Re: NSTerminateLater and thread

2011-06-03 Thread Peter Lübke
Besides from the fact I didn't care about the aborted logout, I was  
wrong anyway due to bad memory :(

But you can bring up an application modal window after detaching the  
secondary thread in applicationShouldTerminate, giving the user  
options like cancelling, showing a progress indicator etc..
Repeatedly call runModalSession until the task is finished or the  
user cancelled.

This worked fine for me in a similar situation.
I guess a logout will time out anyway if the task takes too long.


Am 03.06.2011 um 22:23 schrieb Leonardo:

Thank you Kyle,
however, I realize, it's incredible there is no way to execute a  
task before

quitting the app. I easily run a task at launch but I can't run a task
before quit. The problem is that the task could a few minutes and  
the app

should remain responsive to the user, in the best Mac tradition.
I will struggle myself some day more on this issue. Let's cross the  

-- Leonardo

Da: Kyle Sluder 
Data: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 11:35:41 -0700
A: Peter Lübke 
Cc: Leonardo , Cocoa Developers

Oggetto: Re: NSTerminateLater and thread

2011/6/3 Peter Lübke :

Return NSTerminateCancel when applicationShouldTerminate calls
ExecuteLogOutTask to be performed in a secondary thread.
At the end of your ExecuteLogOutTask method, call something like
[myApplicationDelegate performSelectorOnMainThread: 

 withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO].
Then, in logOutTaskDidFinish, call NSApplication's -terminate:  
method and

set a flag indicating that ExecuteLogOutTask was already executed.
The next time applicationShouldTerminate is called, return  
NSTerminateNow if
this flag is has been set so ExecuteLogOutTask is not called  

That's not going to resume the aborted logout.

Leonardo, you will need to either finish your task in the time
allotted by NSTerminateLater, or you will need to abort logout.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: NSTerminateLater and thread

2011-06-03 Thread Peter Lübke
Return NSTerminateCancel when applicationShouldTerminate calls  
ExecuteLogOutTask to be performed in a secondary thread.
At the end of your ExecuteLogOutTask method, call something like  
[myApplicationDelegate performSelectorOnMainThread: 
(logOutTaskDidFinish)  withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO].
Then, in logOutTaskDidFinish, call NSApplication's -terminate: method  
and set a flag indicating that ExecuteLogOutTask was already executed.
The next time applicationShouldTerminate is called, return  
NSTerminateNow if this flag is has been set so ExecuteLogOutTask is  
not called forever.


Am 03.06.2011 um 13:49 schrieb Leonardo:

I would like my application executes a given task before the log-out.
I almost succeeded but since this task could take a few minutes and  
since I
have to launch it on a separated thread (so the user could stop  
it), I am

getting some trouble.

In the applicationShouldTerminate method, I know that the Quit has  
invoked by the log-out thanks to the  

So from within applicationShouldTerminate I invoke:
[self ExecuteLogOutTask];
return NSTerminateLater;
In this case the task gets executed properly but the user cannot  
cancel it.

The application looks unresponsive to the user.

So I tried:
[NSApplication detachDrawingThread:@selector(ExecuteLogOutTask)
toTarget:self withObject:nil];
return NSTerminateLater;
But I get a dialog saying:
You haven't been logged out because the application MyAppLogOut  

to quit. Try logging out again
And the ExecuteLogOutTask has not been called at all.

If I return NSTerminateCancel I cancel the whole log-out, which is  
not what

the user expects.

So how to manage this case?

-- Leonardo


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Re: Properly comparing file NSURLs for equality?

2011-05-27 Thread Peter Lübke


That's perfect!  But for, shall we say, older cats :), would be  
next best thing be CFURLGetFSRef() & FSCompareFSRefs()? It seems  
ideal since it solves the problem of needing to canonicalize paths.

Peter, I tried absoluteURL but it doesn't change the result when  
the difference is only the 'localhost' part. :(

Yes I know.
( [myAnswer wasAbsolutelyPointless] == YES );

Am 28.05.2011 um 01:38 schrieb Peter Lübke:

[ [someURL absoluteURL] isEqual:[otherURL absoluteURL]] should  
return correct results.


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Re: Properly comparing file NSURLs for equality?

2011-05-27 Thread Peter Lübke
[ [someURL absoluteURL] isEqual:[otherURL absoluteURL]] should return  
correct results.


Am 28.05.2011 um 01:13 schrieb Sean McBride:

Hi all,

What is the correct way to test if two NSURLs refer to the same file
system object?

I've just learnt the hard way that one can have two URLs that refer to
the same file system object but because they are subtly different,
isEqual: returns NO:



isEqual: returns NO.  I guess this makes some sense, but it's not the
kind of equality I'm looking for.

What would best practice be?  Convert to full path, and compare those?
Note: I'm not concerned about resolving symlinks or aliases.

(Aside: I was surprised to see that there is no isEqualToURL:,  

to isEqualToString, isEqualToSet, etc.  I wonder why...)




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Table view with NSImageCell scrolls A LOT slower with bindings than with dataSource

2011-05-07 Thread Peter Lübke

Hi all,

I have a table view with all columns bound to keys of an  
The array controller implements some data source methods, mainly for  
drag and drop support.

One of the columns uses an NSImageCell to display 32 x 32 icons.

Scrolling the table view vertically gets very slow if the icons's  
column is within the table view's visible portion.
Surprisingly, it gets a lot faster if I implement  -  
tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: in the data source (= the  
array controller).
 - tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: returns the value for  
the corresponding key, which is exactly the same key as used by the  

The table view doesn't show this behaviour for its other columns  
which use the default data cell (NSTextFieldCell).

Any ideas what might be going on here?

Nice weekend to everybody,

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Re: delete entries in a tableView with the backspace-key on the keyboard

2011-04-29 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 29.04.2011 um 23:19 schrieb Sean McBride:


is there a special reason why the sample code is working with [event  

I've merely been doing
if ( [event keyCode] == 51) {
... }
to determine if the backspace key was pressed to delete a table row.

Is this a bad idea? Is the keycode for the backspace key possibly  
subject to changes?

- Peter


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Re: Aliases with NDAlias not appearing where I tell them to be.

2011-04-27 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 27.04.2011 um 21:09 schrieb Quincey Morris:

..., and I don't see NDAlias having a documented 'writeToFile'  
method at all, and (even if it did) ...

