[cia-drugs] [Fwd: Does New York Have a Serial Bomber?]

2008-03-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

 Original Message 
Subject:Does New York Have a Serial Bomber?
Date:   Fri, 7 Mar 2008 01:53:21 -0500

*News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
07 Mar 2008
All items are here:

*Does New York Have a Serial Bomber?* 
*--*Attack could be connected to two prior bombings with similar 
hallmarks* 06 Mar 2008 At approximately 3:45 a.m. Thursday, a 
"low-order" explosive device was detonated on the Times Square traffic 
island bounded by 43rd and 44th Streets, Broadway and Seventh Avenue. 
The explosion was apparently "deliberately directed" at a U.S. military 
recruiting station, the Armed Forces Career Center, situated on the 
triangular space dubbed "Military Island". The building, which is 
positioned across the street from a police station and jointly houses 
Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine recruiters, has been the site of 
anti-war demonstrations.

*NYC Struck Again by Mystery Bomber 
06 Mar 2008 For the third time in as many years, someone riding a bike 
and armed with a small explosive has struck in Manhattan, this time in 
the highest-profile location by far: a landmark military recruitment 
station in the heart of Times Square.

*House Members receive letters, photo of NY recruiting station sent 
before bombing 
06 Mar 2008 A number of House members were mailed a letter and photo of 
a Times Square recruiting station in Manhattan before it was bombed on 
Thursday morning, according to House insiders and law-enforcement 

*'We Did It' letters eyed in NY bombing 
--*Message on holiday greeting card: 'Happy New Year, We Did It.'* 06 
Mar 2008 Capitol Hill offices received letters Thursday containing a 
photo of the Times Square military recruiting office before it was 
bombed and including the claim "We Did It."

*McCain is down in general election polls, so: Qaeda seeking big attack 
in U.S. - senior general 
* 06 Mar 2008 
'Al Qaeda' is looking to attack the United States, perhaps urgently 
[well, by the first Tuesday in November], so that its leadership can 
show tangible results [GOP 'wins'] after repeated threats, a senior U.S. 
general said on Thursday. Gen. Gene Renuart, head of the U.S. military 
command responsible for homeland defense, said recorded messages from al 
Qaeda leaders such as Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri show the 
group responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks is "looking for a way to have 
a big impact again."

*Commander warns of Qaida threat to US 'elections' 
*06 Mar 2008 Al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] terrorists may be plotting more 
urgently to attack the United States to maintain their credibility and 
ability to recruit followers, the U.S. military commander in charge of 
domestic defense said Thursday. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, chief of 
the U.S. Northern Command, also told reporters he has not seen any 
direct threats tied to the U.S. presidential 'elections.' But he said it 
would be rash to think that such threats are not there. [*Insane McCain 
cannot win an election, so the GOP is already busy planning their third 
coup. Here come the school lockdowns and shopping mall shootings, /ad 
nauseam/, scads of phony terror alerts and eventually, martial law 
. **The 
DemocRATs will roll over, as they've done since 2000. --LRP*]

*Please forward these updates to anyone you think might be interested*. 
*Those who'd like to be added to the list can go here*: 
http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg and add your name. Those who wish 
to be removed from the list can access the same link and click 
Please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for 
inquiries/issues/concerns with your subscription.

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright © 2008, Citizens 
For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair 
is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: "Domesticating" the Wild (Meaning FREE) Human Animal by "Gelding"

2008-03-06 Thread muckblit

Hormone   Therapy
The   Testosterone Way to A
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PhytoEstrogen Food Sources

Fibroids, Industry Spin vs.
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Soy: The Poison Seed

For further information on
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Menopause by John Lee MD
Hormone Heresy by Sherrill Sellman

For articles and reference
studies on the effects of
environmental estrogen's log
www.WestonAPrice.org   ,
www.testosterone.net   ,
issue 185, Nov. 30 2001.

Also read:
Is This Your Child's World by Doris Rapp
MD, page 500 - 509. (Dr. Rapp is the
worlds leading pediatric allergist).

