOS images since they all share the same
> base code.

Not considering myself an expert, but the Fedora Live CD has an option
to install to the hard drive after booting it on a USB key.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing CentOS 5.4 64bit on server with LSI SAS 1068E controller.

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 17:35 -0500, Billy Huddleston wrote:
> I'm trying to install CentOS 5.4 on a machine with a LSI SAS 1068E 
> controller.  I've googled all over the place and found a few different 
> drivers for RHEL5 for it.. and tried a few of them.. Some will load, 
> some complain that this isn't the correct version.. non of them work 
> when it comes to showing Hard Drivers in the partition manager. The 
> machine is a Supermicro SYS-6015V-M3 server. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Billy

Have you setup any RAID volumes the controller BIOS/utility?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.4 on Acer Aspire One

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 15:18 -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 14:49 -0500, Tait Clarridge wrote:
> > How did you create the Live USB?
> I went through the "How to partition" and "How to format" sections,then
> the "Command Line Method - Linux only" subsection titled 
> "Run livecd-iso-to-disk script".
> > 
> > You may want to try using either a DVD install image or NetInstall
> > image
> > after backing up your netbooks drive.
> My Acer Aspire One has an internal hard drive and that's it.

I know, so does my EEEpc. But I used Unetbootin (a package that is
available in Fedora (yum install unetbootin).

It allows you to create a Live USB using any CD or DVD image. So for
example, I could use unetbootin to get the CentOS 5.4 netinstall CD on
my USB key without having to anything but selecting the iso and USB
drive I want.

You will need to run it with root privileges though. But basically put
in the USB stick, fire up unetbootin and go from there.

Once you reboot onto the USB key just select the first option in the
unetbootin menu and it should launch the netinstall CD. You will
probably have to plug it into a wired network as well, I have never had
a netinstall disk working with wireless, especially in CentOS.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.4 on Acer Aspire One

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 10:07 -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 10:54 -0500, Tait Clarridge wrote:
> > If you want wireless, Fedora is probably the easiest of the two.
> It's my understanding that Centos now includes support for the wireless
> networking in the Acer Aspire One.
> >  Any
> > specific reasons why you want CentOS on a netbook? More specifically
> > why
> > you want enterprise Linux on your netbook?
> It's my last computer with Fedora on it.  Everything else now runs
> Centos.  So I figure that it it will work with Centos (which it
> apparently will) then I would like to have it match the rest of my
> stuff.

Alright. I can understand continuity. I personally keep CentOS for
servers and Fedora for desktops and laptops.

How did you create the Live USB?

You may want to try using either a DVD install image or NetInstall image
after backing up your netbooks drive.

I use uNetbootin to create USB images of DVDs & CDs for use in my

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.4 on Acer Aspire One

2009-11-27 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 09:41 -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 03:51 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> > did you create that USB disk using Fedora or CentOS?
> I created it using Centos 5.4.
> > 
> > does this relate?
> >
> The screenshot looks exactly like what I see.  Which is interesting
> considering that neither the image or the system it was created on has
> anything to do with Fedora 11.
> > I can't think of any reason I would put CentOS on my Aspire One...I've
> > got it working well with F12 now
> I seem to have a choice between reinstalling Fedora on it (because I
> can't get it to update to Fedora 12) or installing Centos on it.  Since
> they both involve a scratch install, I might as well install Centos on
> it so it will match my desktop machine.

I know this is a CentOS list, but personally I would go for Fedora 12.
They have done some optimizations for netbooks and you will have get a
lot more functionality due to the drivers included with Fedora 12 vs
CentOS 5 (based on Fedora Core 6).

If you want wireless, Fedora is probably the easiest of the two. Any
specific reasons why you want CentOS on a netbook? More specifically why
you want enterprise Linux on your netbook?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SNAT question