It actually does, as I just found out looking at Nathan Day's homepage:
He and Sean McBride updated NDAlias and, besides adding other stuff,  
added a category to read and write alias files.


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Re: icon radio buttons, NSToolbar?

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Lübke
In cases alike I sometimes find the UIElementInspector application  
quite helpful to get an idea about which objects make up a view  

- Peter

Am 19.04.2011 um 00:50 schrieb Todd Heberlein:

I'm trying to get a row of buttons to look and behave like the  
buttons across the Preview app's preference window. It seems like a  
nicer way to do a tabbed view.

Is that just an NSToolbar with custom  graphics/icons, or is that  
NSMatrix with icon radio buttons? Or is it something else entirely?




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Re: renaming directories and moving files into them (NSFileManager)

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 15.04.2011 um 08:51 schrieb Scott Anguish:

It always creates a new directory wit the new name, in the existing  
shootPath directory (for example /tmp/boo/Friday) with Friday-APPL  
instead. and then copies the newly found files into that.

If I get you right, the *real* path for the new directory is /tmp/boo/ 
Friday/Friday-APPL? If this is true, how can the newly found files  
end up there if you copy them to /tmp/boo/Friday-APPL?

You should also log the path when the newly found files are copied.

- Peter

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Re: Preventing View Update in NSTableView

2011-04-14 Thread Peter Lübke

Silly me! The data model objects *do *set some of their bound ivars  
when performing the task in question on the background thread  
(writing to files, sending apple events ...).
I was using a data source before, so this was no problem. I just  
rewrote my code to use bindings / NSArrayController, but didn't  
review those objects's class implementation.

I'll go with your proposal to defer changes to the data model, and  
update the data in another iteration when the background thread is done.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction,


Am 14.04.2011 um 20:49 schrieb Quincey Morris:

This is of course true if the changes are made in the main thread.
I should have mentioned that I'm changing the data in separate  
worker threads.

Actually, it's possible that there are several worker threads  
changing data of different tables in different windows at the same  
time, while the associated windows display attached sheets showing  
progress. Permanently redrawing the tables's cells at this stage  
is confusing and also undesirable for performance reasons.

This *seems* to be wrong at several levels, although perhaps that's  
just because there's information missing.

If processing in background threads is causing table views to  
update directly, then your application design is very seriously  
broken. All drawing should be done from the main thread, which  
means that KVO notifications must be issued on the main thread,  
which means that the data model must be updated on the main thread,  
as far as KVO compliance is concerned. You cannot bind UI elements  
to objects whose KVO-compliant properties are updated directly by a  
background thread.

It's possible that you mean that the updates *are* happening on the  
main thread, and you have a mechanism that the background threads  
use to pass the updates to the main thread. But if not, you're  
going to have to invent such a mechanism.

Avoiding refreshes of the table views is a different issue. By  
binding your table columns to an array controller, which is in turn  
bound or connected to your data model, you have *opted in* to a  
mechanism (KVO) that is explicitly designed to push updates as and  
when they occur. So, complaining that refreshes occur as and when  
updates are pushed seems a bit misguided. You're going to have to  
either opt out of that mechanism, or you're going to have to modify  
its behavior:

-- You can use a data source instead of bindings. With a data  
source, nothing gets updated till you tell the table view to  
display or to reload (or till something a user does triggers  
redrawing). You'll lose some of the free functionality that array  
controllers provide (if you're using it), but it shouldn't be hard  
to implement for yourself.

-- You can invent a mechanism for deferring changes to your data  
model, until a point where UI refreshes are appropriate. It doesn't  
sound like you can take this approach, because it sounds like your  
background threads depend on the current state of the data model  
being generally available.

-- You can use a mediating controller, for example the window  
controller, to capture the KVO notification data from data model  
updates, and to withhold it from the UI until a suitable refresh  
time arrives. In this case, your array controller's content can't  
be the data model, but has to be a intermediate data model or a  
proxy data model in the mediating controller.


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Re: Preventing View Update in NSTableView

2011-04-14 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 14.04.2011 um 04:20 schrieb Graham Cox:

On 14/04/2011, at 10:13 AM, Peter Lübke wrote:

I'd like to temporarily 'freeze' the cells in the table view while  
the data displayed in those cells are changed so they are not  
continuously redrawn.

When the changes are completed, they should be updated at once.

This is what happens by default.

The redraws do not take place until the event loop completes, so if  
all your changes are made within the event cycle, you'll only get  
one redraw. If you are changing your data model one item per event  
loop - which you'd have to go to a lot of trouble to accomplish -  
then you'll get the table updating for each change.

This is of course true if the changes are made in the main thread.
I should have mentioned that I'm changing the data in separate worker  

Actually, it's possible that there are several worker threads  
changing data of different tables in different windows at the same  
time, while the associated windows display attached sheets showing  
progress. Permanently redrawing the tables's cells at this stage is  
confusing and also undesirable for performance reasons.

Am I missing something I could override in my table view or array  



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Preventing View Update in NSTableView

2011-04-13 Thread Peter Lübke


I have an NSTableView subclass bound to an NSArrayController.
I'd like to temporarily 'freeze' the cells in the table view while  
the data displayed in those cells are changed so they are not  
continuously redrawn.

When the changes are completed, they should be updated at once.

For various reasons, executing the changes on a copy of the array  
controller's content is no option.


- Peter

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Re: How to enable accessibility for Screen Change

2011-04-13 Thread Peter Lübke
You should rather post your question to  Accessibility-

Am 13.04.2011 um 11:30 schrieb Symadept:

I am looking for a multiview app, if I am navigating to Page 2 from  
Page 1
is there a way I can enable accessibility such that, Voice Over can  
read as

I am transitioning to Page 2.

Glad to see your responses.



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Re: Display a "Red frame" on the screen

2011-04-08 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 08.04.2011 um 19:24 schrieb eveningnick eveningnick:

I was thinking about the window. But then it has to be something with
a big hole inside. This hole ought to be transparent for mouse clicks
(so if there's something below my "window", that 'something' has to be
clickable and focused, and receive keyboard input)? Is it possible to
do somehow? Borderless is a window without a title (as i understand).
What kind of properties should i specify to make a window as that "Red
frame"? I mean, i really want it to be just a mark for the user,
without any "windowing" behaviour (well, the user can drag it, if he
clicks on the 'red frame' with mouse, but that is the only relation to
a real window it should have).