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 9:14 pm
Subject: "Domesticating" the Wild (Meaning FREE) Human Animal by

"When the EU drew up its first comprehensive controls on chemicals two
years ago, it exempted 'gender-benders.'   Britain, under Tony Blair's
leadership, was responsible for this exemption.  Confidential documents
show that it obediently acted to water down the controls after [orders]
from the Bush administration -- putting the interests of U.S.
corporations above the health of British children."   Singing starlings
... and why thousands of babies who should have been boys are being born
as girls By GEOFFREY LEAN London Daily Mail, 27 February 2008 
  Next time you hear a starling sing, stop
and listen hard. It may well be warning of a peril that endangers the
whole world of nature - and the very future of the human race itself.   
Because scientists have found that gender-bender 
chemicals -- increasingly contaminating the environment, our food, our
water and our bodies -- are having a bizarre effect on common birds,
causing the males to give voice to longer and more complex songs.  This
is only the latest in a long series of increasingly urgent alarms being
sounded by wildlife against an insidious but devastating danger that
threatens our children.  But so far our leaders have steadfastly and
scandalously turned a deaf ear to them - and, even more shamefully,
ignored the first signs that the peril is already affecting birth
patterns, causing thousands of babies who should have been boys to be
born as girls instead.  Starlings and their diverse, complicated and
mimicking - though not beautiful - songs have long fascinated humanity. 
Mozart was entranced by a starling after it copied a tune that the great
composer was whistling in a pet store.  Modern scientists have
discovered that starlings' songs contain similar patterns to human
speech.  But if we could, indeed, understand what they are
communicating, we would be wise to take heed.  Scientists at Cardiff
University have discovered that the brains of male starlings foraging
for worms at a sewage treatment works in South-West England have been
subtly changed by being contaminated by oestrogen from the contraceptive
pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).   The female hormones -
present in women's urine, and passing through the sewage treatment
unaffected - caused the part of the brain that controls their s

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Closer to the Bone

2008-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 3:17 pm
Subject: Closer to the Bone


About Tim Shorrock

Tim Shorrock is an investigative journalist whose 
  work has appeared in many publications in the United States and abroad, 
  including The Nation, Salon, Mother Jones, Harper’s, Inter Press Service, The 
  Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Progressive, The Journal 
  of Commerce, Foreign Policy in Focus, Asia Times, Sisa Journal (Korea) and 
  Hankyoreh 21 (Korea). He also appears frequently on the radio as a 
  on US-Korean relations, US intelligence and foreign policy, and has been 
  interviewed on Pacifica’s Democracy Now, Air America and CBS Radio. 



Tim Shorrock’s archive page at The Nation. It includes articles on 
  NSA spying, US corporations in Iraq, CACI International (the contractor 
  involved in Abu Ghraib), and other topics. 

2005 expose of the massive outsourcing taking place in US intelligence. 

One of the first exposes of the Carlyle Group (The Nation). 

A thorough reaming of Paul 
  Wolfowitz from Asia Times - long before 9/11 made him a key player 
  in the Bush administration’s foreign policy. 




CIFA tunes in to Cambone 
January 17th, 2008 

Domestic surveillance in America: The Pentagon’s 
Counter-Intelligence Field Activity (CIFA) office signed onto this website 
today to read my 
story on the contract it recently awarded to a 
British contractor linked to former defense intelligence boss Stephen Cambone. 
IP address (below) is one of CIFA’s nodes, based apparently in San Diego, on 
Department of Defense’s highly classified Network Information Center (click the 
second link in green to follow a CIFA agent’s Google search). Hey CIFA, in 
return for peeking onto my website, how about giving me access to your’s? And 
why is a DoD agency spying on Americans anyway?

Meanwhile, over at Emptywheel, you can read more on Cambone and 
CIFA’s ties with contractors such as MZM, the company linked to the corrupt 
congressman Duke Cunningham. Emptywheel might find it 
interesting that MZM, after being sold to private equity fund Veritas 
Capital and renamed Athena Innovative Solutions, is now owned by CACI 
CACI, one of the Pentagon’s favorite contractors during the Rumsfeld-Cambone 
era, is forever linked to the prison abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. You can read 
much more about CACI’s history, CIFA and the defense intelligence enterprise in 
my upcoming book, SPIES FOR HIRE, which will be out in May from Simon 
& Schuster.

