[cobirds] Colorado RBA, Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011-09-11 Thread Joyce Takamine
compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date:   September 11, 2011
e-mail: rba@cfo-link
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, September 11, 2011
updated at 5:00 am, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you
can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on you phone at
any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions,
including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if
you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)

Green Heron (*Boulder, Fremont)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (El Paso)
Sabine's Gull (Arapahoe, Larimer)
Caspian Tern (Boulder)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
Black Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Jefferson, *Pueblo, Washington)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Pueblo, Washington)
Cassin's Kingbird (El Paso)
Bell's Vireo (El Paso)
Purple Martin (El Paso)
Tennessee Warbler (Adams)
Nashville Warbler (Boulder, *La Plata)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Adams, Pueblo, Washington)
Magnolia Warbler (*Adams)
Blackpoll Warbler (Adams), *Pueblo
Black-and-white Warbler (El Paso, *Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (Washington)
Ovenbird (Adams, *El Paso, Washington)
Northern Waterthrush (Adams, Fremont, Washington)
Summer Tanager (Fremont)
Field Sparrow (Washington)
Northern Cardinal (Washington)

Adams County:
--On September 4, McBurney banded female Chestnut-sided Warbler and
Blackpoll Warbler at Barr Lake Banding Station.
--On September 5, McBurney banded Tennessee Warbler and Northern
Waterthrush at Barr Lake Banding Station.
--On September 8, McBurney reported that the Chestnut-sided Warbler,
Tennessee Warbler, and Blackpoll Warbler that were banded earlier were
recaptured and an imm Ovenbird was banded at the Barr Lake Banding
--On September 10, McBurney banded an imm Magnolia Warbler at the Barr
Lake Banding Station.

Arapahoe County:
--A juv Sabine's Gull was reported by Teuton at Cherry Creek SP on September 5.
--An ad LONG-TAILED JAEGER was found by Teuton on the Fall Count at
Cherry Creek SP on September 10 and Walbek reported that it was still
at Cherry Creek as of 1730.
It is best viewed from the Lake Loop.

Bent County:
--8 BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS were reported by Peterson at Blue Lake on
September 5.

Boulder County:
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Deininger at McIntosh Lake in
Longmont on September 5.
--A Nashville Warbler was reported by Nunes at Sawhill Ponds on
September 9.  It was in a large Cottonwood near the Osprey nesting
--A Green Heron was reported by Mlodinow at Cottonwood Marsh on September 10.

El Paso County:
--A Bell's Vireo was reported by Bill Maynard at Chico Basin Ranch
(fee area) on September 5.
--A Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Hinds at Sondermann Park
in Colorado Springs on September 5.
--A juv Purple Martin and imm Lesser Black-backed Gull were reported
by Peterson at Big Johnson on September 7.
--At Chico Basin Ranch on September 9, Brown reported that a Ovenbird
was banded and a Cassin's Kingbird was seen along Ranch Road.  The
Ovenbird that was banded on September 9 was recaptured on the 10th.

Fremont County:
--A LEAST BITTERN was reported by Rich Miller on August 3  4 at the
cattail marsh at Holcim Wetlands.  Miller also reported a Black Phoebe
on August 4.  On August 28, Kibbe reported 2 ad LEAST BITTERNS
and 2-3 fledgings at Holcim Wetlands.   On September
3, Moss reported that one bittern was seen in flight but otherwise no
sounds or sightings of the bittern at the usual spot.  On September 5,
Moss reported no LEAST BITTERNS but did see Green Heron.
--A male Summer Tanager and Northern Waterthrush were reported by Rich
Miller on the Canon City Riverwalk on September 3.  The tanager was
about 150 yards west of the MacKenzie Ave Parking Lot.

Jefferson County:
--2 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Henwood on the south side of
Pelican Point in Bear Creek Lake Park on September 8.

Larimer County:
--A juv Sabine's Gull was reported by Mlodinow at Timnath Reservoir on
September 8.

La Plata County:
--A Nashville Warbler was reported by Allerton in Durango on the
Animas River Trail behind Four Corner's River Sport in Boxelder Trees
on September 10.

Logan County:
--At Tamarack Ranch on September 4, Lee reported Red-bellied
Woodpecker and possible EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE.
Pueblo County:
--A Chestnut-sided Warbler was reported by Percival in Rock Canyon at
the eastern part of the Osprey Picnic Area on September 4.
--In Rock Canyon on September 5, Percival reported Eastern and Black Phoebes.
--On September 8 in Rock Canyon below Pueblo Reservoir dam at Osprey
Picnic Area, Percival reported Great Crested 

[cobirds] LT Jaeger Cherry Crk St Park

2011-09-11 Thread Steve Stachowiak

The Long-tailed Jaeger remains at Cherry Creek reservoir.  It is
currently being seen on the east side.