In OS Windows i would probably use "Regions" API, but i have no idea
what to do in Mac OS. Could you give me a clue?

Invoke  -setIgnoresMouseEvents: on the borderless window.




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Re: Access main window of other Applications

2011-04-08 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 07.04.2011 um 17:01 schrieb Florian Pilz:

Hi there!

I'm looking for an easy way to access the main window of another
Application, thus not my own. (The key window would be fine as well,
if that is easier.)
I already searched via Google to solve this task and I found the
following solutions:

* use AppleScript to perform this task and integrate it into the
Objective-C/Cocoa App with a Wrapper class, i.e. NSAppleScript
* use Quartz Window Services
* use the NSAccessibility Protocol

All three solution don't satisfy me, because a) I wanted to perform
the task in Objective-C (not AppleScript)

There's nothing bad about using Cocoa NSAppleScript in a Cocoa app.
Presumed the target app is scriptable.

(Apple Script:)
tell application ""
set theWindow to window 1
end tell

, b) the Quartz API looks
complicated and inappropriate (maybe I'm wrong - feel free to correct
me) and

c) I couldn't find any examples on using the NSAccessibility
protocol to retrieve the main window,


not mentioning the discomfort
that the user may activate access to accessibility features first.


The answer depends on your goal. Which information do you need about  
the window? Do you want to change its properties?

- Peter

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Re: API to determine a list of installed scriptable applications

2011-04-03 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 02.04.2011 um 11:56 schrieb

Is there an API to determine a list of installed scriptable  

Such a list is displayed by the AppleScript Editor menu item Open  

Application bundles can be queried for using MDQuery and the  
scriptability of a given application can be be determined.
I don't think that ASE uses this approach as its existence long  
predates Spotlight etc.

Also the ASE list includes items that have not been previously  


Jonathan Mitchell

The list of the applications shown in AppleScript Editor menu item  
Open Dictionary... is stored in a plist file:
home/Library/Preferences/ (key:  

I think the reason you see items that haven't been previously  
launched is that these are Apple Applications / Additions that might  
already be in the plist when the OS is installed.
Maybe you can use these as a starting point and add items to your  
own .plist file as you or your users found more scriptable apps?

 Just out of interest: how do you determine scriptability of an  
application without launching it?




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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 29.03.2011 um 23:26 schrieb Jean-Daniel Dupas:

Am 28.03.2011 um 20:06 schrieb Sean McBride:

Are you aware that starting in 10.6, the OS provides 'file reference
URLs' which are much like FSRefs.  See:

Good to know. I'm very interested in your experience related to:
	- Under which circumstances will fileReferenceURL break when  
decoded from an archive? (Item moved, overwritten ...)

File reference should not be archived. They are valid only for the  
application lifetime.

Obviously. This makes me think that somewhere inside fileReferenceURL  
there is an FSRef in use.

Use Bookmark (provided by NSURL class too) for archiving.

I was referring to this statement in the Release Note:
" When asked to perform keyed archiving, file reference URLs will  
encode their minimal bookmark data and when decoded will resolve to a  
file path URL (if you wish to receive a file 	reference URL from  
this, please call -[NSURL fileReferenceURL] on the resulting item). " it seems we are talking about the same point.

But right, my question was obsolete because I overlooked that fact  
that bookmarks are alias files - so this will give me what I can  
expect from Alias Manager.

Thank you for pointing me to this,


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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-29 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 28.03.2011 um 20:06 schrieb Sean McBride:

Are you aware that starting in 10.6, the OS provides 'file reference
URLs' which are much like FSRefs.  See:

Good to know. I'm very interested in your experience related to:
	- Under which circumstances will fileReferenceURL break when decoded  
from an archive? (Item moved, overwritten ...)
	- What about performance? I often find that NSFileManger is a lot  
slower than my custom classes - would I have to expect the same with  

For right now, I'm happy with my wrapper classes - they are highly  
reusable, I'm using them in several apps which all are backward  
compatible back to 10.4, and they have initializers for about  
anything that can possibly be used to get a file reference.



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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-28 Thread Peter Lübke

To be more detailed: my custom class and its subclasses are  
wrapper classes containing file informations. They are based on  
FSRef rather than using paths - I do a lot of lengthy iterations  
so paths are much too fragile. I also heavily use NSSet to store  
instances, and I wanted -isEqual: to be as fast as possible. So I  
thought I could just return a unique hash value for each custom  
class and return (FSCompareFSRefs (&ownRef, &otherRef) == noErr)  
for -isEqual:, thus avoiding the need to *first* compare the  
objects' classes.

Am 28.03.2011 um 01:23 schrieb Mike Abdullah: 

Good link, particularly NSPointerArray might come in handy in future  

I trust you have profiled your code etc. before deciding this is  
worth your while…

For my current project, NSSet works fine. I'll test for class  
identity before calling FSCompareFSRefs() in the -isEqual: methods of  
my custom classes, so I'm not dependant on *absolute* uniqueness of  
the values they return for -hash.



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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-27 Thread Peter Lübke

If not, about the only optimization from there is a NSHashTable or  
CFSet setup to test equality on -hash.

Could you point me to a documentation that could help me understand  

Badly expressed - I meant documentation / sample code about how to  
use an NSHashTable for such an optimization.


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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-27 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 26.03.2011 um 14:57 schrieb Mike Abdullah:

To be more detailed: my custom class and its subclasses are  
wrapper classes containing file informations. They are based on  
FSRef rather than using paths - I do a lot of lengthy iterations  
so paths are much too fragile. I also heavily use NSSet to store  
instances, and I wanted -isEqual: to be as fast as possible. So I  
thought I could just return a unique hash value for each custom  
class and return (FSCompareFSRefs (&ownRef, &otherRef) == noErr)  
for -isEqual:, thus avoiding the need to *first* compare the  
objects' classes.

This is pretty much what NSSet will be doing for you. It uses -hash  
to narrow down possible matches, before calling -isEqual: only on  
those that share a hash.

This was about the only point that was evident to me :-)

You should find this plenty enough fast enough if your hash values  
actually are unique.
This was the reason for my silly question. I know my app will only  
add instances of appropriate classes to the sets, but nevertheless I  
want to do it the right way.

If not, about the only optimization from there is a NSHashTable or  
CFSet setup to test equality on -hash.

Could you point me to a documentation that could help me understand  

Thanks again, Mike.