Update: Since I posted this item 12 hours ago, my 
site has received hits from the National 
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the US Coast Guard, the Rand 
Corporation, the US Southern Command and the Office of the Secretary of Defense 
at the Pentagon, where someone reached the site by searching (in Ask.com) “Who 
is Tim Shorrock?” Another hit came from Intelligent Software Solutions, a 
defense contractor 
deeply engaged in network centric warfare that holds contracts, according to 
website, with the National Security Agency, the US Central Command, the Office 
of Naval Intelligence and the Air Force. Nice to see I’m being read.

 cifagb01.cifa.mil (Dod Network 
Information Center)
California, San Diego, United States, 0 
returning visit







17th January 2008




17th January 2008


www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cifa contract 
TimShorrock.com » Blog Archive » 
  Stephen Cambone, War 



Stephen Cambone, War 
January 16th, 2008 

My latest, from CorpWatch:

A Pentagon office that claims to monitor terrorist threats to U.S. military 
  bases in North America — and was once reprimanded by the U.S. Congress for 
  spying on antiwar activists — has just awarded a multi-million dollar 
  to a company that employs one of Donald Rumsfeld’s former aides. That aide, 
  Stephen Cambone, helped create the very office that issued the contract. On 
  January 7, QinetiQ (pronounced “kinetic”) North America (QNA), a major 
  British-owned defense and intelligence contractor based in McLean, Virginia, 
  announced that its Mission Solutions Group, formerly Analex Corporation, had 
  just signed a five-year, $30 million contract to provide a range of 
  unspecified “security services” to the Pentagon’s Counter-Intelligence Field 
  Activity office, known as CIFA…The contract was awarded just two months after 
  QinetiQ hired Cambone, the former undersecretary of

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] [ Entire Counties Disenfranchised in Texas

2008-03-06 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:34 am
Subject: [ctrl] [ Entire Counties Disenfranchised in Texas]



- Original Message - 

From: Virginia 


Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 5:41 AM

Subject: [ Entire Counties Disenfranchised in Texas]

Election Fraud at its extreme
This is a detailed report on the Tx. count. Check it out, I 
wonder if citizens groups did exit polls? Virginia Brooks


Richard Hayes 
Phillips, Ph.D.

March 5, 2008

Didn’t anybody notice this?

 It is now 24 hours 
after the polls closed in Texas.  In 21 counties, with 100% of 
precincts reporting, nobody voted in the Republican presidential 
primary.  In three counties, with 100% of precincts reporting, 
nobody voted in the Democratic presidential 

In the 21 counties with no Republican voters, there were 87,919 
registered voters, and 36,239 ballots cast, all of them 

 In the three counties with no Democratic voters, there 
were 5,212 registered voters, and 1,865 ballots cast, all of them 

Maverick County, all 9,661 ballots cast were Democratic.  
In Hansford County, all 1,235 ballots cast were 


County  RegisteredRepublican    


























But don’t take my word for it.  See for 




 Election officials 
in the State of Texas have some explaining to 

Richard Hayes Phillips is the author of the definitive 
book on the 2004 presidential election in Ohio – “Witness to a Crime: A 
Citizens’ Audit of an American 
Election.”  For more information: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 

Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.4/1313 - Release Date: 3/5/2008 
9:50 AM



[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Top Iraq contractor skirts US taxes offshore - The Boston Globe

2008-03-06 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 9:50 am
Subject: [ctrl] Top Iraq contractor skirts US taxes offshore - The Boston Globe

Top Iraq contractor skirts US taxes offshore
Shell companies in Cayman Islands allow KBR to avoid Medicare, Social  
Security deductions

By Farah Stockman, Globe Staff  |  March 6, 2008

CAYMAN ISLANDS - Kellogg Brown & Root, the nation's top Iraq war  
contractor and until last year a subsidiary of Halliburton Corp., has  
avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal Medicare and  
Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies based in  
this tropical tax haven.

More than 21,000 people working for KBR in Iraq - including about 10,500  
Americans - are listed as employees of two companies that exist in a  
computer file on the fourth floor of a building on a palm-studded  
boulevard here in the Caribbean. Neither company has an office or phone  
number in the Cayman Islands.

The Defense Department has known since at least 2004 that KBR was avoiding  
taxes by declaring its American workers as employees of Cayman Islands  
shell companies, and officials said the move allowed KBR to perform the  
work more cheaply, saving Defense dollars.

But the use of the loophole results in a significantly greater loss of  
revenue to the government as a whole, particularly to the Social Security  
and Medicare trust funds. And the creation of shell companies in places  
such as the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes has long been attacked by  
members of Congress.

A Globe survey found that the practice is unusual enough that only one  
other ma jor contractor in Iraq said it does something similar.

"Failing to contribute to Social Security and Medicare thousands of times  
over isn't shielding the taxpayers they claim to protect, it's costing our  
citizens in the name of short-term corporate greed," said Senator John F.  
Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee who has  
introduced legislation to close loopholes for companies registering  

With an estimated $16 billion in contracts, KBR is by far the largest  
contractor in Iraq, with eight times the work of its nearest competitor.