2009-11-25 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 00:58 +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Peter Peltonen
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Giovanni Tirloni  wrote:
> >> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Peter Peltonen
> >>  wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I am unable to get my LAN masqueraded using SNAT with CentOS 5.3 and 
> >>> iptables.
> >>>
> >>> I have the following setup:
> >>>
> >>> eth0: connects to internet with static public IP (obscured
> >>> here for privacy)
> >>> eth1: connects to DMZ with static public IP (obscured here for 
> >>> privacy)
> >>> eth2: connects to LAN with static private IP
> >>>
> >>> Traffic to hosts in the DMZ/Internet through eth0/1 work fine.
> >>>
> >>> I tried masqueradig the LAN with following:
> >>>
> >>> ptables -A FORWARD -i eth2 -j ACCEPT
> >>> iptables -A FORWARD -o eth2 -j ACCEPT
> >>> iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -o eth0 -j SNAT
> >>> --to-source
> >>>
> >>> After this I can ssh to a server in the Internet from the LAN using
> >>> the server's IP address but not its name. The w command on the server
> >>> tells me that my address has not been masqueraded (its,
> >>> the LAN client's private IP).
> >>
> >> If you can ssh to a server on the Internet then your connectivity is
> >> working.  You might want to check if DNS is allowed and working from
> >> the LAN hosts to the Internet.
> >>
> >> The fact that 'w' shows your internal IP address is because you're
> >> connecting from the LAN to the gateway, which doesn't trigger the SNAT
> >> because it's not forwarding any packets... only accepting your
> >> connection.
> >
> > Hmm,I am SSHing not to the gateway but to a server in the Internet, so
> > shouldn't it masquerade the address and w show the gateway's IP and
> > not the client's -- isn't this the whole point of the SNAT?
> >
> > No other service than SSH seems to work. If I do "telnet mydnsip 53"
> > there is no response, it just hangs. I also have correct DNS in
> > /etc/resolv.conf.
> Nobody has any other ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
> Best,
> Peter

I had to get the VPN address range masqueraded on the LAN as the gateway
address.. so for example:

VPN Server LAN IP: (not the real thing, but doesn't matter)
VPN IP Range:

So when I connect through OpenVPN, my tunnel adaptor is given an ip like (basically like a LAN, or your eth2). 

What I did in IPTABLES is the following (eth0 is the LAN connection for
the VPN server)

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j

After that it worked. All connections to anything on the LAN appear as
if I am coming from Just make sure that forwarding is
enabled (I believe it is required for masquerade):

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

If it equals 0, change it to 1.

You may want to remove all the other entries you tried to get
LAN->Internet going to ensure there is nothing conflicting.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] install CENTOS 5.4 X86_64 failed???

2009-11-24 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 14:47 -0700, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> > I just download CENTOS 5.4 DVD ISO X86_64 version from internet.  I tried
> > to install it on DELL server and get following error message before RPM
> > start install:
> >
> >parted_1.8.1-23.els.x86_64.rpm can NOT open
> >
> > anyone know why?
> >
> > Should I download it again from any good site?
> >
> > If I install CENTOS 5.3 and use yum update, will it go to CENTOS 5.4?
> >
> > Thanks.
> Did you check that the DVD was good with mediacheck? md5sum'ed the ISO? No
> need to download again if the ISO is OK.
> dennisk

Also, burn at the slowest speed to ensure that there are no errors. I
have had this problem and solved it by burning at a slow speed, although
it will take a lot longer to burn the DVD.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAIDs and JBOD?

2009-11-16 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 21:49 +, James Bensley wrote:
> Ok,
> I'm back again...
> Thanks again to all for more replies and info, all the info of the
> list members is really appreciated.
> So I have found this card and wondered if anyone has a second opinion
> on it
> ( 
> Seeing as it states on the website that the CD that comes with the card has 
> RedHat drivers on it, and I will be using CentOS 5.4 i386 on my little home 
> server everything should work just dandy shouldn't it? I am trying find some 
> examples online of people using this card with CentOS in a software RAID but 
> nothing yet so wondered if anyone here has any input here?
> -- 
> Regards,
> James ;)

If I am not mistaken that card uses the Marvell MV88SX5081 chipset and
uses the sata_mv module (after a little googling).

I have been reading around google and found that support for this was
added in CentOS 4 (sata_mv).

I also saw some posts regarding instability with this driver... sort of
a use at own risk scenario. 

Some were saying disabling hw RAID helped, but I haven't used that card
so I couldn't tell you. Maybe someone else on the list has used a card
with the MV88SX5081 chipset?

I have only played with the AOC-USAS-L8i card and that wasn't in Linux
(it was for an Opensolaris build), we just needed to buy SFF-8087 to 4 x
SATA cables to make it work. If you want to use SW raid, I might suggest
going for a card that is just adds SATA ports and has no onboard RAID,
but it is up to you.


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Re: [CentOS] Installing libssl-dev

2009-11-12 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 14:49 -0500, Victor Subervi wrote:
> Thanks.
> V

yum list '*ssl*'

Gives you a list of packages with ssl in the name.. just go through them
and yum info on ones that have "dev" or "devel" at the end to find what
you are looking for.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running SSH on a different port

2009-10-24 Thread Tait Clarridge

> > 
> > I then did: service sshd restart
> > 
> > 

> Have you restarted the ssh daemon after changing the config file?