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Re: copyPath:toPath:handler: more reliable than copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: ???

2011-03-27 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 26.03.2011 um 16:41 schrieb Matt Neuburg:

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 12:08:53 -0700, Laurent Daudelin  

I've been trying to copy items from a local disk to an AFP-mounted  
volume with "copyItemAtPath:toPath:error:" and I found it to be  
unreliable in the sense that it will fail to set the modification  
date of the item copied to match that of the original item. It  
doesn't report any error, just silently continues.

I'm curious as to how  
performFileOperation:source:destination:files:tag: does with this.  
But I don't hold out much hope.

Also, cp now handles resource forks okay, and it has a -p option  
that preserves dates. So that might be another thing to try.

In my own application, which relies on mod dates (it syncs  
folders), I had so much trouble with all this that in the end I  
resorted to Apple events telling the Finder to perform the copy -  
and then more Apple events to fix the mod dates afterwards. In  
recent versions of the system I've been able to eliminate the mod  
date fixing part; the Finder now gets this right. Of course this  
relies on the Finder running.

Still, wasn't the big advertisement for copyItemAtPath supposed to  
be that it does the same thing the Finder does? So if it fails to  
do that, that would be a bug.

I don't believe that copyItemAtPath preserves Spotlight Comments, so  
anyway it does not the *same* thing the Finder does. Or am I wrong on  



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Re: Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-25 Thread Peter Lübke
Thank you, Mike, for showing me I was taken away by my own fantasy  
about hash...

Am 26.03.2011 um 01:22 schrieb Mike Abdullah:

It sounds like you're rather misunderstanding what -hash does.  
Cocoa classes are free to cover the full range of possible hash  

In the meantime, I read some related posts on the list and had to  
recognize this, too...Sorry, this was the first time I was looking at  
hash values at all.

You can't have a value that "interferes" with the framework; at  
worse you could reduce performance IF putting custom objects in the  
same container as framework-provided classes. Even then you'd be  
hard-pressed to do this regularly.

To be more detailed: my custom class and its subclasses are wrapper  
classes containing file informations. They are based on FSRef rather  
than using paths - I do a lot of lengthy iterations so paths are much  
too fragile. I also heavily use NSSet to store instances, and I  
wanted -isEqual: to be as fast as possible. So I thought I could just  
return a unique hash value for each custom class and return  
(FSCompareFSRefs (&ownRef, &otherRef) == noErr) for -isEqual:, thus  
avoiding the need to *first* compare the objects' classes.


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Hash Values in Custom Classes

2011-03-25 Thread Peter Lübke


I'm wondering if there exists a listing of the hash values used by  
the various Cocoa / CoreFoundation classes.
I override -isEqual in my custom classes and want to make sure I  
don't assign hash values that interfere with the framework(s).



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Re: iPhone: NSFileManager/NSDirectoryEnumerator Crash?

2011-03-11 Thread Peter Lübke
What about your "files" collection? Are you sure it is still valid  
AND mutable on the second invocation?


   NSString* directory = nil;
   NSFileManager* fileManager = nil;
   NSDirectoryEnumerator* walker = nil

   directory = [NSHomeDirectory()  

   if(directory == nil)
   /* handle error and exit */

   // fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
   fileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
   if(fileManager == nil)
   /* handle error and exit */

   walker = [fileManager enumeratorAtPath:directory];
   if(walker == nil)
   /* handle error and exit */

   NSString* file = nil;
   while((file = [walker nextObject]) != nil)
   BOOL isDirectory = YES;
   if([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:file
isDirectory:&isDirectory] && !isDirectory)
   [files addObject:file];


   [fileManager release];


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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 28.02.2011 um 16:55 schrieb Benedikt Iltisberger:

Hey Peter,

you are right.
AXUIElementPerformAction(windowElement, kAXIncrementAction); Has no  
I also recognized that the AXRaise seems to be not exactly what i  
If I raise a window for the first time it works fine. If I raise  
other windows after that and try to raise the first window
again it sometimes doesn't become the "frontMost" window. I guess I  
have an error in my understanding of AXRaise.

I was not able to reproduce this behaviour. Are you sure the AXWindow  
element is still valid when you call it again?

You are right. This is not a suitable solution. I was just happy to  
see that it could work.

The keys I inquire in CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() are:  
kCGWindowOwnerPID and kCGWindowNumber (but kCGWindowNumber is  
totally pointless here because i cannot use it for accessibility  
api). I try to gather all windows which belong to the same  
ProcessID so the user can select one and set it front most (using  


Important to know you let the user select the window, maybe from a  
popup button? In this case, simply gather the AXTitle attributes for  
the application's kAXWindowsAttribute  elements. Populate the popup  
button (or whatever you present to the user) with these. The  
selection will tell you which AXWindow to raise.

Representing AXTitle attributes to the user is presumably a lot more  
transparent than everthing CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() is guaranteed  
to provide, since kCGWindowName is only an *Optional* Window List  
Key, and, as the docs say: "...(Note that few applications set the  
Quartz window name.)"



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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 28.02.2011 um 15:10 schrieb Benedikt Iltisberger:

Hey Peter,

I did it exactly like you proposed. Works perfect :-)
I am using following calls to make a selected window front most:

AXUIElementPerformAction(windowElement, kAXRaiseAction);

This should be sufficient to bring the window to front.

AXUIElementPerformAction(windowElement, kAXIncrementAction);

Are you sure this has any effect? As far as I can see, AXWindow  
doesn't have a settable AXValue attribute, so why increment a non- 
existing value?

I simply used the fact that  and kAXWindowsAttribute arrange their  
arrays in the same order.

I did some testing and its working fine :-)

Fine it works for you like this - but I still see a problem:
The fact that two different APIs return the items in the same order  
on your configuration doesn't at all prove this is going to be true  
for other users' configuration, other OS versions...

Maybe we can find a cleaner solution before I have my Weissbier, so I  
keep asking for the key / value you inquire in  
CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() to decide which is the desired window?

Thank you very much and I hope you are going to have a decent  
bavarian Weissbier tonight. I am going to have one for sure :-)

Kind regards,


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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke

I apologize for my silly comment.

Of course you are absolutely right.
I totally overlooked you were refering to a User Session window ID,  
which is totally different from an application specific window ID.