The no-bid contract it received in 2002 to rebuild Iraq's oil  
infrastructure and a multibillion-dollar contract to provide support  
services to troops have long drawn scrutiny because Vice President Dick  
Cheney was Halliburton's chief executive from 1995 until he joined the  
Republican ticket with President Bush in 2000.

The largest of the Cayman Islands shell companies - called Service  
Employers International Inc., which is now listed as having more than  
20,000 workers in Iraq, according to KBR - was created two years before  
Cheney became Halliburton's chief executive. But a second Cayman Islands  
company called Overseas Administrative Services, which now is listed as  
the employer of 1,020 mostly managerial workers in Iraq, was established  
two months after Cheney's appointment.

Cheney's office at the White House referred questions to his personal  
lawyer, who did not return phone calls.

Heather Browne, a spokeswoman for KBR, acknowledged via e-mail that the  
two Cayman Islands companies were set up "in order to allow us to reduce  
certain tax obligations of the company and its employees."

Social Security and Medicare taxes amount to 15.3 percent of each  
employees' salary, split evenly between the worker and the employer. While  
KBR's use of the shell companies saves workers their half of the taxes, it  
deprives them of future retirement benefits.

In addition, the practice enables KBR to avoid paying unemployment taxes  
in Texas, where the company is registered, amounting to between $20 and  
$559 per American employee per year, depending on the company's rate of  

As a result, workers hired through the Cayman Island companies cannot  
receive unemployment assistance should they lose their jobs.

In interviews with more than a dozen KBR workers registered through the  
Cayman Islands companies, most said they did not realize that they had  
been employed by a foreign firm until they arrived in Iraq and were told  
by their foremen, or until they returned home and applied for unemployment  

"They never explained it to us," said Arthur Faust, 57, who got a job  
loading convoys in Iraq in 2004 after putting his resume on KBRcareers.com  
and going to orientation with KBR officials in Houston.

But there is one circumstance in which KBR does claim the workers as its  
own: when it comes to receiving the legal immunity extended to employers  
working in Iraq.

In one previously unreported case, a group of Service Employers  
International workers accused KBR of know

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] VERY important: Forwarded: Numbers don't add up in Texas...

2008-03-06 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:40 am
Subject: [ctrl] VERY important:  Forwarded: Numbers don't add up in Texas...


- Original Message - 

From: "Virginia Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 5:29 AM

Subject: [FIREBASEVOICE] VERY important: Forwarded: Numbers don't add up in


Of course it is fraud, no other answer to this, when you read about Ron

Paul's own district in TxVirginia

(I am forwarding to all CD captains, and as many Ohio groups as possible):

Very Important on this thread: so keep the thread moving through the


_I had a Gentleman call me when I got Home from the Kent Meeting last

night from New York. _

He happens to be publishing a book with photos of all of the 2004

Election Fraud Evidence, that was supposed to be published by a company

in Kent State? He literally has the photographs of burned and otherwise

mutilated, destroyed ballots. He is very familiar with how to follow the

fraud, due to his research in the book. I would call him an investigative

Journalist, in Election Fraud.

I don't know him from Adam.

_He called me last night, from New York, upset about huge numbers of

precincts in Texas, where there were thousands of registered voters, and

ZERO votes at all, with 100 of the Precincts reporting in_.

He repeated so I understood.

He is saying there are precincts with over 2000 registered voters, and

the official count is saying NO one voted at all in that precinct after

the precinct has reported in officially!!

He said he has been studying elections now, for years. He has NEVER seen

anything like this.

He said the number of zero precincts, are especially High in the

Panhandle of Texas.

He also mentioned what Ron here is saying in this post.

Ron Paul got more votes in his precinct for Congressman, than he did for

president in the same precinct. He said, by huge amounts.

Even More important, and possibly something we can all do to help... with

this Ron Paul Fraud.

This investigative Journalist is just about to publish the research on

the fraud, and now, the company that was going to print with his book,

has suddenly pulled out, and refusing to publish.

He was supposed to be doing a book signing at Kent on the anniversary of

the shootings, that happens annually there... I guess.

He now has to self publish, which, given the situation, and the fact that

he is the only one with his "manual", puts him in a great deal of danger.

Maybe I am a little paranoid for him, because of my past experience with

revolution researchers and publishers that have suddenly gone missing, or

suddenly commit suicide, over the past ten years. But while we were on

the phone, we were getting echoes, then, three or four voice cut outs for

ten, then 20 then 30 seconds. Finally, we were disconnected, and could

not get reconnected.