Good birding,
Steve Stachowiak
Highlands Ranch

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[cobirds] High on the 14ers

2011-09-11 Thread JohnT
   A long summer of slogging up 14ers.   Here's the most

Mt Antero, Sat Sept. 10th:  White throated swift (1) at the summit.
Very cold conditions with snow.   Also:  white tailed ptarmigan, brown
capped rosy finches, common ravens.  And lower down:  gray jays,
clark's nutcrackers, stellars jays, and pine grosbeaks.  Pikas

Mt. Lindsey: Sat. Sept. 3rd:  Lower down:  at least 12 pine grosbeaks,
gray jays, clark's nutcrackers, stellars jays, snowshoe hares, black
bear, mule deer, chipmunk ssp., golden mantle ground squirrels
(dozens);  red-napped sapsuckers (3) - down low on the road in;  rock
wren, house wren, green-tailed towhee, spotted towhee, mountain
bluebirds.  Higher up:  a mixed flock of 30 warblers - about 6
townsend's warblers, 5 yellow-rumped warblers, and 4 wilson's
warblers;  virginia's warbler (down lower).  Lots of brown-capped rosy
finches at high elevations, along with American pipits (a few).  And
white crowned sparrows.  Pikas numerous.

Pike's Peak, August 27th:  in the forests down low:  stellar's jay,
clark's nutcrackers, gray jays, red breasted nuthatches.  Above
treeline:  common ravens (including 14,000'), American robin, mule
deer, pikas, marmots, and white crowned sparrows.

Mount Sneffels August 20th:  Above treeline:  lots of brown-capped
rosy finches, American pipits, falcon ssp (either peregrine or
prairie), and common ravens at the summit.  Pikas and marmots

Mount Princeton  August 6th:  Above treeline:  Common ravens, American
pipits, American robin, dusky grouse (sorry Mr. Vanderpool - forgot to
report this!),  brown-capped rosy finches, white crowed sparrows,
pikas, and marmots.

Ptarmigan unusually scant this year.  -   John T

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[cobirds] Early FOS Mountain Chickadee and Pine Siskins in Canon City

2011-09-11 Thread SeEtta Moss
I just saw a Mountain Chickadee on a sunflower seed head.  This is the first
I have seen this season.

I saw 2 Pine Siskins in my sunflower garden today, pretty much right on time
to return from to the lowlands.  This week I have watched fledgling Lesser
Goldfinch beg to be fed while perched in front of a sunflower seed head, and
while adults ignored the begging most of the time while they gorged
themselves on fresh seeds (isn't food you pick yourself always best) they
would give in occasionally and stuff a seed in the young's beak.

I have had a lot of turnover of hummingbirds since the beginning of the
month and the weather change.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
Personal blog 
Blogging for *Birds and Blooms *magazine @Birds and Blooms
blog/southcentral/ http://birdsandbloomsblog.com/category/southcentral/

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[cobirds] Chatfield Reservoir birding

2011-09-11 Thread Charlie Lawrence

I had some interesting birds at Chatfield this morning.  I hiked all the way to 
the west side of the creek at the second lake on the east side of the Platte to 
the south of Kingfisher bridge.  In the clump of trees on the east side of the 
first lake, I had several Yellow Warblers and a Red-eyed Vireo.  Between the 
1st lake  and the  sec ond lake , I had several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, several 
Yellow Warblers, 3 Wilson's Warblers and a Lesser Goldfinch. On my way 
back,there were several Brewer's Sparrow and a Clay-colored Sparrow.  Several 
large groups of Chipping Sparrows  were   also seen. Flycatchers were quite 
common,mostly Western Wood Peewes but I did spot one Alder Flycatcher.  I then 
drove near Plum Creek along the floo ded road where I saw a Cassin's Kingbird 
and 2 Eastern Kingbirds. 

Charlie Lawrence 

Centennial, Co 

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[cobirds] Fountain Creek Reg Park Fall Bird Count Results - El Paso County

2011-09-11 Thread mtnpals



The 20th annual Fountain Creek Regional Park Fall Bird Count took place 
yesterday morning.  Twenty-four birders scanned the park for about 3 hours and 
found 66 species for the day and about 1381 birds.  The numbers are lower than 
recent previous years, especially if I subtract the 448 European Starlings.  We 
are interested in additional birds for the week of so if anyone is birding at 
Fountain Creek Park on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, I'd be interested in what you 
saw and where you found them in the park 


Probably the best bird this year are the 2-3 Green Herons that seem to be 
regular residents of late.  