Am 28.02.2011 um 11:19 schrieb Peter Lübke:

There's no problem accessing a window by its (application  
specific!) ID by AppleEvents / AppleScript.
(Must have been decades since you last opened Script Editor,  
Uli :-) ).

Of course this depends on the application supporting AppleEvents...

Just run this script in Script Editor:

tell application ""
properties of every window
end tell

Look at the result to see whether there´s an ID property.

Since I guess Benedict is working in the sphere of Accessibility  
anyway, it might indeed be more appropriate to just call AXRaise on  
the AXWindow element.
The reason I proposed AppleEvents was because he was asking for  
adressing the window by its ID.

Am 28.02.2011 um 10:33 schrieb Uli Kusterer:

On 27.02.2011, at 13:55, Benedikt Iltisberger wrote:

But how can I now set the selected window ID to front?

(Note: It is a window of a foreign application which I want to  
set to front. My own app wouldn't be a problem.)

 Not sure you can use that information for anything (I don't think  
AppleScript deals in Window IDs, but that may have changed since I  
last had to put up with it). You may have more luck using the  
accessibility APIs to both list the windows and then bringing one  
to front.

-- Uli Kusterer


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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke
I'm pretty sure you don't really need CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() to  
do this.

Am 28.02.2011 um 11:51 schrieb Benedikt Iltisberger:

Hi Peter,

exactly what I thought. But how do I obtain the AXUIElementRef of a  
window which I looked up from the Window-Server (with  

First of all, by which criteria do you select the window in  
CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() ?

What kind of informations do you have about the window?

Iterate over the kAXWindowsAttribute  elements. For each AXWindow  
element, get the attribute value for the attribute you know  
( AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue() ) until this value is equal to the  
desired value.

In other words: (Example) I have 4 Finder windows and I want to  
AXRaise a certain one.
Therefore I create a list with CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo and  
select the right one.
But how can I come from this step to the equivalent AXUIElementRef,  
which I need to have in order to set the AXRaise?

Sorry for bothering you like that but I guess this is also an  
interesting issue for other users.

Your'e welcome...


On 28.02.2011, at 11:19, Peter Lübke wrote:

There's no problem accessing a window by its (application  
specific!) ID by AppleEvents / AppleScript.
(Must have been decades since you last opened Script Editor,  
Uli :-) ).

Of course this depends on the application supporting AppleEvents...

Just run this script in Script Editor:

tell application ""
properties of every window
end tell

Look at the result to see whether there´s an ID property.

Since I guess Benedict is working in the sphere of Accessibility  
anyway, it might indeed be more appropriate to just call AXRaise  
on the AXWindow element.
The reason I proposed AppleEvents was because he was asking for  
adressing the window by its ID.

Am 28.02.2011 um 10:33 schrieb Uli Kusterer:

On 27.02.2011, at 13:55, Benedikt Iltisberger wrote:

But how can I now set the selected window ID to front?

(Note: It is a window of a foreign application which I want to  
set to front. My own app wouldn't be a problem.)

Not sure you can use that information for anything (I don't think  
AppleScript deals in Window IDs, but that may have changed since  
I last had to put up with it). You may have more luck using the  
accessibility APIs to both list the windows and then bringing one  
to front.

-- Uli Kusterer


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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke
There's no problem accessing a window by its (application specific!)  
ID by AppleEvents / AppleScript.

(Must have been decades since you last opened Script Editor, Uli :-) ).
Of course this depends on the application supporting AppleEvents...

Just run this script in Script Editor:

tell application ""
properties of every window
end tell

Look at the result to see whether there´s an ID property.

Since I guess Benedict is working in the sphere of Accessibility  
anyway, it might indeed be more appropriate to just call AXRaise on  
the AXWindow element.
The reason I proposed AppleEvents was because he was asking for  
adressing the window by its ID.

Am 28.02.2011 um 10:33 schrieb Uli Kusterer:

On 27.02.2011, at 13:55, Benedikt Iltisberger wrote:

But how can I now set the selected window ID to front?

(Note: It is a window of a foreign application which I want to set  
to front. My own app wouldn't be a problem.)

 Not sure you can use that information for anything (I don't think  
AppleScript deals in Window IDs, but that may have changed since I  
last had to put up with it). You may have more luck using the  
accessibility APIs to both list the windows and then bringing one  
to front.

-- Uli Kusterer


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Re: WindowID to front

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Lübke

Hi Benedikt,

this is Interapplication Communication, so it seems it's time for you  
to get into AppleEvents:-)

Send an AppleEvent to the other app to set the window's index to 1  
(indexes in AppleEvents are 1-based!).


p.s.: Schöne Grüße aus München

Am 27.02.2011 um 13:55 schrieb Benedikt Iltisberger:

Hello everybody,

I read tons of information on how to set and get the PID but i need  
a way to set a window to front (and not a window of a PID).
The problem is that if I set a PID to front, it might not be the  
exact window i want because the process can have multiple windows.

With help of the CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo I can get all window  
IDs and filter out the needed one.

But how can I now set the selected window ID to front?

(Note: It is a window of a foreign application which I want to set  
to front. My own app wouldn't be a problem.)

It would be very glad if somebody has a advise for me.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: NSWindowController

2011-02-27 Thread Peter Lübke
BTW, is there a particular reason why you retain  
m_designViewerController ? A newly allocated object *is* a retained  
It will need one extra entire line of code to send a -release message  
to the object for it not to leak :-)


Am 26.02.2011 um 09:08 schrieb koko:

1	m_designViewerController = [[[NSWindowController alloc]  
initWithWindowNibName:@"DesignViewer"] retain];


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Re: Getting NSScrollView to ignore scrolling

2011-02-19 Thread Peter Lübke

HI All,

I have a NSTableView/NSScrollView setup that I've configured  
automatically to resize to contain the content of the table.  This  
may sound silly, but I don't want scrolling behavior, but  
NSTableView seems to be designed to be inside a NSScrollView.

My question is this: how do I get the scroll view to ignore  
scrolling messages?  The tables/scrollviews are sitting on views  
that are part of a homebrew collection view, and the scrolling  
"catches" on them, even though there's no scrolling to be done.   
The scroll view is taking the events, but there is nothing for them  
to do.  I want to be able to scroll past the table using a  
scrollwheel or the trackpad without the scrolling action "catching."

What do you mean with "scroll past the table"?