I did ask him to write to me so I could foreword the Texas research he

did to all, and let you hear about the Ron Paul Information, since I know

all of you would care a lot.

I explained to him how to get a hold of the Ron Paul Texas Meetups, so

they could investigate, and move on the situation, if they chose.

I am hoping for an email from him this morning.

I will be trying to call him back all day today.

So please to the degree you can, keep an eye on this thread. If I get him

on the phone, I will let you know. He needs some help getting his

information out, and wants to investigate the Ron Paul campaign and

election fraud, on a larger scale.

Will follow up and if he does send an email, I will be sure to post

it to you all


Ron wrote:

They want us to believe that McCain won Texas in a landslide. A place

where I have never heard anyone mention his name, never seen so much as

a bumper sticker, and clearly a state that is covered by Ron Paul signs.

Just for the sake of discussion let's say it's possible. What I find

seriously hard to believe is this:

* Ron Paul got 70% of the vote in his district for Congress-37,220


* In that same district they want us to believe he only got 6,697 votes

for president.

* That equates to approximately ONLY 1 in 5 people that voted for him

for Congress supported him for President. They can't be serious. Don't

lie to me!!

Please don't take my word for it. Look at the numbers yourself.

Congressional District 14 Results -


Presidential Race District 14 Results -


Please pass it on. Our votes are not counted people. Restore the


Ron Paul 2008, the Revolution has begun!


Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone

on this mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


This message w

[cia-drugs] Advanced Strategies on Stealing Indigenous Resources

2008-03-06 Thread clarabelle2012
The bottom line remains that Canada and USA are corporations.  They 
do not own the land, we indigenous own the land.

HOT FLASH!  The Infinite "Red-X" discovers Secret Instruction 
Manual:  "Advanced Strategies on Stealing Indigenous Resources" – TWO 
MNN.  Mar. 4, 2008.  "All the tricks of the colonists are now 
evealed", sayeth the infamous Indigenous sage, Red-X.  "It's a manual 
on how to try to cash in on our land and resources".   It was used at 
Dehcho and it looks like they're fine tuning it at Sharbot Lake too.  
Here are some of the key hints on their dirty tricks and how to 
counter them.  
Colonial Dirty Trick #1:  Call it "democracy" and make sure you keep 
control.  Invite the Indigenous to conferences on "self-governance".  
Make sure they go to lots of fancy cocktail parties with open bars, 
with colonial big-wigs like Governor General Michaelle Jean and 
other "heavies.  Give them tiaras to try on and a taste of "life in 
the fast lane".  Make sure they're too drunk to notice they've sold 
out their people.  
Colonial Dirty Trick #2.  Make sure Indigenous are outnumbered three 
to one at every meeting.  Red-X says, "Don't go to Ottawa, Vancouver 
or Kingston or any big city.  Hold them meetings at home in your 
longhouse or your condemned Indian Affairs bungalow with the cracked 
window panes and asbestos contaminated floors and walls".
Colonial Dirty Trick #3:  Put out colonial law as if it's Indigenous 
law.  Ignore Indigenous legal processes.  Only look at what counts 
according to the colonial Supreme Court.   
The Red-X says, "Let's take a look at how two colonial reptiles 
played out the "life and death" game against our people of the 
Northwest Territories".  Red-X goes on to reveal the "Colonial Cheat 
Sheet" used to try to pull the wool over our eyes.
CDT #4. Information is power – the colonists have two control 
strategies:  collect, horde and keep it to themselves.  When 
necessary they make it disappear.  The other option is to put out a 
whole lot of lies, like false history and myth making.  Even 
create "Indians"! 
CDT #5. Put some "heavies" at the table.  The bigger the title, the 
longer the resume, the fatter, the better.  At the talks with our 
Dehcho brothers and sisters, the "heavy", Minister of Indian Affairs, 
Robert Nault, said, "The signing of these agreements is an 
acknowledgment of a new relationship between the Deh Cho, Canada and 
the GNWT".   What he really said was, "I hope I confused you because 
I'm f—king confused myself."
Michael Nadli, a sell-out band councillor, said, "We look forward to 
Phase II to begin substantive negotiations on the more fundamental 
elements of Deh Cho Governance."  Translation:  "I'm being played.  
They're making me read a script I don't understand".
CDT #6. Use hierarchical colonial criteria with with the colonists 
sitting at the top seeing themselves with guns and money in hand.  
We are supposed to be down there somewhere out of sight.   They 
always beat around the bush. 
CDT #7. Design an extreme "offer-concession strategy" to bowl the 
Injuns over if we kick up a fuss or raise awkward questions, 
like, "How're you gonna clean up your filthy mess?"  That's when 
the "operatives" throw the chair back and pull away from the table.  
We can stop these sleazes even when they threaten to take the "bribe" 
with them.  
CDT #8. The colonial "hoods" will walk out if they lose "control".  
That's when we know the whole is falling.  Translation:  "We ain't 
playing with you bad `Injuns' anymore!"
CDT #9.  Look for weaknesses.  These gangsters may even use a "good 
cop" and a "bad cop" strategy to throw those Injuns off balance.   We 
all know there's no "good cop".  They're all "bad".  They then 
threaten us with illegal injunctions, jail time and law suits.  At 
the January 6, 2008 Kingston meeting "ODB" Reid's pal, "Algonquin 
Would-be", Robert Lovelace, was sent back in to talk to the Mohawks 
after the "carpetbaggers" stomped off in a huff.  Would- Be's job was 
to side track the Mohawks with his "Cointelpro" charm.  The next day 
these "air 
punching" carpetbaggers disappeared to a secret hideaway.  The 
Mohawks found them and once again they slithered off into the 
CDT #10.  The carpetbaggers don't like the people you bring along.  
They will suggest taking your sell-outs into another room to make a 
deal behind closed doors.  ODB Reid was overheard telling "Need-to-be-
Algonquin-to-settle-a-phony-land-claim" Lovelace, "The next time we 
should meet with George White of Frontenac Ventures alone with no 
lawyers".  They're trying to  make a deal on uranium mining on 
Haudenosaunee land at Sharbot Lake.  When we tried to ask questions, 
they fled again with their coat tails flapping.  
CDT #11. They want targets.  In the 1990