Ken Pals 

for Fountain Creek Nature Center 



Following is the list of birds observed: 

Double-crested Cormorant - 10 
Great Blue Heron 3 
Green Heron - 3 
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 
Canada Goose - 10 
Wood Duck - 15 
Mallard - 23 
Domestic Duck - 1 
Turkey Vulture - 1 
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3 
Cooper's Hawk - 1 
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 
Golden Eagle - 1 
American Kestrel  - 3 
Virginia Rail - 4 
Killdeer - 20 
Rock Pigeon - 9 
Eurasian Collared-Dove - 24 
Mourning Dove - 73 
Great Horned Owl - 1 
Black-chinned Hummingbird - 2 
Belted Kingfisher - 10 
Downy Woodpecker - 25 
Hairy Woodpecker - 3 
Northern Flicker - 43 
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 
Western Wood-Pewee - 5 
Say's Phoebe - 1, week of 9/9 
Empidonax species - 6 
Western Kingbird - 5 
Eastern Kingbird - 3 
Warbling Vireo - 1 
Blue Jay - 29 
American Crow - 46 
Common Raven - 12 
Cliff Swallow - 4 
Barn Swallow - 16 
Black-capped Chickadee - 38 
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 
White-breasted Nuthatch - 13 
House Wren - 12 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2 
American Robin - 30 
Gray Catbird - 2 
European Starling - 448 
Orange-crowned Warbler - 2 
Virginia's Warbler - 2 
Yellow Warbler - 1 
Common Yellowthroat - 2 
Wilson's Warbler - 6 
Western Tanager - 1 
Spotted Towhee - 2 
Chipping Sparrow - 4 
Brewer's Sparrow - 6 
Lark Sparrow - 5 
Song Sparrow - 1 
Blue Grosbeak - 2 
Lazuli Bunting - 1 
Red-winged Blackbird - 113 
Western Meadowlark - 9 
Yellow-headed Blackbird - 5 
Brewer's Blackbird - 14 
Common Grackle - 10 
Bullock's Oriole - 1, week of 9/9 
House Finch - 134 
Lesser Goldfinch - 56 
American Goldfinch - 20 
House Sparrow - 14 

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[cobirds] RMBO Barr Banding Station Update, 9/11/11

2011-09-11 Thread Meredith
Another quiet day at the Barr Station; 17 birds banded.  One flock of
Chipping Sparrows mid-morning; otherwise not much moving.  We did re-catch
the Magnolia Warbler from yesterday, which made the Sunday volunteers VERY
happy!  Here's the rundown of new birds:


Western Wood-pewee 1

Willow Flycatcher 1

House Wren 2

Common Yellowthroat  2

Wilson's Warbler 4

Yellow-breasted Chat   1

Chipping Sparrow6


Open tomorrow (Mon), closed Tues, then open the balance of the week.



Meredith McBurney

Bander, Barr Lake Station, Adams County

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

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[cobirds] Male Rufous Hummer, Louisville, Boulder CO

2011-09-11 Thread Paula Hansley
A young male Rufous Hummingbird was (Sunday, 7:40-7:50 pm) sitting in my
Washington Hawthorne tree preening after flying back and forth through my
sprinkler!!  He is the first Rufous I have seen here this summer.  Another
hummer also flew through the water spray, but I did not get an id.

Paula Hansley

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[cobirds] BB Cuckoo: Prewitt Res, Washington Co

2011-09-11 Thread Steven Mlodinow
Greetings All, 

Today, Tracy and I spent all day at Prewitt Res (well, from 7 to 4). Why? Not 
sure, as the landbirding was sllow. However, at the end of the day, 
we had a 5 or so minute look at a juv BB CUCKOO about 20 feet from us. The bird 
was in the cottonwoods and willows surrounding one of the ponds just west of 
the road near the reservoir and a couple hundred yards south (directions 
approximate) of the parking area near the caretaker's house. These ponds are 
private property, though not posted, and I've not had a problem visiting them. 
However, duck blinds have been freshly installed, so visiting them probably 
should be avoided for the remainder of fall migration, alas.

Below the dam, we had a BG Gnatcatcher, a darkish looking bird that called like 
a western race bird.
Along the inlet, we had a Hammond's Fly and 3 Townsend's Warblers. 

We had only 3 other flycatchers, all of which were WW Pewees (not even a 
We found but 3 Yellow Warblers and 7 Wilson's Warblers, so yes, a slow day for 
passerines overall

Shorebird numbers were not in the famous range of Prewitt in past, but we did 
have good diversity (17 species)
177 Killdeer
1 Semi Plover
22 American Avocet
1 Spotted Sandpiper
11 Greater Yellowlegs
4 Solitary Sanpipers (1 cinnomomea, 1 nominate, 2 not ID'd to race)
2 Lesser Yellowlegs
1 Sanderling
3 Semi Sands
1 Western Sand
20 Least Sand (including an adult)
81 Baird's Sand (including an adult)
2 Pec Sands
57 Stilt Sands
1 SB DOWITCHER (juv, ID'd by sight and call)
13 Wilson's Snipe
2 Wilson's Phalarope

Other waterbirds of perhaps some interest was a Common Tern, 3 Herring Gulls 
(all adults), 12 WF Ibis, and 28 Black Terns

Good Birding, 
Steven Mlodinow and Tracy Clark
Longmont, CO

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