Did you try to call setHasHorizontalScroller:NO,  
setHasVerticalScroller: NO, setHasHorizontalRuler:NO,  
setHasVerticalRuler:NO and setLineScroll:0.0 on the enclosing scroll  

You can create your own table view without an enclosing scroll view;  
there's some more work to do than simply dragging an NSTableView into  
a window in IB. Create an NSTableView subclass, add your table  
columns, override -calcSize and -sizeToFit to fit your resizing  
behaviour, and add it wherever it is supposed to be in your view  
hierarchy. Start creating instances with [[myTableView alloc] - 


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Re: NSComboxBox alternative

2011-02-17 Thread Peter Lübke

What about NSTableView? Just one column with a pretty large width...

- Peter

Am 17.02.2011 um 20:41 schrieb FirstName LastName:

I have a selectable non-editable NSComboBox for choosing paths.  
However some of these paths are larger than the NSComboBox's width  
causing the following problems:

1. The list does not show the path's file names and extensions and  
there's no way to add a horizontal scroller.
2. The textfield is scrolled programmatically to show the file name  
and extension but the scroll goes away when another view becomes  
first responder.

What do you suggest for being able to show file names and  
extensions in a list of paths? And keeping the currently selected  
one scrolled? (Unless changed by the user).

Any help.


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Re: Get ProcessSerialNumber of last front application

2011-02-09 Thread Peter Lübke
GetNextProcess() doesn't reflect the order in which processes were  
made front, as the Process Manager doc says:
	 "Note that the order of the list of processes is internal to the  
Process Manager"
which *seems* to be the order in which processes register with  
Process Manager; if this is true (I don't know whether you can rely  
on it), you could at least use GetNextProcess() to track the  
(backwards) order in which processes registered with process manager.

An easy way to look at this is an AppleScript:

tell application "System Events"
name of every process
end tell

I don't quite understand the scenario though: are you looking for the  
process that was front before the user launched your application?


Am 09.02.2011 um 16:23 schrieb Mr. Gecko:

Hello, I am wondering how I can get the last front application  
ProcessSerialNumber so I can use SetFrontProcess to bring it back  
to front after they close the window to my application. My  
application is a UIAgent so it doesn't have a dock icon and I am  
thinking that the user would like it more if when they close the  
window to my application it will make the previous application so  
it's front. The way they open my window is by opening the  
application via the finder or dock (if they have it in the dock).  
My application runs in the background to keep track of things and I  
know my customers would not want a menubar icon as I don't want one  
as well. I know there is GetFrontProcess, but that is useless when  
the application becomes front before I call it due to them opening  
it in the finder and GetNextProcess gets Quick Look Helper.

I hope I explained things well, thanks for any help.
Mr. Gecko___


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Re: worker thread iterating over array - SLOW

2011-02-01 Thread Peter Lübke

Ken, you really made the whole issue clear to me.
I ran my app in the debugger with breakpoints inside the methods of  
the objects in the array, and as you say, every single method is  
executed in the main thread!

I'll have a look at YAMessageQueue.

Thanks again for your great input,

Am 01.02.2011 um 05:45 schrieb Ken Thomases:

On Jan 31, 2011, at 8:48 PM, Peter Lübke wrote:

Thanks Ken,

You're welcome.

Am 01.02.2011 um 02:07 schrieb Ken Thomases:

So, you have effectively failed to shift the work from the main  
thread to the worker thread.  The main thread is a "server" doing  
all of the work on the behalf of its client, the worker thread.

Not quite... In this case, the worker thread is the server.

If the main thread owns the real array and the worker thread  
receives a proxy of the array (and thus its elements), then the  
main thread is the server, serving the services of the array and  
its elements to the worker thread.  It doesn't matter how you  
intended/designed things to work.

I guess that's why the main thread is all the way responsive.

This probably has to do with the granularity of the messages that  
the worker thread is sending to the array and its elements.  If  
it's invoking many quick methods, then the main thread will remain  
responsive, even if it's doing all the work.  That's because there  
are frequent opportunities for it to respond to GUI events between  
messages from the worker thread.

Also, you want to design a fairly coarse-grained protocol of  
requests that a client can make of the server -- few requests to  
do some big chunks of work, not many requests for small chunks of  

This is what I thought I was doing, the "bad" thing - if I get it  
right - is that I pass the array to the server?

Basically, yes.  It's not a hard and fast rule that doing so is  
always wrong or bad.  Just remember that every method invoked on  
the proxy is delivered to the original object over the D.O.  
connection, the provider of that original object does the work, and  
then results are passed back -- and if the results are non-value  
objects, they are passed by reference, meaning as proxies.  So, the  
proxiness can cascade.

There's a bunch of these arrays around, all containing objects of  
one class. There's another bunch of objects of various classes  
that access these objects.
I didn't like the idea of implementing the creation of threads   
that always kind of do the same sort of work in each of these  
different classes.
So I thought it might be a good idea to have a singleton "thread  
manager" create worker threads as needed and coordinate those  
different object's requests.

That's a thread pool.  You can use any number of synchronization  
techniques to give work to the threads in a pool.  NSConditionLock  
is nice and straightforward.  See < 

There are also message queue implementations to do something a bit  
like D.O., except without the proxying.  I've used YAMessageQueue  
in the past.  It's also not too hard to roll your own.



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Re: worker thread iterating over array - SLOW

2011-01-31 Thread Peter Lübke

Thanks Ken,
I was afraid to get an answer like this:-)

Am 01.02.2011 um 02:07 schrieb Ken Thomases:

On Jan 31, 2011, at 5:13 PM, Peter Lübke wrote:

I use a worker thread in my app that invokes the same method(s) on  
all objects in an array sent from the main thread. The array may  
contain thousands of objects.
The main thread communicates with the worker thread via  
distributed objects.

Everything works fine except performance is too slow.
Seems to me that my NSConnection asks for the method signature  
each time the method is invoked on an object in the array, thus  
adding massive overhead.

Well, that's part of it, but probably not the biggest part.

The way you're using D.O. defeats the purpose of having a worker  

Sending the array from the main thread to the worker thread causes  
the worker thread to receive a proxy for the array.  Then, as you  
request each element of the array, that's a message to the main  
thread and back, and what you get is... a proxy for the element  
(not the element itself).  Then, every operation you perform on the  
element is a message to the main thread _and the main thread  
performs the work on behalf of its "client"_.

So, you have effectively failed to shift the work from the main  
thread to the worker thread.  The main thread is a "server" doing  
all of the work on the behalf of its client, the worker thread.