[cia-drugs] The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown... Fwd: Re: The North American Union Farce

2008-03-06 Thread norgesen
From: Vicky Davis 

Mailing list 200+

Is Ms. Carlsen prepared to defend? 

Daneen wrote:
  From: "Daneen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Laura Carlsen
  CC: "Michel Chossudovsky" 
  Subject: Re: The North American Union Farce
  Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:16:56 -0600

  Laura Carlsen, The North American Union Farce, March 3, 2008, 
globalresearch.ca, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8247. 

  Ms. Carlsen . . . I have but one question about the above article that 
appeared on the Global Research website.  Is it a spoof or is it for real?  
Please let me know as I intend to debunk it 'from soup to nuts' . . . which, 
come to think of it, would be a very appropriate title.

  The fact that you are an employee of the Americas (plural) Policy Program is 
very enlightening, since the next step after the NAU is a 'done deal' is to 
combine North and South America into a single REGION.

  Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
  Founder and Author

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Print - Boom in Locally Grown Drugs: Cannabis Factories in Germany Growing Like Weeds - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

2008-03-06 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 10:03 am
Subject: [ctrl] Print - Boom in Locally Grown Drugs: Cannabis Factories in 
Germany Growing Like Weeds - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

SPIEGEL ONLINE - March 5, 2008, 04:10 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,539502,00.html
Cannabis Factories in Germany Growing Like Weeds

Criminals are increasingly cultivating cannabis in Germany to get around  
stricter border controls. Experts warn that locally produced weed can be  
four times as potent as conventionally grown drugs.


Hamburg police raiding a cannabis factory last month: Officers discovered  
1,200 plants in the backroom of a workshop.
The number of cannabis factories in Germany has exploded, drug experts  
warned in a report released this week.

In the study the International Narcotics Control Board, which monitors the  
implementation of the United Nations international drug conventions, said  
cannabis was increasingly being grown in Germany, Belgium and the  

According to INCB, the increase in home-grown cannabis is a result of  
tighter border controls. In the past, illicit drugs were smuggled into  
Europe from the Caribbean, but less porous borders have forced those in  
the drug business to set up local cultivating operations.

"Since 2002 in Germany the illegal production of cannabis in  
professionally set up green houses has increased frighteningly," Carola  
Lander, a member of the INCB, warned during a presentation of the  
organization's 2007 report in Berlin on Tuesday.

Increased Potency

The hike in locally grown weed has had a marked effect on the strength of  
drugs discovered in Germany, as cannabis grown in green houses can be four  
times as potent as conventionally produced weed, criminal investigators in  
North Rhine-Westphalia recently said. Increased potency is the result of  
professional cultivation and gene-manipulated seeds.