Ooops, I really need to not post to the mailing list when I am tired. 

My second question still stands, Also, have you run nmap on your host to
verify that the port is open?

> Also, have you restarted the iptables service after changing the
> firewall rules?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running SSH on a different port

2009-10-24 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 07:17 -0700, ML wrote:
> >>> In /etc/ssh/sshd_config replace "port 22" with "port  >>> port
> >>> (> 1024) you like>"
> >>>
> >>> Then configure your ssh clients accordingly.
> >>
> >> So I added Port 2977 Under Host *
> >>
> >> So I have:
> >> Host *
> >> Port 2977
> >>
> >> I rebooted and I get a connection refused now when I try to connect.
> >>
> >> I am doing: ssh -p 2977 u...@ip
> My firewall is set to allow 2977.
> Just for shits I changed this to 29770
> I ran: system-config-securitylevel-tui and customized and added  
> 29770:tcp to other ports
> I then: nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config and said Port 29770
> So that I have:
> Host *
> Port 29770
> Protocol 2
> I then did: service sshd restart
> and I still get connection refused. Comment out Port 29770 and all is  
> well again.

Have you restarted the ssh daemon after changing the config file?

Also, have you restarted the iptables service after changing the
firewall rules?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring a remote server with Conky ?

2009-10-19 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 08:59 +0200, Niki Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Conky for some time, a nifty utility to monitor just 
> about anything on the PC. Vital things like CPU, RAM, swap, disks, 
> current song playing in MPD :o)
> Here's what it looks like :
> And with more detail :
> Now I wonder... I'd really like to use that to monitor my remote server. 
> I know this feature isn't officially supported by Conky, but I'm right 
> now thinking about a workaround. Something like: OK, my server is 
> 'headless' (e. g.: no graphical server, nothing), but why not install 
> just xorg-x11-server-Xorg, then use Conky and forward it to my local 
> display with SSH -X ? I'm pondering this question, thinking about the 
> possible issues...
> ... so maybe one of you guys here has come up with some solution ?
> Cheers,
> Niki

Hi Niki,

You could try a local script that gets values from a server that you
would like to monitor... I might suggest looking into setting up snmpd
on the server and using snmp walk to probe specific values (that relate
to processes/free memory).

What exactly would you be looking to monitor on the remote server?


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Mounting Network Storage Issues

2009-10-14 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 19:13 -0500, DTS-Corp (Knowledgebase) wrote:
> I have an Iomega NAS 1TB drive that I am using as just kind of a file
> sharing solution between all of my computers.
> Of course it is on a timed backup with my server however it just
> serves as a temporary solution for a bigger problem ( IE 15 different
> puters of all various OS Flavors).
> However I am not able to connect to any network storage server such as
> Windows PC's or NAS Storage using map network drive functions normally
> used with windows on CentOS.
> I am wondering if there is something goofy with this or is Cent just
> incompatible with NTFS network storage drives?

If that drive is indeed using NFS, Windows does have an NFS client and
it doesn't work out too bad. Can't remember where it is, but I think it
is something called Unix Services for Windows.

I have used CentOS to connect to a windows smb share.. so it does work,
just had to look it up on google. 

I am kind of confused by your message, are you saying that the 1TB NAS
drive is sitting on the network and is NOT attached to any computer on
your network? 

Or is the problem connecting CentOS to a Windows share?

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Re: [CentOS] customized centos 5.4 install, core install?

2009-10-13 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Tue, 2009-10-13 at 00:21 -0400, David Mehler wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. I'd probably be doing them in pairs spread out
> over a long period. I'd be interested in your php kickstart setup
> script.
> Thanks.
> Dave.

You may want to look at cobbler. It has a PXE boot option that can be
limited by MAC address. This would help in installing a certain
"profile" to your machine making it easier for you to customize each
install without having to burn mountains of CDs...

I am playing around with cobbler right now, but I can still send you the
kickstart script if you would like.

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] customized centos 5.4 install, core install?

2009-10-12 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 20:06 -0400, David Mehler wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all your replies. I checked out spacewalk and cobbler, both
> of which look like they require a network support infrastructure, at
> least a tftp server. I want to use a CD or DVD. Kickstart sounds like
> the way to go, but i'm looking to have everything self contained, for
> example if i want to install the postfix package, i'll want to remove
> sendmail, set up postfix to start at selected runlevels and configure
> the and files so that when the box reboots postfix
> is ready to go. I'd also like to have this install as slimmed down as
> possible, for example i probably won't be using x so i'd prefer not to
> have any x packages in the install dvd.
> Thanks.
> Dave.