Not quite... In this case, the worker thread is the server.
I guess that's why the main thread is all the way responsive. The  
worker thread also sends messages to the main thread updating a  
progress indicator which all works nice.

If you're going to use D.O., ideally you want the messages to  
either carry no data or to carry data values (bycopy), not  
references to objects.

Thanks for clarifying this. This explains a point I totally overlooked.

Also, you want to design a fairly coarse-grained protocol of  
requests that a client can make of the server -- few requests to do  
some big chunks of work, not many requests for small chunks of work.

This is what I thought I was doing, the "bad" thing - if I get it  
right - is that I pass the array to the server?

The shared objects approach - call NSThread's - 
detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: with the array as  
argument 3, have the secondary thread do the job and exit - is way  

Is there a reason that's not sufficient?  Why are you trying to use  

There's a bunch of these arrays around, all containing objects of one  
class. There's another bunch of objects of various classes that  
access these objects.
I didn't like the idea of implementing the creation of threads  that  
always kind of do the same sort of work in each of these different  
So I thought it might be a good idea to have a singleton "thread  
manager" create worker threads as needed and coordinate those  
different object's requests.

Reading your statements, I will have to spent some thoughts on the  
basic concept...




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Re: worker thread iterating over array - SLOW

2011-01-31 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 01.02.2011 um 00:20 schrieb A.M.:

On Jan 31, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Peter Lübke wrote:

Hi list,

I use a worker thread in my app that invokes the same method(s) on  
all objects in an array sent from the main thread. The array may  
contain thousands of objects.
The main thread communicates with the worker thread via  
distributed objects.

Everything works fine except performance is too slow.
Seems to me that my NSConnection asks for the method signature  
each time the method is invoked on an object in the array, thus  
adding massive overhead.

The shared objects approach - call NSThread's - 
detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: with the array as  
argument 3, have the secondary thread do the job and exit - is way  

I just started using DO and probably missed more than one thing,  
so any help is very much appreciated.

Did you set the root proxy protocol?
-[NSDistantObject setProtocolForProxy:]

I can -setProtocolForProxy: for the proxy for the array, but I can't  
do it for the objects in the array, right?

Perhaps you could also look at -[NSRunLoop  

You probably meant -[NSObject  

The -performSelector:... methods don't offer the flexibility I need  
here, so I'll rather have to go for NSInvocation.
Besides from this, I'd like my app to continue running in Tiger, and  
unfortunately, in Tiger there's only - 
performSelectorOnMainThread:... . methods.



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worker thread iterating over array - SLOW

2011-01-31 Thread Peter Lübke

Hi list,

I use a worker thread in my app that invokes the same method(s) on  
all objects in an array sent from the main thread. The array may  
contain thousands of objects.
The main thread communicates with the worker thread via distributed  

Everything works fine except performance is too slow.
Seems to me that my NSConnection asks for the method signature each  
time the method is invoked on an object in the array, thus adding  
massive overhead.

The shared objects approach - call NSThread's - 
detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: with the array as  
argument 3, have the secondary thread do the job and exit - is way  

I just started using DO and probably missed more than one thing, so  
any help is very much appreciated.

- Peter

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Re: copyItemAtPath takes double time than the Finder

2011-01-19 Thread Peter Lübke

Why not have the Finder do the job?
You can use AppleEvents to send a duplicate message to the Finder;  
you can do it sync (kAEWaitReply) or async (kAENoReply).
Behaviour and performance will be the same as using the Finder,  
including proper update of .DS_Store files.

Am 20.01.2011 um 00:49 schrieb Gary L. Wade:

Both FSCopyObjectAsync and FSCopyObjectSync leak memory in Mac OS X
10.6.x, even up to 10.6.6; the async form leaks even more than the  

form.  Apple has verified this both in my bug, rdar://8734968 (opened
against 10.6.5) and another unspecified one opened earlier in  
2010.  I've

verified both still leak memory in 10.6.6.

If you are only doing one or two copies per execution of your  
the leak is not significant.  If you are doing many copies per  

of your application (as I must), these leaks are horrible.

Apple has verified there is nothing a developer can do to work  
around this

other than to use the Cocoa method.

On 01/19/2011 3:15 PM, "Mike Abdullah"   

Well you shouldn't be using this synchronous API for long-running  

operations, since it can't be cancelled or give progress.

Instead use FSCopyObjectAsync().

On 19 Jan 2011, at 21:42, Leonardo wrote:

I have checked, the Finder, takes only 7 seconds to copy a 500MB dmg
The copyItemAtPath API takes 18 seconds to copy the same file.
Why? Is a way to make copyItemAtPath run at the same Finder speed?
If not, which API should I use to get the same performance?

I use:
   [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:src toPath:dst

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-- Leonardo


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Re: Odd Crash when adding table columns manually

2011-01-11 Thread Peter Lübke

Table columns are retained by the table view they are added to.

So you can safely release or autorelease the table column right after  
invoking -addTableColumn: .
The table view owns its columns and will release them when it itself  
is released.

This is the normal behaviour when adding subviews to an NSView or its  


Am 11.01.2011 um 18:06 schrieb Eric Gorr:

I've got a sample test project at:

which reproduces the strange crash.

I have a NSTableView to which I need to add NSTableColumns manually  
using the addTableColumn: method. The problem is that for some  
reason when I release the window and everything is being  
deallocated, someone has an extra retain on the table column and it  
sticks around. This causes a crash because the OS tries to redraw  
the table which really isn't there.

Note: With the code as written, it will only cause a crash  
sometimes...if you comment back in the call to the EventAvail  
function in WindowTestAppDelegate.m, it will crash every  
time...this is how I ended up finding the odd behavior to begin  
with - I am working with a cocoa/carbon app and EventAvail is still  
being called.

I can avoid the crash if, in my TableController class, I manually  
remove the table column from the table first. Is this what I am  
expected to do if I manually add the column? I would not have  
thought so, but perhaps I am wrong...?

In TableController.m, I have the function GetNewColumn which  
creates a new table column. After I alloc and init the column, I  
can log the retain count of the column and see that it is 1. After  
I call setWidth: on the table column, I can see that the retain  
count is 2.

Can anyone shed some light on what might be going on here and why  
it is crashing?