Earlier this week the head of a German drugs clinic warned that cannabis  
users were getting younger and one out of twenty 18 to 24-year-old in  
Germany needed treatment for a condition arising out of their cannabis  
consumption. Professor Rainer Thomasius, of the University Hospital in  
Hamburg's Eppendorf neighborhood, said the average age children first  
tried cannabis fell from 17 years a decade ago to 15 years today. He  
added: "In big cities it stands at 14 years, with children who live in  
difficult circumstances at 12 or 13 years."

According to the INCB report there has been a rise in the use of other  
drugs as well: cocaine consumption in Europe has increased, as have  
cocaine parcels sent specifically to Germany. And the use of heroin shows  
no signs of slowing down, with experts estimating 3.3 million Europeans  
are addicted to the drug.

Almost all of the heroin flooding the European market comes from  
Afghanistan, which, despite international efforts to eradicate poppy  
production, last year produced a record drug harvest, growing 17 per cent  
more opium. It comes via three routes across Europe -- either through  
Turkey, Russia or Pakistan, using planes or ships. Though most countries  
in Western Europe are reporting fewer incidents of seizing heroin  
shipments, Spain and Germany both reporter more cases in the past year.


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Reproduction only allowed with the permission of SPIEGELnet GmbH

Related SPIEGEL ONLINE links:
  Cannabis in the Cathedral: German Church Officer Arrested on Drug Dealing  
Charges (06/07/2007)
  Marijuana Malcontent: Germany's "McDope" Problem (08/17/2006)

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Homeland Security Crime Wave

2008-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 9:52 pm
Subject: Homeland Security Crime Wave

Wed, Mar. 05, 2008 

Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert



U.S. Customs and Border Protection is supposed to stop these types of crimes. 
Instead, so many of its officers have been charged with committing those crimes 
themselves that their boss in Washington recently issued an alert about the 
''disturbing events'' and the ``increase in the number of employee arrests.'' 

Thomas S. Winkowski, assistant commissioner of field operations, wrote a memo 
to more than 20,000 officers nationwide noting that employees must behave 
professionally at all times -- even when not on the job. 

''It is our responsibility to uphold the laws, not break the law,'' Winkowski 
wrote in the Nov. 16 memo obtained by The Miami Herald. 

Winkowski's memo cites employee arrests involving domestic violence, DUI and 
drug possession. But court records show Customs officers and other Department 
Homeland Security employees from South Florida to the Mexican border states 
been charged with dozens of far more serious offenses. 

Among them: A Customs and Border Protection officer at Fort 
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport was charged in February with 
conspiring to assist a New York drug ring under investigation by tapping into 
sensitive federal databases. 

Winkowski, a former director of field operations in Miami, called the 
misconduct ''unacceptable.'' He told The Miami Herald that while he wrote the 
memo because of an uptick in employee arrests last fall, he didn't believe the 
problem was pervasive. 

''Do I believe this is widespread in our organization? No, I do not,'' he 
said in an interview Tuesday. ``Are there examples where we fall short? Yes.'' 

Two highly controversial issues, illegal immigration and national security, 
have thrust the Department of Homeland Security into the public eye as it 
to prevent another terrorist attack in the post-9/11 era. 

The bureaucratic behemoth grew out of a controversial consolidation five 
years ago of several agencies, including the U.S. Customs Service and 
Immigration and Naturalization Service. 

Employees of both joined either Customs and Border Protection or Immigration 
and Customs Enforcement, known for their acronyms CBP and ICE. 

CBP handles the border, airports and seaports, while ICE investigates 
immigration and customs law violators. 

''We as an agency are constantly policing ourselves so that the public trust 
is not diminished as a result of inappropriate activity, whether it's on the 
job, off the job, criminal or not criminal,'' said Zachary Mann, a special 
and spokesman for Customs and Border Protection in Miami. 

Some Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees also have been caught up 
in episodes of alleged misconduct. But Anthony Mangione, the special agent in 
charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Miami, said he was not aware 
any increase in criminal or administrative actions ``even though we have had a 
substantial increase in personnel since the merger.'' 


Federal authorities normally keep administrative incidents quiet. But 
officials cannot control publicity in the event of serious criminal behavior, 
like the February case involving the Border Protection officer at Fort 
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. 

Elizabeth Moran-Toala, a six-year veteran, allegedly accessed an electronic 
database known as Treasury Enforcement Communications System, a tool to stop 
illegal drug imports. 

According to an indictment, she is accused of tapping into the system several 
times to pass along information to a Delta Airlines baggage handler who was 
conspiring with a drug ring to transport cocaine and heroin from the Dominican 
Republic to New York. Moran-Toala, 36, was transferred to New York in February 
for prosecution. 