I believe recently there was a thread posted about respinning a DVD for
these purposes, you could also have a network install CD pointing to a
local repository on your network and a kickstart on an internal

Kickstart is very robust, I am pretty sure you can get it to do anything
you want (especially after the install is complete).

I currently have a kickstart script that installs packages for a
PHP/mysql setup (as well as the base files) and then updates everything
before rebooting. It also disables a few services that I do not require.

I suggest hitting google for more kickstart tips/tricks.. as there are a
lot of things you can do. The issue would be that for each of the new
systems that you want to bring up unattended, you would possibly need to
burn a new CD or change the kickstart config file on your web server.
This would be because I am pretty sure that you do not want to have
multiple machines using the exact same configuration information.

Would you be doing multiple machines at once? Or one at a time, spread
out over long periods.

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Re: [CentOS] customized centos 5.4 install, core install?

2009-10-12 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 10:53 -0400, David Mehler wrote:
> Hello,
> This might be called a core build not completely positive. What i want
> to do is make a completely customized centos 5.4 unattended CD or DVt
> not only installs a specific list of apps apps that i want on each
> system, but configures them automatically perhaps via scripts, and
> enables or disables services etc. Basically, i want to drop the CD or
> DVD in a box which will probably not have a monitor anyway, and walk
> away. I then come back or ssh in and everything is already installed,
> any repos are added, configured and ready to go. Is this a core build?
> I'd appreciate any pointers on this.
> Thanks.
> Dave.

Hi Dave,

Investigate kickstart installs, you can customize packages and run
scripts after the install is complete before the box restarts.


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Re: [CentOS] 10 Year old IT Infrastructure

2009-10-10 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 14:08 -0400, Alan McKay wrote:
> > The better solution would be to make sure you are prepared for when
> > the hardware does fail.  Inform the client that you understand that
> > they don't want to upgrade the servers, and that hardware failure is
> > not a case of "if" but "when".  Lay out a plan to them describing what
> > would happen when that occurs, and how you will make sure that their
> > downtime is minimal.
> For the win!
> This is by far the best approach if you want to bring them along.  It
> has to be THEIR decision, so the best way to get them to make that
> decision is to sit back and say "OK, if you don't want to upgrade that
> is fine, but we still have to make sure we are prepared for when that
> hardware fails, so here is what we'll do ..."
> That will probably scare the crap out of them enough to change their minds :-)

This is absolutely correct. I would try and ease them into understanding
that hardware does fail and that they really do need to be prepared.
Once they grasp that concept they will most likely let you make the
backup and after the first major fail of their existing platform, never
migrate back.

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Re: [CentOS] xen guest system - install source - NOT

2009-10-09 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 07:11 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 09:45 -0400, Tait Clarridge wrote:
> > >  
> > > 
> > > +---+ Error ++ 
> > > 
> > > || 
> > > 
> > > | Unable to retrieve | 
> > > 
> > > |  | 
> > > 
> > > |  | 
> > > 
> > > || 
> > > 
> > > |++  | 
> > > 
> > > || OK |  | 
> > > 
> > > |++  | 
> > > 
> > > || 
> > > 
> > > || 
> > > 
> > > ++ 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Strange, because I can download that image both with wget (from a http 
> > > mirror) and with ftp (from a ftp mirror). Should I try downloading the 
> > > whole i386 directory, and publish it locally with Apache, or something 
> > > like that?
> > > 
> > > - Jussi
> > 
> > Well, it is putting an extra slash in front of the server address.. I
> > remember this being a pain when trying to set a mirror to install up.
> > 
> > 
> > Try the following:
> > 
> > Web site name:
> > CentOS directory: pub/mirrors/
> > 
> > 
> > Make sure you DO NOT add a slash infront of "pub" in the CentOS
> > directory line.
> > 
> > This tends to work for me, how are you kicking off the xen guest
> > install? Grabbed the xen kernel and ramdisk from a mirror?
> two // doesn't matter in the least.
> I can easily retrieve this url...
> wget \
> If you look at the URL's generated by yum repos, they often have 2
> slashes.
> Craig

Alright, just relaying my findings when I was having problems here. I
ended up having to mount the CD images on a blank ext3 partition and
putting that in the domU config file.