(if it matters, I am still running on 10.6.5)


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Re: Change the NSPreferencePane window size programmatically

2011-01-07 Thread Peter Lübke

Whatever you do to an app that isn't yours:
use the APIs supplied for Interapplication Communication, as there  
are (among others):

AppleEvents, AppleScript, Accessibility...

These ensure sufficient isolation between the objects involved, and  
they are (to a certain extend) likely to survive the next OS version.
These APIs DO give you objects you're allowed to message, and they  
implement messages you're allowed to send to these objects.

Look at this simple AppleScript:

tell application "System Preferences"
set bounds of window 1 to {342, 125, 937, 585}
end tell

It's very easy to send this via NSAppleScript. So what makes you look  
for dirty hacks?


Am 07.01.2011 um 19:51 schrieb Kyle Sluder:

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:42 AM, eveningnick eveningnick

thanks for the warning, i understand the problems it may cause.
but what if i was doing that, how should have i sent a message to an
object of the host application?

Quite simple: you don't. Ever. If your host object doesn't explicitly
give you an object you're allowed to message, you don't message any of
its objects.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Close System Preferences programmatically

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Lübke

Am 04.01.2011 um 23:38 schrieb eveningnick eveningnick:

- If you really want System Preferences to quit, you could use  

and do something like:
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
You can do the same using AppleEvents.

Peter, could you hint me on how to do it using AppleEvents?

Googling, i have found some references to OmniAppKit:
"There's a working example of using Apple Events to do this in the
published Omni frameworks --- let's see, it's OAOpenSystemPreferences
(), in OAPreferenceController.m, in OmniAppKit."

I havent found this kit though, it is quite outdated.

Here are two very simple code samples that terminate an application  
friendly by sending it an apple event.

They do exactly the same as pressing an app's "Quit" - menu item.
(Use at your own risk!)

// Terminate an application specified by a bundle identifier.
// Returns a BOOL value indicating the success of the operation.
- (BOOL)quitApplicationWithBundleIdentifier:(const char *) 

OSErr err;
AppleEvent quitEvent;


err = AEBuildAppleEvent( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
	typeApplicationBundleID, bundleIdentifier, strlen 

kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID,
&quitEvent, NULL, 

if ( err == noErr )
err = AESendMessage(&quitEvent, NULL, kAENoReply, 


return ( err == noErr );

// Terminate an application specified by a Process Serial Number.
// Returns a BOOL value indicating the success of the operation.
- (BOOL)quitApplicationWithProcessSerialNumber:(ProcessSerialNumber)PSN
OSErr err;
AppleEvent quitEvent;


err = AEBuildAppleEvent( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,

typeProcessSerialNumber, &PSN, sizeof(PSN),

kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID,
&quitEvent, NULL, 

if ( err == noErr )
err = AESendMessage(&quitEvent, NULL, kAENoReply, 


return ( err == noErr );

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Re: Close System Preferences programmatically

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Lübke
Though almost everybody seems to disagree you should do something  
like this here some ideas:

- If you want to press the "Show All"- or "Back"- button, you could  
do this using the Accessibility API; take a look at Apple's  
"Accessibility Inspector" app.

- If you really want System Preferences to quit, you could use  
NSAppleScript and do something like:

tell application "System Preferences" to quit
You can do the same using AppleEvents.

If your app didn't open System Preferences programmatically before,  
I'd strongly suggest you ask the user if quitting is ok.


Am 04.01.2011 um 22:20 schrieb eveningnick eveningnick:

Hi Nick
Thank you
I've an unusual application that is mainly located in System
Preferences (its gui part), and which can be uninstalled by clicking a
button "Uninstall" in that prefpane

better solution would be to programmatically press "Show All" button
("back" in System Preferences), but that seems impossible because
PrefPane reference doesnt mention have to do that.

if someone knows there is a way to click "Show All" from a preference
pane programmatically, i'd be thankful


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Re: Event to trigger writeSelectionToPasteboard

2011-01-01 Thread Peter Lübke

You can copy a selection using the Accessibility API:
First get the UIElement for the application's "Copy" menu item.
Then invoke "AXPress" on it.
Drawback is that you will have to ask the user to enable  
Accessibility if it is not enabled.

To get an idea about Accessibility, look at Apple's "Accessibility  
Inspector" app, which also contains a bunch of interesting code samples.


Am 01.01.2011 um 10:32 schrieb Graham Cox:

On 01/01/2011, at 6:43 AM, Peter Watkins wrote:

I know that each Cocoa app implements writeSelectionToPasteboard 
(), and I'm
guessing this is how services interact with running apps. Each  
service is a
separate short-running process. Sothere must be some sort of IPC  
to get the
selection from the running app into the service's pasteboard. If I  
figure out what that IPC is, I can send a message to a running  

and this would avoid flashing the menu bar.

Any ideas on getting another app to run its  


Read the Services Implementation Guide: 

The app needs to be written to be services aware, and implement the  
protocols specified in the guide. If not, you can't do what you're  
doing for any arbitrary app. Between the Cut or Copy menu command  
and data being put on the pasteboard, the app can do whatever it  
wants, there is no 'standard' method that gets called and the  
method names are arbitrary (even the action method that responds to  
the Copy command might not be called -copy:)

There's no 'Copy' or 'Paste' event. Some apps might expose these  
through applescript - again, there's no guarantee.

What are you really trying to achieve? If you implement your  
service in a standard way, apps that are services aware will be  
able to use it. If not, they won't,  and you have to live with it.  
You can't force an app to become services aware if it wasn't  
written to be.



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Re: XML to Plist

2010-12-28 Thread Peter Lübke

Hi Sandro,

just to mention it (this has nothing to do with your original question):
Why don't you create your NSMutableDictionary with  
[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] ?
This produces exactly the same result as [[[NSMutableDictionary  
alloc] init] autorelease] -
practically all Cocoa CLASS methods that create objects return newly  
allocated, inited and autoreleased objects unless otherwise stated in  
the docs.

Best regards,

Am 28.12.2010 um 19:34 schrieb Sandro Noël:

- (NSDictionary *) plist{
	NSMutableDictionary *resultDict = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]  
init] autorelease];

if ([self hasChildren]){
		NSMutableDictionary *child = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]  

for (OSXMLElement *element in _children){
[child addEntriesFromDictionary:[element plist]];   
[resultDict setValue:child forKey:_elementName];
else {
[resultDict setValue:_elementText forKey:_elementName];
return resultDict;


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