Other recent South Florida cases -- mirroring a pattern along border states 
-- have involved officers and agents accepting payoffs for migrant smuggling, 
drug trafficking, witness tampering, embezzlement and rape. 

Agency managers say these cases reflect individual criminal behavior, not the 
culture of the agencies. 

But some longtime employees said administrative incidents, like hostile 
confrontations or heavy drinking, may reflect the low morale and intense 
rivalries following the merger of federal agencies under Homeland Security. 

Some employees from the old Immigration and Naturalization Service are the 
most vocal in their complaints. They bitterly denounce employees who came from 
the old Customs Service for ''seizing control'' of both CBP and ICE, ''lording 
it over'' former INS em

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "Domesticating" the Wild (Meaning FREE) Human Animal by "Gelding"

2008-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 9:14 pm
Subject: "Domesticating" the Wild (Meaning FREE) Human Animal by "Gelding"

"When the EU drew up its first comprehensive 
controls on chemicals?two years ago, it exempted 
'gender-benders.'?? Britain, under Tony Blair's 
leadership, was responsible for this exemption.? Confidential documents 
show that it obediently acted to water down the controls?after [orders] 
from the Bush administration -- putting the interests of U.S. corporations 
the health of British children."


Singing starlings ... and why thousands of babies who should have been boys 
are being born as girls


London Daily Mail, 27 February 2008 


Next time you hear a starling sing, stop and listen hard. It may well be 
warning of a peril that endangers the whole world of nature - and the very 
future of the human race itself. 

Because?scientists have found that gender-bender 
?chemicals -- increasingly contaminating the 
environment, our food, our water and our bodies -- are having a bizarre effect 
on common birds, causing the males to give voice to longer and more complex 

This is only the latest in a long series of increasingly urgent alarms being 
sounded by wildlife against an insidious but devastating danger that threatens 
our children. 

But so far our leaders have steadfastly and scandalously turned a deaf ear to 
them - and, even more shamefully, ignored the first signs that the peril is 
already affecting birth patterns, causing thousands of babies who should have 
been boys to be born as girls instead. 

Starlings and their diverse, complicated and mimicking - though not beautiful 
- songs have long fascinated humanity. 

Mozart was entranced by a starling after it copied a tune that the great 
composer was whistling in a pet store. 

Modern scientists have discovered that starlings' songs contain similar 
patterns to human speech. 

But if we could, indeed, understand what they are communicating, we would be 
wise to take heed. 

Scientists at Cardiff University have discovered that the brains of 
male starlings foraging for worms at a sewage treatment works in South-West 
England have been subtly changed by being contaminated by oestrogen from the 
contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 

The female hormones - present in women's urine, and passing through 
the sewage treatment unaffected - caused the part of the brain that controls 
their song to grow much bigger, causing them to sing at greater length and with 
even more virtuosity than usual. 

The study confirms similar, if slightly differing, research on other 
birds, which scientists say is adding up to some of the first concrete proof of 
the effects of gender benders on the natural world. 

Researchers at the University of California have found that feeding female 
finches with a hormone used in HRT has caused them to sing, something hitherto 
done only by their males. 

And studies at the University of Alberta have found robins exposed to the 
pesticide DDT before birth suffered damage to the region of the brain that 
enables them to sing and protect their territory. 

Dr David Crews of the University of Texas calls the research on birdsong 
"very significant", describing it as "the first step needed to demonstrate a 
causal link between specific pollutants and the effects on wildlife 



Researchers have calculated that 250,000 baby girls should 
have been born boys in the U.S. and Japan alone

Yet there have been strange warning signs for decades. Way back in the early 
1970s, researchers found that female gulls had taken to nesting together all 
over the U.S., the males having apparently lost interest. 

When the bashful males were caught and examined, they were found to have 
developed female egg-laying canals. 

In the 1980s, researchers in Florida found that alligators were failing to 
reproduce because their males had mysteriously tiny penises; further 
investigations revealed that they had developed female hormone patterns - and 
that turtles in the same waters had developed into hermaphrodites. 

Most alarming of all, repeated studies by Britain's own Environment Agency 
have shown that about a third of the male roach in rivers and streams right 
across the country have begun producing eggs, after developing female sex 

Again, the problem was traced to oestrogen passing through sewage 
works -- in some areas, near particularly heavy inflows of treated water, all 
the males were found to be anatomically of "between" sex. 

The findings have inevitably raised concern that people may also be affected, 
since one-third of the country's drinking water comes from ri