Thanks for clearing up the two slashes, I have noticed them working
before but didn't know if the CentOS installer was getting confused with
them or not.

Could this be a network issue? 

OP: Is your domU config'd for networking properly?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xen guest system - install source - NOT

2009-10-09 Thread Tait Clarridge
> +---+ Error ++ 
> || 
> | Unable to retrieve | 
> |  | 
> |  | 
> || 
> |++  | 
> || OK |  | 
> |++  | 
> || 
> || 
> ++ 
> Strange, because I can download that image both with wget (from a http 
> mirror) and with ftp (from a ftp mirror). Should I try downloading the 
> whole i386 directory, and publish it locally with Apache, or something 
> like that?
> - Jussi

Well, it is putting an extra slash in front of the server address.. I
remember this being a pain when trying to set a mirror to install up.

Try the following:

Web site name:
CentOS directory: pub/mirrors/

Make sure you DO NOT add a slash infront of "pub" in the CentOS
directory line.

This tends to work for me, how are you kicking off the xen guest
install? Grabbed the xen kernel and ramdisk from a mirror?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can't download large files

2009-10-08 Thread Tait Clarridge
> :(
> wget? I've tried download using other utilities on my windows pc's, on 
> my desktop [Ubuntu] I using rsync and scp to download, but get same 
> problem :(
> Btw John, thank You for your advise...
> Really confused :(

What filesystem type are you attempting to download to on each OS?

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] GnuPG for CentOS 5.3?

2009-10-03 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Sat, 2009-10-03 at 14:38 -0500, Lanny Marcus wrote:
> On 10/2/09, Dick Roth  wrote:
> > Sorin Srbu wrote:
> >>> -Original Message-
> >>> From: [] On
> >> Behalf
> >>> Of Dick Roth
> >>> Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 12:44 PM
> >>> To: CentOS List
> >>> Subject: [CentOS] GnuPG for CentOS 5.3?
> >>>
> >>> Good Morning--
> >>>
> >>> I'm looking to shore up security in my system and with communications.
> >>> Can you point me to the proper version of GnuPG for CentOS 5.3 (Final)?
> >> Is this for use with Evolution or Thinderbird?
> > Thanks to all who responded.  I'll be using Thunderbird.
> Dick: I use Gnome, but there is a front end for GnuPG, KGpg that I
> have installed.  You may want to consider it.  Lanny
> Lanny

If you are using Gnome, you may want to check out seahorse. Very easy to

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Re: [CentOS] CentOS for non-tech user

2009-09-29 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 16:14 -0400, Alan McKay wrote:
> > I am not an Ubuntu basher, but I felt it was babying me a little too
> > much.
> Hmmm, maybe that's what I should put on my wife's laptop :-)
> I already know Linux very well - been a UNIX geek for over 20 years,
> and Linux geek for getting on 10 now.   And I still get frustrated
> with how difficult it can be to set up multimedia!

True. Fedora/CentOS can be less intimidating and Ubuntu more user friendly.. 
but where is the fun in that?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS for non-tech user

2009-09-29 Thread Tait Clarridge
On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 15:38 -0400, Alan McKay wrote:
> I've been generally unhappy with my CentOS desktop both at home and at
> work, when it comes to thinks like sound and video.
> I'd recommend going with Fedora Core, to be honest.   Much as I love
> CentOS on my servers.

This is more a reply to the general thread, not Alan's answer above.

When I first picked up Linux for personal use I had tried CentOS and
found that it was not properly or easily configured for any multimedia
use. This was when I was starting to use Linux and didn't have the
patience to configure everything. 

This is when I switched to Fedora for personal use, I have used Fedora
Core 8 through 11 and haven't found any major issues configuring it for
what I need. 

There can be issues with any distribution regarding HD sound, but if you
google them the answers are almost always there. That is all I've had
major problems with in running it on my laptops.

I use a Toshiba laptop and it has worked flawlessly through each of the
versions (except for the sound problems noted above). 

CentOS is great for server use and if you want to learn CentOS for use
as a server, Fedora is a great place to start because they are both
redhat based. Chances are that if you got something to work in Fedora,
you can get it to work in CentOS (maybe with a few extra tweaks).

I am not an Ubuntu basher, but I felt it was babying me a little too
much. More than I would want to when learning a new system. Nothing like
trial by fire to grow your linux knowledge.

With most Linux installations you will end up tweaking something that
isn't working as advertised. I am not trying to scare you away from
linux, but in my experience it has been the case that I had to "get my
hands dirty" on more than one occasion.

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